Pokemon Poor

Chapter 322 Elite-Level Spoiler

Chapter 322 Elite-Level Spoiler
You must know that the milk in the big milk tank comes from their bodies. Under the same strength, the better the qualification of the big milk tank, the higher the nutritional value of its milk.

Previously, with good qualifications, only the large milk tanks in the middle of the ordinary level can provide the nutritional needs of Kou Daihua and their ordinary level.

But in the eyes of the elite Bi Diao, this thing is just porridge.

I just don't know if the large milk tank with good qualifications and ordinary high-level strength can meet Bi Diao's daily needs.

Thinking of this, Ninghui quickly called the big milk pot back out, and then took the equipment and freshly baked milk in the big milk pot to start making food.



Tian Ci also understood what she was doing, so he and Xiao Ling waited patiently for the result.

I have to say that Ninghui is really easy to use, she is a smart person, if you mention a little about her qualifications, she will know what to do next.

Otherwise, if someone is honest and dull, he may have to continue to give orders before he knows what to do next, which will make him very tired after a long time.

In a short while, a general elf feed was baked.

"Everyone, come and taste it. This is a simple feed with a common taste. The taste may not be as good as what you eat alone, but the point is whether the nutritional value is higher?"

Putting all the feed into a big basin, Ning Hui wiped off her sweat and shouted to the elves around her.


"Moo moo~"


Hearing Ninghui's voice, after receiving the nods from their respective trainers, Mosquito-repellent Frog, Koudaihua, and Cammy Turtle all surrounded them, took a few of them and put them into their mouths in an orderly manner, "Bajibaji " chewing.

Soon under the powerful digestive system, they began to give feedback to themselves one by one.

"Moo ω" stared blankly, waving the big leaf hand, indicating that the nutrition is much higher!
"Cami Kami!" Kami Turtle said that the milk fragrance is very strong.

"Yo~yo~" Mosquito Frog, who has fallen in love with exercising muscles every day, said that the protein is very sufficient!
But for Ninghui and Big Milk Tank, Kou Dua Hua's ordinary evaluations are important, but the most important thing is the elite Bi Diao, can you accept it?
"Moo~" At this time, the big milk pot was especially nervous, staring at Bi Diao with big eyes, feeling like his heart was about to jump out.

It understands that it is absolutely impossible for it to get the second drop of the holy spring.

If the nutrition provided by the current one is not enough for the elite class, then it is very likely that Ninghui's subordinates will gradually replace it with a new companion.

Although, the big milk tank believes that with so many years of feeding, it can live well even if it is relegated to the second line.

But why not better?If it is no longer in Master Tianci's team in the future, let alone treasures like the sacred spring, even the honey given to Pippi, it is estimated that he will not be able to see it.

As Ninghui's initial elf, (the first little Lada almost died in the forest right after buying it), this little pink cow was inevitably influenced by its owner, and she also has some small thoughts .

But it's normal, the wisdom of elves is actually similar to that of humans.

When they were young, they would of course choose to imitate their parents and elders. For the big milk pot, Ninghui is its elder and the object of its imitation.

On the other side, Bi Diao also knew that he was the key, so he ate a few more mouthfuls, and then called out without hesitation:
"Bi Diao~" Delicious!The energy is so much more than that!

"Huh~" Hearing Bi Diao's answer, both Ninghui and Big Milk Can couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that they had passed the test.

In this regard, Tian Ci also showed a smile on his face. This result is good for everyone. From the feedback of the spiritual contract, he also knows that Bi Diao is not lying. The current big milk tank can indeed supply its daily needs. .

Although he is nostalgic, it is not very pedantic nostalgia.

If the big milk tank can't meet the needs of the elite after taking the holy spring, then he can only consider getting another one from Hualan City and Nazi.

Otherwise, the price would be too high, and the big milk tank is not his elf. Conditions permit, and appropriate nostalgia is fine, but the need is too much, and he can only let the big milk tank take a back seat. Milk cans may also take a back seat.

Of course, this is no longer the case.

"Ninghui, since the nutrition of the milk in the big milk tank has improved, I would trouble you to re-mix their food ratio in the past few days."

After explaining something to Ninghui with a smile, he turned his gaze back to Koudaihua.

"You're reincarnated, Kouduhua."

"Moo? Moo?" Hearing Tian Ci calling herself, Koudaihua shaved her face with a leaf in doubt, showing a puzzled expression.

"Don't you still have Tianji? Don't you want to drink?"

Xiaoling and Ninghui who noticed this scene were also very surprised, and asked one after another:
"Brother Tian Ci, don't you take it yourself?"

"Yes, master, why don't you use it yourself?"

To several people's questions, Tian Ci replied:
"I'm not using it now. I haven't transferred to the exercises that Nazi gave me. I heard from Nazi that this exercise has the best effect after the first practice. I plan to use it together with various treasures. .”

As for what kind of treasures there are, the sacred spring and the master of the gymnasium, Qingzi Shuiyuan, these two are definitely the most effective.

"Moo~" Hearing what Tian Ci said, Koudaihua nodded, and opened his mouth expectantly.

"Tick ~" Another drop of the holy spring entered Koudaihua's bloody mouth.

And its sea of ​​consciousness also rolled quickly, "Wow~wow~" The seemingly endless energy began to hit the blue door that had just been hidden before.

With a "bang", the door that had just been smashed through before was smashed through again in a short period of time.

Koudaihua's mental body once again swam in the ocean of grass element power.

"Moomoo~moomoo~" absorb, absorb!It can be absorbed vigorously!I can't embarrass Tianji!

Accompanied by the cry in his heart, the energy on its body surface continued to surge, and its aura increased by a fraction almost every second.

50.00%, 60.00%, 70.00%.
At such extreme speed, it seems that the elite class is just around the corner!
However, after reaching 90.00%, Koudaihua felt that the stamina was weak, and it once again felt the feeling of the faucet being turned off, absorbing less and less elemental power.

"Moomoo! Moomoo~moo!" Absorb it for me!Hurry up!Don't turn it off!speed up speed up!
For this, Koudaihua was very anxious!Although it knew that if the two drops of the holy spring did not advance to the elite, Tian Ci would definitely give it the third drop.

But it is really shameless, this will cause great psychological pressure on it, as the initial elf of Tianji, the big brother of this team, it is usually under a lot of pressure, okay.

Chapter 358 Success

Outside, Tian Ci also sensed Koudaihua's anxiety and uneasiness. He had the experience of breaking through the elite once, and he knew that Koudaihua was still a little bit close.

"Don't panic, dumbfounded, and me, we will definitely advance to the elite in the future and walk up to that high platform!"

Although a little disappointed, he comforted him telepathically.

In fact, he was already prepared to spend three drops to advance, and his family knew his own affairs.

Koudaihua is actually the least qualified in his team.

Even Bi Diao, who was also of good qualifications at the beginning, is actually better than Kou Dua Hua on the whole.

Because Koudaihua had just left the freshman period, and began to follow him in the north and south. Although food and use were considered good under the circumstances at the time, in fact, let alone the same as Nazi Compared with the children of the big family, even when compared with his own third one - Helujia when he was young, he couldn't compare.

And the old man of the Arai family told him about the evolution plan, although the trumpet sprout was a fluke (the author opened it up), the evolution was successful!Became one of the lucky ones.

But this rough evolutionary method also left many subtle hidden wounds to Koudaihua.

Although the conditions are better now, the damage caused since childhood is not so easy to heal.

According to Tian Ci's estimation, there is probably a large part of the sacred spring to repair the hidden wound of the mouth, otherwise, it should not be impossible to increase the progress by 50.00% at a drop. You must know that this is a gymnasium level, or even a king. All levels are useful treasures!
On the other side, Koudaihua also heard the comfort from Tian Ci in its sea of ​​consciousness.

"Moo~Moo~" Tian Ci, I will accompany you, we said we would stand on the highest platform together!I will not fail!
Under such self-motivation, Koudaihua's absorption speed increased again, and the climbing progress that had been slowly stagnant suddenly jumped up again.

90.00% four, 90.00% five, 90.00% six
The fetters, the miracle forced it to smash a way out.

Maybe this world is not the utopian world of our childhood, it is not as beautiful as imagined, full of interests and calculations.

But in the end, there will always be young people who are passionate and willing to bump into the south wall that will never be broken!

So believe in miracles, believe in fetters!
This power from the soul resonated with Tian Ci and Koudaihua, and with a "bang", the gate of the element, which was still barely supported, shattered in an instant.

"Moo!" I saw a long roar from Dumbly Flower, and the momentum changed drastically. It officially broke into the elite!

Obviously the external power of the holy spring has been exhausted, and it is obvious that it can no longer absorb any elemental power, but the fetters of miracles still make it possible to create the impossible, and forcefully fill in the vacancy with its own strength. Breakthrough for the elite class.

At this time, Tian Ci, feeling the feeling of being integrated with Koudaihua, seems to have returned to his previous life in a trance, and returned to the boyhood of the second year of middle school.

"I will be a hero when I grow up!"

"I want to punish rape and eradicate evil!"

"Go, Pikachu, save it with one hundred thousand volts!"

"We are all light!"

Childhood memories slowly emerged in his mind like a revolving lantern, and Tian Ci discovered that he also had such a time in the second year of middle school.

It turns out that grown-up adults, apart from being cold-blooded, cruel, and profit-oriented, also have absurd kindness and justice deep in their hearts.

"Heh~ It's really funny, I am the same way."

Feeling the fetters that gradually melted into him, Tian Ci said stiffly.

"Moo~Moo~" and the dumb flower beside him, on the contrary to the stubborn Tian Ci, has a simple mind and enjoys the feeling of being in harmony with the trainer's soul.

Although that heart was a little darker and cooler, it was Tianji, the best Tianji for me, that was enough!

The short bond power, after helping Koudaihua break into the elite, helped it increase a little energy, and then dissipated quickly.

Xiao Ling, Ning Hui and the other elves who were watching outside did not see what happened in the end, they only saw a mark of the grass element successfully appear between the brows of Kouhua.

They knew that Dumber Hua had successfully broken through.

As for the power of bondage, this is a heart-to-heart exchange between Tian Ci and Koudao, and there is nothing strange about the appearance.

However, Tian Ci, who opened his eyes, and Kou Daihua, who also looked over, knew that the relationship between the two was one step closer, like brothers who lived and died together.

In fact, from Tian Ci's point of view, this is indeed the case. If he looks like a mature adult now, then Kou Daihua is him when he was a child.

When the previous fetters merged, he remembered that at the last moment, Koudaihua seemed to merge with his second memory.

Coincidentally, Koudaihua also made a move at this time, and saw it raise its hands in a cross gesture with vines in front of itself, and shouted:
"Moomoo!" Tianji and I are both light!Shhhhhh~

"There's no need to make it out, Kouduhua! This is a secret between me and you! Don't talk nonsense!"

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci's head was full of black lines, feeling that his avatar was about to collapse, so he ran over quickly, removed the stupid vine hand, and at the same time used telepathy to transmit sound.

"Moo?" Regarding this, Koudaihua first expressed his bewilderment.

Then, after hearing that it and Tianji's secret, he nodded excitedly.

"Moo~moo~" Well, this is the secret of me and Tianci!We are all light!big hero!
"Okay, let's consolidate your realm first."

Regarding Koudaihua who was arched in his arms, Tian Ci rubbed its head and said.

"Moo~" Koudaihua agreed, and began to close her eyes to familiarize herself with her own strength.

At this time, Tian Ci also began to quickly transform the feedback power from the spiritual contract.

This time he didn't hesitate too much, and directly transferred the elemental power he got from Koudaihua into spiritual power.

After all, this is the direction of his main attack in the future, and martial arts skills, the resources for cultivation are arranged later, just lie down and become stronger, why turn to martial arts strength.

"Wow~wow~" Although this is the second elite feedback I got, it is less than the first time Bidiao broke through, but no matter what, it is elite-level elemental power, and the conversion to lower-level power is still very impressive , when he transforms into, his mental strength has also reached the high level of warrior level, that is, the high level of normal level of elves.

This level can be put on the stage, of course, it is definitely not comparable to a super queen like Nazi.

"Brother Tian Ci, dumbfounded, congratulations!"

"Master, congratulations!"

"Bi Diao~"

"Wang Wang~"


After Tian Ci and Koudaihua had consolidated, Xiaoling, Ninghui and other spirits also came up to congratulate them one by one.

 I hope everyone will go to "Elf: My Reachable Duck Doesn't Stay at All" to support the first order. Because of my previous fan operation, the result is very poor. T_T Thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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