Pokemon Poor

Chapter 218 Xiao Ling's Second Spirit

Chapter 218 Xiao Ling's Second Spirit
After hastily returning to town, Stone immediately went to train his new elf.

"I'm so envious, Brother Tian Ci, do you think I should also prepare my second elf?"

Looking at the happy stone, Xiaoling said enviously.

"That's right, Xiaoling, you can actually make the preparations. It just so happens that the two of you can train new elves together."

Tian Ci nodded and said deeply.

"But I didn't think about it. Whatever I want to choose, it always seems to be fine."

The girl scratched her light blue hair distressedly, expressing that she didn't know what to choose.

"Xiao Ling, you should also choose the water system, tell me about it, I will give you a staff."

Tian Ci rubbed Xiao Ling's hair and said with a smile.

"Well, Brother Tian Ci, I want to choose the water system. I always feel that the water system is good for my ability."

Feeling the big hands on her head, the girl blushed, but she didn't struggle, but her voice lowered slightly, and she continued to talk about her thoughts with her head down.

"The candidates in my mind are actually the Kodak and the Silly Beast. As long as they evolve successfully, they can use some superpowers, and the Silly Beast is so cute!"

When talking about these two magical species, Xiaoling's eyes began to light up, but soon, she vetoed it herself.

"However, Koda Duck needs to be of ordinary high level to evolve, and high aptitude may not necessarily lead to successful evolution. According to the introduction in the illustrated book, the mental power in the head will burst out suddenly when it evolves!
If the resistance is over, it will be a Gotha Duck that can use superpowers. If it is not over the resistance, it will be in vain. . . .

This would cost too much.Raising to an ordinary high level for nothing, alas ╯﹏╰"

After she vetoed the Kodak, Xiao Ling started to talk about the dull beast again.

"The dumb beast seems to evolve a bit later than the Kodak, and if it wants to evolve well, it needs a big-tongued clam with high qualifications, which is not worth it."

After the girl ruled out the two stupid gods, she continued to talk about her options.

"The others are sea stars, big tongue shells, agate jellyfish, and Marilou, which are also very cute!"

After Tian Ci listened to it, he had a feeling of admiration for Xiao Ling.

Xiaoling's choice agrees with him, and her analysis is quite logical.

"That's right, Xiaoling, you can recognize this clearly, which means that your elf knowledge is no weaker than other commoner trainers who have been training for many years, at least in the water element."

Tian Ci nodded approvingly, and then began to talk about his suggestion.

"Duck and Silly Beast, in fact, as a water-type superhuman, you may be able to do something about it. Of course, the risk is just like what you said, it is really too big, so let's not consider the second one.

Mary Lou is cute, but the upper limit is too low. Even if it is a Hercules character, it’s basically not strong enough. If you just keep it as a pet, it’s okay. If it’s a contract that becomes the main force , or forget it. "

"Ah~ okay~" Xiaoling looked a little depressed when she saw that Marylou was the first one to deny her directly.

In fact, she is more inclined to Marylou among these few. Not only can she live amphibiously, but she is also very cute.

And the characteristics are very useful whether it is thick fat or strong man, but I didn't expect to be directly rejected by Tianji.

"Well, my personal recommendation is Sea Stars. Amphibious operations are possible, and the chances of awakening superpowers are very high. It can be said that basically the whole family can awaken superpowers.

Although most of them can only be half-awakened, they are stronger than Ba ​​Dahu's and can be used in actual combat.

The only downside is that the price is a little bit expensive, but we can't hunt wild elves in the forest and rivers, so we can only buy it. I think this should be the most suitable for you.

The big tongue shell is basically a live target. The evolved iron shell shell has excellent defense, but you don’t need this kind of defense spirit now. As for the agate jellyfish, although it can go to land for a short time, it is necessary to fight on land for a long time. No way. "

Tian Ci finished his suggestion in one breath, and then waited for Xiao Ling to make a decision.

"Brother Tian Ci, actually my second choice is Starfish, but I just don't know if I have enough money."

After the girl finished listening, she looked at her wallet with a bitter face, feeling that she was going back to before liberation.

"Haha, you little rich woman is still pretending to be poor, okay, let's divide the harvest this time first, Shi Shi said that he didn't divide the harvest, let us just split it in half, the two tasks Too."

Looking at Xiaoling pretending to be poor, Tian Ci couldn't help laughing. At the same time, he sorted some materials in the backpack, some were specially used for submitting tasks, and some were sold directly.

"Yeah, let's go to the Elf House to have a look at that time, and buy it today if it suits you."

Xiaoling's temper gradually became decisive, and now that she has made a decision, she will buy it directly.

Soon, the two went to the elf center to hand in the task, and then went out to sell the materials after transferring meritorious service.

After such an operation, each person was allocated more than 2 yuan and 15 merit points. Tian Ci's bank card balance finally reached 30, and the merit points also broke through the 700 mark, reaching 705 points.

As for Xiaoling, he didn't know very well, after all, he had no reason to inquire about other people's property.

But in terms of money, it must be much more than him. He still remembers that when he bought Deluby that time, there was still a huge sum of 50 yuan left in Xiaoling's card!

After so many days of tasks, she doesn't need to feed the three elves, so she must still have savings. Tian Ci estimates that it should be about 100 million. This money should be enough to buy starfish.

"I don't know if it's enough, I just remember it's very expensive, if it's not enough by then, will it be embarrassing~"

Xiao Ling stood in front of the window of the Elf House, a little hesitant, and looked at Tian Ci next to her for help.

"Cough~ Xiaoling, it's okay. If it's really not enough, I'll lend it to you first. You are no longer a child. You are a trainer now, and a civilian trainer at that, so you should be thick-skinned!"

Tian Ci chose to ignore Xiao Ling's gaze, stood beside her, and signaled her to go in.

"Okay~" Seeing this, Xiao Ling could only walk in alone.

After more than ten minutes, the excited Xiao Ling came out with a poke ball.

"Brother Tian Ci, I bought it. It's okay, it's still enough! It cost 80 yuan, and I have good qualifications."

As soon as she went out, Xiao Ling happily showed Tian Ci her new spirit.

"Enn, it seems that the two of you should train hard during this period, and you can also form a team when the time comes, so I will act alone first."

Looking at the excited Xiao Ling, Tian Ci also talked about the next arrangement.

"Enen, don't worry, brother Tian Ci, soon, the second one can quickly reach the normal level! Then we can take on the most difficult tasks in the same star class."

Xiaoling also had no objection, and the two walked home laughing and laughing all the way.

When the scene changed, Shi Shi couldn't help hesitating when he saw the one remaining in his hand after contracting the mouse.

When they were feeding together just now, this ordinary medium-qualified rat woke up and offered to follow him.

Tian Ci and Xiao Ling also left the mountain rat to Shi Shi to deal with.

"Shua~" He first released the mountain rat he had contracted with, and after getting in touch with it, he let it stay by his side.

Because the next thing still needs an elf of the same family to translate.

"Shua~" At this moment, a red light flashed, and a thin mountain mouse appeared in the open space.

"Kuja~Kuja~" When the rat came out, it didn't intend to run away or attack. On the contrary, it waved its hand at the stone as soon as it came out, as if I was obedient.

"Rat, tell the mouse, I'll call it like this from now on, you two make a difference in the name."

Shi Shi first said something to the contracted mountain rat.

"Ku~Kujakuga~jia~" the rat nodded, walked up to the same clan, and said a few words.

"Kuga!" The mouse, thinking about having enough to eat, had no objection and nodded directly.

"Okay, that rat, you tell the mouse, I won't tame it for the time being, but I can take it to train and fight together, and I will provide it with sufficient and energetic food every day, but it must listen to me Commander, understand?"

Seeing the mouse with a good attitude, Shitou nodded, and began to talk about his own conditions, asking the rat to tell the story.

"Kuga~Kuku~jia~" The rat walked up to the mouse and began to communicate.

"Ku! Kuga! Kuga!" Hearing enough energy food, the mouse's eyes turned into stars. It still remembers the low-grade energy cube, how delicious it is!Still so energetic!

"Kuga? Kuga?" But it soon came back to its senses, pointed at the stone and pointed at itself, expressing that it couldn't understand what the stone said.

"Rat, tell it that it's like this without a contract, but after getting along for a long time, you can understand it. For the time being, you will act as the interpreter."

When Shi Shi saw the gesture, he understood what it meant, so before the rat could convey it, he said the solution.

"Kuja~Kuja~" the rat began to translate again.

"Kuga ω!" The mouse nodded joyfully, expressing its agreement. Anyway, it can eat that every day, and it has no objection.

"Okay, then both of you should show off all the moves you know first."

Seeing the nodding mouse, Shi Shi temporarily put down his vigilance and tried to give an order.

"Kujia!" "Ku!" The two rats nodded and began to demonstrate in the open space.

In fact, Shitou accepted this ordinary and medium-sized mountain rat because of his compassion.

Seeing this thin and small mouse, he couldn't help but think of himself when he was a child, when he hadn't started to develop, he was also so thin and emaciated.

Moreover, when the mountain mouse woke up at that time, it knelt and bowed directly to him, which he did not expect.

He felt that he had some fate with this mountain mouse, so he planned to give it a try by half subduing it.

In fact, if Tian Ci hadn't been instilling in him the importance of innate aptitude, he might have accepted another mountain rat on the spot.

But it's fine now, he believes that the freshman-level pangolin should not be so old and cunning, pretend to be obedient and secretly assassinate him to get revenge.

Of course, they still belong to wild elves after all, so they still need to be vigilant. For this reason, he decided to let the rats follow the mice inseparably in the future. They will be trained together anyway, so it is not normal for them to eat and live together. Well.

After returning to Tian Ci, after confirming that he wanted to act alone, he went to the Elf Center again, compared the mission list again, and finally chose some missions that overlapped with the missions of the Rockets, or were not related to them. OK.

He has already planned to use Team Rocket's contribution to exchange Heluga's evolution plan. The evolution plan added in the cultivation cheat book, after reading it, probably can only improve a small amount of aptitude.

He is going to give it a go, and change to an evolution plan that can improve two levels of aptitude, and the safety is higher. Such an evolution plan will inevitably be more expensive.

But there is indeed something on the Rockets' exchange list, so he is going to exchange for this.

Moreover, Koudaihua and Bibi Bird's high-level cheats have to be prepared, especially Koudaihua. The energy crystals that Tianci has seized these few times have been used by Kouduhua, and even bought halfway. A few grass-type and poison-type energy crystals were used for Koudaihua.

All of this is to make Koudaihua reach the ordinary high level faster. On the one hand, there is of course the reason for the year-end competition. After all, the top three can break Ninghui's final step.

Although it doesn't matter whether it is broken or not, Tian Ci, as an old driver who read countless movies in his previous life, knows a lot more tricks than Ning Hui, the former young lady.

He still remembered Ninghui's expression of astonishment and resistance when she knew it was possible there, but unfortunately he succeeded in the end.

After all, how could an ordinary maid be able to resist his attack, not to mention that he followed the agreement completely and did not break her last step.

Of course, the main reason is that Xiao Ling's rapid progress made him really feel the pressure.

Although Xiaoling himself may not care about it, as the captain, he still has to maintain the strongest strength in the team at all times.

Otherwise, if he takes 4% once or twice, he may not say anything, but after a long time, the gap between Xiaoling and him will widen?

No one can guarantee that Xiaoling and Shitou will always be loyal.

He never forgot how Xiao Ling was tricked into coming in by him.

So he never thought of pulling Xiaoling into the Rockets. His arrangement for Xiaoling was to go to the league and be his support on the surface.

As for Shitou, he had thought about it, but firstly, he was only a small soldier himself, so he couldn't recruit Shitou under his command. Secondly, Shitou was already very familiar with Xiaoling. I can't refuse Xiaoling's joining, and I have misunderstood all my life.

Moreover, in this town, the combat strength of the ordinary high-ranking ranks is considered to have a real right to speak, which is equivalent to the strongest combat power of the Ninghui family, and some news that he does not know will naturally be known, whether it is the alliance , or the Rockets, it's all the same.

 Thank you for the reward of watching all the books in the world yesterday!Let me also explain that because of the authority of the author, the typo in the previous VIP chapter cannot be corrected, it is not that it will not be corrected.I hope everyone will forgive me, and I will be more careful later!I always feel that it is not good to go to the editor to correct one or two typos. . .

(End of this chapter)

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