Pokemon Poor

Chapter 270 Nido King and Shiya Village

Chapter 270 Nido King and Shiya Village

Of course, he will not give less money that should be given to the two of them. The two of them are used to letting Tian Ci distribute the remuneration, so he just needs to add this money without anyone noticing.

In the next few days, they dug in the mine for a few more days, and then they left the mine. On the one hand, because the backpack was almost full, and on the other hand, there was another man who wanted to capture Nidoran. The task has not been completed yet, and if Nidolan wants to catch Liang and other aptitudes, it would be faster for Nidolan to go directly to the group with the Nido King.

"Bibi Bird, go and find King Nido." He told Bibi Bird who finally got out of the cave and was swimming in the air to his heart's content.

"Beep beep~" Bibi Bird agreed, and started looking in a random direction.

King Nido, who used to be Tianji's candidate elf, has a strong and burly body, which can be said to be very intimidating, and the attack surface is not bad, but in the end he gave up because of the monopoly of the best moon stone.

Generally speaking, to be able to evolve into a Nido King, the strength should be at least at the high level, and the aptitude should be good, so that the offspring born in this way will have better aptitude.

Bibi Bird was looking for it in the sky, and Hei Lujia was looking for scents on the ground. Tian Ci and the others followed slowly, admiring the scenery like this primitive mountain range.

You can see that there are messy weeds, trees, and many dead branches and leaves on the ground. From time to time, there will be a few piles of unknown objects. As the controller of Yuejian Mountain, the Wu Neng family has really achieved the ultimate in natural free-range breeding. , This is also the case on the marked roads, let alone other areas. In this way, it is really possible to find good things in unmarked areas.

After all, this kind of bold and unrestrained management method can also be seen that the Wu Neng family probably doesn't know what good things appear in other areas.

Of course, when Tian Ci and the others came for the first time, they planned to find out the basic road first, and then try to explore the areas without road signs.

"Beep beep~" After walking for a long way, Bibibird flew back and told Tianci that it found a Nido King, and brought three Nidonas, 6 small Nidorans, Nidolan.

"Let's go and have a look!" After listening, Tian Ci and the others quickly walked to the address Bibi Bird said with their elves.

"Niajia~bajibaji~" When I approached, I found that this family was having lunch, eating a whole snake feast. King Nido was eating an Abo monster alone, and the upper body with patterns was eaten. halfway through.

The three Nidonas were also eating a smaller Arbor, and as for the six smaller Nidorans, Nidolan was eating several Arber snakes.

Obviously, when two families meet, one of them must become a tragedy of food. It is the tragedy of these two Arbo monsters when they meet the Nido King who is ordinary and high-ranking.

Although the strength of the three Nidonas is not high, only one is in the middle of the ordinary, but it is not as strong as her husband. Looking at the three Nidonas with no injuries, Tianji probably solved it by Niduo King alone. Fighting, no wonder it can have three spouses, and they are so harmonious, this is the strongest.

"How about it, it's better to act first, Xiaoling, let the mosquito-repellent frog use the freezing wind, and I will let the Bibi bird use the wind to cooperate with you, expanding the range and damage.

Stone, let a few elves under your command cooperate with a combined earthquake, and try to get rid of all the miscellaneous fish in the first round. "

Putting away the binoculars, he said to the two of them.

"Well, that's fine."


The two also had no objections, and began to explain to the elves under their command.

"Shishi, you go up first!" Tian Ci whispered to Shishi after touching a little distance.

"Well, Rumble Stone, a combined earthquake for rats and mice!"

Stone had no objection, and immediately asked the three elves to cooperate.

"Hey Cha ~ Boom Boom ~"

"Kuja~ku~ bang bang!"

The three elves successively used the stomp and the magnitude, and instantly a strong vibration hit the Nido family who were still having lunch not far away.

"Boom, boom, boom~"

"Niga!" "Needuo!" "Wow!" Nido King was okay, relying on his size advantage, he quickly stabilized his figure, but Nidona and Nidolang couldn't do it, they haven't eaten yet The finished food was thrown out, and at the same time, one by one fell down in a staggered manner.

"Huhu~rustle~" But it's not over yet, at this time, the enhanced version of the freezing wind coordinated by the Bibi bird and the mosquito frog blows on them again.

"Wow~" "Nah!" The six little ones were the first to fail, and soon lost their ability to fight. After all, they were only at the rookie level. In fact, in the earthquake just now, if not for their father, King Nido, There were also several mothers, Nidona, who withstood most of the damage, and the six of them should have fallen in the first round, but it was the same now, but they fell as soon as they were blown by the freezing wind.

"Needuo~(_)" The same is true for the two low-level Nidonas. After persisting for a while, they also lost their fighting ability, but the ordinary middle-level Nidona, it still struggling to support.

"Hai Xingxing, Nianli, give that Nidona a ride!" Seeing this scene, Xiao Ling immediately asked Hai Xingxing to make up the knife.

"Buzz~" The ruby ​​in the middle of the starfish flashed twice, and a wave of thought power hit King Nido's eldest wife.

"Niduo~(_)" This time, this Nidona couldn't hold it anymore, and lost the ability to fight with a scream.

"Najia! (◣д◢)" At this time, King Nido's body was already stained with hoarfrost, and he roared angrily when he saw that his whole family was knocked down.

But there is no way, although it can learn a lot of skills, but it is just a wild elf, how can there be so many attributes of skill beads for it to learn, so King Nido, who can only inherit moves through blood, can only emit impotent rage.

"Roar~" When it felt that the freezing wind was getting smaller and smaller, it knew that the opportunity had come, and immediately roared, white energy appeared on its body surface, and it wanted to temporarily suppress the chill on its body surface with energy gathering.

"Hey ~” ~ "But at this time, it was dumbfounded. While King Nido could not be flexibly fought, it immediately tied up the behemoth of about 2 meters tightly.

"Puff~Puff~" At the same time, the sharp poisonous thorns on the vines pierced in fiercely, and began to inject the toxin.

"Neega!" King Nido, who didn't think that the wave was not calm, would rise again and again, screamed in pain, and he couldn't move his whole body.

"Sea star, use mental wave! Swamp jump fish, mud bomb, mosquito-repellent frog, ice bomb!"

Seeing this scene, Xiao Ling knew that the opportunity had come, and immediately commanded the three elves under her command to attack.

Among them, the ice bomb technique of the mosquito-repellent frog is based on the combination of the water bomb technique and the freezing fist. The water polo is condensed on the hands below, and then the water polo is quickly frozen and punched out with the freezing fist.

Although the speed was a little slower, it was just right for the immobile Nido King.

"Longlongshi, you also shoot with mud, rats and mice, the quicksand hell is pinned down again!"

Shi Shi also quickly let his main force launch an attack, but in order to make King Nido be accused to death, he chose to help the struggling mouth, and used Quicksand Hell to restrain King Nido again. After all, King Nido was a bit weak Big, dumb flowers may not be able to contain it.

"Shhhhhh! Bang bang~" A series of attacks hit King Nido's huge body, leaving scars on his body.

"Naga!" King Nido wailed. It was about to break free from the vines again, but it didn't expect that the ground under its feet suddenly softened and sank it in, and then it swallowed all the attacks.

"Jene, Jenny, whoosh~"


Even the two new-level elves in the team joined the ranks of beating the dog in the water.

As for Hei Lujia and the marsupial dragon, they are responsible for guarding the surroundings to avoid accidents. They are really not suitable for joining the siege. One uses fire, which is equivalent to helping Nido King to thaw, and the other can only get close fighting.

Although on the surface it seems that the bag dragon and the Nido king are similar in size, but one is a normal high-level and the other is a normal low-level, and the bag dragon is not looking for a fight.

"Beep~beep~" Finally, Bibi Niao ended the situation where King Nido was passively beaten with an air blade.

"Boom~" The poor Nido King finally fell to the ground.

This is the biggest difference between elves with a trainer and wild elves in the wild. If they are fighting against the Nido King who is a trainer, it is absolutely impossible for them to be defeated so easily with ordinary high-level strength and a variety of matching moves. .

If nothing else, just the first two combined moves, Earthquake and Freezing Wind, with a well-coordinated move, Nido King can completely offset it with Jet Flame and Earthquake. If you can use Nido King's trainer, it is impossible not to go Taking advantage of Nido King's advantages of being able to learn many moves and attacking a wide range of areas.

It's just a pity that the value of the dead Nido King is not high. It is estimated that the meat and materials are about one hundred thousand, not even half of the low-grade Moon Stone, but there is no way, who will let people not accept the living.

Tian Ci, Ning Hui, and Shi Shi were handling the corpses, while Xiao Ling started to tame the six little ones, a total of 4 Nidolan and 2 Nidolan.

The results of the test are not bad, all six are valuable, the two worst are middle-class, and the three are upper-class, and the only one, Nidoran, just happens to be of good quality, and their last task is completed .

Then I went back to Xiaoshan Town, handed in the task, and started to share the money as soon as the excess materials were sold. In the past 10 days or so, they made a total of about 300 million by selling materials through mining and doing tasks, according to the rules. 120 million was distributed, and now his money has reached about 480 million.

Of course, the value of the special Chuanshan King is also included here. Tian Ci estimated it at 20 yuan, which is more valuable than the ordinary high-level Nido King. will lose.

If the alliance contributed points, he also got about 200 points, and now there are almost 5200 points in the account. As for the Rockets missions completed secretly, he did a rough calculation. Click around.

In the evening, Tian Ci sneaked to the Rockets' Yuejianshan branch. I have to say that the controller of this base is really talented, and he built it directly on the bright side!

He came to a small village, Shiya Village. As the name suggests, because the terrain looks like sharp teeth from a distance, it is called Shiya Village.

The village is very small, and the potholed earth walls fit the appearance of the alliance village. There are small villages like this, whether they are registered in the alliance or not, and they don’t know how many are counted together, and the alliance probably doesn’t care.

Of course, the vassal of the Wuneng family is in charge of Guijin. He is an elite trainer at the beginning stage. As long as there is no elf tide, it is still possible to protect a small village.

But this is all on the bright side. In fact, Guijin has been bought by the Rockets long ago. Even the villagers in Shiya Village are mostly disguised by the Rockets' handymen. This village is the Rockets' sub-base.

After entering the base, he looked around. There was nothing special about it, but the scale was a little smaller. After handing in the task, he took the special Mountain King to the task handover area, ready to ask.

"Hello, I would like to ask whether our Rocket team will accept alien elves. This mountain king is very special. It is born with a petite body. Although its strength is very weak, it has a strong ability to hide."

When it was Tian Ci's turn in the queue, he put the black R-shaped poke ball on the counter and asked.

"Well, take it, wait a moment, I'll ask someone to simply verify what you said."

The staff took it with a smile on his face, then gave him a number plate, and asked him to wait beside him.

"Okay, okay." After receiving the number plate, he waited on the seat next to him.

"Ding dong~ please come to the No. 78 window, Captain Tianci from No. 3."

It didn't take long for a voice calling for him to come from the radio.

"Hello, is there a result?" He immediately took the number plate, walked over, and asked.

"Yes, Captain Tianci, your Mountain King is indeed a strange elf, but it has evolved and its potential is almost exhausted, but it has a high research value. After testing, it can contribute 1000 points to Team Rocket."

The staff immediately explained the value and Tianji, and then quietly waited for his decision.

"Well, let's change." Tian Ci decided to change without much hesitation. Even if he used the dark ball to forcibly control it, what he got was just a machine elf, and it was still at the new level, which was useless to him.

If you really sell the materials separately and spend thousands of dollars, now you can have 1000 contribution points which is equivalent to 10, which is already very profitable.

Of course, Tian Ci's estimate of 20 must have been a loss when he divided the money, but Shitou and Xiaoling, he didn't calculate so carefully, so the loss is just a loss.

"Okay, this will add contribution points to you."

Hearing that Tian Ci agreed, the staff added 1000 alliance contribution points to Tian Ci's account, so that Tian Ci's contribution to the Rockets would be 1100 points.

Next, he took a few routine tasks on the Rockets' self-service computer, and then returned to Xiaoshan Town.

Because Yuejian Mountain is indeed a very rich resource point, several people decided to stay here for a while and explore again, especially those unmarked areas. The unknown represents an opportunity.

PS: I recommend a new book "Elf: My Kodak Duck Doesn't Stay at All", it's a very interesting novel, the author has enough manuscripts, please rest assured.

 Thanks to Hans Christian Andersen in the winter yesterday, book friend 20170901212314691 (500 points) two readers for their rewards!You can go and read a new elf novel, Elf: My Koda Duck is not dull at all, the development path is different, it will be more interesting, and there will be more interactions between elves. The author has conceived it for a long time and has enough Save the manuscript, new and old book lovers, please rest assured, add that this book will not be eunuch!

(End of this chapter)

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