Pokemon Poor

Chapter 22 Chapter News

Chapter 22 Return
Uncle Sam lowered his voice when he heard that the little Lada hoped to return to ordinary high-level qualifications, and then muted directly behind.

"Hiss! Your kid is a bit lucky. You actually caught a small Lada with ordinary high-quality aptitude outside the forest! This is only possible to encounter in the inner circle of the forest!"

Captain Sam put away the elf illustration book, held the elf ball and looked at Tian Ci in surprise
"Ah! It turned out to be a high-level aptitude. I thought it was a middle-level aptitude!"

"However, Uncle Sam, this is a thank you gift from me, and it will not be taken back just because it is a high-level aptitude. Even if it is a good aptitude, it is not as good as your life-saving grace to me before. It is still the last time!"

Tian Ci was also surprised at first, but immediately changed the subject and didn't even look at the poke ball that Captain Sam handed back!
"Boy, you should think clearly. Ordinary high-level elves, even if you break through and become an ordinary-level trainer, you may not be able to catch them in the inner circle of the forest. You can earn 3 yuan if you sell them to the elf family!"

"Uncle Sam, I think very clearly. It will cost at least 1 resources to restore it. Even if he recovers, I don't have any extra resources to cultivate it. Now all my resources will be given to Horn Bud!" After finishing speaking, Tian Ci patted the head of Trumpet Ya next to him
"Moo Moo" Horn Ya, who was stunned by the extraordinary barrier just now, narrowed his eyes and responded in a low voice!

"That's right, your trumpet bud is of good qualifications." Uncle Sam looked at the trumpet bud and nodded.

"Uncle is really sharp-eyed, and my Trumpet Bud is really good and low-quality." Tian Ci decided to hug his thigh and not hide in front of Captain Sam.

Only by showing your worth can you have the value of being accepted as a younger brother by an elite boss.

"You kid has always been very lucky! Since you have good aptitude, you should really lay a solid foundation at the freshman level and cultivate it well." Sam said and took the poke ball back.

"I have just been promoted to the elite, and now I need to breed a second elite as soon as possible! Only then can I truly gain a foothold in the alliance! Recently, the juniors at home have been clamoring for elves, and I am also troubled by this matter, so I will accept it brazenly." down"

Indeed, the most important thing for a trainer who has just broken through to the elite level is to use the first elf to quickly let the second elf break through.Only two elite trainers are the real elite trainers!

"However, I can't ask for something from you as a rookie trainer for nothing, or I won't be laughed at to death." Uncle Sam said and took out his elf backpack, lowered his head and rummaged inside.

"Boy, take it! This is a grass-type skill-absorbing ball! This is my investment in you, don't die halfway." After Uncle Sam threw Tian Ci a green ball from his backpack, he didn't wait for Tian Ci. After the second answer, a toucan was released and flew to the city wall.

"Thank you, Uncle Sam!" Tian Ci shouted excitedly, and immediately put away the skill ball.

"This time I really made a lot of money. A little Lada was exchanged for a skill ball that is just needed for Trumpet Bud." Tian Ci suppressed the excitement in his heart, and walked on the street with Trumpet Ya!
This absorbing move is not very powerful, and the grass-type elves have their own recovery methods.So the price is not very high, there are some in department stores, but it costs 5 pieces!
But for Trumpet buds who don't have this trick in the bloodline inheritance, it is worth ten thousand gold!

In fact, after Tian Ci saw Trumpet Bud learn the trick of tightening in the wild, he had the idea to save a sum of money to buy suction and use it as a combo.

Think about it, Trumpet Bud first uses the cane whip trick to bind the opponent, then uses the tight beam to plunge the wooden thorn into the opponent's body, and finally uses the trick to absorb it!Isn't that opponent the trumpet bud's blood bag?

Of course, the enemy will definitely not tie you up obediently, so you need three powders as control!Only with the addition of three powders can this trick have a great chance of success.

Three powders + rattan whip + tight bundle + absorption can be said to be an idea that Tian Ci had long ago!After this set, as long as Trumpet Bud is not seriously injured by a blow in the wild, he can find a weak elf to recover himself!
"And I even saved money on wound medicine, hehehe! I'm such a genius!" Tian Ci couldn't help laughing out loud as he thought about it!

"Moomoo?" Trumpet Ya looked at his smirking trainer suspiciously.

"Ahem!" Tian Ci's expression straightened, attention should be paid to his image

"Horn bud, we're going to train hard at home when we come back this time. You just learned how to tighten the knot. First, you must practice the tightness very proficiently. You can use it as you like like a rattan whip."

"Moo Moo" Trumpet Bud nodded

"Then we have to learn the skill ball absorption that Uncle Sam gave us just now. This move can help you absorb energy from the bound opponent's body, and it matches your current moves! So you must work hard!" Tian Ci looked at Trumpet Ya said earnestly
"Moo Moo (_)" Horn Bud nodded, indicating that he would work hard!
"Effort alone is not enough, we must work harder! After we have mastered this set of combos, we will go hunting in the wild. If the stored elf meat is exhausted, we will eat the leftover grass feed from last time first!"

In order to let Horn Ya master it as soon as possible, Tian Ci resorted to another trump card.

"Moomoo! Moomoo|ω)"

Hearing that it is possible to eat the grass-based feed full of vegetarian flavor, Trumpet Ya immediately cheered up!

After all, this kind of inferior grass-type feed must cater to the tastes of most grass-type elves in order to sell, and most grass-type elves are vegetarians!
So after the meat-eating Trumpet sprouts have eaten elf meat, it is torture to let it eat this!
"Very good, that's what I want, Horn Ya! I'll work harder with you!" Seeing the energetic Horn Ya, Tian Ci was very satisfied.

"Then let's speed up now! Go to the elf supplies grocery store before and sell the materials, then go back to rest, and start training at night." Then he started running!

"Moo Moo!" Trumpet Bud said Tian Ci, you actually sneaked away like me!
One person and one elf chased each other, and soon reached the door of the grocery store.

"Grandpa Arai, good afternoon! I'm here to sell again!" Tian Ci called out politely as soon as he entered the door.

"Oh, take it out and have a look!" The old man who was bent over in front of the counter replied lightly.

"Grandpa Arai, this time there are 7 thread sacs and 2 unicorn horns!" Tian Ci didn't seem to see the cold expression on the old man's face, but still called out politely, and put the things neatly on the counter forward.

"This is a relative of a gym-level trainer. As long as I come to lick it every time, I will always be impressed! No wonder the guards in the town come here to sell things!"

Tian Ci has a small heart in his heart, but he still looks cute on the surface.Since the last time he came here, he found out that the owner of this store was named Arai, so he decided to make a good impression on the owner of this store!
"It's 3650 yuan in total, let's go if there is no objection." The old man quickly scanned it, then put the money on the counter, and went back to rest on the recliner.

"Grandpa Arai, who doesn't know that you are the most fair shop in our town, why would I have objections, then I'll come back later!" Tian Ci flattered him and left the shop again!

(End of this chapter)

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