Pokemon Poor

Chapter 232

Chapter 232
"This, this! This power is too terrifying. Is this still called a charging beam? It should be called a charging light cannon!"

Looking at the miserable state of the Abo monster, and then at the civilian trainer who was grateful to the emergency team, Xiaoling couldn't help being dumbfounded. She couldn't believe it. This is the strength of an ordinary low-level elf. .

An elf in its initial form defeated an elf in its full form across stages!

"Don't be so surprised, that Abo monster is quite well-behaved, and the coordination of moves can only be said to be proficient, nothing unusual.

I think its trainer is in his 30s. This age is only in the middle. I guess he doesn't pay much attention to the cultivation of elves. It should be based on time.

As for the lightning ball just now, if there are no other moves, it is estimated that Stone Chuanshanwang or Xiaoling and your sea star can defeat him. Of course, your sea star should pay attention to resisting it. "

Seeing Xiaoling so surprised, Tian Ci also analyzed it, saying that the Abo monster was only at an average level in the civilian training family, and encouraged the two of them by the way.

"Yeah, I'm confident!"

"En! As long as my luck is not too bad, I should be able to pass the first round."

Encouraged by Tian Ci, the two also cheered themselves up.

In the following time, the three of them didn't go to watch the battle. To be honest, they didn't see anything in the first round of the play-in competition. After the third and fourth rounds, no one would go to collect information.


After waiting for about an hour, Tianci's number finally came through the radio, and he was the first of the three.

"Come on! Brother Tian Ci!"

"Brother Tian Ci! Come on!"

Originally, the two wanted to go to watch the match and cheer, but Tian Ci refused. Isn't it very strange that there are only two people in the audience cheering for a play-in match.

Of course, another reason is that their turn should be coming soon. After all, the first round is more than an hour away, and it will be troublesome to run around by then.

Next, under the leadership of the staff, he first went to the player area of ​​the No. 6 field. After verifying his identity, he came to the competition field on the right. At the same time, his opponent and the referee were also standing on the field.

"The next two sides of the battle are to ask two players to send elves at the same time!"

Although there are no spectators, the referee still has to go through a process. As usual, the two sides will be introduced first, but the rules are different from the previous team battles. There is no first attacking side, and the way of sending elves to attack at the same time is adopted.

Tian Ci expressed his understanding. After all, in 1V1, even if the first attacker has the right to attack first.But if the rear attacker sends out an elf with restraint attributes, this first attack right can't offset the disadvantage of restraint attributes at all. This is too unfair to the first attacker!
"Shua~" Two red lights flashed, what Tian Ci released was Bibi Bird, and what the opponent released was an ordinary low-level Big Needle Bee.

I have to say that both of them want to go together. Although the rules of the conference have restrictions on the flying height, the maximum flying height is 25 meters, but the flying elves will fight against the non-flying elves. Opposite death.

But now the trainer of the big needle bee looked like he was going to cry, he was mistaken for his cleverness!
His initial elf was actually a Rumble Stone, but he suddenly realized that the Rumble Stone was restrained by too many attributes, and the Big Needle Bee can fly, which is also a low-level strength, so he changed the Big Needle Bee on the spot.

But I didn't expect that the opponent turned out to be a Bibi Bird, not to mention the restraint of attributes, and the difference in strength. In terms of flying speed and flying height, Bibi Bird has the upper hand. How can this be fought!
Of course, it is impossible for him to admit defeat directly, maybe that Bibi bird is just a fake, but it is actually rubbish.

"The battle begins!" The referee didn't care so much, seeing that the two had released the elves, he directly announced the start of the battle.

"Bibi Bird, Wind Blade!"

"Big Needle Bee, Poison Needle!"

As soon as the battle started, the two sides began to attack.

"Xuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" Hearing the order, the big needle bee directly shot several poisonous needles at Bibibird.

"Ding ding ding ~ ding ding~" But it's a pity that Bibi Bird, who got the order at the same time, directly blew away the poisonous needles with the wind blade, and the remaining strong wind quickly blew towards the big needle bee.

"Big Needle Bee, follow the flow of the wind and stay as far away as possible."

This civilian trainer seems to be quite good. Seeing the undiminished wind blowing move, he realized that he couldn't avoid it, so he let the big needle bee dodge along the wind.

"Buzzing~huhu~" Big Needle Bee nodded, carried the energy of flight in it, flapped its wings and began to escape with the wind.

"Bibi Bird, flash peck!" Of course, Tian Ci couldn't let the big needle bee run out of the attack range so easily, and directly let Bibi Bird pull into the distance with a flash of lightning, so that the battle can be settled quickly.

"Beep! Shua~" After hearing the order, Bibi Bird agreed, and then his figure flashed quickly, and he reached the left side of the field in the blink of an eye.

"Cao! Big Needle Bee, hit with random poison! Fight it!"

The opponent who saw this scene knew that there was no escape. This Bibi bird was not a good looking bird at all, but was bred very well.

Pecking is just one blow of damage. Even with attribute restraint, it shouldn't be able to make the big needle bee lose its fighting ability all at once.

But the random strikes of the big needle bee can generally attack 3~4 times, as long as it hits the wings or other key parts, then he still has a chance!
As for why the Bibi bird can peck, he is not surprised at all. Unlike those wastes who eat and wait to die, he is 19 years old this year and has been insisting on doing tasks, so the low-level cultivation cheats of the big needle bee and the cultivation of the rumbling stone He has exchanged all the cheats.

There were other developments of the elves in the two cultivation cheats, and he also knew that the moves of the elves were not static.

For example, his big needle bee can carry toxins when it hits randomly, which is what he learned from the cultivation cheats.

"Heh~ Bibi Bird, strike wildly!" Tian Ci smiled contemptuously when he heard the order from the other side, and immediately changed the order again.

"Crazy strike? What is that?" Not only the trainer of the big needle bee, but also the referee next to him was also at a loss.

They have heard of Crazy Luantu before. Since that Bibi bird can peck, it is reasonable to say that Crazy Luantu can advance, but Crazy Luantu, they said they really have never heard of it.


"Buzz! Buzz!"

But soon, they understood what crazy attacks were. As soon as the Bibi bird got close, not only was the bird's beak attacking and poking wildly, but even its sharp claws drew a series of streaks on the body of the big needle bee. A bloodstain.

As for the poor big needle bee, except for fighting back twice at the beginning, it was directly beaten, and could only scream in pain.

"Bang~" After the Bibi bird stopped, the big needle bee had lost its ability to fight, and fell to the ground covered in scars.

"I announce that the winner of this battle is No. 378 on my right - Contestant Aokitaji!"

Seeing that the battle was over, the referee looked at the uninjured Bibi Bird with a little surprise, and announced the result loudly.

"Thank you, come back, Bibi Bird." After winning, Tian Ci thanked the referee, took Bibi Bird back, and walked to the rest area.

"Oh~ you did a good job, Big Needle Bee." The young man on the other side had no choice but to take back the Big Needle Bee. After a word of comfort, he handed over the poke ball to the medical staff, and left the stage lonely.

He didn't make it to the play-in competition, so he either stayed in the venue as a spectator, or he went out of the gymnasium to participate in other activities after getting back the Poké Ball.

His plan was to wait for the big needle bee to recover before going to participate in other activities. After all, the first day of the qualifying competition was really nothing to watch.

Why not take this opportunity to participate in activities held by other businesses and get some benefits.

"Congratulations! Brother Tian Ci!"

"Brother Tian Ci, I knew you would definitely win!"

When he left the battle area, he happened to run into Xiao Ling and Shi Shi who were rushing over. It turned out that they were about to fight. From the screen in the rest area, he had already learned that No. 378 had won, so he rushed over to congratulate the two. In other words, there are 15 minutes anyway, which is not bad for this 2 minutes.

"Thank you, you two should work hard too!" Tian Ci thanked with a smile, and at the same time encouraged the two of them.

After watching the two enter their respective battlefields, Tian Ci continued to walk to the rest area. He believed that as long as the two were not too far behind, it should be no problem for the two to pass the first round.

But what Tian Ci didn't know was that when he left the field, the referee was recording something with a pen, especially on his player information, which had densely recorded several lines, far more than the other person.

In fact, these referees employed by the three major forces are also responsible for intelligence work. They must make an assessment of both sides in each match, and mark those with potential and strength, even if they are defeated. information record.

The first is the problem of matching opponents. In the first round of finalists, except for a few seeded players who operated in secret to avoid crashes, the opponents matched by other people were really randomized by the computer.

Then it is destined to be more powerful, and trainers with potential will be defeated by the strength of those trainers who have accumulated qualifications through time.

This is a pity for those young and potential trainers.

As I said before, the top candidates in the Aoki Conference are basically young high-level trainers. This is actually a conference for screening talents.

What about these veteran midsection trainers in their 40s?

Few of the young trainers can rely on their own strength to defeat these veteran trainers. If they are ignored, it is very likely that the top 16 and top 8 are mostly these veteran trainers.

This is not in line with the original intention of the conference. If this is the case, the organizers can only operate it in secret.

Based on the information collected in the first round, we will match veterans and veteran trainers together from the second round, and then the third round, the fourth round, and the remaining one or two can also be arranged Give the seeded players to beat.

In the end, you will find that the top 8 are basically young trainers, which is in line with the original intention of the conference.

Of course, those old-fashioned trainers must know something, but they dare not say anything. Originally, their original intention was to mix rewards. , the first round can definitely pass.

Moreover, this information can also help the three major forces to jointly control this town. After all, if you want prizes, you must show your strength in the battle, and then part of your details will definitely be revealed.

Based on this part, they can deduce what your potential and talents are.

For example, Tian Ci's information was quickly passed on by a special person, and appeared in the hands of the analysts of the three major forces.

"16 years old, average mid-level, Bibi Bird is excellent in breeding, can combine skills, and is a civilian trainer. This is a good seedling~"

After taking a look at it, the analyst marked the document and put it aside.

It can be seen that the information on the table is divided into four categories, one is eliminated in the first round, and the other three categories are arranged in order of bottom, middle and top.

"Fight him for this one, but not for this one. It's easier to arrange the people who are in charge."

At the same time, there were several people in front of the computer on the other side, struggling to adjust the initial battle order.

Of course, Tian Ci and the others must not know for the time being. They are all participating for the first time, and they really thought it was randomly arranged by the main control computer.

After Tian Ci sat in the rest area for about 10 minutes, Xiaoling and Shitou came back together.

"Brother Tian Ci! We won! Hahaha~" Xiaoling whispered excitedly to Tian Ci as soon as she entered. Although she was very excited, she still remembered that this was a public rest area.

"Oh~ Congratulations! Tell me which side of the trainer you met?"

When Tian Ci heard the words, he also congratulated the two of them first, and then asked curiously.

"I met a civilian trainer, his elf was the same as Brother Stone's, it was a rumbling stone, and it was still low-level, and it was quickly eliminated by my mosquito-repellent frog.

Instead, Brother Shitou encountered a trainer from the family faction. "

Xiao Ling heard Tian Ci's question, first talked about her own situation, and then turned to Shi Shi.

"Well, I met a trainer from a family faction. It seems to be one of the four major families, a member of the Qiushan family, but it should not be a direct descendant. His elf is a big-mouthed bat, which is only at a low-level ordinary level.

Fortunately, the rumbling stone I used was resistant to damage, and finally I used falling rocks and continuous stone bullets to knock it down and won. "

Stone heard the words and briefly introduced his battle situation.

"By the way, it is indeed one of the four major families. After my side was over soon, I ran to Brother Shitou to have a look. Although the big-mouthed bat was only low-level, it was bred very well. I feel that if it is On my starfish, I may not be able to beat him."

After listening to Shitou's brief narration, Xiao Ling felt that she missed the point, so she added a few sentences.

"Well, the skill combination of interference is very good, ultrasonic wave + scare + strange light, these three moves were combined very smoothly by him, and they can be used together. My rumbling stone was almost defeated by him. "

When Shitou heard what Xiao Ling said, he also realized that Tian Ci probably wanted to ask about the strength of the trainers of the family faction, so he also focused on the use of moves.

 Thanks to yesterday 20210528003714964, the little boy of the wooden man, the capital of fantasy (1500 points), 20190523232114280 four book friends for their rewards!Also remind, there are 1500 points for rewards, and those who tip a large amount can reward again at 8:1500 every night. At that time, 4 points can get [-] monthly tickets!Special thanks to everyone for their rewards and votes these days. The current manuscript is fully enough to add updates, please rest assured!
(End of this chapter)

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