Pokemon Poor

Chapter 285 The awakened Nazi

Chapter 285 The awakened Nazi

As if grabbing a life-saving straw, the little Nazi's blue light flashed, and in an instant a burst of mental power swept across Tian Ci who was beside her, who was mumbling non-stop.

Immediately, Tianji's face full of scars was reflected in front of Nazi.

"Tianci~ Really? From now on, you will be my Nazi's friend, and no one will dare to bully you!" Looking at the ugly scarred male face, Nazi didn't feel disgusted, but nodded in agreement, Domineering slowly stood up.

As Na Zi stood up slowly, her three-year-old body gradually grew bigger, and soon recovered into a girl with a graceful figure and a cool face with a "wow".

I saw her coldly "hum" to the approaching Bloody, and with a wave of her hand, a large area of ​​blue superpowers shot over, and instantly that ball of Bloody screamed "Ah!", and was beaten. The repeated hind legs.

"I have friends now, you all dissipate for me!" Nazi was also very aware of her own spiritual flaws, so she took this opportunity to kill her demons immediately.



"Nazie, we will come again!"

"You won't have friends, Nazi!"

Soon after a one-sided massacre, Nazi was the only one left in the entire sea of ​​consciousness. Oh no, there was also a mental projection of Tian Ci's whole body.

"I'm amazing, Tianji!" I saw the girl showing a bright smile at Tianji's mental projection.

"Oh! Nazi, you are really amazing, it is my great honor to be your friend."

At the same time, the mental projection manipulated by the girl also revealed an expression of admiration, dancing exaggeratedly.

"Hee hee hee~" Looking at Tian Ci who was showing admiration under his control, the girl had a sweet smile on her cold face, and felt that it was nice to have friends.

But now she was going to see the real Tianci, so with a wave of her hand, this mental projection dissipated.

At this time, Tian Ci, who didn't know anything, was still chanting in Na Zi's ear, and at the same time, he was still touching his thigh.

"It's so soft~" There is no way, after having tasted the taste of a woman, he really has no resistance to this cold and powerful girl in front of him, and the girl has been in a coma, and she is still wearing the special clothes prepared for Ninghui. sq uniform, he can resist the Fa-rectification of Nazi on the spot, which is already very good.

Of course, he can hold back not because he has good concentration, but because he cherishes his life. In his opinion, Nazi is so old that he must know about the affairs between men and women, so he only dares to take advantage of this, even if Nazi suddenly Waking up, he could also explain that he was examining the wound.

"Oh~Tianci~" But unexpectedly, after Nazi groaned softly, her long eyelashes fluttered a few times, and she really woke up!

Tian Ci quickly withdrew his hand in fright, jumped several meters away, knelt down on one knee, and began to explain.

"Silver-faced lord, you finally woke up. Because you were seriously injured, the subordinates could only help you deal with the wound. The clothes on your body were the only ones found in the scattered space backpack. They were also helping you to check the wound just now. I hope my lord will see clearly the wound!"

Because Nazi had never disclosed her name, the cautious Tianji of course still called Nazi Hui Yinmian.

After listening to Tian Ci's explanation, she subconsciously looked down at the clothes on her body, and found that it was a pink and white uniform with a lot of nudity. When she lowered her head, she could see her towering snow-white gully, and it was indeed cool under her body. Pretty face couldn't help but flush.

She really doesn't know much about the relationship between men and women, but she has read a few books anyway, so she still knows that girls should avoid boys and wear underwear.

Of course, the matter is urgent, Tian Ci is to save her, and he is her only friend now, so there is no need to care about whether he hides it or not.

On the other side, seeing Na Zi looking at his clothes, Tian Ci was sweating nervously. He was actually betting on Na Zi's kindness and life-saving grace, this is it!How can it not be murdered.

Because he had no choice but to gamble and save Na Zi, otherwise, if he stayed here, he would be found by the Wu Neng family sooner or later, and he would still die.

"Well, it's okay, and Tian Ci, didn't you say you wanted to become close friends with me before, your voice reached my sea of ​​consciousness, and that's why I defeated my demons and woke up, so speaking of it, you should have saved me. Me twice, I, Nazi, recognize you as a friend, so you don't have to be so restrained."

The girl looked at the nervous Tanagi, with a gentle smile on her face, and nodded to him.

"Okay, Master Nazi." Tian Ci breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Nazi had admitted her life-saving grace and blew her name, but he still called her lord as he couldn't figure out Nazi's character.

Seeing that Tian Ci was still half-kneeling and still calling her an adult, she frowned and questioned her directly.

"Why do you still call me my lord? You have to go back on it! I remember you said before that you wanted to be close friends with me, but now that I wake up, you go back on your word. You don't want to be friends with me, Nazi, do you?"

"No, no, big." Oppressed by Nazi's powerful mental power, Tian Ci quickly opened his mouth to explain, but then quickly changed his words, and almost called him again.

"Nazie, it's just that my strength is low, I'm not even at the elite level, and my status is only a commoner. I don't feel worthy of being a small captain. What I said before was just seeing you in a coma, so I said it boldly."

"Oh, that means you didn't want to go back on your word?" After hearing what Tian Ci meant, the cold girl immediately asked again.

"Yeah, as long as you don't dislike me, Nazi, I'm willing to be your friend." Tian Ci, who felt that things were turning around, quickly added.

"Okay, then we are friends, please sit back and continue chatting with me."

Hearing what Tian Ci said, a bright smile appeared on the girl's face again, and he was stunned for a moment.

"Oh, ok!" Tian Ci, who came back to his senses, immediately sat back next to the girl from the admonishment.

After sitting back, the two stared at each other for a moment and didn't know what to say. Tian Ci still couldn't figure out Na Zi's character because of restraint, and dared not speak nonsense, while Na Zi was purely because she made friends for the first time. I didn't know what to talk about, and the atmosphere was awkward.
Suddenly the cold girl thought of something, Tian Ci seemed to be touching her thigh just now, and then she kept talking non-stop, as if she had endless words, maybe it was missing this!

"Shua~" She used weak mental power to control Tian Ci's left hand and put it on her right leg, then lowered her head and said to Tian Ci, "Go on~"

"This~this!" Feeling the silky touch of his left hand, Tian Ci was shocked for a moment. He seemed to understand Nazi's personality a little bit. Based on the principle of doing whatever the big boss asked me to do, Tian Ci did it. He began to explore without hesitation.

Chapter 284 Friends

After briefly talking about a few nonsense topics, such as whether you are still in pain, whether you are thirsty, whether you are hungry or not, Tian Ci let go a little bit. He could see that Nazi seemed to be better than the previous Xiaoling in some respects. She's still simple, and she attaches great importance to this friend she just met. As for the few nonsense topics before, she talked very happily, with a face full of joy. In order to learn more and make plans for the follow-up, so he asked directly

"Nazie, can you tell me about your past? I'll talk about mine after you finish."

"En~" Sure enough, the girl who had a friend for the first time did not refuse the topic, agreed immediately, and began to tell her own story.

"When I was three years old, I was killed because of a super power explosion, and then I was arranged by the clan elders to practice in a secret room. Until I was 15 years old, I defeated the younger generation in Manjin City and got Casey. Then the breakthrough in the past three years Gymnasium, governing the city, and joining the Rockets is also because of "Nazie's story is very short and clear, and she will finish it in a short while, because this time she faced her inner demons directly, so she didn't have to seal her memory. The super power at the age of 3 Outburst, she also told Tian Ci, and even told him the reason why she really joined the Rockets.

After Tianci listened to it, she immediately had a clear understanding of Nazi. Nazi is a girl who has excellent talent but has already planned her future. She is very good at all aspects, but when it comes to making friends Very simple, but also very persistent.

I have to say that he really took advantage of this time. He happened to be her friend when Nazi was in trauma, and he was the only one. So in fact, his status in Nazi's heart is very, very high!
Thinking of this, he immediately poked his left hand in, and at the same time showed a righteous expression on his face, and solemnly promised to Nazi
"Nazie, I promise, I will always be your friend!"

"Hmmm, let me tell you about Tianji." Although the girl sensed Tianji's stepping closer beside her, she just groaned and didn't intend to stop her. Instead, she looked at Tianji with a blushing face. A glance signaled that it was his turn.

"Although the book says so, Tianji-kun is my friend, and the book also says that only close friends can touch each other. Doesn't this prove that Tianji's intimacy with me is increasing! Come on, Nazi, you must take care of your first friend!"

"I, my experience is much richer than that of you, Nazi." Seeing that the cold girl next to him didn't stop him, Tian Ci's face brightened, and he began to speak slowly.

If I let him know what Nazi is thinking, I am afraid that he will be very grateful to the few clan elders who taught Nazi. Specious textbook.

In fact, it’s hard to blame those gray-haired clan elders, how could their grandfathers have the nerve to explain it clearly to a little girl, and those few books are all their treasured editions at that time!

"I was an orphan at the beginning. When I was 15 years old, I went to the black market to buy a dead egg, and then I got trumpet buds, which are now called Koudaihua."

Tian Ci's story was very long and detailed, and Nazi listened very attentively, and she also knew that this was an opportunity to get to know this friend.

But as Tian Ci talked, he became angry. After all, he had a stunning girl beside him, and it was pretty good to be able to endure it for so long.

Now that he understands his position in Nazi's psychology, he doesn't want to bear it any longer. Of course, it's not enough to directly punish Nazi on the spot. Nazi's body is injured more than him, and she is still recovering.

So he stopped talking, and grabbed the girl's right hand with his wet left hand. After the conversation just now, he already knew that Nazi couldn't walk yet, but some simple body movements were fine.

"Nazie, we are close friends. I have helped you for so long, and you should help me too. We help each other and talk while helping."

"En~" Nazi blushed at this request, but she still didn't refuse, she agreed softly, and started helping each other.

"Oh! Okay, let me continue. Next, I will change to Bobo, that is, the Bibi bird over there, and then we will go"

Tian Ci, who was helped by Nazi, showed a happy expression on his face, and at the same time continued to tell his story.

The story is long and the night is long
In the early morning of a new day, Tian Ci was feeding Nazi breakfast, which was also roasted elf meat. Anyway, there were still many edible elf corpses here. Now that Nazi hadn't fully recovered, she still needed food supplements.

"Tian Ci, I want to eat the lean meat, not the fat." The girl looked at the piece of elf meat that Tian Ci picked up with a lot of fat on it.

"Uh, okay." Hearing what Na Zi said, he smiled wryly, bit off the fat meat with his mouth and ate it himself, then handed over the lean meat.

"Wu~uu~ Tian Ci, your cooking is delicious." After the two had a long talk last night and helped each other, their relationship developed rapidly. In other words, Tian Ci let go a lot, so the girl didn't care at all. Not caring about this small detail, he swallowed the lean meat in one bite, and praised while chewing.

In fact, due to the limited conditions, Tian Ci's cooking is very ordinary. As the super queen of Manjin City, Nazi has never eaten any delicacies, but because her friend Tian Ci roasted them for her, and she also fed them piece by piece. Give her to eat, so under the psychological effect, she feels very satisfied and delicious.

"It's fine if you think it's delicious, Nazi, but shouldn't we be leaving too, and none of your elves are by your side?"

Tian Ci helped wipe the oil stains from the corners of her mouth, and said softly.

For such a simple girl, even if she is a super queen, after finding out the situation, Tianji can handle it with ease.

"Oh, yes, but although my mental strength has barely recovered to the elite level, my body still can't move."

The girl was not at all disgusted with Tian Ci's slightly intimate behavior. She had done more intimate help last night. Who cares about this? Now she heard Tian Ci talking about elves and remembered that she still has three elves!

"It's okay, I can carry you on my back, I believe your elves should be very anxious."

Hearing what the girl said, Tian Ci immediately realized that his status was still higher than the elves cultivated by Na Zi. He was overjoyed, but on the surface he said something softly, as if thinking of the girl,
"Well then, I'm sorry to trouble you, Tian Ci. In fact, there is no need to be so anxious. In my induction, they are still alive and in good condition, but the distance is a bit far, and I am seriously injured, so I can't give them Send location, otherwise you can teleport back directly."

Seeing Tian Ci being so caring, Na Zi's eyes showed gratitude, and her affection for Tian Ci increased a bit, but she also explained that it is okay to wait here slowly.

 Thanks to Floating Cloud Book Monster yesterday, book friends 150710191907171 (1500 points), kao9958258, me who looked at the cat, and several readers for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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