Pokemon Poor

Chapter 255 Influence and Training

Chapter 255 Influence and Training

Tianci and the others escaped, but the third house of the Arai family was going crazy.

It turned out that Sanfang sent someone over the next day to discuss the marriage with Tian Ci, but after knocking on the door for a long time, there was no response from inside, and they didn't care at first, thinking that they had gone out for business.

But when he came at night, he found that the door was still closed, which gave him a bad feeling.

"The preparation period was only three days, and I've already told you that it's impossible to go out for a long-term mission." With this in mind, he immediately reported to the person in charge of the third room, Arai Xia.

After hearing this, the middle-aged uncle immediately adjusted the gate of the city and the surveillance cameras on the street. After searching carefully, he found traces of Tian Ci's going out, and found several of them selling the house at the same time in the real estate agency. record of!

"Bang! Damn bastard! How dare you play me! Bang~bang~"

With these records left behind, he immediately understood that Tian Ci and the others should have run away!All of a sudden, anger rushed to his head!

"What's the matter, Father~" At this moment, the girl who heard the smashing sound came in holding a shuttlecock grass. Maybe it was because she was going to get married soon, and she was quite satisfied with the partner, so she was very happy these days. All smiles.

"Bang~ Ryoko, besides kissing, what did that boy Tianji do to you that day in the room!" Seeing his beautiful daughter, he became even angrier, and immediately asked.

"En~ after Tianji-kun kissed me, he also touched me~"

Hearing her father's question, the black long straight girl blushed and answered in a low voice.

"Bastard! Bastard!" Hearing Ryoko's answer, Arai Natsu became even more angry. This is not a matter of pigs beating cabbages!This is the case of the pig stealing the cabbage and leaving a field of rice when it ran away!
"Could it be, Tian Ci-kun?" The girl who had already reacted a little at this time asked anxiously. Of course, she only thought that something happened to Tian Ci, and she never thought that Tian Ci would run away directly.

". That bitch! He ran away! He took the reward and ran away!"

Seeing her worried and anxious daughter, Arai Natsu directly told Ryoko the cruel fact.

"Why, why did he tell me before, and said."

Hearing this news, Ryoko's exquisite little face instantly turned pale, and she muttered to herself.

"It's okay, it's okay, Ryoko, Dad will find you a better one!"

Seeing her distraught daughter, Arai Natsu quickly began to comfort her.

"But, but woo~" Thinking of Tian Ci's words coaxing her in the small room that day, and the hands that kept making troubles, Ryoko cried even more~
".Father, I want to become a real trainer! I want to ask Tian Ji-kun for an explanation! Let me go over there!"

After crying for a while and wiping her tears, Ryoko suddenly said to her father with a resolute face.

"Over there, even if you have a family status over there, it's not peaceful. Liangzi is obedient. Dad will help you find a good husband."

When she heard that her daughter was going there, Arai Natsu's face changed. He only had such a daughter, so she quickly tried to persuade her.

"No, Dad, I know the situation of our lineage, and I have almost emptied out what was left because of this incident.

I'm not just here to ask Tian Ci-kun for an explanation, but also to let them see the sincerity of our lineage. I believe that even if I buy bones for thousands of dollars, I will be safer in the past. "

Seeing her father's worry and anxiety, Ryoko suddenly began to analyze calmly.

As the first daughter of a gym family, even if she is an outcast first daughter, the basic training treatment will not miss her, so she is not the kind of naive young lady.

"Oh~ you've grown up, Liangzi~ I'll let Uncle Dong take you there later."

Seeing the well-organized girl who analyzed it, Arai Natsu was silent for a while, then stroked her daughter's hair in relief, and made a decision.

That's right, Sanfang has already spent all their family assets. As the person in charge of Sanfang, since they haven't recruited an elite seed, let's send their daughter there. He can't always be for his own little family .

"Okay, then we have to work hard, Shuttlecock!"

After getting her father's consent, Ryoko said something to the shuttlecock grass in her arms, and walked out of the room. She was going to the "R" base in the deep forest next.

"Alas~" Looking at the back of the girl leaving, he instantly felt that he was several years old again, and the position of the third-bedroom talker was not so easy to sit.

"Hey~ Dongzi, I want to tell you something, you take Liangzi to go."

After that, Sanfang silently forgot about this matter. Fortunately, this condition was not added to the reward, so most people in the town still didn't know about it, otherwise Sanfang might not be ashamed ah!

Of course, in the eyes of people with a certain status, Sanfang is already disgraced. After all, the general family faction knows about this, but now Sanfang has lost his wife and lost his army!

At that time, Tian Ci was stopped from entering the small room, and Arai Ryoko's disheveled appearance was also passed on by someone with a heart. As for who this person is, it's hard to say~
After all, a family with a certain status knows that a gym is a gym, and the third room is the third room!
This is also the reason why Sanfang pinched his nose and recognized it instead of asking the gymnasium for help, because their lineage (the original Dafang) was really not welcomed by the gymnasium owner.

The people in Sanfang didn't even intend to send family trainers to hunt them down, because in their lineage, only an elite trainer survived, and their lifespan was not long. Unexpectedly, it is estimated that their lineage will be directly defeated by the master of the gymnasium and become a collateral branch, so they dare not gamble.

I can only curse Tian Ci in my heart to die outside sooner. After all, in this era, the death rate of field trips is very high, much higher than the group of trainers who stayed behind and developed.

Therefore, generally, trainers who want to travel will not go out alone, and they will form a team of several people. Even elite trainers will find someone to form a team when exploring unmarked areas in the wild. After all, there are too many accidents. up.

Elites like Tian Ci and the others didn’t make it. They said it was a travel adventure, but they actually walked on the road section detected by the alliance logo. Going to the gym to participate in the Quartz Conference is more like a kind of experience during a real adventure.

At this time, the four of Tian Ci were resting in a hotel in Nibi City. After all, they had traveled all night. Of course, in order to avoid accidents, the hotel he was looking for was a hotel directly under the Wuneng family.

At night, it had been a day since they escaped, and the few people who woke up were discussing the next plan.

"My plan is this. We will stay here for the next few days. Try not to go out for a long time. Wait for 4 to 5 days to see the situation. Anyway, this hotel has a supporting training ground, and we can also train. Get a sprite."

As the instigator of this matter, Tian Ci was the first to reveal his plan. Although according to his analysis, Sanfang should not be so unwise. After all, under the suppression of the gymnasium owner, he can still retain the title of direct descendant for so many years. It should be very tolerant.

But what if he is the last straw that breaks the camel's back and pushes people into a hurry, it's better to be safe!

"Well, I have no objection. It just so happens that my marsh jumping fish also needs training." After giving everything to Tian Ci, Xiaoling certainly would not object, she was the first to agree, and her marsh jumping fish did indeed I just broke through to the ordinary low level in evolution and need to exercise a bit.

"Then I'll train the pouch dragon, but the materials related to the dragon are really expensive!"

Stone didn't have any objections either. It didn't take long for the bag dragon to break through to the normal low level, and last night, he finally swept a batch of dragon-type materials in the town. It just happened to be absorbed by the bag dragon in the past few days.

I have to say that the price of dragon materials is really expensive, not to mention the rarity of purebreds, and they are also very expensive. Stone only received the sharp horn of an ordinary mid-level Hack dragon, so he gave him the No.4 reward of 50 It's over.

As for the mixed-blooded dragon spirit materials, it is not without them, but those with low strength and no bloodline activation have no effect on the bag dragon at this time, and the bloodlined spirit materials must be activated.

Except for those who are gifted, the activated bloodlines are basically high-level, elite-level materials (for example, ordinary small charmanders will only be activated after ordinary high-level charmanders evolve into fire-breathing dragons). Bring it up.

So after raising Pythysaurus, Shishi can be said to be the poorest of the three. After hunting together during the day, he would often venture out hunting by himself at night.

As for the last person, Ning Hui, she would never express any opinion against Tian Ci. In the past two years, she has been trained very well by Tian Ci, honestly, and took good care of Tian Ci's elf.

The strength of the big milk tank has also reached the middle of the ordinary, although the actual combat power may only be at the bottom of the ordinary low, but it is also very good.

The daily milk production can not only supply everyone's elves, but also sell the rest. Of course, Xiaoling and Shitou insist on giving money, including Ninghui's preparation of food for their elves, massage and relaxation, all of which are paid , Tian Ci originally didn't want it, but he insisted on giving it, so he charged a 6-7% discount.

"After all, Brother Tian Ci, you paid for the money you cultivated Ninghui, including the formulas of materials and machines. Basically, you paid for it yourself. Now that you have cultivated it, why do we have the nerve to keep it for nothing~"

These were the original words of the two people at that time. Although one was his woman and the other was his brother, they were both very reasonable.

"Okay, since we all agree, let's go downstairs and train our elves."

Hearing that there was no objection, Tian Ci nodded and led everyone downstairs to the training ground.

"Long Longshi, shoot more accurately, aim and shoot!"

"Haoli, continue chopping with your bare hands!"

"Iron armored rhino, slam!"

It can be seen that although it is night, there are still several people training their elves in the divided training field.

Because it is a hotel directly under the Wuneng family, the entire training ground is quite large. After dividing it into small pieces with special iron nets, there are more than 10 separate training grounds the size of a basketball court.

Because they were all familiar and there was nothing to hide, the four of them opened a training ground.

"Come out, everyone!" Tian Ci shouted and threw 4 poke balls.

"Moo~" "Beep~" "Aoo~" "Jenei~"

In an instant, Tianji's four elves: Koudaihua, Bibibird, Heluga, and Jenny Turtle appeared in front of everyone.

"Kouduhua, the three of you should find a place to train separately, Squirtle, come with me."

Because the other three already have a detailed training plan, Tian Ci only needs to give them a simple instruction, but the Squirtle hasn't formulated it yet, so he has to formulate it separately.

"Moo~ bang bang!" Koudaihua nodded and started its training. The thorn whip in its hand and the seed machine gun in its mouth kept attacking the target it was aiming at.

"Beep beep~hoo~" Bibi Bird entered a state of high-speed movement with a flash of white light on his body, and began to circle around the training ground. (This is its new skill to break through high-level comprehension)
The task Tianji gave it was to prolong the time of high-speed movement as much as possible, and to let the body adapt to the fatigue after high-speed movement.

"Woooooo~shashasha~huhu~" Hei Lujia was running non-stop, and at the same time spit out a fire bomb from his mouth, hitting different targets.

This fire bomb was the first time he participated in the Qingmu Conference and learned it secretly, it is very easy to use!

"Jenny? Jenny?" Jenny followed his trainer and came to the other side in doubt.

This is Xiao Ling's place, and she is also training her elves at this time.

The other two Tianci are already familiar with each other. The mosquito-repellent frog is exercising its body, because Xiaoling has already planned to evolve it into a fast-swimming frog, so a strong body is still necessary.

Hai Xingxing is training his mental strength. It has to be said that with Xiaoling's sufficient superpower resources, this sea star's super power utilization has become proficient, and he feels that his hard power has surpassed that of the mosquito-repellent frog.

"Hey~ Xiaoling, why didn't you see the marsh jumping fish?"

But he didn't see the marsh jumping fish, so he was a little strange, so he asked.

"Oh, it, it's learning mud shooting from brother Shitou's Longlongshi over there~"

After hearing Tian Ci's words, the girl pointed to the corner, where a huge rumbling stone was leading a green-blue marsh jumping fish, launching balls of mud one after another.

"Bang~" It can be seen that the mud shooting power of Longlongshi is really powerful. It hits the special target and directly makes the target shake non-stop.

(Long Longshi knows how to play with mud. You can learn how to shoot rocks by learning how to shoot mud. It makes sense!)
"Bada~" As for the mud shooting that Marsh Leap Fish just realized, it really has no power at all. Although it hits, the mud is still mud, and it can't even make the target shake.

"Hey Cha~cha~" At this time, Longlongshi shook his head at the Marsh Leap Fish, and began to show it how to shoot mud. First, how to shape the mud.
"Magulo~magu" the marsh leap fish nodded repeatedly.

 Thanks to the sunset of the four days yesterday (1500 points), cool color M, and my curiosity (2000 points) for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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