Pokemon Poor

Chapter 303 Elite Status

Chapter 303 Elite Status
Of course, you can also use elemental crystals, which will be very slow. He asked Bi Diao, if you don’t use elemental crystals and practice on your own, its progress will be very slow, almost the kind of progress that is invisible to the naked eye every day. Bi Diao's aptitude is only related to the upper class of the elite, so if he really lets it practice on its own, it may take decades to climb to the middle of the elite.

As for Uncle Sam's Arbo monster, he estimated that it might only be an elite, or the aptitude among the elite, otherwise why would Uncle Sam give up so early.

Said a thousand times and ten thousand, should be changed or should be changed, he still changed 5 to try the effect.

But just when he thought that his contribution points were almost deducted, he found that he still had about 800 contribution points!
He was a little surprised, so he went to the message column to check, and found two unread messages, and clicked on the first one with a beep.

"Dear Aoki Squadron, congratulations on being promoted to squadron leader. This is your welfare subsidy for this month—500 contribution points. Please check it!"

He understood how the 500 points came from. It turned out to be the elite monthly subsidy.

It seems that I heard from Uncle Sam that there are also alliances. From this point of view, elite trainers are indeed different from ordinary trainers. This is equivalent to a talent subsidy. It is not an exaggeration to say that they have crossed classes.

Then he clicked on the second email, which said
"Dear Qingmu Squadron, because of your special talent authority, the 5 elemental crystals just exchanged will reduce your fee by 2250%, and actually deduct [-] points of contribution."

"I c! Special talent authority, which means that I got into the eyes of those big shots, wouldn't it be Boss Sakamoto who approved me?"

Seeing the information above, Tian Ci was pleasantly surprised, but he didn't know that his joke was the truth.

To be honest, this is pretty good for him. After all, it is impossible to trouble the people on Nazi's side with everything. It is one thing to lose face, and it will also appear petty. Maybe it will last for a long time. Nazi has left a bad impression, and that's not the way to squeeze wool!
You just talk about the 5 elemental crystals today, please Nazi, sorry, it's just a few thousand points of contribution, not a transaction of tens of thousands of points.

Therefore, this was a pleasant surprise for Tian Ci. He had decided long ago that he would do this small-scale exchange by himself.

"Well, just get another one, it's just enough for a month."

Since he still had 800 points, he changed another one, and immediately revealed another 450 points of contribution, and there were still more than 300 points in his account.

"Ninghui, take a look and see if there are any ingredients you use to make food."

After he finished changing, he asked Ninghui to come forward and asked her to pick out if she needed any materials.

The Rockets would definitely be cheaper with his special deduction, and because this base is located in Hualan City, the price of water attribute materials is also lower than that of Nibi City, so I just let her add that Xiaoling's elves also have She is in charge of all his cami turtles.

"Yeah!" Ninghui nodded, and exchanged item after item with bright eyes, and soon the more than 300 points, that is, more than 30, were exchanged by her.

"Your balance is insufficient, please recharge now!"

At this time, there was a big blue box on the machine, which indicated that Tian Ci's account balance was insufficient.

"Well, I'm sorry, master, I just saw that they were too cheap, so I couldn't help but bought the ordinary high-end part."

The little maid said something to Tian Ci with embarrassment on her face.

"It's okay, I was going to buy it in the first place. Since you think it's cheap, you can also buy the materials needed for the high-end section."

Tian Ci didn't care at all, the hundreds of thousands was nothing to him, so he immediately took out his bank card, swiped 100 million in, and soon 1000 Rockets contribution points were added to his account.

"Yeah! ω" Hearing what Tian Ci said, Ninghui let go of her courage and quickly swept away.

In the end, there were only more than 500 points left in Tianci's account, and she spent nearly 50 on materials.

"That's enough, Master." Holding a large handful of vouchers, Ning Hui said to Tian Ci contentedly.

"Okay, let's go get the things." He didn't understand either, since Ning Hui said enough, he took the card back and walked to the exchange window.

It is worth mentioning that there is also a fast track with few people in the exchange window, which is for the elites and above.

As the squadron leader, Tian Ci, a newly promoted elite powerhouse, can of course go through this channel.

And when the two of them walked towards the green passage, many people looked enviously at the long line of exchange windows on the other side.

"Another squadron leader!"

"I don't know when I will be able to advance to the elite level, just walk through the green channel."

"Yes, and look at the maid behind him, holding a handful of exchange vouchers in her hand, my God, a handful! How much does it cost!"

Of course, Tian Ci, who has excellent hearing, also heard it, and enjoyed the envious eyes of everyone. He was very happy, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. If it wasn't for maintaining the demeanor of a strong man, he would have laughed proudly Woke up.

However, as a maid, Ninghui was not so reserved. She held her head up and her chest up, with a handful of exchange coupons in her hand, with a smug expression on her face.

One person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, that's all.

Because of the small population, after a squadron leader in the front row was replaced, it was his turn.

"My lord, please give me the exchange voucher and your ID card."

The staff inside stood up and said something humbly.

Although there shouldn't be any idiots who want to fish in troubled waters in order to exchange quickly, but just in case, they still need to check their identities. If someone really has the audacity to pretend to be a middle-level and high-level person, there is still a shortage of test subjects for the Rockets .

After all, the status of the strong cannot be offended by the weak!
"En, good." Regarding this, Tian Ci didn't say anything, and handed over the black card and a lot of exchange coupons.

"Drip~Qingmu Squadron!" The staff put the black card on the machine and swiped it, and the machine soon recognized Tian Ci's identity.

"Aoki Squadron, please wait a moment. You have a lot of exchange items. I will send them to the back to sort them out quickly."

Since there was no problem with his identity, the staff apologized to Tian Ci, and then quickly asked the warehouse handyman in the back through the computer to start collecting and sorting out the information that Tian Ci needed to change.

"Good." Nodding, Tian Ci waited here with Ning Hui.

About 5 minutes later, the staff handed over an iron box and a large space backpack to Tian Ci.

"Qingmu Squadron, this iron box contains the flying-type elemental crystals you changed, and this large space backpack contains the materials you changed, please order some."

"No, I trusted the Rockets."

Tian Ci was very satisfied with the considerate service provided by the Rockets. After sweeping his mental strength, he knew that the number of elemental crystals was right, so he said a beautiful sentence, then handed over the large space backpack to Ning Hui, and left.

"Thank you for your trust, please go slowly~" The staff behind thanked him, bowed slightly, and watched Tian Ci leave.

Chapter 330 Hualan Cave

After changing things and reuniting with Xiao Ling, they went outside the city to do tasks and try Bi Diao's strength.

When Tian Ci took Ning Hui to the Rockets base just now, Xiao Ling was in charge of picking up a few tasks.

As soon as the sentence left the city, Tian Ci called out Bi Diao.

"Beep Diao!" Bi Diao yelled happily as soon as he came out and saw the vast environment around him.

"Xiaoling, the missions you took are all on the waterway near the Hualan cave, right?"

Letting Bi Diao fly in the air, he turned his head and asked the envious girl behind her.

"Yeah, that's right, Brother Tian Ci." The girl came back to her senses when she heard Tian Ci's question, nodded, and showed him the mission picture on her phone.

Well, even though I was out in the wild, the mobile phone could not be used, and there was no signal, but the pictures can still be saved and viewed.

"Okay, then let's fly over there directly."

He took a general look and found that these tasks were indeed in the waterway near Hualan Cave, both simple and difficult.

But he didn't care, it was originally to go over there to find out the terrain.

"Bi Diao, come down!"

"Beep~" Hearing the trainer's call, Bi Diao immediately swooped down and obediently stayed in front of Tian Ci.

"Bi Diao, take us to this No. 6 waterway." He showed Bi Diao the navigation on the illustration book, letting him know which direction to fly.

"Beep beep~" Bi Diao nodded, indicating that he knew.

Seeing that Bi Diao understood, he immediately jumped up and landed on Bi Diao's back. Xiao Ling, with the reverse thrust of Ninghui's water flow, also landed firmly on Bi Diao's back with a "wow". on the back.

"It's so soft and smooth!" The girl stepped on the back that looked like a yellow blanket under her feet, and felt that the touch was great.

"Beep~ω" For the girl's praise, Bi Diao let out a happy cry, and then the energy on the surface of his body floated, and soon a faint windshield covered his whole body.

Then it flapped its wings "huhu~" and quickly flew into the air.

"Brother Tian Ci, Bi Diao is amazing. It doesn't bump at all, and it flies so fast. You can see that Hualan City has become so small."

The girl who was going to the sky for the first time, was pulling Tian Ci at this time, pointing to Hualan City, which had become only the size of a palm, and said excitedly.

Next to her, Ning Hui looked at the blue sky and white clouds around her with the same excitement. It could be seen that it was the first time for both of them to go to the sky, and they were both in a good mood.

"En~" Tian Ci is also in a good mood. It is also the first time for him to go to the sky in the two lives combined. In his previous life, he was a low-level person and had never even done an airplane. . .Now relying on Bi Diao has realized this dream.

He looked at the small city below, as well as the miniature version of mountains and rivers, and couldn't help stretching out a hand, and shook it, as if holding them in his hand.

I have to admit that if you look down from a high altitude, as long as you are not afraid of heights, you will have a kind of self-confidence that the world is nothing but ants, and you will feel that all living beings are just ants under you, as if you have become a god.

"What are you thinking? The elite class is nothing more than the middle class. As a newcomer who has just entered a new class, it is better to have a calm mind."

But soon, this kind of mentality was adjusted by himself. In the past life, plus the 18 years of the bottom in this life, it is still useful to go all the way, at least let him understand that he can't float. There are many people who are stronger than him!

"Beep~beep~" It's Bi Diao, who obviously hasn't converted yet. As an elite Bi Diao, it feels like he is the overlord of the sky at this moment!

The elite-level aura on his body was undoubtedly revealed, and he would yell arrogantly from time to time.

Regarding this, Tian Ci didn't say anything at first. A kid just got promoted, so he should be proud for a while, and the area just now was cleaned up regularly by the alliance. The elite class is indeed a big boss, so he didn't make a sound remind.

But now that he is about to fly into an unmarked area on the map, Bi Diao is so arrogant that he can't sit still. You must know that there are three of them sitting on Bi Diao now. If the flying elves in those areas are stimulated, I'm afraid it's going to crash!

After all, although Bi Diao's back is wide, the three of them have already stood up, and they can't call out a few elves. If you change the angle, they have never experienced air combat, dumb flowers, and mosquito-repellent frogs. This is not a crash. , who crashed.

"Bi Diao, although we have been promoted to the elite level, we are already much better than others, but you have to know that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are birds beyond the birds. We must learn to be humble. If you go up to the elite level, there are also gymnasium level and king level. Said that the weakest nightmare lure of Nazi, you can't beat it, and also, I know you are excited, but in case, you provoke it in the air."

In this regard, he immediately began to teach Bi Diao through telepathy, and even took Nazi not long ago as an example.

So trainers, it’s not just about killing and killing, you also need to pay attention to the mental health of the elves, and guide them when you find clues all the time, which is actually similar to being a parent.

Bi Diao is like a child who has just been admitted to a key university. He becomes proud for a while, and feels that the world is nothing more than that, but that is because it has not yet entered the school and has not communicated with other elite elves. After entering the university, the surrounding After they are all elite-level equivalent existences, it will understand.

Of course, Tian Ci's old man's teachings are still useful.

After listening to Tian Ci's teaching, Bi Diao nodded, and withdrew his elite-level aura, showing only a trace, so that those ordinary-level flying elves would automatically give way, and other elites, gymnasiums The boss at the top level expressed that he was just passing by, so as to avoid causing disputes.

What it didn't know was that in the dense forest below, a wild bidiao with elite strength was about to fly, but now it stopped again, silently letting Tian Ci's bidiao fly past.

It turned out that this elite, high-level bidiao was going up to teach Tian Ci a lesson, after all, who made it so ignorant!So arrogant!
But since it has been restrained now, and it is still the same family, forget it.

On Bi Diao's back, Tian Ci, who didn't know that he had walked on the line of life and death once, was obedient to Bi Diao, and nodded secretly.

In this way, after they flew for more than ten minutes, Bi Diao landed by the lake near No. 6 waterway.

It is worth mentioning that because it is close to Hualan Cave, and Hualan Cave is the source of all water sources in the city, so there are especially many lakes and rivers nearby.

I heard from the local trainers in the city that Hualan Cave was originally an open resource point, and it was like a big maze with waterways extending in all directions. Except for the core main waterway being blocked, the other areas were similar to those in Nibi City. Just like seeing a mountain, you can enter after paying the ticket.

But now the sacred spring is exhausted. In order to support the sacred spring with all its strength, the Hualan gymnasium has sealed off the entire Hualan cave, and now no one can enter except for the Qingshui family.

 Thanks for these two days, I don’t know what nickname is good, so it’s like this (2000 points), Yunmeng Passing Water (100 points), book friends 20201121014841795 for the rewards of several book friends

(End of this chapter)

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