Pokemon Poor

Chapter 262 Props and Tsukimiyama

Chapter 262 Props and Tsukimiyama
After Ninghui spent 10,000+ to buy a lot of materials on the first floor, several people continued to walk up.

In the elf props area, they also saw props that are rarely seen in the town, but there are more rock-type props than ground-type props.

Stone bleeds a lot here, and bought two copies of the soft sand of the ordinary middle section, and a silk scarf of the ordinary middle section. Fortunately, the price is clearly marked here, and there is no premium. Except for the rare and powerful attributes of the ordinary middle section, they are all 65 In case of one prop, the three props cost a total of 195 million!
It was prepared for the two pangolins and the marsupial, which was cheaper than the one bought by Longlongshi. Although the marsupial is not in the middle, I bought it together when I met it. As for the hard rock that Longshi carried, because it was from Bought at auction for a premium of 10.

In this way, Shishi's family property was about half empty in an instant.

Tian Ci also bought an ordinary high-end sharp beak for Bibi Bird, which cost him 70 yuan, and Hei Lujia also gave it an ordinary high-end charcoal, which also cost 70 yuan.

Because Hei Lujia is currently using the hidden version of the cheats, he believes that the high level will not be far away, so just buy the high level props in one step.

It's just a pity that there is only one piece of water attribute props in the middle of the ordinary, and Tian Ci gave it to Xiaoling. After all, the Squirtle is only a new level now, so there is no need to prepare props for it so early.

So Xiaoling spent 65 yuan to buy this ordinary mid-level mysterious water drop and gave it to the mosquito-repellent frog. As for the water gemstone on the mosquito-repellent frog, it was transferred to Hai Xingxing.

As for the normal low-level Marsh Jump Fish, she and Tian Ci had the same opinion. It would be more cost-effective to buy the normal middle-level items directly, and it would take longer to use, so I didn't buy it for it.

Anyway, the next big city is Hualan City, there must be one there, and there is no rush.

After buying the props, Tian Ci's money has shrunk a lot, only about 360 million is left. As for the other bank card that Ninghui sells materials, there is still about 100 million. It is better to keep it for emergencies, unless you are going upstairs He will only spend this money if there is something he is very interested in appearing on the Internet.

Fortunately, there is nothing Tian Ci particularly wants in the upper part. He barely has enough human cultivation cheats, such as attacking "Disha Fist", internal strength "Pure Yuan Jue", and running "Vertical Technique". ", he is not the main force to participate in the battle, so it is barely enough. It is of course better to have other ones, and it doesn't matter if you don't have them.

On the other hand, in the elf material area, he bought a lot of poison-attributed materials, which he spent about 20 yuan, leaving him with only 340 million yuan.

As for the stone, he is in pain and happiness. The pain is because he has spent all his money and only has about 10 left on him. The happiness is because there are indeed more dragon-attributed materials here than in the town. Buy short, or not even buy a tenth.

After all, Nibi City is one of the eight major cities. Although it is a dragon attribute, some common-level basic materials are definitely not lacking.

"Hey ~ Brother Tian Ci, let's go to the task!"

After leaving the department store, Shitou said with a troubled expression that he really ran out of money.

"Well, I was going to do the task."

Seeing Shitou's embarrassed look, Tian Ci patted him on the shoulder and said.

The adventure must be to travel while earning money, and they are not the second generation, how can they have so much money to support their travel-like adventure!
"However, maybe I should persuade Shitou again. If he is in a gymnasium in a big city, there will definitely be some discounts and discounts for buying these materials."

Of course, after patting Shitou on the shoulder, this thought flashed through Tian Ci's mind.

In fact, the current distribution method of 433 is already very profitable for Shitou. Strictly speaking, he is the weakest of the three. Shang herself is inherently extraordinary, so her strength is definitely stronger than Stone.

As for Tian Ci, he is already a high-level player. It is not a problem for one high-level player to deal with 3-4 mid-level elves at the same time. He only takes 4%, which can be said to be very good for the two of them.

Generally in the wild, the high-ranking team forms a team with other people. If there are no other high-ranking players in the team, he must take at least 5% of the team's income!
In this way, Shitou started to make ends meet after having the little bag dragon, which shows that he really needs a place where he can reduce his expenses!
If he joins the gym, with the care of an elite master, even if he does the task alone, he should be able to afford the cultivation of elves, and how can such an apprentice do the task alone, there must be other apprentices who are not valued Make a relationship with Shitou and form a team to do tasks.

Also relying on the face of an elite master, Stone will not suffer in team formation.

Of course, Tian Ci had the idea of ​​pulling Shitou into the Rockets, and then let Shitou develop with the resources of the Rockets like him, but he quickly killed this idea.

There is no way, Shitou and Xiaoling are too familiar, if Shitou is pulled in, he will have an extra helper in the Rockets, but the two of them will inevitably disappear often, which will inevitably make Xiaoling suspicious, or what? Bad guess, so he gave up.

"Let's persuasion again in these two days~" Looking at the stone full of longing for making money, Tian Ci sighed in his heart, and after making a decision, he continued to bring a few people to the elf center in Nibi City, ready to accept the task .

Similarly, the elf center in Nibi City is bigger and more splendid than the one in Qingmu Town. Of course, there is no Miss Joy in the lobby on the first floor. As the controllers of the elf center, how could they do these trivial things on the first floor? , or a capable trainer can visit Miss Joy in the elf center.

After entering the elf center, they first took all the elves who had played the gymnasium for a quick recovery, and then they went to the self-service computer to start flipping through the tasks.

It is similar to the ones in Qingmu Town, but with Yuejian Mountain as a resource point, there are some unique tasks.

For example, catch a well-qualified Nidoran, Nidona, Pipi...these unique elves near Nibi City.

There are also tasks of recovering fossils, recovering rare metals, ores and other stones.

It is worth mentioning that some special places in Yuejian Mountain are controlled by the Wu Neng family and outsiders are not allowed to enter, but a large part of the area still allows other trainers to explore.

After all, Yuejian Mountain is too big and rich in mineral deposits. If the children of the family are allowed to develop it, they will not have enough manpower, and who would like to mine there every day? The surrounding families and trainers from the civilian class went in to take risks, and they only charged a symbolic 1 yuan ticket fee.

Yuejian Mountain is rich in resources, ordinary trainers go in there, even if they command elves to mine there (proven mines, not very dangerous), they can earn 2-3 a day, which is not a loss at all, and in case If you find any rare ore, you will make a lot of money!

Therefore, most of the trainers in the surrounding civilian class make a living by mining. This is why their elves on the street are all rock-type and ground-type elves. After all, elves with this type of attribute have a strong sensitivity to ore!

Did the Wu Neng family lose money?Of course, there is no loss. They hired people to dig and they had to pay wages, and they had to be responsible for accidents. But now not only did they charge 1 tickets, but the ore they dug in the end would also flow back to Nibi City, which is their hands. The family died in the mine, and they don't have to be responsible, so how could it be a loss!
You must know that if the specialized miner trainer dies, they will pay a few million at least, so it is better to let the trainer go in and mine by himself in the name of adventure. You go in and take risks, but life and death have their own destiny.

Therefore, although the civilian trainers near Nibi City are not professional miners, they actually do the same job as professional miners, and they don't have insurance.

But why are they willing to go, because the proven mine is relatively safe, and there will also be an elite trainer from the Wu Neng family sitting in the town, of course there are still accidents, after all, they want an elite trainer to take action , at least dozens, hundreds of elves are making noise, and you are surrounded by more than a dozen elves, unless people happen to see it, otherwise you can only ask for blessings.

But there are elite trainers in town, which is also a psychological comfort, and in the proven mines, the number of accidents is relatively small, and people are lucky, so there are still many trainers who are willing to mine.

For example, the task of showing the stone to Tianci is the task of digging ore in the No. 2 mine. This mine is for mining metal mines. The purchase price list is also attached below. It is not bad, considering the attributes of the stone (professional) counterpart, so Tianci also agreed.

The next few people also took on common tasks, such as collecting Radha's teeth, Arbor's poison sac, and so on.

Because there is still a section of road between Yuejian Mountain and Nibi City that takes about 2 hours to walk. It is marked on the map as Road No. 3. There are all kinds of common elves in the wild on this road, just drop by Done.

They don't have to worry about the time to hand in the task. There is a transit town on Route 3, Xiaoshan Town, and there is an Elf Center in the town, which serves the trainers traveling to and from Yuejian Mountain.

This town is controlled by the Huishan family attached to the Wu Neng family. Although there are no gym-level powerhouses, there are still 5 to 6 elite-level trainers, so they can control a small town. Of course, there must be no gymnasium. In fact, it is also a little smaller than the hometown of several people, Qingmu Town.

After taking the regular quests, Tian Ci also took on some unique quests. Mining has already been done, and he also took on a quest to capture Wild Pippi and Nidoran.

Near Yuejian Mountain, there are quite a lot of these two types of elves. Although the real large ethnic group is more controlled than the Wu Neng family, there are still many small ethnic groups, which is also the intention of the Wu Neng family.

Elves like Nidoran sometimes give surprises when they are free-range, and Pippi and the others have already controlled the most valuable ones. That's the case with wild Pippi who can't heal fluctuations, and cute-looking ones like Pikachu Pokemon are similar in nature and don't value them, so I just let them go.

Of course, the external statement must be that the Wu Neng family is benevolent and does not mean to monopolize the two types of elves, and develop together with the public trainers.

"Let's go, let's pack up, have a meal and go straight away!"



Because it was just before 12 noon, after receiving the task, Tian Ci took a few people to eat, fed the elves, and then set off.

"Jenny~Jenny~" The Jenny Turtle, who was finally able to come out to breathe outside, cried out excitedly.

"Wow~" Hei Lujia, who was being used as a mount, had a helpless face on the dog's face. After feeling the little guy on his back moving around, it immediately slowed down, and looked at Tian Ci beside him resentfully.

"Wow woof~ woof~" I am obviously also a child, why do I let the child take care of the child!

"Haha~ Hei Lujia, you have grown up, and you are going to take over this job. You see, Koudaihua and Bibiniao have been taking care of you since you were young, so now you should take care of Jenny Turtle.

And rest assured, the Squirrel is riding you now, and when the Squirrel grows up and evolves into a Blastoise, you will be the one riding it in the rivers and oceans. "

After stroking the dog's head and the head of the Jenny turtle, Tian Ci said comfortingly.

"Jenny~Jenny~" Brother Big Dog, don't worry, I will ride for you in the future!
After the Squirtle heard it, he also expressed his opinion immediately, saying that he would let the big dog ride back in the future.

"Woof~ woo~ woof~" Hei Lujia lowered his head resignedly, and responded to Jenny and Tian Ci. The most important thing is that he is not called a big dog!It's called Heluga!It's a dog from hell, a dog!The big dog is too cute, it doesn't fit its status as a vicious dog!

"Hahaha~ Okay, vicious dog, vicious dog!"

After Tian Ci understood it, he couldn't help laughing again. To be honest, Hei Lujia's face is full of resentment, and he looks resigned to his fate. Coupled with the cute and innocent little turtle on his back, it really doesn't look like it at all. Not evil, but for Hei Lujia's little self-esteem left, he still yelled a vicious dog twice.

"Jenny~Jenny~" Why, big dog brother, you are very good, not at all vicious, you are a big dog brother who is gentle to little turtle.

But Squirrel didn't think so, riding on Heluga with a shy expression.

Oh, I forgot to introduce, this Squirrel in Tian Ci is a very rare female Squirrel!You should know that the latest published ratio of male and female Squirrels is 7:1!
I have to say that Sanfang really spent a lot of money, and was able to exchange for a female Squirrel!I'm afraid he really put all his eggs in one basket, and he ran away, so how much he would hate him!He could endure all this, he could only say that there was a reason why the owner of the pavilion hadn't defeated Sanfang for so many years!

Closer to home, the law of laying eggs in this world is a bit strange, and he doesn’t know if it’s the same as in the anime games in his previous life. After all, he’s only watched a few anime and played GBA a few times. After he found out that Squirtle is his younger sister, Go check it out.

To lay eggs in this world, the gender and egg-laying group of the elves must first be determined. As long as the elves of the same group can lay eggs, that is to say, the water arrow turtle can lay eggs with many kinds of elves, (unfortunately, Heluga is not One egg group→_→) and the law of laying eggs is to inherit the original form of the mother and several skills of the father. Among them, Ditto can lay eggs with any group except itself, and the offspring will be in the form of the other party. The undiscovered group cannot lay eggs. (including Ditto and Ditto)
 Thank you for the reward of Yunmeng Passing Water yesterday

(End of this chapter)

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