Pokemon Poor

Chapter 257 Gym

Chapter 257 Gym
At the elf center, Tian Ci called Uncle Sam just in case.

In this world, only the elf center will be equipped with communication equipment that can contact the surrounding towns.

"Hello~ Uncle Sam, long time no see?" When he called this time, Tian Ci finally didn't hear any strange voices.

"Yo! It's our escaped groom. Why, do you want to come back and get married? Odaji?"

Seeing that it was Tian Ci's call, Uncle Sam who was sitting in the office immediately made a joke.

"Hey hey, Uncle Sam, don't bury me, I just want to ask what's going on in Sanfang?"

Hearing Uncle Sam's tone, he also knew that the middle-aged uncle was joking with him, so he was not angry, and asked the question he was most concerned about straight to the point.

"What can they do? It is impossible for the master of the gymnasium to help his former enemy, so he can only search secretly for two days, and then pretend that nothing happened.

It's a good thing they didn't make this reward known to the public, otherwise the whole town would know about it, but it's almost the same now, the slightly older families all know that you escaped marriage, Sanfang has lost face, haha Haha~"

Hearing Tian Ci's question, Uncle Sam also directly told him about the situation in the past few days, and when he said that Sanfang was ashamed, he laughed out loud.

After all, the gym owner in this small town is the biggest, and Sanfang, who is hated by the gym owner, will of course be subtly hated by those who know the inside story.

It can be said that Sanfang can last for so long, but the master of the gymnasium does not want to bear the infamy of mutilating blood relatives, or is cutting flesh with a blunt knife, enjoying the pleasure of slow torture.

"Oh, it turns out that's the case, then I'm relieved, don't disturb Uncle Sam, you're working!"

Tianji was obviously very happy to hear that there was no answer beyond his expectations.

"Hey~ Wait a minute, Tian Ci, every time you throw me away, uncle, I have something to tell you."

Hearing that Tian Ji was about to hang up the phone, Uncle Sam got anxious and called out immediately.

"No, no, uncle, aren't you busy with work! Then just tell me if you have something to do~"

Hearing the yelling from the public phone, a trace of embarrassment flashed across Tian Ci's face, although it seemed to be the case, he hurriedly explained.

"Cough~ It's like this. Didn't I give birth to a daughter the year before last? This year, she is over 2 years old. She looks like her mother. She is a beautiful embryo. When she grows up, you will be in your 30s at that time. I plan to let her She makes a baby kiss with you, and that's it, bye!"

Seeing that Tian Ci answered the call, Uncle Sam immediately spoke a series of messages very fast.

"Hey, Uncle Sam! Hey!"


Although he spoke very fast, Tian Ci could still hear clearly. Thinking of his embarrassment in his 30s and wanting an old cow to eat tender grass, he hurriedly called back, but soon there was a busy tone.

"Hehehe~ Brat, you think you can get rid of your Uncle Sam by leaving Qingmu Town, at least an elite-level son-in-law, it's not a loss!"

Sitting on the sofa chair, Uncle Sam looked at the vibrating phone and sneered~
The most correct decision he, Sam, made in his life was to save the child tied up by the green caterpillar!
"Cough~ Forget it, Uncle Sam said we have nothing to do, the other side has given up, let's go, let's go to the gym!"

After dialing a few times, the tone was busy, Tian Ci let out a cough in embarrassment, and led everyone to the rock gymnasium.

"Hee hee~" Because they were relatively close together, the whole conversation was heard by several people. At this time, Xiaoling and Ninghui couldn't help laughing out loud. A two-year-old milk doll kissed Tian Ciding doll, haha Ha ha!
"Hmm~" Shitou, a rough old man, was also infected and accidentally laughed out loud.

"What are you laughing at, you are about to hit the gym, be serious!"

Hearing the laughter of the people behind him, Tian Ci said to them in embarrassment and helplessness.

"Okay, okay, stop laughing~" Xiaoling rubbed her stomach with her hands covered in her robe, she was not jealous of a two-year-old baby.

The Gym is generally located in the center of the city, and the Rock Gym is no exception. The next four people came to the Gym in Nibi City. The first thing that caught their eyes was a guild hall with an overall silver-gray design. It is as wide as 4 meters, and its height is more than 50 meters. It is about the same size as the bird's nest in the previous life, but its appearance looks like a meteorite.

"Welcome to the Rock Gym~" When several people entered the interior, a beautiful lady at the front desk welcomed them.

"Hello, we are traveling trainers, and we are here to challenge the Rock Gym."

Seeing this beautiful young lady at the front desk, Tian Ci explained their purpose, otherwise it would be too embarrassing to be mistaken for those who came in for sightseeing.

"It turns out to be the Master Trainer, then please come here, I will arrange the Gym Challenge for you."

Hearing Tian Ci's words, the expression on the receptionist's face became obviously a little more respectful, and after making a gesture of please, he led the way ahead.

"Please show me your alliance ID card information."

When he came to a counter, the receptionist took out a machine and motioned for several people to swipe their alliance ID cards.

"Drip~ Aoki Tianci, welcome to the Rock Gym." Tian Ci was not afraid of the shadow slanting, (mainly he was not exposed) he was the first to swipe his card and passed smoothly.

"Drip~ Tianshuiling, welcome to the Rock Gym."

"Drip~Cunshanshi, welcome to the Rock Gym."

As for Xiaoling and Shitou, the two true rooted alliance trainers, of course there is no problem.

"Miss, please swipe your ID card too."

Seeing that Ninghui didn't swipe her ID card, the front desk immediately reminded her.

"Oh, but if I don't play gyms, do I have to brush?"

Hearing what the front desk said, Ning Hui was confused for a moment, took out her ID card, and asked another question.

"Necessary, this is for the safety of the gymnasium. After all, we still have ordinary tourists visiting the gymnasium, so an identity check will be carried out for those who enter the gymnasium."

Seeing Ning Hui's puzzled expression, the receptionist immediately explained.

In this world, a gymnasium with a long history like this is usually used as a scenic spot in a big city for people to visit, collect ticket money and sell some souvenirs. Bird's Nest is no different.

So don't think that you are a time traveler, just look down on the natives of this world.

"Oh, okay." Hearing what the receptionist said, Ning Hui swiped up her ID card.

"Drip~ Sora Ninghui, welcome to the Rock Gym."

When the sound of the machine sounded, the identification of the four people passed smoothly.

"Okay, then let me explain the three types of challenge modes in our gymnasium and the required fees for all the trainers."

After seeing that the identities of the four people were all right, the receptionist at the front desk took out a form and began to explain it to several people.

"First of all, it is the simplest mode, 5 times, 2v2. Our gymnasium sends ordinary middle-level apprentices to attack at the same time, without the right to strike first. However, our gymnasium side cannot replace elves, but as challengers You can change the elf midway, as long as you pass this mode, you can get the rock badge!
The second is the hard mode, 20 once, 2v2, our gymnasium sends ordinary high-level apprentices, the challenger has the right to attack first, and decides whether to replace the elves according to victory or defeat. As long as you pass this mode, you can not only get rocks Badge, you can also get a rock-breaking skill bead.

The last is the elite mode, 100 million times, 1V1 our gymnasium may send out disciples of the gymnasium owner, or the gymnasium owner himself. The challenger has the right to attack first. Rock Badge, you can also get the skill beads of the sharp stone attack, which is a big move.

May I ask which challenge mode you three want to choose? "

After explaining the three challenge modes, the lady at the front desk looked at the three with a smile on her face, waiting for their decision.

This is all money, and she also has a commission for the challenge organized by her. Although it is only 3%, [-] people is not a lot.

"Fuck! It costs money to open a gym! And the gym owner can't see it!"

Tian Ci complained wildly in his heart, now it costs money to play gyms, really can't confuse things in anime games with reality!

Think about it too, after all, it is not easy for someone to open such a big gym, the family has a big business.

Is it true that the gym owner and his relatives and friends don't need to eat, but just wait in the gym, waiting for the trainer who travels to beat the 2nd and 3rd team of elves trained by him?Then give money and cheats if you lose?
This is not anime, nor is it a game. In the real world, everything costs money, or is worth measuring.

You are a trainer who is not even an elite, and you want to fight the current gym owner when you go to challenge the gym, I am afraid you are not dreaming!

Why would a big man at the gymnasium level spend this time to train a few weak elves to be your training partners?

Therefore, various gymnasiums in the alliance have launched a variety of challenge modes. Of course, the lowest is the ordinary middle-level, because without the strength of the middle-level, even if you travel in the areas marked by the alliance, it is too dangerous.

And this can also find something for many apprentices in the gym to do, enrich the apprentice's actual combat experience, the most important thing is that the gym master's own time does not need to be wasted, and the apprentice's appearance fee is also included in the registration fee by the challenger It's out, it's a multiplicity!

As for the challengers, it’s not a loss. The trainers who travel abroad basically aim to participate in the alliance conference, so gym badges must be collected. Just a little money.

Of course, if it’s 20 yuan in hard mode, as long as you have the strength, you won’t lose money, and the skill beads of the rock-shattering move are almost the same price. Of course, the most important thing is that you have gained the experience of fighting other high-level trainers. (official statement)

As for the last elite mode, it is prepared for traveling elite trainers. If they are a bit famous, the gym master may go into battle in person. Of course, most of them are disciples of the gym master.

"I'll choose the hard mode." After complaining a few words in his heart, Tian Ci immediately chose the hard mode. Relying on the restraint of the sluggish attribute, coupled with the long-lasting resilience, it is still possible to fight two.

"Then I'll choose the easy mode~" Although the girl's three elves can restrain the rock-type gymnasiums, there is still a gap between the high-level and the middle-level gyms. To be on the safe side, she still chooses the simple mode. Too concerned.

"I'll choose the simple mode too." Stone doesn't even have an attribute advantage, so of course he won't give away 20 for nothing. He is very poor now, and the marsupial dragon is simply a gold-swallowing beast!

"Okay, please pay the fee, I will help you arrange the Gym Challenge immediately."

"Drip~ Your bank card balance is 487 million~" Now that he had made a decision, Tian Ci immediately took out his bank card to pay, and paid 20.

He also has a bank card with about 200 million yuan on it, which is accumulated from the money Ninghui handed in every month for more than a year.

Why do they need to be separated? It is for easy reconciliation and calculation. All the money that Ninghui will spend on cultivating a family will be paid from this card.

After the three of them paid the money, the reception lady immediately worked in front of the computer for a while, and quickly gave them three receipts.

"Hello, the challenge for the three of you has been arranged, and they are all in venue 6.

It was Ms. Ling first, and it would be her turn in about 20 minutes. After they finished the fight, Mr. Tian Ci was next, and Mr. Shi was the last. "

After handing over the receipt, the front desk also explained it thoughtfully.

"Oh, ok, how can I get to venue 6?"

After receiving the receipt, Tian Ci was about to take someone to the No. 6 venue. Looking at the empty hall, he suddenly realized that he didn't know the way, so he hurried back to ask.

"Oh, I'm sorry, it was my negligence at work, you can see the arrows and slogans on the wall."

Hearing Tian Ci's question, the receptionist immediately admitted his mistake before pointing to the conspicuous label on the wall.

"Uh...Okay, sorry for the trouble." Realizing that he was too impatient and blind just now, Tian Ci thanked him awkwardly, and walked inside following the slogan.

It has to be said that the staff in big cities are different after special training. Just now he was obviously blind, but he still took the mistake on himself at the first time, which formed a sharp contrast with the gymnasium in Qingmu Town.

Because the Aoki Conference is held in gymnasiums, he has also come into contact with the long-term staff in the gymnasium several times. Although there is nothing impolite, it always gives people a feeling of superiority. Maybe this is just a promotion The difference between the Gymnasium family and the Wuneng family, a thousand-year-old family.

"Tata~tat~" When the few people came to the No. 6 field through the contestant passage, they only heard a noisy human voice.

"Why haven't you come yet?"

"Didn't it start around 9:15, what's the hurry?"

"Come on, come on, those few are it!"

"Damn it! Come on! Challenger!"

"Ah! Why are there so many audiences!" Xiao Ling who was walking beside was taken aback by their enthusiasm.

"It should be that the ticket was sold~" Tian Ci said with a little hesitation when he saw someone holding a brand new ticket.

I have to say that this kind of thousand-year-old family is really good at making money. They have found a way to make money for the obligations that gymnasiums like the Challenger League originally had to fulfill.

He guessed that those people were just ordinary people who bought sightseeing tickets. After the gymnasium broadcasted, they bought tickets for the challenge and came here to watch the live game.

 Thank you for the reward of Yunmeng Passing Water yesterday, and I wish myself a happy birthday!

(End of this chapter)

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