Pokemon Poor

Chapter 226 Heiluga VS Chuanshan King

Chapter 226 Heiluga VS Chuanshan King

"Brother Tian Ci, can you tell me why your flame vortex suddenly erupted?"

After being serious for a while, Xiaoling couldn't help being curious again, so she came to ask a question.

"Haha, Xiaoling, you want to learn from the mosquito-repellent frog, but you may be disappointed. I just combined the trick of purgatory. Hei Lujia himself doesn't understand the principle. "

Tian Ci laughed, he had already seen through Xiao Ling's petty thoughts, and gave him an explanation.

To be honest, he really didn't mean to hide his secrets, but he really didn't know how to explain it.

"That's it, that's such a pity~" Xiaoling didn't doubt him, she still trusted Tian Ci's words, since Brother Tian Ci said he didn't know how to teach, of course she wouldn't stalk him.

"However, in this way, I can be regarded as helping Brother Shitou find out the truth. Brother Shitou, you must win later! Come on!"

"Xiao Ling, I'm not sure, I just hope that the loss won't be too ugly."

When Shi Shi heard this sentence, he quickly waved his hand and smiled wryly.

He always said one thing and one thing, and he really felt that he should not be Tian Ci's opponent.

Not to mention Hei Lujia's energy level, which is slightly higher than that of mice, even if they don't have a spiritual contract.

If the mouse is trapped in the dense fog and has no sense of contract, he really might as well not command it with his naked eyes. Maybe the order he gave is not as accurate as the mouse he personally felt, in the dense fog.

Not to mention the big comeback move that the mouse has nothing to do at all, and the victory feels very slim.

Of course he won't give up, after all, this is also his first elf battle, so it's just a matter of absorbing experience.

"Come on, Stone, let's have another game next time."

After resting for a while, Tian Ci said to the stone after confirming that Hei Lujia's strength had recovered.

"Well, then I will ask Xiaoling to be the referee."

Shitou nodded, and then said something to Xiao Ling who was hiding aside and was about to watch the play.

"Ah! But I won't~ Do you just repeat what you said, Brother Stone?"

When Xiaoling heard that she was going to be the referee, she asked with a bitter face.

"E Xiaoling, didn't you watch videotapes when you were young? Didn't you play pretend games?"

Tian Ci also looked at the girl a little speechlessly when he heard the words, no wonder he ran away just now, it turned out that he didn't even know the basic rules.

"When I was young, I seemed to have played once when I was very young. Later, just..."

Xiaoling lowered her head in embarrassment and explained in a low voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Xiao Ling~" Tian Ci looked at the faltering girl, and immediately understood.

Since that incident, life has become more and more difficult. Even Xiao Ling, who lives under the fence, seems to really have no leisure time to watch videos, let alone play battle games with other peers, so it is normal not to know the rules of alliance battles.

"That's fine, let me explain to you.

Let's talk about the simplest basics first.

In fact, it is very simple. The referee first introduces the two sides of the battle, and then confirms whether both sides are ready. Finally, let the person who strikes first send out the elves first. "

Because it is a household name, Tatsumi quickly explained it clearly.

"That's it~ hey! Then did I just run away~"

Xiaoling is not a cute girl, she understands the basic rules just once because she has an online IQ, and after she understands it, she suddenly thinks of her actions before the opening, and can't help but look at Shishi with embarrassment.

"Well, Xiaoling, you ran away. According to the strict rules, you should be judged as a loser." Shitou didn't understand any euphemisms, so he nodded at Xiaoling and told her that you lost at the beginning.

"Ah, I'm sorry (T ^ T) I will pay attention next time~"

Xiao Ling was a little reckless by the stone directly. A normal person shouldn't "it's all right, just pay attention next time." She replied generously and politely.

Of course, after getting along for so long, Xiaoling also understands Shishi's personality, and the one who can say such words is the real Shishi!So she is not very angry, well, not so much!

"Okay, Xiaoling, you know the basic rules, so come and be a referee and see how you learn."

Tian Ci looked at the swallowed Xiaoling and the stone directly, and immediately smoothed things over.

"Then it's up to me, please trainers on both sides!"

After Xiaoling heard it, she quickly changed the subject to avoid embarrassment.

"Tata~Tata~" After hearing the referee's order, Tian Ci and Shitou quickly stood on the left and right sides.

"On my left is the ordinary-level trainer Cun Shanshi from Qingmu Town!

On my right is Aoki Tatsuji, an ordinary trainer from Aoki Town!
This battle adopts a 1v1 mode. If one side admits defeat or its elf loses the ability to fight, the other side wins.

Two trainers, please take your place! "

After seeing the two of them in place, Xiaoling started to repeat what Shitou had said before she was learning and selling.


"I'm ready!"

Shitou and Tianci also immediately said something to Xiaoling, expressing that they were ready.

In fact, this link can be saved, especially in medium and large-scale competitions, when there are too many spectators, it will be noisy and the venue will be relatively large.

After the introduction, the referee will judge whether the players on both sides are ready, and then the next step will be to let the first attacker send out elves.

Of course, some referees will not save this step. At this time, the trainer only needs to nod at the referee.

"Uh..." When Xiaoling said this, she suddenly got stuck, she seemed to have forgotten to ask who attacked first.

"Let me attack first." Stone said directly.

"Yeah, let's ask the trainer on the left to send out elves!"

Xiaoling glanced at the stone gratefully, and immediately picked it up.

"Go, mouse!" The stone immediately made the mouse jump onto the battlefield.

"Kujia~" The Chuanshan King named Mouse jumped to stand on the field, looking at Tian Ci with high fighting spirit.

"Go too, Hei Lujia!" Looking at this mountain king, Tian Ci nodded secretly, this mountain king didn't look stunted at all.

"Woof~" Hei Lujia ran in directly, howling, announcing his arrival.

"The battle begins!" Seeing that the elves on both sides were already in place, Xiaoling immediately announced the start of the battle!
"I attack first, the mouse turns round and rolls immediately!"

At the beginning of the battle, Stone made Chuanshan Wang use a set of combos.

Maybe it was influenced by the little fist stone, so when training the mountain rat, he also specially trained this move.

"Shua~longlong~long~" Chuanshanwang immediately curled up into a ball and began to roll on the ground, but what made Tian Ci puzzled was that Chuanshanwang didn't seem to use this move to attack it directly.

"Hei Lujia! Trick!" Although he didn't understand what Chuanshan King was doing, Tian Ci said, whatever you want to do, as long as I become stronger, your tricks will be useless!

Of course, because it was a battle of the bottom line, Tian Ci also gave up the plan to let Hei Lujia use the turbid fog. He also knew that the stone had not signed a contract with this mountain king. If the turbid fog was used to block the stone's line of sight, then winning It's too simple to make much sense.

"Mice, shoot the poisonous needles!" Looking at Hei Lujia who was strengthening himself, a trace of anxiety flashed in Shitou's eyes, originally he wanted to get closer.

"唰~咻咻咻~唰唰~咻咻" Because of the acceleration of rolling, the poisonous needles of the mountain king are very fast, and this mountain king can shoot multiple poisonous needles at intervals without affecting the rolling. !

"Dodge, Hei Lujia! If you can't dodge, block it with sparks."

Hearing the loud piercing sound, Tian Ci's expression changed, and he immediately gave orders to Hei Lujia. He dared to bet that the power of this poisonous needle must lie in the impact force, not the poison!

"Wow~ bang bang~ woof!" Hei Lujia hurriedly began to dodge, and occasionally spewed out sparks to annihilate the poisonous needle.

"Puff! Puff! Wang!" However, as the speed of Chuanshan King accelerated, the speed of the poisonous needles fired became faster and faster. Hei Lujia, who had no time to react, was directly hit by two poisonous needles, and he staggered back. A step or two.

The extreme speed brings extremely strong penetrating power. The poison of these two poisonous needles is nothing to Hei Lujia, but this penetrating power just opened two small blood holes for Hei Lujia.

But at this time, Chuanshan King's poisonous needles were almost exhausted, and he was very close to Hei Lujia.

"Mouse, change your move! Tear the Claw!" Seeing Hei Lujia who was beaten back, Shitou was overjoyed, and immediately let the mouse take advantage of the victory to pursue it!
"Kujia!" Chuanshan King immediately stretched out his body and jumped directly in front of Helujia with the momentum of rolling. Its claws were already shining with dazzling white light.

"Hei Lujia, hoot!" Tian Ci hastily ordered upon seeing this.

"Woof! (◣д◢)" Hei Lujia immediately opened his mouth and yelled at Chuanshan King who was close at hand, with a ferocious expression on his face.

It has to be said that the evolved Hei Lujia is much more vicious in appearance than that of Dai Rubi, so the deterrent effect of this move is definitely much greater than that at that time.

"Ku~Ku~" Chuanshan King was no exception, he was caught off guard and suddenly yelled at close range, and a big ferocious face appeared, making him freeze in place.

"Hei Lujia, the flame vortex, and then small bursts of flames!"

Seeing the frightened Chuanshan King, Tian Ci quickly ordered.

"Wang~huhu~huchi~" Hei Lujia first spit out a whirlpool of flames from his mouth to trap Queen Chuanshan, and then spit out two small flames in succession while pushing back.

"Mice, Sand Shield!" Seeing this scene, Shi Shi knew that he could not escape, so he directly asked Chuanshan King to use defensive moves.

"Kujia~唦唦~Hulonglong~" Chuanshan King also recovered from the fright at this time, looked at the flames that were close at hand, heard the order, and directly raised a large amount of sand from the ground, and at the same time the energy It also brought some sand to float around him, and then it spun quickly.

"Hey~ Hulonglong~" In the blink of an eye, Chuanshan King was wrapped in a layer of sand that kept turning.

"Hei Lujia, explode!" Seeing this, Tian Ci immediately asked Hei Lujia to detonate the flame vortex. He was afraid that the two small flames would not cause any damage at all.

"Bang! Bang bang~" Hei Lujia also immediately caused the flame vortex to erupt, and at the same time, two small flames hit Chuanshanwang's sand shield.

"Kujia! Jia~" The sand shield, which was originally not thick, was directly shattered under the triple blow, and the burned hot sand hit Chuanshan King's body, directly inflicting a second injury on it.

"Kujia~" The flames dissipated, and Chuanshan King, who appeared in front of everyone, was not seriously injured, but there were obviously multiple burn marks on his body.

"It seems that the sand shield still has a good defense, but it's a pity that my Helujia is of the fire type. If it is a water type, I am afraid that the defense of this sand shield will be stronger! The sand can also absorb water. coming."

Looking at the mouse with multiple burns, Tian Ci did not let Hei Lujia take advantage of the victory to pursue it. In his opinion, the victory or defeat was already obvious.

He didn't think there were multiple burns, and the Chuanshan King, whose actions were greatly affected, could fight Huohei Lujia, so he glanced at Shishi questioningly, and then began to think about the sand shield just now.

"I admit defeat~" Sure enough, as Tian Ci expected, Shitou also straightforwardly surrendered when he saw Chuanshan King like this.

"Congratulations to Tian Ci on the right! He won the championship today! Papapa~"

Xiao Ling, the referee, immediately announced the result of the battle when Shitou conceded defeat, and applauded to congratulate Tian Ci.

"Okay, don't play tricks, Xiao Ling, go and help Shitou's mouse treat the burn, and apply ice compresses, and I will also treat the wound for Hei Lujia."

Looking at Xiao Ling who was applauding, Tian Ci couldn't laugh or cry. What kind of champion is the team competition of three people? After unceremoniously asking Xiao Ling to help, he also began to treat Hei Lujia's wound.

Soon, both of them healed the wounds of their elves, and the three sat and chatted together while the elves recovered.

"Shitou, you have an idea. Did you come up with the sand shield move and the enhanced poison needle?"

Tian Ci, who was sitting on the side, was the first to ask.

"No, I didn't come up with the poisonous needle burst. I learned it from the cultivation secret book. The sand shield move was also inspired by the cultivation secret book."

Stone shook his head and told the truth.

"That's great too, Brother Stone! With Sand Shield's move, I feel that it will have greater defense against water-type moves."

After Xiaoling heard it, she immediately interjected that she was already a little worried that she would be at the bottom.

"Well, that's right, I was able to win this time because I took advantage of the attributes. A large number of flames broke through the sand shield and heated the sand, hitting Chuanshan King's body, creating an effect of 1+1 greater than 2. "

Tian Ci agreed with Xiao Ling's statement, and at the same time analyzed the reason why he won.

"Well, this move was originally used to deal with water-type moves. I thought it could also resist other moves. Now it seems that it is not very effective against fire-type moves."

Stone agreed with the two, and at the same time recorded the discovery.

After all, it was his own semi-original move, so Shitou still cares about it.

"Then can my starfish learn this trick? My starfish will also spin at high speed!

Is it possible to control the amount of water with a water gun, and then spin it at high speed, turning into a water polo around itself! "

Sometimes it is actually a matter of a layer of window paper. Xiaoling immediately thought that her starfish could do the same!

"You can try it at that time, but for now, the two of you should make No.2 with him first."

Seeing Xiaoling whose eyes were shining brighter, Tian Ci smiled and signaled that the battle would begin first.

 The battle between the two younger brothers and younger sisters is skipped, and the next chapter will not be this one. Although I wrote it, but after thinking about it, forget it. The focus should be on the protagonist.

  And why is there a civil war? In fact, the protagonist has a deep meaning. After all, I haven’t seen each other for a while, and the strength of both of them has improved very quickly, so I believe that I should understand this. This is not a game, and there is no loyalty. Even the protagonist can't see any value.

(End of this chapter)

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