Pokemon Poor

Chapter 319

Chapter 319
It's a pity that treasures are rare, and the sacred springs accumulated by the two generations of Hualan Gymnasium are only so small, and they have already been divided up by the Rockets and Nazi.

Tian Ci also understands why the chairman of the alliance has changed several times, but none of the eight ancient cities has fallen?

Because every ancient city has a treasure comparable to the holy spring!
With this foundation, a century-old dynasty and a thousand-year family can be said to have passed!
Although there are quite a few talented and brilliant people in the alliance for so many years besides the Eight Great Families, none of them have the foundation of the Eight Great Ancient Cities!
So the family they left behind might prosper for three, four, or even five or six generations, but none of them prospered for more than ten generations.

The eight ancient cities have stood for thousands of years, and the youngest ones have a history of more than ten generations of museum owners.

If it wasn't for an old and foolish owner of Hualan City who spoiled his second generation and wasted a lot of sacred springs, causing serious damage to the foundation of Hualan City, and allowing Golden City to see an opportunity, there are enough sacred springs, They will never fall into this situation.

So even if it is a thousand-year-old family, they are afraid of god-level prodigal sons. Tian Ci made up his mind to keep a family motto in the future, and the prodigals can be directly killed by the guardian elves.

The elves are relatively simple, and they will definitely listen to the teachings of their ancestors (refer to the Longlong Rock that exploded in Nibi City, and the old Hudi that sacrificed itself in Jinhuang City), and kill offspring who dare to dig out the family roots.

The words are a bit off, and back to the topic, after both the aptitude and strength of the mosquito-repellent frog have been improved, the next one to absorb the sacred spring is Hai Xingxing.

During the absorption process, there is not much difference between the performance of the starfish and the mosquito-repellent frog, they are also a big blue cocoon.

However, because it has attainments in mental power, its micro-manipulation of energy is more precise, and the energy absorbed in the end is of course much more than that of the mosquito-repellent frog.

In the end, while its aptitude was upgraded to below the elite level, its strength also reached the ordinary high level, and it also possessed about 5.00% of the elemental power.

However, facing the eyes of the two little guys, Kami Turtle and Marsh Jumping Fish, Tian Ci and Xiao Ling were a little bit in trouble.

The strength of the two elves is still at the low level of ordinary, and they have just evolved not long ago, and their strength is still in the period of rapid growth.

The two of them are different from Mosquito Frog and Sea Star. Both Mosquito Frog and Sea Star have stagnated in the middle of normal for quite a long time.

To put it bluntly, Mosquito-repellent Frog and Sea Star can already start to evolve, and use evolution to break through the threshold of the elite level, but they have just taken the holy spring, and part of the effect is still in their bodies, and it will be considered the greatest after absorbing it Optimal use can also increase their chances of breaking elites.

As for the Cammy Turtle and Marsh Jumping Fish, if they use this method, they will be directly promoted to the normal high level, and they may even be unable to suppress the evolution because of their progress too fast, and evolve into the final form in vain, which is not worth the candle.

Of course, Tian Ci can also give them a few drops of the holy spring at that time to help them break the elite!
But it's too wasteful. According to Shuiyuan Qingzi, the first drop of the holy spring has the best effect, and the effect will be weakened later. Although such a treasure will not decay to almost zero, except for the previous No one is willing to waste like this except for that old and confused museum owner!

Not to mention, the one distributed to Tian Ci was said to be a small half bottle, but the bottle was actually very small, only about twenty drops, and the bulk was taken away by the Rockets. Considering the elves that will be subdued in the future.

Now it is used for Kami turtles and marsh jump fish, it is completely used as energy resources, it is really too wasteful, and it is very likely to waste evolution.

So, after the two of them glanced at each other tacitly, they understood what it meant.

"Kami Turtle, Marsh Jump Fish, we tell you, this is not for your use, you will definitely have a share, but not now, you still mainly absorb energy resources now, otherwise"

Then the two began to call Kami Turtle and Marsh Jump Fish together, reasoned with them, and told the two elves their worries.

According to the plan of the two, they will use the two elves when they are promoted to the ordinary high level by themselves, and then use the sacred spring and evolution as a boost to break through the threshold of the elite level in one fell swoop.



Kami turtle and marsh jump fish are both Yusanjia bred by the alliance. These elves will be instilled with the trainer as the main idea by a special trainer.

So although they were disappointed that they couldn't use the sacred spring right away, they still accepted it, not to mention that they still had a lot of energy resources in their hands.

Well, I'm still happy to go to the side to absorb energy resources.

"Huh~" After persuading the two, Tian Ci and Xiao Ling looked at each other with a smile, and breathed a sigh of relief. They thought that the two youngest little guys would start a fight, and they were ready to suppress it by force. They didn't expect it to be so easy to persuade them. Impressed.

It can only be said that the Yusan family prepared by the alliance for the direct lineage has indeed been cultivated very well.

Since there was no water system anymore, Tian Ci turned his attention to the strongest Bi Diao.

"Bi Diao, what do you think of this thing's attraction to you? Can it help you improve your aptitude and become a leader?"

Regarding Tian Ci's question, Bi Diao was stunned for a moment, a little uncertain, tilted his head and thought for a while, and finally called out "Bi Diao~Bi~" twice.

It probably means that it is attractive to me, but when it did not evolve, the root feathers are so big.

"It seems to be effective, but I'm afraid it's useless to improve the aptitude."

After Tian Ci listened, he muttered to himself, he would stay if he wanted to, and use it together with the sacred spring after he got a flying treasure.

But in the end, after thinking about it, he gave up, because he didn't adopt the simplest, single-line advanced route, which meant that he couldn't get a second elite-level elf in a short period of time.

In this way, what he can rely on for a long time is Bi Diao, and Bi Diao's combat power cannot be said to be weak. It is generally good at the lower elite level, but no matter what, there is only one, so it must be improved. The strength is the only way.

So he took a drop with a straw and poured it into Bi Diao's mouth.

"Bi Diao~Bi~ω" Bi Diao originally thought that he would also be pushed back, but he didn't expect to be able to eat it now, so he absorbed it happily.

Bi Diao's absorption process is different from that of water attribute elves, and there is no blue light cocoon outside its body.

Just like drinking a drop of ordinary water, there was no vision at first.

However, according to Tian Ci's induction, its momentum was rising. When it reached a peak, Bi Diao suddenly flapped its wings with a "huh~" and released a large number of faded feathers. These feathers were dull. It's the waste of exhausted energy.

And its newly grown feathers are shining brightly under the light, very shiny.

Chapter 352: The Road to Advancement of Daihua
"Bi Diao~Bi~" The rejuvenated Bi Diao told Tian Ci that it felt that it was flying faster, and the elemental power in its body could be used 8-9 times, and it hadn't reached the limit yet!
"It seems that it has been filled with the power of elements, and it has slightly improved its aptitude, which is not bad."

After listening to Bi Diao's narration, Tian Ci touched his chin and recorded it in his notebook.

After finishing the recording, he turned his attention to Kou Daihua who had been with him the longest.

"Moo~Moo~" Seeing the trainer's gaze, Kou Duahua raised her two big leaf hands with a very happy and excited expression.

It can feel the great attraction of this sacred spring to itself. With the help of this, it has the confidence to step into the threshold of element comprehension!

Tianci also had great expectations for Koudaihua. Among so many elves, it should have the best absorption effect except for water attributes.

After all, Koudaihua is a grass-type elf, a plant family, and water is their natural nourishment.


He immediately put a drop in Koudaihua's mouth.


Koudaihua let out a comfortable cry, and began to close her eyes to absorb it.

On its yellow-green body, water-blue energy is swimming rapidly at this time, and the sound of "哗啦~哗啦" water flow also rang out of thin air.

And every time the whole body swims, the sound of the water flow will be a little bit smaller, and the corresponding aura of the mouth will be stronger.

After Mosquito-repellent Frog and Starfish took the Holy Spring, its strength actually ranks third in the ordinary high-level. After all, it is still one step away from the threshold of element comprehension, but Xiaoling's two have now broken through. threshold.

But now, with the help of the sacred spring, Dumber, who was already close to the door, smashed through the door with a "bang~" when facing the invisible door that Bi Diao said before, absorbing The vast elemental energy inside.

But what puzzled him was that the elemental power it absorbed was not only the grass attribute elements of this department, but also the purple poison attribute elements.

Although it can absorb the power of both elements now, it can feel that if it absorbs both, the pace of its advanced elite will be very slow, and this door also has the most green grass elements.

"Moomoo?" Dumbfounded Hua's illusory spirit hesitated, and the big green leaf hand scratched his face in distress, very confused.

However, it didn't think long before throwing this question to Tian Ci.

"Moo!" I believe Tian Ci should help me make a good choice!

Thinking of this, it used a spiritual contract to tell Tian Ci about the situation it was facing.

"Moomoo~Moomoo~" Tianci, Tianci, I have two kinds of elemental power, grass and poison, which seem to be different from Bi Diao's, but grass element is the most
"The forehead is dull, you absorb it all first, let me think about it."

Hearing the situation of Kou Daihua, Tian Ci was also a little dazed, first told Kou Daihua not to stop, and then his mind combined with the secret book of cheats to run at a high speed.

Although it is said that Koudaihua is an elf with dual attributes of grass and poison, so is Bi Diao, it is flying plus general.

And the last time he competed with the Eagles to advance to the elite level, only the elemental power of the flying attribute appeared, and no elemental power of the general attribute appeared.

The difference between the two is that Bi Diao's general attributes have not been specially trained, but Koudaihua's poison attributes are cultivated very strongly, not even weaker than the main attribute-grass.

Thinking of this, he understood that this should be the reason why the two kinds of elemental power appeared in Koudaihua, because the two attributes in its body were well tempered.

"But? Which one should I choose? Or both departments to advance together?"

However, even if he wanted to understand this, Tatsumi was also confused.

He was actually wondering whether to advance both together, or one?If it is one type, according to what Koudaihua said has the most grass elements, it must be the grass attribute.

But if you think about it with your feet, you must know that the power of the two elements must be promoted together to be stronger!

Lambda, the heavenly king of poison before, his terrifying toxicity that poisoned the entire Hualan cave also made Tian Ci yearn for it.

It is undeniable that the poison attribute is very dirty, but in this world, as long as you can survive and defeat your enemies, what does it matter if the means are dirty?

So he didn't want to give up the poison attribute, and Koudaihua's poison attribute had been cultivated for so long.

But then again, if it absorbs two kinds, according to Koudaihua, it will be extremely slow and difficult to advance to the elite.

And Kou Daihua is already the closest elite-level elf in Tianci's hands. If Kou Daihua can't be promoted in a short time, then he may really be a polished commander for a long time. (A trainer with only one elite elf)

Maybe, Xiaoling's strength will surpass him. After all, as long as Xiaoling's sea stars and mosquito-repellent frogs digest the remaining energy of the sacred spring in a short period of time, and borrow the power of evolution, they will definitely be promoted to elites, and she That's exactly what it was intended to do.

Because she already felt that her own strength could not keep up with Tian Cige's pace, the difference between the elite and the elite was completely different.

Limited by his own cognition, the thoughts in Tian Ci's mind were very chaotic, but he suddenly had a flash of inspiration!
"I'm c! I'm such a fool. I don't know much about knowledge above elites, but Nazi must understand! Just ask Nazi!"

Patting his flustered head and forcing himself to calm down, Tianji quickly summoned Nazi telepathically.

"Nazzi, Nazi~"

On the other side, Nazi, who was sitting on the top floor of the Hualan Gymnasium and was reviewing Hualan City's financial reports for the past few years, also put down the report in her hand, a faint flash of inspiration flashed in her eyes, and she also replied telepathically:
"What's wrong, Tatsumi?"

After receiving Nazi's immediate response, Tian Ci was overjoyed, and immediately told her about the situation he had encountered.

"It's like this, Nazi, I don't know how to choose the poison attribute of my mouth now, and I don't want to give up~"

"This is easy to handle. Let your Koudaihua absorb one kind first, and then absorb the elemental power of the grass attribute. Let it use the grass attribute to advance to the elite first.

As for the poison attribute that you don’t want to give up, you can make it up later. For elites with anti-virus attributes, gym-level elves take the original poison sac, one is not enough, kill 10, 10 is not enough to kill 20, you can always make it up! "

After listening to Nazi, she thought for a while before answering immediately, the last half of the sentence kills the elite, the gymnasium is even more murderous!
This is the benefit of family history. No matter what the situation is, the knowledge accumulated from generation to generation will always give you the answer immediately.

"Okay, okay, I understand, thank you, Nazi!"

After listening to Nazi's suggestion, he also quickly made up his mind. He believed that Nazi would not lie to him. Since he could make up for it later by plundering, he should use the grass attribute to advance to the elite first.

"Kouduhua, stop absorbing the poison attribute, and fully absorb the elemental power of the grass attribute!"

He immediately said to the struggling Koudaihua with telepathy.

(End of this chapter)

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