Pokemon Poor

Chapter 288 Recovery

Chapter 288 Recovery
"Be polite, be polite, we will be a family from now on." Of course, on the surface, Tian Ci waved his hands generously after receiving the spiritual sound transmission from the three elves, but he didn't take it seriously.

He also didn't introduce the meaning of the three super elves to the three super elves. It's not necessary. One is because they can see that they are under the pressure of Nazi, so they reluctantly admit his status, and the other is because of the mouth. They don't have superpowers, so there's no need to be hot-faced and cold-ass, just get to know each other, ask for advice, if Xiaoling's Hai Xingxing is there, you can pull off your face and ask for advice.

Regarding Tian Ci's politeness, the three super elves couldn't ignore it at this time, and they all nodded, achieving a superficial harmony.

"Well, okay, you guys and I are on the same frequency, help me recover, and then we will teleport out directly."

Seeing that the three elves accepted Tian Ci, Na Zi also showed a smile on her face. Of course, she could see that it was only a superficial acceptance, but it didn't matter. It will take a long time in the future. With her prestige and strength, there is always a way Let the three elves and others truly accept Tianji.

The girl is still a little younger, thinking that she can disregard everything and conquer everything.

"Yes!" Hearing Nazi's order, the three super elves nodded, helping the trainer recover, this is their duty.

"Tian Ci, please help me put it under that big tree, and please help me guard it."

Since it is necessary to restore the spirit at the same frequency, it must not stay on the back anymore, it is easy to accidentally injure, so she said something to Tian Ci and them in a soft voice.

"Okay, okay." Tian Ci readily agreed.

"Momo(_)" Kou Daihua, as the big brother in Tianci's team, also made a statement, saying that if he wanted to disturb you, he would step on my dead body first.

This is the patron's father, so he must protect it!

Soon Nazi and the three super elves formed a circle under the big tree, and then only heard the sound of "哗哗~" like a wave, and at the same time a burst of purple energy surged from them, one and a half A circular spiritual interaction circle is formed.

"The movement is so loud, it won't attract the attention of elites or even other people!"

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci couldn't help feeling a lot of pressure in his heart.

"Moomoo~moomoo~" Luckily, Koudaihua gave an explanation. As a naturally extraordinary elf, it felt more clearly. It probably meant that although there was a lot of movement, they intentionally restrained the fluctuations. , what is transmitted should only be the energy aftermath of the ordinary level.

"Beep beep~"

"Wow!" Bibi Niao and Hei Lujia agreed with Kou Duanhua after feeling it for a while.

"Huh~ that's good, that's good." Hearing the three elves say so, Tian Ci felt relieved and continued to help guard the surroundings.

Time passed like this for another half a day, and they also repelled a few waves of wild elves who sensed energy fluctuations nearby.

At this time, Na Zi finally almost recovered, and only heard a "咻~", the spiritual interaction circle was divided into 4 parts, and each returned to its own spiritual consciousness sea.

Nazi who stood up was radiant and energetic, on the contrary, Hu Di and the others seemed a little sluggish.

There is no way, this seems to be an interaction, but in fact, the three elves are sending spiritual power to Nazi, not only to help Nazi's mental damage be completely healed, but also to help Nazi recover to the gymnasium level directly. Hu Di they are indeed a bit big.

"It's recovered, Nazi, but they don't look very good."

Tian Ci looked at the cold girl who was slowly walking towards him, and said something happily, but at the same time, he did not forget to care about Hu Di and the others who followed him.

"Master Tian Ci, we are fine. Although our strength has declined temporarily, we still have gym-level combat power. We will recover naturally after a few days of rest."

Before the girl could answer, Hu Di, who was following beside her, immediately answered first.

Otherwise, how can you say that the super elves are smart? You must know that the three of them worked hard to help Nazi recover for a long time, but the girl ran to Tianji as soon as she recovered, so I understand that they seem to have fallen out of favor (;Д ')
What can I do, I can't compete with this man for favor, and Nazi also really hates people or elves under her command not getting along well, so she can only have a better attitude towards this new favorite—Tian Ci.

"Well, Hu Di, they are right. When I go back and get some super crystals for them, they will be able to recover immediately."

Seeing that Hu Di's attitude towards Tian Ci was a little better, the girl also agreed, and at the same time said that she would get some resources for them as rewards when she went back.

Originally, she wanted Hu Di to recover naturally, as a kind of beating, to make them realize the reality, but since the smart Hu Di has already realized it, then forget it.

"Let's go, let's teleport out. Although the Wu Neng family seems to have set up a super shield, how can this kind of shield that we bought from Manjin City block me?"

After a small episode, Na Zi hugged Tian Ci's shoulders to signal him to put away the elves and leave.

"Eh~ Nazi, can you help me find my companions, they are all my brothers and sisters." Feeling the softness in his elbows, he pondered for a while, expressing that he can't go out yet, and he still hasn't found anyone.

"Okay, there's no problem, Tianji, think about the appearance of the two of you in your mind, and then don't resist." The girl agreed to this request without hesitation.

"Okay, thank you!" Hearing Na Zi's words, Tian Ci closed his eyes and recalled how Xiao Ling still had stones in his mind.

"Shua~" In an instant, the picture was read by Na Zi, who was close at hand, with mental power, and then distributed to Hu Di and the others.

"Go and help Tian Ci find these two people, bring them back if you find them, and be polite." After passing on the portrait, Na Zi opened her eyes and ordered to the three silent super elves.

"Yes!" Hu Di, they all nodded yes, and then quickly began to search with mental power. (Because they are all psychic elves, they can talk telepathically, so I won’t make noises)
But secretly, the guy with the lowest EQ, Yin Mengtao, was still secretly complaining to Hu Di and the magic wall doll.

"Boss, why did Miss Nazi treat us like this? We just helped her recover, and her own state was damaged. She didn't even look at us and didn't say anything. Now I have to continue to help that person find a companion. This is too..."

"Shut up! Do your own thing well, you can talk about Miss Nazi's as you please!"

But before Hudi could answer, the magic wall puppet who heard this immediately shouted telepathically, and the guy who led the nightmare was the last one to come. Although his talent evolved higher than it, but in terms of strength and status is the lowest.

Chapter 289 Xiaoling Returns

"That's right, Xiaomeng, just do your own thing well. Didn't you realize that Miss Nazi attaches great importance to that man? We are all behind him."

At this time, Hu Di also explained to the nightmare guide that they are all elf brothers. He was afraid that this guy with a low EQ would be spotted by Nazi if he didn't work hard, and he would be severely punished.

"But, but, why!" The nightmare guide still muttered unwillingly, yes, after all, a man suddenly appeared, and his status was so high, it was normal to find it hard to accept.

"Just because he is Miss Nazi's lover, closest friend, and the only one! You may not know it, but let me tell you..."

Seeing that the third child, the Nightmare Tapir, was still not reconciled, Hu Di also used telepathy to tell Nazi about her spiritual flaws. As Nazi's initial elf, it has been the girl's confidant since Casey , so it knows a lot of secrets that the two of them don't know, even Nazi's sealed memory, it also knows, because the clan elder specifically explained this matter.

"Ah! It turns out that Miss Nazi still has such a past, no wonder why." After listening to Hu Di telling it the ins and outs, the nightmare guide finally understood, and immediately put away his little thoughts and started Honestly, I tried my best to search.

"Buzz~buzz~" The three super elves each have a direction, and Nazi also has a direction. If this mountain is not there, they will teleport to another mountain and continue to use their mental power to detect.

In the end, the nightmare guide found the clue. In its induction, a blue-haired girl lying in a stream covered in blood was still panting slightly. The portrait doesn't quite match, but it should be her, Xiao Ling!

"Shua!" The nightmare-inducing man teleported to the river, only to realize that apart from the scattered space backpacks around the girl, there were also a few weak elves guarding her, and it was a few mosquito coils. The tadpole and carp king, and the stream seems to be slowly helping the girl recover from her injuries.

That's why she was not dead in a seriously injured state.

"Yo bo! Yo!"

"Crack! Crack!" After sensing the approach of the mengmooth, those water elves guarding Xiaoling's side fled in panic one by one.

Although they have a natural affection for the seriously injured girl, and because of the starfish in the elf ball, they are willing to help as much as they can, but they are not stupid. They don't want to die when the gym-level boss comes.

"Buzz~buzz~" At this time, a poke ball next to it is flickering wildly. It is the poke ball of Sea Star. Although it is locked, it is proficient in superpowers and can still observe the surroundings through superpowers. Depending on the situation, he even conveyed some general meanings to the elves around him.

That is, those mosquito-repellent tadpoles, the carp king is too stupid and has no hands, otherwise Sea Star would let them release it!
"No, don't, hurt, Xiao Ling ~ please ~" At this time, through Hai Xingxing's unremitting efforts, these words were finally delivered intermittently to the dream-introducer who was walking slowly.

"Interesting, I am a natural water-type extraordinary, and there is a little guy in the elves who can have superpowers, but he is better than that man."

After receiving the message from Hai Xingxing, the Nightmare Tapir revealed a smile on his mouth. With his knowledge, he could tell Xiaoling's identity at a glance. Although the starfish's aptitude is average, its ability to use superpowers is not bad. Not to mention that it is just a superpower of secondary attributes.

"Don't worry, I was entrusted by Lord Tian Ci to save your master."

Thinking of this, it passed a clear passage to the starfish in the poke ball.

"Tian Ci! Save~Save~ Xiaoling! Thank you!" Hai Xingxing immediately believed Tian Ci's name when he heard it. Like Lie Yang, he is a firefly compared to him, if he wants to do something to Xiao Ling, he has nothing to do.

"Tatata~" Nodding to the trembling elf ball, the nightmare guide came to Xiao Ling's side, and a healing energy slowly emerged from both hands, which is the healing wave.

As a super-powered move, although it is not in its blood lineage inheritance, but with the king-level aptitude (the strongest aptitude on the surface), coupled with the research of the Nazi family for thousands of years, it is not a problem to learn this, but the price is a bit It's just a big problem, and it can regenerate itself, but it can't be used on others like Hudi Boss.

"Wow~" The healing waves used by gym-level elves are obviously much stronger than those used by Pippi. Xiaoling's whole body is floating in midair, and her whole body is covered by white light.

"Hmm~ Where am I? I feel so comfortable~"

Surrounded by such energy, the girl slowly woke up, her pale blue pupils looked curiously at the white energy surrounding it.

Soon, under the treatment of Yin Mengtao, Xiaoling almost fully recovered. The automatic healing brought to her by the water flow in the past few days has been much lighter than that of Tian Ci at that time.

"Hello, thank you for saving me." The girl slowly fell from the air, and after standing still, she bowed to the yellow humanoid elf in front of her.

Although I don't know why I saved her, but in the face of overwhelming strength, it's better to be obedient.

"Well, you must be Xiao Ling, Master Tian Ci asked me to save you, hurry up and pack up your surroundings and follow me."

The nightmare guide had a good impression of this respectful girl, so he explained to her through telepathy, and at the same time gave her some time to clean up.

"Brother Tian Ci?" Hearing that this powerful elf called Tian Ci an adult, the girl was surprised, but immediately nodded and began to tidy up.

Still the same sentence, in the face of overwhelming strength, you can do what others tell you to do. If what this elf said is true, there should be no danger.

After a rough tidying up, Xiaoling put on two large space backpacks, changed into a brand new high-grade protective clothing, found all the poke balls of the mosquito-repellent frogs, and then stood in front of the Nightmare Tapir. in front of people.

In fact, she was lucky, none of the elf balls were lost, and most of the things in the space backpack were still there, but it was a pity, in order not to keep the nightmare guide waiting for a long time, she just roughly cleaned it up, and there were still scattered on the ground. some materials.

"En~ Hold on tight!" The nightmare guide didn't care about waiting less, but since the girl said she was ready, it grabbed the girl with its hands, gave a warning, and then "swished" from the original place. The land disappeared and came to another mountain.

"This! This is! Teleportation!" Xiaoling's heart was filled with turmoil, but she didn't say anything on the surface, but she just grabbed the hand of the mengmooth and tightened her grip.

(End of this chapter)

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