Pokemon Poor

Chapter 244 Compromise and 8 into 4

Chapter 244 Compromise and Eight into Four
After a night of flirting, Tian Ci slept in this small house until dawn, not because he felt sorry for Ning Hui, but because tomorrow's game didn't start until 9:30 in the morning.

As for Ninghui, since she had already said that she wanted to plant a spiritual contract, there was no need for these gentle tricks.

Of course, I feel so in my heart, and of course I don't need to say it out of my mouth.

Anyway, Ning Hui was a little moved. Before Tian Ci released her, she left her alone and went back by herself. It was the first time that she could stay with her tonight.

The night passed quickly. In the morning, Tian Ci got dressed under the service of Ning Hui, and had a simple breakfast with the elves before heading to the gymnasium.

At 9:10 in the morning, he saw Xiao Ling and Shi Shi waiting anxiously at the entrance of the gymnasium.

"Brother Tian Ci, where have you been? I went to your house this morning to see if you were not home?" Xiao Ling asked as soon as they met.

"I'm sorry, I made you worry. I got up early in the morning, and a small family contacted me, saying that they were optimistic about me and wanted to invest, so I went to their place in the morning to see the conditions~"

When Tian Ci heard Xiaoling's questioning, he couldn't help but feel caught. His brain was running fast, and finally he decided to tell them about Ninghui. Of course, the explanation must be changed.

He thought about it, since he decided to take Ning Hui as the logistics support staff in the team, there must be two people who can't get around, so let's give them a vaccination first.

"Then what conditions did they offer? Brother Tian Ci?"

After Shitou heard this, he was very happy for Tian Ci, so he asked a question.

"Eh~ let's go in first, talk while walking,"

Looking at the increasing number of people around, Tian Ci was afraid that there would be too many people, so he signaled to enter the gymnasium.

"Tatatata~ That small family wanted me to be married at the beginning. A very beautiful daughter of the family, plus a high-level nurturing cheat book and a basic "Body Exercise Art", oh, I almost forgot, There is also a full set of resources for elf cultivation."

Walking down the aisle, Tatsumi began to tell the two half-truths he had made up.

"Then, then~ Brother Tian Ci, did you agree~" Xiaoling became very nervous when she heard the beginning, raised her delicate face, and asked Tian Ci anxiously with light blue pupils.

"Haha~ Based on your current strength and potential in the future, Brother Tian Ci, how could a woman be able to tie me down, and we have already practiced the "Exercise Exercise", and Shitou and I both There are advanced cheats, so of course I refused this condition."

Seeing the nervous look of the girl, Tanagi laughed, stroked her long blue hair, and replied.

"Well, it's just a beautiful woman. I believe Brother Tian Ci will definitely be promoted to the elite in the future. At that time, it will be the same as Team Sam. Some people send beautiful maids home."

Looking at Xiao Ling who was restless and nervous, Shi Shi also suddenly interjected, not knowing if he saw something, so he chimed in.

"Enen, brother Tian Ci, you must not agree to this condition of marrying in. For you, there will be more beautiful women in the future."

Xiaoling felt the big warm hand on her head, and immediately expressed her point of view.

"Phew~ It seems that Xiaoling herself is not against the idea of ​​opening a harem, but I think too much. Also, this world is not monogamous. There are maids. It is common for powerful trainers to have many women. The phenomenon."

Hearing the girl's words, Tian Ci breathed a sigh of relief. In the final analysis, the Three Views of the previous life had a slight influence on him, so he tried Xiaoling a little.

"Well, their first condition is also to test me, and then the second condition is the real plan. It is about getting married. I don't need to marry, but I need to take out three mid-stage cultivation cheats as a gift. The woman's dowry is still Those above."

After the trial was over, Tian Ci began to say the second plan, to see how Xiaoling accepted this condition.

"No, I can't~ Brother Tian Ci, they just want the cultivation cheats of your three elves!

And for the wife, let's wait until the elite level to decide, only then can this position bring you greater help, Brother Tian Ci! "

When Xiaoling heard about the marriage, her reaction became a little stronger, and she immediately began to refute with reason.

"Well, I think what Xiaoling said makes sense. Brother Tian Ci, it is actually not difficult for us to collect high-level cheats now. There is no need to give the position of wife to a small family that does not even have elites. If it is a concubine or a maid It can be considered."

Stone touched his chin, and gave his opinion pertinently.

"Yes, I have considered what you said, so I did not agree to this condition.

The final plan we negotiated was just like what Shishi said, they gave me a girl from the side line of the family as a maid, and I helped their family a few times as much as I could after I became stronger. "

Tian Ci saw the reaction of the two people in his eyes, and followed Shitou's words to tell the final truth.

"I didn't agree, that's okay~" Xiao Ling was quite happy when she heard the first half of Tian Ci's words.

"So Brother Tian Ci, you have hired a maid~" But after hearing the second half of the sentence, the girl's expression became a little bit down again.

However, because of the foreshadowing of the previous two times, and the prevalence of the maid system in this world, she finally didn't say anything and acquiesced.

"A maid only changes a few shots. It seems that this family is really not very good."

Shi Shi was a little puzzled, so he asked directly as he was going straight.

"Well, do you still remember the Kuya family who have been selling shops and property some time ago, this is the family.

It is said that some time ago, the family's high-level combat power was almost wiped out, and it was the gift of Uncle Sam and several other top families, as well as many maids, that finally preserved the family's name.

They also agreed to this plan because of my potential and my good relationship with Uncle Sam. "

Regarding Shitou's doubts, Tian Ci simply explained clearly to the two of them, so as to avoid misunderstandings in the future.

"Besides, this maid once worked in the elf center, and she has a good reserve of elf knowledge. I also plan to add a logistics support staff to our team, so I agreed.

We only have two or three elves now, and the daily feeding costs a lot. It seems that there will be a spiritual contract for sale tonight. I am going to shoot one, plant a contract for her, and then train her into a half-nurturing, half-assisting trainer . "

After finishing his arrangement in one breath, Tian Ci stopped, looked at the two seriously, and waited for their opinions.

"Well, I'm fine." Shitou nodded indifferently.

"So that's the case, then, then~ Then I don't have any objections."

After Xiaoling heard it clearly, she automatically thought that Tian Ci accepted the maid for the sake of team development, so she hesitated for a while, and nodded her head readily.

"Well, let's meet tonight~"

Seeing Xiaoling nodding, Tian Ci understood that he had already taken the first step in the harem, and maybe under the stimulation of Ninghui, Xiaoling would become more active, maybe hehehe

As for Xiao Ling, after getting along for so long, Tian Ci still decided to accept her, especially after having tasted it in Ning Hui, he was not going to let go of this beautiful girl who was always in love with him. .

Before, he specifically dragged Captain Okamoto to ask, what happened to the experimental subject sent there?

The answer Captain Okamoto gave him was that he had died a long time ago, and the body had been dismembered and disposed of in a piecemeal manner.

So he is relieved of this hidden danger, and the girl is naturally extraordinary, and her temperament is maturing day by day. If she is not turned into "one of her own", Tian Ci is really worried that she will run away!
Having settled the matter satisfactorily, Tian Ci started chatting with the two of them about other things, while waiting for the start of the game.

"Contestant Aokitaji, please go to venue 2!"

"Contestant Aokitaji, please go to venue 2!"

"Contestant Aokitaji, please go to venue 2!"

Within a few minutes, his name was called on the radio.

After some verification, Tian Ci and his opponent stood on both sides of the No. 2 field.

"Dear viewers, welcome to the 8-in-4 knockout round, first let me introduce two young opponents!

The first person standing on my left is Kerry Asada, the contemporary genius trainer of the Asada family!

Then standing on my right is another dark horse in the civilian training family, only 16-year-old Tanagi Aoki! "

Unlike the unknown passers-by before, on the last day of the top 8, everyone standing here has a strong name and surname.

Of course, even if you don't have one, you can install one on the spot. For example, Tian Ci's title is the civilian dark horse, although Tian Ci feels a little awkward.

"Asada! Asada!"

"Kerry, go!"

"Dark horse, dark horse!"

"Tian Ci! Fuck that genius to death, I bought you 20!"

"Come on! For the honor of the Asada family!"

After the referee finished introducing the two, the cheers and cheers from both sides in the stands rang out.

It is worth mentioning that from the top 8 onwards, gymnasiums will start betting on winning or losing, with the reputation of the three major forces as guarantee.

When the opponent is determined, the market will be opened, and the market will be closed as soon as the players of both sides enter the field. In fact, there is only 10 minutes for betting.

At that time, Tian Ci was still waiting in the player area, so he entrusted Xiaoling to help him bet in advance. With a bank balance of 207 million, he invested 200 million in and bet on him to win. The odds were 1 to 1.6, that is, It means that if he wins, he will get 320 million with the principal, which means he has earned 120 million.

The odds must be high for him, which means that most people should not be optimistic about him. In fact, he is also the genius of the Asada family. Although he is only a middle-level trainer, his elves are rare and powerful.

Because he is a direct descendant of the four major families, it is said that he is still the son of the contemporary patriarch, so his initial elf is a fire dinosaur from one of the three imperial families, with elite qualifications and middle-level strength.

The other elf was the Flying Mantis he had fought against before, and he also had good aptitude.

The last one is the armored rhinoceros, which acts as a defensive elf. Although it is only a regular good talent, it is said that its defense power has been cultivated to be outstanding.

As for where this information comes from, the world will never lack those who smell business opportunities. As early as yesterday, the 8 people who were promoted, the information was compiled into a booklet and sold, 5 yuan per copy, Xiao Ling When I came across it first, I bought a copy for him to read.

Fortunately, because he usually doesn't go to the elf center for treatment, and he hasn't told others about his elf aptitude, and he is not well-known at all, so although there are mouthful flowers, Bibi bird, and Hei Lu in the brochure. He added strength information, but no qualification statement, which made him breathe a sigh of relief.

And it was precisely because the opponent was ranked as the trainer who was also in the middle, so he handed over the bank card to Xiaoling, let her bet for him, and forced him to give it a shot.

If 8 enters 4 and loses, then he will not only lose 200 million but also give a set of high-level cheats for free.

Of course, Tian Ci dared to bet such a big bet with some certainty, because the flying mantis and the armored rhinoceros were restrained by his elves, and his opponent did not have elves that could fly in the air for a long time, so he felt that there was still hope. .

However, this odds and the voice of most people on the scene gave him a realistic slap in the face. Most people are more optimistic about Kerry Asada, who is stronger than him.

Because most of the people present are ordinary people, it may seem to them that being two years older than Tian Ci means that they have accumulated deeper in the middle stage.

Moreover, today's game rules, compared to yesterday's tactics, actually pay more attention to the struggle of hard power.

"This battle adopts a 3v3 mode. In the first match, both sides send elves at the same time to attack! The victor cannot take back the elves. In the second match, the victor will go first. The rules for subsequent matches are the same as the second match."

After cheering and shouting, the referee announced today's 3v3 rules aloud.

This rule seems to only add one game to 2v2, but it should be noted that the first game is to send elves to attack at the same time!At the beginning, you can't rely on attributes to gain an advantage.

In other words, the first match was a battle of strength and psychology. Tian Ci believed that the trainers who had reached this point could not have read the information booklet, so they must be speculating on each other about the starting elves.

"What should I send? Or Bibi?"

Just like now, Tian Ci no longer has the heart to listen to the referee's nonsense. He has already figured out the rules of the battle. He originally decided that it would be safest to send Bibi Bird in the first game.

But he was afraid that his opponent would guess his starting lineup, so he sent Iron Rhino. The booklet specifically said that Iron Rhino was specially trained by Kerry to deal with flying elves. Very high!

If this is the case in the first game, then Bibi Bird is equivalent to giving it for nothing. Even if he wins the Iron Armored Rhino in the second game by sending out Dumber, then he is not sure that he will win the opponent with Dumber and Hei Lujia later on. .

After all, it will not be easy for Koudaihua to defeat the armored rhinoceros, and Heiluga has just broken through to the middle stage not long ago. Let alone comparing with Kerry's three elves, even comparing with Bibibird and them, the energy level is also a little worse Small cut, this small cut is likely to be the key to the outcome of the game!
You must know that Kerry's three elves were at the middle level last year.

"I said that at the beginning, both players were asked to send elves at the same time. Those who did not send elves will be directly judged as losers in the first game, and one elf battle quota will be removed."

No matter how much Tian Ci struggled in his heart, the referee had reached the end of his words.

"The game begins!" As the referee's voice fell, Tianji and his opponent threw the poke ball at the same time.

 This psychological game is actually very important. Who guessed whose mind?

  Thanks to the sunset of yesterday's four days (1500 points), and the two book friends of Yunmeng Passing Water for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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