Pokemon Poor

Chapter 239 Pikachu and Dirty Routine

Chapter 239 Pikachu and Dirty Routine

"Okay, okay, don't cry, Xiao Ling, tell me who you lost to?"

Taking Xiao Ling back to the seat, Tian Ci comforted him a few words, and then began to enlighten him.

"Woo~ I was very unlucky. I met a family trainer who specialized in electricity, named Satoshi Endo~ His Pikachu is too strong! Woo~"

Xiaoling also calmed down a little, and began to tell Tian Ci about her experience.

"What! A very strong Pikachu! His name also has wisdom!" Hearing this, Tianji was shocked.

"md, could it be that Xiaozhi in this world was born in Qingmu Town, not Zhenxin Town!"

"Then should I hug Bo's thigh!"

All of a sudden, various thoughts flooded Tian Ci's mind.

"Originally relying on Hai Xingxing's superpower, I defeated his first woolly sheep. I thought I could win, but I didn't expect that the second Pikachu he sent out had surprisingly great attack speed and move power!
My starfish was instantly shocked by an electric shock!

The mosquito-repellent frog was also given a second by [-] volts!woo woo woo~"

Xiao Ling didn't notice Tian Ci's expression, she was still talking about her tragic experience, and when she said that she was killed by a second, she couldn't help crying again.

"Specialize in the electrical department, it's okay, no, I mean Xiao Ling, if you run into me, I will definitely avenge you."

Tian Ci's expression eased when he heard that he was specialized in electrical systems, but immediately seeing Xiao Ling who was pear blossoming and raining again, he quickly changed his mind and promised.

"Yeah, Brother Tian Ci, Brother Shitou, you must avenge me when you meet him! He seems to be a direct descendant of the Endo family among the four major families. The velvet sheep is ordinary and low-ranking, so there is nothing special about it.

He is stronger than that Pikachu. Although the level is the same as my Mosquito Frog, it is only in the middle level, but the power and speed of the moves give me the feeling that it is the same as the high level, and I also learned one hundred thousand volts for Pikachu in advance. too big. "

Hearing Tian Ci's words, Xiaoling nodded repeatedly, and began to tell the two about the information about Satoshi Endo.

"Well, don't worry, Xiaoling, my Longlong Stone and the Mountain King are not afraid of being electrocuted. If I touch it, I will definitely help you out."

After listening to Shitou, he patted his chest and said confidently.

After all, they are both at the normal level, and the electric type can be said to be tightly restrained by him.

"That Pikachu should have brought props, I remember that Pikachu can charge electric beads.

Speaking of this, Xiaoling, including stones, you should also think about it. You can spend money to buy an item. The average-level item is less than one million, and it should be enough to save up. There should be some in the auction.

Also, should you consider other attributes for your third elf, or the dual attributes are less restrained, especially the stone you, your rocky ground is restrained too much. "

Tian Ci noticed that the moves were extremely powerful, and after thinking about them, he mentioned the props and the idea of ​​the two of them having a third elf.

"That's right. I can also buy props for the mosquito-repellent frogs and bring them with me. I'll have a look at the auction. As for the third elf, I still like the water system. I feel that the water system is the most suitable for me, so that's it. It's still dual attributes, and it must not be restrained by the electric system anymore!"

Regarding Tian Ci's opinion, Xiao Ling thought about it seriously, and then replied.

"As for the props, I'll also have a look at the New Year's Auction. The third elf, I listened to Brother Tian, ​​it doesn't have to be rock or ground, it doesn't matter, I prefer the kind that is strong and powerful."

After Xiao Ling finished speaking, Shi Shi touched his own muscles and expressed his thoughts.

"Well, it's up to you. Anyway, the third one is still too early for you, so you can think about it first and make sure."

Regarding the answers of the two, Tian Ci has nothing to disagree with. He is not the nanny or parent of the two, so it is good to give some advice.

"By the way, I haven't congratulated Shitou on your promotion this time, so tell me about your situation."

After skipping this topic, seeing that Xiaoling's mood had stabilized, he changed the topic to Shitou.

"For me, luck is relatively high. I met the lightning ball that we saw in the game before. His electric moves have no effect on me, and I restrained him, so it's easy to win."

When Shitou heard Tian Ci's question, he briefly talked about his situation.

"Well, since our battle in the morning is over, let's go watch the battle. You must know that those who win are all our potential opponents."

After listening to Shitou's brief description, Tian Ci nodded, and was about to get up and walk towards the battlefield, but at this moment he found that Xiao Ling hadn't followed, and his face was still quite gloomy, so he turned back and held Xiao Ling's hand directly. Hand, pull hard.

"Let's go, Xiaoling! A momentary failure is nothing, you were not so fragile before, you have to know"

Tian Ci held Xiao Ling's hand, and while walking to the battle area, he infused Xiao Ling with various chicken soup for the soul.

"Oh." Xiaoling wasn't listening to Tian Ci at all at this moment, her focus was on her held hand.

"Ah! Brother Tian Ci shook my hand. Brother Tian Ci's hand feels so warm and strong."

The girl lowered her head, her face was flushed, she was shy, joyful and other emotions were churning.

In the following time, the three of them ran around in various venues, watching the game all the time. I have to say that they still helped a lot, especially the combination of moves and the fusion of moves. This morning gave him a lot of inspiration. They were all recorded in the notebook one by one by Tian Ci.

After having lunch together at noon, the three of them returned to the gym after taking a short rest, and the battle in the afternoon was just about to start.

"Contestant No. 442, please go to Field No. 7!"

"Contestant No. 442, please go to Field No. 7!"

"Contestant No. 442, please go to Field No. 7!"

When the first broadcast sounded, Shitou looked stunned. He didn't expect that he would be the first one in the afternoon session.

"Go, Shitou, come on!" Tian Ci was also quite surprised by this result. He originally thought that he would always be in the front row, but it didn't matter. waiting.

He still has competitions, and now there are only seventy or eighty people left, and the total number of games is only thirty or forty.

Up to now, there have been 8 duels at the same time, which means that it will be his turn soon, so he will not go to the battlefield to cheer on the spot.

Besides, because the ones left now are not the weak, the game is also enjoyable and referential, so now several TVs in the rest area broadcast the game in real time, and you can also watch the game here.

"Brother Shitou, come on! I'll stay here to cheer you up too!"

Seeing that Tian Ci didn't intend to get up, and she didn't want to go to a place full of strangers when she was alone, Xiao Ling apologized to Shi Shi.

"Okay, it's okay, you can see it here anyway."

Shi Shi doesn't care about this at all, these are all imaginary to him, come on, just do what you want!

"It's started! It's started!"

"Come on! Fujii!"

"Cheer up!"

"Giant claw crab, so handsome!"

As the pictures on the TV began to play, the originally quiet rest area also began to be filled with voices.

Only a small number of people here are contestants, and most of them are ordinary people who come to watch the competition. For ordinary people, watching the Aoki Conference is also a rare live broadcast for them in a year.

Since this afternoon, the entire Gymnasium has seen a lot of people coming and going, and those who stay here are late arrivals, and the stands inside are already full of people.

"A lot of people, the tickets can be recovered."

Listening to the noisy cheering, Xiao Ling also said with emotion.

"Yeah, I heard from them that tickets cost 200 yuan a ticket, and you can watch it for a day. The rewards for the contestants should be able to recover their costs, but the rewards for the top three should not be enough.

But it's not bad, it's equivalent to holding a conference with only a few million dollars, no matter how you look at it, it's not a loss. "

Hearing Xiaoling's emotion, Tian Ci also echoed a few words, he did a quick calculation in his mind, and finally came to such a conclusion.

Because Tian Ci didn't know that this meeting had the function of collecting intelligence, otherwise he definitely didn't think so.

A few million can provide one or two elite seedlings to the three major forces, and they have also collected the information of most of the trainers in the town. There will still be words of loss!This is definitely a big profit!
"Brother Tian Ci, look quickly, look quickly, brother Shitou is here!"

Suddenly, Xiaoling pointed to the TV screen on the right, and said with joy.

Tian Ci heard the sound and looked over, and found that the elves had been dispatched, and the Stone's side was still the more mobile and more powerful Chuanshan King to start the game.

"Shitou, this one is a bit difficult." But when he saw that Shitou's opponent sent a stinky flower, his face became a bit more serious.

"Hey? Why, although Chuanshanwang is restrained by Smelly Flower, Chuanshanwang is faster. As long as he dodges the attack, he should have a chance to win by using his mobility."

Hearing Tian Ci's words, Xiao Ling was a little unconvinced, and immediately expressed her opinion.

"Hey ╯﹏╰Xiaoling, we are separated by the screen, so you don't have a clear idea of ​​the smell of stinky flowers. Believe it or not, the audience in that stand has long been cursing disgusting."

When Tian Ci said this, the screen just turned to the stands.

Some people in the stands were retching, some were yelling, and some were desperately covering their noses with their clothes. Anyway, their faces were not very good.

"Yes, does it stink so much?" Hearing Tian Ci's words and watching the audience's reaction on the TV screen, Xiao Ling couldn't believe it.

"Absolutely! And look at the head of that stinky flower, the color is much darker than what is shown in our illustrated book, which shows that the smell of this stinky flower is definitely much higher than that of wild stinky flowers."

As a trainer who has cleaned up the stinky flower group, Tian Ci said that he has the right to speak. He is a little glad that he did not go to the scene because there is still a competition.

Otherwise, he would definitely experience that nightmare again. You must know that the leader of the stinky flower he encountered in that mission, the flower on its head was not as dark as the one on the screen.

"Then let Chuanshan King hold his breath and make a quick decision, Brother Stone! Come on!"

Hearing what Tian Ci said, Xiao Ling still didn't feel much, and always felt that Shishi still had a chance of winning.

"Well, it depends on the performance of the stone." Tian Ci felt that Xiao Ling was too optimistic, and in this environment, Chuanshan King would definitely be greatly affected.

Of course, he can't let other people's ambition destroy his prestige, so he nodded, indicating to continue reading.

Back on the field, both Shishi and Chuanshanwang had ugly expressions after the referee hastily announced the start of the battle.

He has the right to attack first, so he can only make Chuanshan Wang round and roll, and move quickly first. As long as he runs fast, the smell will not be able to catch up with me.

And the speed is fast, the air flow speed I feel is fast, and the odor will become lighter.

"It's a way, maybe there is a chance~"

Seeing this scene, Tian Ci nodded in his heart. Just now he tried to assume the role of the stone, and found that there was really no good way to do it. He could only approach quickly like this and make a quick decision.

But what is puzzling is that the trainer of Smelly Flower didn't issue any instructions, just watched Chuanshan King approaching quickly.

"Rats use tearing claws now!" The stone on the field didn't know what kind of medicine that stinky flower was selling, but he had to shoot when the arrow hit the string.

As the rat got closer and closer to the smelly flower, its body began to tremble uncontrollably, which was a sign of nausea and vomiting. If it dragged on, the rat's own state would decline significantly.

"Smelly Flower, use sweet fragrance now!" Seeing Chuanshan King jumping over, Smelly Flower's trainer finally issued the first order.

"Hana~" Smelly Flower agreed, and the flower that originally exuded an extreme stench suddenly released some pink gas.

"Kukuga~" Chuanshan King, who smelled the fragrance, immediately stopped and fell to the ground without knowing it, and his whole body was immersed in it.

This is no wonder, after all, I have been smelling very smelly things before, and suddenly changed to something with a strong aroma, a normal person would be tricked into indulging in it.

"Smelly flower, end it, Feiye Kuaidao absorbs super at the same time!"

Seeing this scene, Smelly Flower's trainer showed a smile of victory, and immediately asked Smelly Flower to pursue the victory.

"咻咻~咻咻~" I saw several leaves hitting the motionless Chuanshan King, and at the same time, a little green light began to envelope the Chuanshan King.

"Wake up! Rat! Wake up!"

On the screen, Stone shouted anxiously, but it was too late when the rat woke up.

"Puff, puff~Ku! Kuja(_)" The continuous flying knives, coupled with super absorption, made Chuanshan Wang directly lose his fighting ability in a series of blows.

"That's the way to lose! Why did you stop suddenly just now, rat!"

Seeing that the stone was eliminated by an elf so quickly, Xiao Ling was a little surprised and disbelieving.

"The stone has been tricked, and Chuanshanwang has a sense of smell. Seeing the pink gas just now, it should be a sweet aroma. It has changed from extremely smelly to sweet. If you are caught off guard, you will definitely be addicted to it.

I didn't expect there to be such a dirty routine, I really learned a lot! "

Seeing Xiao Ling's surprised face, Tian Ci explained and sighed at the same time, the aborigines in this world really cannot be underestimated!
Recommend a new book "Call from the Forbidden", a new book written by a very good friend, I have signed a contract for internal investment, you can go to collect and invest!
 Foreshadowing, I didn’t describe the battle between Xiao Ling and Shi Shi before. This chapter describes the battle between Shi Shi and Smelly Flower~
  Finally, I would like to thank Donghai Damo (500 points) for the reward, and I hope everyone has a recommendation ticket. Monthly ticket holders can vote for it, and the ranking is beyond 1000. . .

(End of this chapter)

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