Pokemon Poor

Chapter 246 Top 4!

Chapter 246 Top 4!
As for Koudaihua's counterattack, Iron Armored Rhino just blocked it with rocks, and was immediately hit by successive seed machine guns.

The main reason is that the combination skill Rock Rain used to consume too much energy.

"Huha~papapa~huh~(_)" The armored rhinoceros was hit by flames many times in the last game, and now it has been hit by multiple seed machine guns and vine whips one after another, and finally fell to the ground unable to hold on.

"Why is that dumb flower so resistant!"

Seeing Koudaihua who still had the strength to attack, Kerry gritted his teeth and said something.

"Contestant Tianji won this battle, contestant Kerry, please send the third elf as soon as possible!"

The referee didn't care so much. Seeing the armored rhino fell to the ground, he immediately asked the defeated side to send out a third elf as soon as possible.

"Go, Flying Mantis!" Taking the armored rhino back, he immediately replaced the last elf.

"Cha~" As soon as Flying Mantis appeared on the stage, he swung his swords at Kou Duanhua.

"It's the flying mantis again, it's a flower, it's growing!"

Seeing the green fighter full of fighting spirit like last time, Tian Ci let Koudaihua improve himself first.

"Moo Moo (_)" the green light on Kou Dahua's body flashed, and the status improvement was completed.

"Flying Mantis, high-flash state, charge up and slash!"

Seeing that Koudaihua completed the first attack, Kerry immediately ordered Flying Mantis to make a quick victory.

"唦特~唰唰~唰~" The figure of the flying mantis ran quickly, and after a while, it seemed to teleport, and the distance was shortened a lot with a flash.

"Sure enough, the direct line of the family is the direct line of the family, that bug catcher will know it, so will he~"

Seeing the flashing flying mantis, Tian Ci rubbed his nose, feeling very envious.

For a direct lineage of a family with money and resources, it is not too easy to acquire some useful cultivation experience from ordinary people.

For ordinary people, these cultivation experiences are originally resources that can be exchanged, so it doesn't matter if they are sold to the direct family members with higher prices, who would have trouble with money!
After a while, the double knives of the Flying Mantis were very close to the mouth, and the dazzling white light all showed the sharpness of its two knives!
"Koudaihua, sweet aroma!" At this time, Tian Ci gave the order to Koudaihua.

That's right, in the recent period of time, although Koudaihua's strength has not improved to a high level, it has improved a lot, and she has also comprehended a new move.

"Shushasha~" The leaves of the Koudai flower immediately exuded a very sweet scent, which was fatally attractive to most elves, and the flying mantis was no exception.

"He special~" The hands that were about to wave suddenly stopped, and the Flying Mantis showed a very enjoyable expression.

"Now, Venom Machine Gun!" Seeing that the Flying Mantis was hit, Tian Ci immediately let Kou Duanhua attack.

"Moo~咻咻咻~" Koudaihua agreed, and immediately spit out light purple poisonous bullets from her mouth.

These venom bullets are not only dissolving liquid, but also mixed with hypnotic powder, paralyzing powder, and poison powder, so the color is light purple.

"Bang bang bang~hiss~hiss~" One after another, the poisonous bullets hit the flying mantis's body and sputtered away. The strong corrosiveness made the flying mantis' body start to emit white smoke.

"Hey! Hey!" Flying Mantis instantly felt severe pain all over his body, and a tingling sensation slowly spread from the wound to his whole body. It was poisoned!

"Insidious! Don't use such a small trick if you have the ability!"

"Flying Mantis, stand up!"

"I put 20 on you!"

"That's the level of genius of the Asada family!"

"Garbage! Garbage!"

The tragic situation of Flying Mantis was projected on the big screen. Seeing this scene, even ordinary people who don't know much about battles can understand that Flying Mantis is dead. The audience who were originally optimistic about Kerry couldn't help but curse.

Although most of them don't know how to fight elves, Flying Mantis knows a thing or two. Flying Mantis is strong in speed and attack power. There is no doubt that it is an assassin-type elf!

Now that it is poisoned, the assassin's most critical speed is gone, so it will be useless!
It's like many people don't know much about common cars, but they know some basics of Rolls-Royce.

"Hahaha, I just said that those families are just as good as they are!"

"Shut up! Defeat the Flying Mantis!"

"Taji! Tadaji!"

"come on!"

Contrary to the beginning, the voices of the speculators, who originally only accounted for a small part, began to grow louder, and for a while the entire venue was filled with cheers from Tian Ci.

"md! Flying Mantis stands up, try to flash again!"

Seeing this scene, Kerry knew that he was almost doomed, but he still had a chance.

"Cha~" Flying Mantis stood up straight and began to mobilize energy.

"唰~唦特~" After only moving a short distance, it had to stop, and the state of high-speed movement was directly interrupted by the toxin.

"Koudaihua, continue to poison the machine gun!" Seeing the flying mantis that could no longer move at high speed, Tian Ci was overjoyed, and immediately let Koudaia beat the dog in the water.

"咻咻咻~" Koudaihua's eyes lit up, and immediately continued to fire purple poisonous bullets from its mouth. It didn't expect that it would be so lucky that the poisonous bullets would trigger the poisoning effect.

"Bang bang bang~" The paralyzed Flying Mantis couldn't even do basic resistance, and could only watch the poisonous bullet hit him.

"Ah! Cha~" The Flying Mantis, who was knocked to the ground again, let out a cry of pain. The corrosive venom really hurts!
". Referee, I choose to admit defeat!" Seeing this scene, Kerry clenched his fists tightly, and finally raised his right hand helplessly, and shouted at the referee.

"The game is over! Please stop the elves from both sides!"

Hearing Kerry admit defeat, the referee quickly stopped the game.

"Moo~" Koudaihua also dissipated the poisonous bullet in front of her mouth.

Wada has lived in human society for so long, and he can understand some simple human languages!

"I announce that this match will be won by Aoki Taji! Congratulations to Tianji for entering the semi-finals!"

Seeing Koudaihua stop, the referee immediately announced the result of the game loudly through the horn.

"Brother Tian Ci! Brother Tian Ci!"

"Dark horse! Dark horse!"

"Taji Aoki! I love you!"

"Come on! Aokitaji!"

After hearing the result of the game, bursts of cheers broke out in the stands.

"Come back, Koudaihua." After enjoying the glory of the winner, he took Kouduhua back and walked outside.

"Brother Tian Ci, this is your bank card. There are 320 million in the card now! Thanks to you, I have also made a lot of money, hahaha~"

As soon as she came out, she saw Xiaoling and Shitou waiting at the entrance. As soon as Xiaoling saw Tian Ci, she handed over a bank card with joy on her face.

"Yeah, I also earned a lot, thank you Brother Tianci~"

Shi Shi also smiled foolishly at this time, he also invested all his net worth and made a lot of money.

"Well, don't blindly trust me now. I vote for whoever I say, and I'm not sure at this point. If I meet those two high-level trainers, I guess I will definitely lose."

Taking the bank card, Tian Ci also said with a smile on his face, there is nothing more precious than money in this world, especially for him now.

"Yeah, I understand." Both Xiaoling and Shitou nodded.

"Let's go, I'll go to heal the elves first, the next round will start in an hour, and it's time to eat after the fight."

Seeing that both of them nodded, Tian Ci went to the medical area first, recovered the elves, and then took the three of them back to the rest area, waiting for the announcement of the next match.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, and the opponents for the next match were also announced. Except for what he thought, the two high-level trainers and one middle-level trainer were shortlisted for the semi-finals.

Unsurprisingly, he was going to fight a high-level trainer, and another mid-level trainer was also fighting a high-level trainer, which made him wonder if there was something shady.

He originally thought that if the two high-ranking players met in advance, they might still be able to compete for No. 2, but now it seems that there is no chance at all.


However, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat. With the idea of ​​seeing high-level combat power, he went to this game.

In the end, he lost completely. According to the profile of the 24-year-old high-level trainer, the trump card is a finally evolved Yusanjia-Shuijian turtle.

At the beginning of the psychological game, he lost the bet. Hei Lujia was directly laid down by the water arrow turtle three or two times. Played the opponent's first sprite.

Then he was easily defeated by Electric Shock Beast, and really earned 1 with tears in his eyes.

When we had lunch together at noon, Xiao Ling and Shi Shi specially comforted him several times, telling him not to worry about it.

The first game in the afternoon is also his game. He will compete with another mid-level trainer for No.3. Although the prize money of No.4 is the same as that of No.3, there is no second-generation illustrated book!

The market price of second-hand second-generation illustrated books is generally 50, which is equivalent to No. 4 getting 50, and No. 3 getting 100 million. Of course, it has to be fought.

In the afternoon game, fortunately, he won the first psychological game. The opponent sent Long Longshi, and he sent Koudaihua.

If he hadn't done the opposite and sent Bibi Bird or Heluga, he would have lost the game.

Relying on the huge attribute advantage in the first game, he took down the Rumbling Stone almost without injury, and then relied on three elves to fight two elves, and successfully won No.3.

With 50 cash + the second-generation illustration book in hand, and his betting, because he was not too sure, he only bet 200 million on himself in this game, and the odds were 1 to 1.5, which means he made a profit of 100 million.

After getting his No.3 reward, he sold the first-generation illustrated book to Shi Shi at a reserve price of 20. Shi Shi originally planned to buy one at tonight's auction.

After all, the three of them don't get together often, and he sometimes does tasks alone. At this time, it is more convenient to have an illustrated book to test his aptitude for subduing elves.

Calculated in this way, Tian Ci's current assets are extremely strong, with a bank account balance of 471 million, a second-generation illustrated book, 1807 points of alliance merit, and 600 points contributed by the Rockets. Oh!Almost forgot, there is also a maid with big breasts!
When he won No.3, a member of Soya's family called, and after exchanging business with him, he very friendly said that Soya Ninghui, the maid, already belonged to Tianji completely.

Of course, Tianji also promised to help the Kongya family if he "does what he can", and the Kongya family will give rewards every time!
To put it simply, through Ninghui, the maid, the Kongya family and Tianci barely got in touch, and the initiative within their capabilities was also in Tianci's hands. Whether they helped or not, and how much they were paid, mainly depended on Tianci's intentions.

"Let's go, watch the match between commoner geniuses and family geniuses, and see who is better!"

After finishing everything, Tian Ci took Xiao Ling and Shi Shi to the No. 1 battle field. Although the game hadn't started yet, the whole stand was already full of people. After all, it was the championship match!
It didn't take long for the most dazzling genius of the civilians - Ling Qi, and the first genius of the family faction - Akiyama Arlo to appear on the stage one by one. When they appeared, the stands were full of shouts and cheers.

"Rabbit Arlo! I will definitely surpass you!"

Seeing the trainer with the evil rabbit mask, Tian Ci clenched his fists, secretly cheering himself up.

That's right, the first genius of this family faction is the one who easily defeated him. Because he likes to wear a ferocious rabbit mask, he has the nickname Rabbit!

But these rabbits are not those docile and cute little white rabbits. Arlo's style is the same as the mask he wears, which is fierce and aggressive!
Even the water arrow turtle has been trained by him to be a fierce fort.

In the next battle, there was a lot of back and forth. Both sides had only the last elf left. The rest on Qi's side was his original elf—the giant claw crab. Because of its outstanding defense power, it is almost complete now fighting power.

But what surprised Tianji was that the third elf sent by Arlo turned out to be a ghost-type elf—Ghoststone!
This made Tian Ci somewhat understand why Arlo's style was so cruel and vicious.

This kind of ghost elves will indeed have a little impact on the character of the trainer over the years.

Especially for ordinary people who don't have the special talent to control ghosts, even if they have completely mastered the ghost-type elves, the subtle passive influence cannot be avoided.

In the following battle, it can be said that Ghost Stone is playing with giant claw crabs. Yes, it is "playing" in Tianji's view!
Relying on the speed of ghost-type spirits, coupled with unimaginable skills, it is completely pressing the giant claw crab to fight again, and Arlo also taught Ghost Stone the electric-type moves!
"Bang~" Sure enough, it didn't take long for Ghost Stone, who was tired of playing, to knock the giant claw crab to the ground.

"I declare that the champion of this competition is Yaluo from the Akiyama family!"

"Yallo! Yalo!"

"Rabbit number one! Rabbit!"

When Yaluo won, the audience cheered his name, and Miss Junsha also awarded him a trophy and accepted him as an apprentice.

However, No.2's deed is not unacceptable. He is also a high-level trainer under the age of 25, and he was taken in by the Joey family.

As for Tian Ci’s No.3, no one remembers it at all. After all, high-level talent still needs time and resources to accumulate. To recruit a mid-level talent requires a lot of resources to train to high-level. Home is more cost-effective.

A trainer who can rely on himself in his 20s to a high level has a better chance of breaking through the elite than a trainer who relies on a lot of resources.

 Thank you for the reward yesterday from Liger, please also ask for a wave of recommendation tickets and monthly tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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