Pokemon Poor

Chapter 253 We are the champions!

Chapter 253 We are the champions!
And Tian Ci has never forgotten that Trumpet Ya was framed by that Arai old man before!

If it weren't for the deep bond between him and Trumpet Ya, plus a little bit of luck, (the summary is that the author hooked up the protagonist) it is estimated that he may still be re-cultivating elves now!

Uncle Sam has cultivated dozens of trumpet buds after getting the evolution plan in the past few years. Unfortunately, all of them failed to evolve and died. In the end, he gave up this evolution plan. Although trumpet buds are cheap, evolution resources are not cheap. !Even if it is an elite class, the consumption of dozens of them is a bit higher.

So now that he has the opportunity to cheat the old man's Sanfang, he will never be soft-hearted.

Xiaoling's third elf is a water jumping fish, while Shishi's third elf is a bag dragon, and he didn't buy it with money, but gave it as a gift during a wild adventure!
That's right, it was given by the female marsupial dragon!This is the first time Tian Ci saw an elf in the wild handing over his child to a human to be raised!

He had always thought that in this real world, this scene in the anime was impossible to appear, but he didn't expect the stone to give him a loud slap in the face!

I heard from Shitou that at that time, the female thylacine had just given birth and was targeted by a group of Radas.

These ubiquitous, bullying mice aimed at the weak postpartum period of the female Thylacidosaurus, and frantically attacked the mother Thyramidosaurus and the two newborn pouches in her pouch.

Although the female Pyramidosaurus has ordinary high-level strength, her strength has declined just after giving birth, and she still has to protect her pouch. In the end, she was no match for four hands, and a few little Lada got into the pregnant baby. Bag, biting a small marsupial.

The bitten mother of the offspring went berserk and returned to the situation for a while, but gradually there were more and more scars on her body. If it continues like this, it is estimated that it will definitely die.

When it was getting more and more desperate, Stone helped it. Perhaps it was the scene of the mother Thylacinosaurus desperately protecting the cubs that moved Stone. With only three elves, he chose to fight against dozens of little Lada and Lada with the mother Thylacinosaurus. Da.

In the end, relying on the excellent defensive power of Longlong Stone, they still survived, but the three elves of Shishi himself (Longlong Stone + 2 Chuanshan King) were also scarred.

However, he didn't go to treat his elves immediately. Instead, he treated the female marsupial and the injured little marsupial first, and then sprayed his three elves with medicine.

In this way, the eyes of the female pouchosaurus looking at the stone almost melted. When saying goodbye, she left a small pouchosaurus with the best qualifications and gave it to him to raise. After cultivating to the normal level, he also awakened the genetic skill--Dragon Claw! (I know it’s now called Marsupial, but Marsupial’s move list has a dragon-type move called Reverse Scale, so I think it has dragon blood, so let’s call it back to the original Marsupial.

And Nilin knows it, this dragon blood concentration is higher than the same kind, so it should be reasonable to have the basic dragon claw move! )

This made Tian Ci wonder if Shitou was the protagonist in this original world. After all, the village was destroyed, both parents died, and he was bullied since he was a child. This life experience is much more miserable than his!

And this is already the second elf that took the initiative to vote. Although the first mouse's innate aptitude is not very good, but he is willing to endure hardship and work hard to death! (Now the mice with Liangzhong qualification are stronger than the rats with Liangshang qualification!)
The second marsupial dragon has excellent qualifications and a high concentration of dragon blood!You must know that many small charmanders with elite qualifications may not be able to learn dragon claws when they evolve into fire dinosaurs! (Refer to the Fire Dinosaur of Cree before the Aoki Conference)

According to Tian Ci's speculation, the aptitude of this marsupial dragon will definitely not stagnate at the good level. With the discovery of the blood of the dragon, it will naturally be upgraded to the elite qualification. The probability of being an elite is not the end.

In this comparison, although the resources that Tian Ci possesses, elves are better than stones for the time being, but how many times Tian Ci risked his life and how long did he work to get it!
"Ah ╯﹏╰" Thinking of the strong marsupial, Tian Ci looked enviously at the stone next to him. The only thing he is better than the two of them now is that the Rockets can exchange for the secret version of the cultivation cheats.

Next, the three of them took part in their last meeting step by step, and when they got home at night, they secretly packed their things.

Time passed in a blink of an eye, and finally came to the final on the third day. The competition between Xiaoling and Shitou was over. Xiaoling took the third place, and Shitou took the fourth place. Great progress.

After all, their other two elves have reached the senior middle level. Perhaps influenced by Tian Ci, they also started to spend a lot of money a year ago. I want to improve the strength of the initial elves as soon as possible. After this, the Rumbling Stone/Mosquito Frog is actually very close to the ordinary high level.

In addition, this year there was only Tian Ci as a high-level trainer, so it would be stable. The second place Xiaoling lost to was also because the opponent had an electric elf, and the marsh jump fish had not yet grown up, so he lost.

However, this second family faction trainer is really vulnerable in front of Tian Ci. The combat power of the high ranks is indeed different from that of the middle and low ranks. Within a few minutes, Tian Ci swept the opposing team with a single mouth The three elves, Koudaihua with a lot of restorative moves, even have more than half of their physical strength after three battles.

"Taji! Tadaji!"

"The light of the common people!"

"I knew that we civilians will never be slaves!"

"Tianci! Break through the elite as soon as possible!"

"Taji! Tadaji!"

When he won the championship of the Aoki Conference, the entire venue was cheering his name, maybe it was infected by the atmosphere of the scene, maybe it was the pride of being a commoner!
But no matter what it is, the glory of this moment belongs to Tianji and Koudaika!
"Moomoo! ωmoo!" Kou Daihua knew that he had won the championship for Tian Ci!It was also dancing excitedly, two thick green vines wrapped around Tian Ci, lifting him high!

"Moo Moo! Moo Moo!" Tianji, Tianji, I did it, I helped you get your first championship!

It has never forgotten that when it was born not long ago, Tianji made an agreement with it: we will stand on the highest podium together!

Although this is only the championship of a small town, I will help Tianji, start from the small town, let our name resound throughout the league, let more people cheer for us, let Tianji stand on the quartz plateau, stand On top of that podium!
"Bang~bang~" At this time, two red lights flashed, as if feeling the excitement of Tian Ci and Koudaihua, Bibi Bird and Hei Lujia ran out of the poke balls at their waists.

"Beep beep~" Tian Ci!Tianci!Bibi Bird hovered above Tian Ci's head, cheering for Tian Ci with joy in his mouth.

"Wow~Wow~" Hei Lujia squatted beside Tian Ci, and after a long howl, he spat out sparks one after another from his mouth, blooming in the sky above the venue, like beautiful fireworks.

 This is the end of this volume, because such a thing as the main job, I actually thought that I would end it here, and it makes people very tired!But think about it or finish it!There are still a lot of foreshadowings that are well thought out, and the battle for hegemony is not written. Smart readers should be able to see that the Rockets seem to be secretly accumulating strength to do big things. This is a very important main line in the future.

  I feel a bit rushed at the end of this volume. In fact, if I really write in detail, I can write about 20 more words, such as Ninghui’s journey of cultivating a family, the details of subduing Jiang Qikui as a helper on the dark side, and Hei Lujia’s daily interactions. Wait, but it seems that it is not good to have almost 100 million words not out of the town, and it may make you feel boring, always in one place, so I still skipped the timeline, and many event details have been brought over.

(End of this chapter)

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