Pokemon Poor

Chapter 241 I am the protagonist!

Chapter 241 I am the protagonist!

"Pika~Chu!" Pikachu immediately gathered all the energy, and at the same time, the energy in the electric ball surged out.

"Shua~" In the blink of an eye, a huge bolt of lightning hit Kou Daihua's body.

"呵呵~moo! Zizi~moo~" Moutaihua was shocked by the electric shock, and let out a burst of screams!
"Kouduhua! Do your best to use recovery moves!"

Tianji has no good way to do this, he can only gamble, Pikachu's [-] volts cannot defeat Kouduhua at once.

In fact, the [-] volts of this Pikachu did not reach what it should be, because the overall energy is not enough, even if the energy of the electric beads is added, it cannot compare with the elite-level energy.

One hundred thousand volts is a blood move of the Pikachu family, but it is generally learned after breaking through the elite.

Although this Pikachu has learned the attack method of 4 volts, the energy of the electric system is not enough, so it can only be counted as 5 to [-] volts.

"噗嗤~" Koudaihua used the rooting move and inserted the roots into the ground.

"Zizi~Zi~" The electric current was instantly guided into the ground along with the roots.

"Moomoo?" Koudaihua was a little surprised, it just wanted to use its roots to absorb energy, why does the current seem to be exported now?
Although its body is still in pain when the current passes through it, at least it won't cause damage to it all the time in its body.

"Moo Moo, Moo Moo Moo." Kou Duahua was still yelling in pain on the surface, but what he said was "My roots are conducting electricity, Tian Ci! I can hold on!"

Anyway, it is impossible to meet someone who is a doctor of language, and can understand what it says without relying on a contract, so it doesn't matter.

"Good job, Kouduhua, you can pretend to be dying later, let that Pikachu approach you, and then grab it and use the suction to recover yourself!"

Tian Ci had a contract, so he understood. Of course, he was still yelling in pain on the surface, "Kudaihua, hold on! Hold on! Koudaihua!"

Including Xiao Ling and Shi Shi on the platform, they all looked solemnly at the mouthless flower hit by one hundred thousand volts.

"Happy mouth! Come on!" Among them, Xiao Ling had tears in her beautiful eyes. She thought of the tragedy of her mosquito-repellent frog. The mosquito-repellent frog was burnt black when it fell to the ground.

"Second it! Second it!"

"Pikachu, invincible!"

"Tomo Endo, go!"

On the contrary, most of the audience became excited when they saw the scene of another instant kill.

After a while, the one hundred thousand volt attack ended.

"Pika~pi~" Pikachu touched his forehead weakly, it felt that the electrical energy in his body had been hollowed out, and only a little normal play energy was left to support it.

On the other side, Koudaihua had been burnt to a yellowish color, and her whole body was smoking.

Just when the referee thought the outcome had been decided, Hua Hua suddenly yelled


"Huh? You haven't lost your ability to fight yet! Your blood bar is quite thick, but what else can you do?"

"Hey! That one over there, don't you admit defeat?"

Endo Satoshi also noticed that Kudaihua opened his eyes again, was surprised, and then yelled at Tianji, the referee also turned his head to look at Tianji, asking for his opinion.

"Moomoo! Shoo~" At this time, Koudaihua, who had already been ordered secretly, acted in a fake manner. It shook its head, and then spit out a seed machine gun from its mouth.

"Pa-ta~" It's a pity that it was still some distance away from Pikachu and fell to the ground weakly.

"Hahaha! I'm dying of laughter~ That seed machine gun with a dumb mouth is still powerful!"

"Hahaha~ Admit defeat early!"

"Hurry up and send it to treatment! Weak chicken!"

The other spectators in the stands also saw this scene, and immediately burst into laughter, and one by one began to laugh at Dumbfounded.

"They! They! It's too much!" Seeing Kou Dua Hua's miserable state, and hearing the other people beside her laughing at Kou Dua Hua, Xiao Ling couldn't help but burst into anger, and immediately wanted to find them an argument!
"Don't stop, Xiao Ling, although the words are a bit harsh, but I think brother Tian Ci wants to send Kou Daihua to treatment as soon as possible, so there is no point in making Kou Daihua stubborn.

Didn't you tell me that if your mosquito-repellent frogs were not delivered early, there would be permanent losses? "

Seeing this, Shi Shi hurriedly stopped Xiao Ling and explained.

"Brother Stone! It's true to say that, but they shouldn't laugh so brazenly!"

After Xiaoling listened, she still said angrily.

"Don't worry, Brother Tian Ci's mentality is much stronger than ours, and these gossips won't disturb him.

You see, isn't Brother Tian Ci's face very calm, maybe there is another way to fight back. "

Regarding Shitou's response, Tian Ci had no choice but to lift it out, signaling her to go and see Tian Ci first.

"." Xiao Ling heard the sound and found that Brother Tian Ci seemed to have moved his lips, but he didn't take back his mouth.

"Shouldn't have conceded defeat. Could it be that Brother Tian Ci really has something to do?" Xiao Ling only hated herself for not being able to speak with lips, otherwise she would have known what happened.

This is not the most important match, and it will not be transcribed live on the big screen in the venue with sound at all, so most of the audience can only watch the live picture.

back to the battlefield

"I respect Koudaihua's opinion. Since it wants to fight, let it fight and fight with dignity."

Tianji's response to the referee and the opponent was this sentence.

"In this case, Pikachu will give it the last [-]%! Hit!" (Pikachu will have a flash of lightning, so it makes sense to hit it! My understanding is that the impact plus a very fast speed is the flash of lightning, and the two are advanced. Relationship.)
Tomo Endo didn't say anything when he heard the words, and let Pikachu hit the end. This kind of iron-headed and passionate idiot has always been regarded as a negative teaching material in the family school.

It's not that he doesn't want to use long-range attacks, but Pikachu's long-range moves are all electric moves, but now the electric energy in his body has been exhausted. The first electric shock, then the electric ball flash, and the last one hundred thousand volts, this set Come down, Pikachu really wouldn't be able to survive if it wasn't for the electric beads.

Without the electric energy in the body as a primer, even if there is still energy in the electric beads, it can only be used to slowly absorb and restore itself.

"Pika~TaTaTa~" After hearing the order, Pikachu weakly mobilized the little general-type energy in his body, and started to slam into Koudaihua.

From its point of view, this dumb flower has already lost, and it has to fight hard, making it want to try again.

"Pickup~" You don't know that it's hard to run out of energy!

"Shua Shua~" When Pikachu ran close, Koudaihua suddenly changed his sluggish state, and quickly pulled out the two vines buried in the ground and tied them towards Pikachu.

"啦~呵~" The thorny vines bound Pikachu tightly, and at the same time began to absorb the physical strength and energy in its body.

"What! How is it possible, after a blow of [-] volts, there is still power left!"

Seeing this scene, Endo Satoshi was stunned in shock!

"Hahaha~ I'm afraid you don't know that Koudaihua has pricked its roots and several vines into the ground to conduct electricity."

Of course, Tian Ci was only talking in his heart, but on the surface he returned what he just said to his opponent intact.

"Hey! That one over there, don't you admit defeat?" I have to say, the wind and water are turning, and Tian Ci feels very refreshed when he sees other people's despondency, especially the audience in the stands seems to have changed the direction of the wind. up.

"I kao! This dumb flower is too strong! I love it!"

"I supported Koudaihua from the beginning!"

"I've said it a long time ago, Pikachu's body is too fragile, cute is cute, but he can't be beaten!"

"I don't know what a man is thinking with such a cute elf!"

"It's better to be dumb!"

"Yeah, when my boy turns 15, buy him a trumpet bud!"

Hearing the changing direction of the wind in the stands, Tian Ci couldn't help feeling happier. Although he knew that most of the people in the stands were ordinary people who followed the wind, it was great to be praised!

Especially when he saw that the smart player who was dragging at the beginning now had a gloomy face, he was even more refreshed!

"Hahaha~ Koudaihua survived! Brother Tian Ci is awesome!"

"Well, Brother Tian Ci has never let us down!"

Xiao Ling and Shi Shi in the stands are probably the most sincere of all the people, and they both look happy at this moment.

"." At this moment on the battlefield, the referee's head had turned to Satoshi Endo, indicating whether to admit defeat.

".I admit defeat!" Endo Satoshi was silent for a while, but after hearing Pikachu's cry that became weaker and weaker, he still gritted his teeth and said surrender.

The main feeling is really slap in the face!It was his own face that was hit!Especially those ignorant audience comments in the stands annoyed him, so he was silent for a while.

"Please stop the attack and let go of Pikachu! Satoshi Endo chooses to admit defeat in this round."

At this time, the referee turned back and found that Koudaihua was still absorbing Pikachu's energy, and immediately reminded him.

"Oooh! Okay, sorry, the voice over there was too loud just now, so I didn't hear it, please let go of Pikachu."

When Tian Ci heard the words, he immediately let Kouduhua let go of Pikachu.

It's not that he didn't hear Tomo Endo conceding defeat just now, but he pretended not to hear it, delaying for a while to let Koudaihua reply more.

You must know that the mouth-to-mouth flower is used in advance and then absorbed after growing, and the roots are also being used to take root, and there is also a piece of black mud that can be restored.

So for Koudaihua, a little time can make it recover a lot of energy.

"Bang~" Pikachu, who was finally freed, fell to the ground, and it was only one last step away from exhaustion.

"Pi~ka~" After weakly saying sorry to his trainer, he closed his eyes feebly.

"Come back, Pikachu! You did a great job~ It's all my fault!"

Seeing Pikachu's miserable state, Endo Satoshi couldn't help scratching his hair in pain. If he hadn't just given up for the sake of face, Pikachu would not be like this!
Of course, what he didn't know was that even if he wanted to admit defeat early, Tian Ci would find a way to provoke him and delay a little longer.

"Please Satoshi Endo send out the second elf."

The referee was also surprised by the reversal just now, but he still kept his professionalism and immediately asked the defeated side to send out a second elf.

"Go, Ba Dahu!" After thinking for a while, he still didn't send out the wooly sheep. The previous battle performance, the wooly sheep was not outstanding, which means that it needs more polishing in the ordinary low-level.

In contrast, Ba Dahu, who has mastered superpowers, is obviously more suitable for dealing with the dumbass. Even though Ba Dahu's superpowers are still unstable and relatively weak, but superpowers are superpowers, and they are definitely better than wooly sheep. The advantage is bigger.

"Fuyi~" Ba Dahu, who was an ordinary low-level player, didn't feel timid when he appeared on the stage. Instead, he took the initiative to speak provocatively to the middle-level player.

After all, although the appearance of Koudaihua has recovered a little, the overall situation is still quite miserable.

So in its view, beating such a cripple was easy.

Of course, what it doesn't know is that Koudaihua has almost recovered half of it.

"Moomoo!" Koudaihua was very angry at Ba Dahu's provocation, and immediately responded loudly.

"I don't know how many green caterpillars I have killed, what are you pretending there!"

(Although the elves do not share the same language, their general emotions can still be understood, so in Ba Dahu's ears, dumbfounded means disdain!)
"The second battle begins now!" Seeing that the elves on both sides were in position, the referee blew his whistle to indicate the start of the battle.

"Koudaihua, use growth!" At the beginning, because Koudaika's state was only half recovered, Tian Ci did not use the right to attack first, but let Koudaika improve himself first.

"Moo Moo(_)" the green light on the surface of Kou Dahua's body flashed, and the energy in his body began to surge. It felt great, not far from the peak state!
"Ba Dahu, blow the wind and sprinkle the powder!" Seeing that the opponent has completed the strengthening, Endo Satoshi immediately asked Ba Dahu to attack.

"Huhu~唦唦唦~" Ba Dahu flapped its wings, and the strong wind brought all kinds of powder towards the direction of the mouth.

"This power is much worse than that of Bibibird~ Kouduhua, venom machine gun!"

Although it is said that the wind is quite strong, Tian Ci found that the gap is too big. Even with the restraint bonus, this damage is still within the tolerance range of Kou Daihua, and it can be fully recovered, so he directly let Kou Daihua stand Don't move, just fight back!
The most important thing is that Koudaihua is still using it to take root, so it can't move. As for those poisonous powders, it is completely tickling for Koudaihua. This kind of toxicity is usually eaten as a snack!

"Moo~咻咻咻~" Although it was a bit painful from the wind, but the body was still recovering (rooted + black mud), so it could hold on completely, and immediately spit out venom from its mouth Shoot at Ba Dahu.

"md! Dodge, Ba Dahu! Use your mind!"

Endo Satoshi found that the blood of the dumb flower was really thick!It stands to reason that even if its Ba Dahu is not good at flying energy, it shouldn't just do so little damage!

There is no other way, he gave up his plan to use the flying-type move to kite to death, and he can only use superpowers to injure his opponent!
But it's a pity that his Ba Dahu has just mastered the power of thought, so he only has a little amount!I don't know if we can win or lose at once?

 Thanks to yesterday's book friend 150710191907171 (1500 points) and my curiosity (2000 points) for their rewards!

(End of this chapter)

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