Pokemon Poor

Chapter 312 The Venom That Destroyed the Waters

Chapter 312 The Venom That Destroyed the Waters

"It seems that women are soft-hearted, and they let us in just like that, hahaha~"

After receiving the report from the crossbat, Lambda's stern face showed a disdainful expression, and he let out a wild laugh.

"That's right, that's right, Lord Lambda, it's useless for Hualan City to be run by women!"

The owner of the Pinglang Pavilion next to him seemed to agree with something in his words after hearing it.

Although Lambda has been rampant for a while, how can a person who can be promoted to the king be so idiot? Of course he understood the words of the owner of the Pingnang Pavilion next to him, but this is the order of the boss of Sakagi, so he can't change it. Xia Pinglang, the person in charge of Hualan City, should be warned.

"Pinglang, don't question the orders of Chief Sakagi. If you do a little trick, you can turn a blind eye, but if it's too much~huh!"

Hearing Lambda's warning, Ping Lang's elegant face inevitably showed a lost and frustrated expression. He understood that he must give up this big piece of fat. Lambda meant that he would Just some soup.

"Yes, yes, this subordinate understands, Lord Lambda."

But he didn't dare to refuse. To be honest, he was able to get to where he is today, because Lambda single-handedly picked him up.

"En." Lambda nodded to Pinglang's obedience, and then looked at the forked bat and hundreds of ordinary and even elite supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats summoned from the air.

"The next step is to force the old woman out and let her call out all the guardians."

In Nibi City, which is not weak, their Rockets can get the mountain map, not to mention the weakest Hualan City, which has been eroded by them for most of it.

Therefore, they are very clear about the situation in Hualan City, as well as the details of their strength.

He nodded to the cross-shaped bat, and after a gesture, the cross-shaped bat suddenly spit out a large amount of dark purple poison.

"Buzz~buzz~" Come here, stain yourself with the venom, then go to the source of each waterway and take a bath.

After spitting out the special venom, the forked bat said to the hundreds of supersonic bats controlled by him, the big-mouthed bat.

This venom was researched by Lambda and the owner of the poison department, Aju. It took more than a month for a heavenly king and a long-standing owner to develop a special venom that will only work when it meets water. , and after 1 hours, the effect will fade, and it will not have much impact on the ecology of Hualan City.

It's not that Lambda is merciful. He can poison and kill a small town. Will he be merciful?

In fact, it is mainly because of the order of the leader of the Rocket Team, Sakagi. First, considering the impact, if the poison really kills a large number of elves and humans, causing serious damage to the ecology of Hualan City, I am afraid that the Rocket Team will have to cross the street again before the plan is implemented. Rats, everyone yelled and beat them, and they couldn't be wiped away anymore.

Second, after all, Nazi was agreed, and Hualan City will be handed over to Jinhuang City for management in the future. If the one handed over to Nazi is dilapidated and half-useless, isn’t it a gap between hearts? Sakagi is shocked by Nazi’s talent And praise, definitely can't do this kind of thing!

Back to the topic, those supersonic bats and big-mouthed bats that were ordered to apply venom on their wings one by one, then flew away in all directions.

Because they were originally the elves in the cave and part of Hualan Cave, they all knew the way. Except for a few that were unfortunately killed by the greedy water elves along the way, the others arrived at various points in the waterway smoothly. important node.

"Wow~wow~" As the bats bathed again and again, the venom on their bodies was also washed into the water.


"Ah! How can this water be poisonous!"

"Gotha Duck! Cheer up, Gotha Duck!"



With the flow of the waterway, the venom also spread rapidly, and soon the guardians, their elves and many wild elves were poisoned and lost their fighting ability, among which the elves under the elite directly Poisoned to death, some elite low-level players can't last long in the middle level.

Under such a violent break, all Granny Lan's previous plans were in vain. All the temptations, division of troops, and ambush were completely broken.

"Hahaha~ Old lady Lan, why don't you come out? Don't tell me you just watch your juniors die and let us slaughter you!

Or do you want to let the heavenly kings fight at the spring of the sacred spring and destroy the eternal foundation of your Hualan City. "

Lambda took the lead, and after brutally killing a guard who unfortunately drank a saliva and fainted from the poison, he yelled at the surroundings.

He believed that the guardian of Hualan Cave would definitely be able to detect his movements and the changes in the cave.

On the other side, just as Lambda expected, in the monitoring room, Granny Lan had already seen the swaggering gestures of the Rockets and the group, as well as various water areas, the corpses of the elves were strewn all over the field, and the wailing scene. The guards of the cave, a This situation is not too good. If someone from the Rockets encounters him, he will definitely be killed mercilessly.

Of course, the guards of the cave are much better than those wild elves because of the antidote, but it is a pity that the wild elves are the real backbone of the Hualan cave!
Thanks to the excellent environment of the Hualan Grotto, the wild elves here are much stronger than those in the outer circles. It is rare to see ordinary low-level elves. There are not many ordinary high-level elves who can be small landlords outside. But it can also be called common.

In the Hualan Grotto, only the elite class can become a small landlord in charge of a water area, and only the gym class can be called a big group.

This is also the key to Granny Lan's daring to confront the enemy head-on, knowing that her opponent has a heavenly king. The heavenly king is certainly strong, but there is only one.

In this unique home arena, as long as the rest of the Rockets are divided and killed, in the end there are more than 30 gymnasium-level elves in the cave plus three heavenly-level guardian spirits. Although Hualan City is in decline, it is not without background!
But I didn't expect that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and the person who was sent was the king of poison, Lambda, who also developed a special venom, which destroyed most of the wild elves in the Hualan cave.

It can be seen from the screen that the forked bat is still constantly calling the supersonic bats, spitting out venom and spreading it everywhere to strengthen the toxicity, not only that, the Abo monster of Lambda will also spit out a mouthful of venom to dissolve it from time to time. into the water, and the members of Team Rocket under his command, those with poisonous attributes, let his elves come and go twice from time to time.

In this way, even a large group of gym-level people began to panic. For the leader of the gymnasium level, this poison can still be tolerated, but for the clansmen under its command, it is already a deadly poison. , can only flee to other places, and even some elves whose strength is greatly reduced when they go ashore can only go ashore, such as the horned goldfish family and the big tongue shell family.

Chapter 338 Little Blue?
In this way, the backbone of Hualan Grotto, not to mention completely abolished, was weakened by at least 7%.

As for the remaining [-]%, in front of everyone in the Rockets team in its heyday, it was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. This kind of opportunity to pick up big leaks does not come every day!
Everyone is fighting desperately, looking for a goal.

Thanks to Ma Zhishi's special care, Tian Ci also followed Ma Zhishi's lineage army. As a gym master specializing in electricity, his lineage is of course also a powerhouse in the electricity department, and the last one is also a strong middle-level elite. In addition, each of them has an elite-level lamp monster, swimming in the waterway, "Zi~" from time to time, and then a water-type elf who has lost the fighting ability floats up.

It was obvious that Ma Zhishi should have been prepared long ago, the electric light monster is simply a killer here!

However, Tian Ci thinks he is not bad. Although his combat power is at the bottom, he did not hold back. He released three elves, namely the elite Bi Diao, the ordinary high-ranking Kou Daihua, and the Hailing from Xiao Ling. Star.

Because of this situation, Xiaoling specially bought [-] volt skill beads for Hai Xingxing. With this move, Hai Xingxing's lethality here is not weaker than that of ordinary high-level players.

I have to say that it feels really good to have a big boss. In a short period of time, Tianci harvested 9 ordinary high-level elves, 3 elite-level low-level elves, a thorn shell, A fast-swimming frog, and a white sea lion.

Among them, the spiny shell is the cheapest, because of the problem of moving speed, the price is only 60 higher than the goldfish king with more defects. The fast-swimming frog is amphibious, so its combat power is not affected, and the price is 65. The white sea lion may be because For the sake of cherishing, the price is 75, plus the 50 of the goldfish king, not counting the material money of those ordinary high-ranking elves, Tian Ci has already picked up 250 million!
It's just a pity for him that he is only allowed to take some elves with low-level elites and below. Once he wanted Bi Diao to touch a tyrannosaurus that was fainted by poison and was in the middle of the elite. Unexpectedly, he was warned directly by a direct descendant of Ma Zhishi.

Tian Ci had nothing to say about this, and frankly said that it was his own problem, and it would not happen in the future.

It's good that people allow you to follow behind and pick them up for nothing. You can't just do nothing and just want to take their loot.

To be honest, Tian Ci’s so-called not lagging behind is just keeping up with the pace. The troops left by Ma Zhishi’s direct line in front of him were either seriously injured, or directly lost the ability to fight, and even died directly. The three elves It takes the most effort to put out the effort, because it uses vines to move more elves.
He is still not satisfied with this, and it will probably arouse Ma Zhishi's resentment.

On the other side, in the artificial monitoring room of Hualan Grotto, Granny Lan sighed "Ah~", she knew that she could only call the guardian elves to go out and fight Lambda with her back.

Judging from the direction of Lambda's advance, the Rockets obviously obtained the real map of the Hualan Cave, and they are now heading towards the spring where the sacred spring is located.

If she doesn't stop her, she might really fight Lambda near the holy spring, and the aftermath of the battle at the level of a king, the spring can't bear it.

This wave in Hualan City was calculated to death, she knew it was all because of that man, the elegant man who was commanding a Gyarados next to Lambda - the owner of the Pinglang Gym!
When she saw this person, Granny Lan was furious. She never dreamed that, as one of the only gym masters in Hualan City, Pinglang would directly betray him. She also personally guided him. Many people in Hualan City None of his secrets were concealed from him.

Anger, shame, responsibility... All kinds of emotions in her heart forced her to stand up, and gave the final order to the guards around the monitoring room.

"You wait for the owner of this generation of Qingshui Hall to cooperate with her when she comes over, and you will try your best to keep the foundation of Hualan City, understand!"

"Understood! Grandma Lan!" The surrounding guards immediately knelt down and agreed loudly.

"Okay~" Upon seeing this, Granny Lan was going to wake up the guardian spirit of Hualan Cave.

But at this moment, a female cheer suddenly sounded.

"Grandma, the Golden City and Nibi City around us will come to support. Among them, the owner of the Golden City, Nazi, said that they are using teleportation to hurry and will be there soon!"

Everyone looked closely and found that it was a guard in charge of communication. She was also wearing the clothes of a guard, but ordinary clothes gave a different feeling to the girl, even though her appearance was not top-notch. Kind, but it makes people feel like a lively little girl next door, eccentric.

She is Granny Lan's direct granddaughter, her strength is no more than an ordinary high-level, and she came to work here to accompany her grandparents.

"Great, with the assistance of Jinhuang City, who is good at superpowers, that king of poison will definitely be repelled!"

"Yes, yes! Hualan is saved!"

"Sure enough, other cities have not forgotten the words of helping each other!"

Hearing what Grandma Lan's granddaughter said, the other guards showed expressions of relief, and their mood improved a lot.

Granny Lan was also very excited, and quickly said to her granddaughter Xiaolan:
"Xiaolan, remember to return a letter of thanks to the two cities, saying that I, Hualan, will be rewarded! This favor will be remembered forever!
Then the owner of the Golden City, Nazi, should come first. It is rumored that she is not easy to get along with, so remember to be polite to her, and I will hold the Rockets first. "

"Yeah, okay, grandma! You have to be careful too!" Xiaolan with long red hair nodded immediately, and after replying to Granny Lan, she began to write reply letters on the computer.

Seeing this, Granny Lan nodded, stopped talking nonsense, and walked towards the sleeping place of the guardian elves on the other side. Although she is the peak of the gymnasium, she is not the opponent of the king of heaven. Only the king of heaven can deal with it. Just call out the Guardian Spirit.

"Tatatata~" Granny Lan walked to the sleeping place of the guardian, glanced at the three lakes around Shidao, and then took out a special flute, which is the flute of awakening, and also the flute of Huahua. The leader of the guardians of the blue cave has been passed down from generation to generation. Only with this and a special score can the guardian spirit sleeping in the lake be awakened.

"Woo~oo~ Didi~did~" She put the flute near her mouth and began to play rhythmically. Soon, a melodious and beautiful piece of music was played slowly with mysterious energy. passed on.

Hearing this sound, the originally calm lake surface slowly boiled "gulu~gulu~", and at the same time a strong aura began to emerge.

(End of this chapter)

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