Pokemon Poor

Chapter 213 Plans and Late Night Visits

Chapter 213 Plans and Late Night Visits

With that said, Tian Ci put the cheat books one after another on the table.

"So many!" Xiaoling couldn't help being surprised when she saw the 7 cheat books on the table.

"That's right, these two cheat books belonged to the fugitive before. "Pure Yuan Jue" is a way to cultivate true qi, without attribute bonuses, but correspondingly, it will be easier to break through the bottleneck.

Shitou, you should soon have a sense of qi, let's practice this together then.

Xiaoling, I don't know if the martial arts training method will help your water energy, you can try it too. "

Because the other 5 cheat books were also known to the other two, Tian Ci focused on introducing the other two.


"Okay!" The two of them nodded upon hearing the words.

"The next thing is this "Disha Fist". This is a martial skill, which has the effect of slightly improving physical fitness. I don't think we can use it very much against the enemy, but let's practice it. Adding some life-saving means is also useless. Incorrect.

Then there is another book, you all know it is the "Vertical Art", this is what we focus on practicing, it can effectively improve our speed. "

After finishing talking about "Pure Yuan Jue", Tian Ci also picked up the other two cultivation cheats and explained them to them.


"Okay!" The two of them had no objection to Tian Ci's arrangement, so they nodded directly.

"Well, what about the contents of these 7 books, I'll scan them with a computer later, and then upload them to your account, pay attention to encryption.

We are a team, and I also trust you, so we can share the exercises and cheats directly, and there is no need to divide them so clearly. "

Looking at the quiet two people, Tian Ci seemed to have said something of true affection inadvertently.

"Brother Tian Ci, don't worry, I won't tell anyone even if I'm beaten to death."

Hearing Tian Ci's trust, Xiao Ling was also very moved, and quickly expressed her opinion.

"Brother Tian Ci, me too!" Shitou hurriedly followed.

They are no longer novices, of course they understand the value of these cheats, but they never thought that Tian Ci would be willing to share them all, which made them feel like they would die for their confidants.

"Well, let's talk about these miscellaneous things. How many energy crystals are there, and some Ye Luzi's cultivation notes, and wound medicine and so on. Let's distribute these according to their value."

Seeing the attitude of the two, Tian Ci smiled generously on the surface, and then began to talk about other gains.

In fact, he was very happy in his heart, and felt that the control methods used by others in his previous life were quite useful. Of course, he also understood that it was because the two of them were relatively simple and novice, not because he was really superb. Psychology or something.

"Brother Tian Ci, you don't need to divide it up. You can take away what you need in the future. Those few fire energy crystals should be available to Derby."

This time it was Stone who spoke.

"Yeah, and then we are picking what we can use. As for those cultivation notes, we should also scan a copy and share them. The rest will be sold and we will share the money together at that time."

Xiaoling nodded when she heard Shitou's proposal, and added another sentence to the previous proposal.

"Alright, then I'm not going to be polite."

Tian Ci didn't pretend to be hypocritical, so he agreed with the situation, put away two low-grade fire-type energy crystals and one low-grade normal-type energy crystal, and took a few bottles of good wound medicine, repellent spray and so on.

Xiaoling and Shitou also took some commonly used things after Tianci finished taking them, and stopped taking other things.

"Okay, let's go to the store first, and the butcher shop to deal with these sundries for sale.

In this way, Shitou, send all the elf meat we despise to the butcher shop

Xiaoling, you and I should go shopping for materials together, split up and act quickly, we will all gather at the gate of the bank by then! "

After distributing the things, Tian Ci and the others began to split up, preparing to sell the resources and convert them into money.

After more than half an hour, the three met again at the bank gate.

"Brother Tian Ci, this is meat money." Shitou returned the money from the meat sale to Tian Ci, and then the two began to wait for Tian Ci's distribution.

"It's a little over 23 in total. Even if it's 24, I took a little more just now, so there's no need to persuade me."

After Tian Ci quickly counted it, he directly pasted money to make up a whole number. Although a few thousand yuan is a small amount, it can let Shi Shi and Xiaoling see his attitude. How can he do such a small amount of money for trust? Miss it.

"According to what we said before, 433 distribution, each of you will get 7."

After stopping the two people who wanted to say anything, Tian Ci directly started to operate the self-service deposit machine.

"Ding ~ Your account ending in 4869 has received a transfer of 72000 yuan."

After a while, the mobile phones of the two received the information of transferring money to the account.

"Brother Tian Ci~ I don't need it." Seeing that he had it too, Shitou hurriedly said something to Tian Ci and wanted to turn back.

"Hey~ Shishi, I just took three more energy crystals, and the total is 20. Let's forget about what you said before, and your little fist stone, I can see that it is about to evolve. , you also need money to buy evolutionary resources.”

Seeing this, Tian Ci waved his hands and explained to Shi Shi.

"Yeah, brother Shitou, you don't have to be so entangled at all. Speaking of which, I didn't even have a single cheat book. I replaced that opportunity with the skill ball of Frozen Fist. If you really want to distinguish it so clearly, now I I got 7 cheat books for nothing, then I will transfer the money to you."

Xiao Ling also joined the ranks of persuasion, pretending that she really wanted to use her mobile phone to transfer money while talking.

"No, it's not ~ Xiao Ling, Brother Tian Ci, I didn't mean that, I just felt...felt that"

Shi Shi really believed it, thinking that the two had misunderstood him, and felt that he had to draw a clear line with them, and began to explain desperately, but his words were a little unclear.

"Hahaha, that's fine, Xiaoling, don't joke with Shitou anymore, we are a team, we can even be said to be brothers and sisters who depend on each other for life, some things that can be shared can be shared directly, Shitou, you can accept it with peace of mind .

And in this way, it will be easier for us to divide the spoils in the future, so we don't have to calculate everything carefully like those temporary teams. "

Looking at the anxious stone, Tian Ci laughed, and spoke sincerely and beautifully.

"Yeah!" Shitou and Xiao Ling both obviously liked this, and when they heard the brothers and sisters, they nodded with red eyes.

"Okay, then let's go to the elf center and transfer the merit points to you."

After such an operation, Tian Ci's assets reached 27 yuan, and his alliance merits also reached 360 points.

It seems that the money is not much, but the most important gain this time is not the money, but those few cheat books!

The three of them went home and had a meal together, and they also decided on the next schedule at the dinner table.

In the next period of time, they plan to spend only half a day on tasks, and choose relatively simple tasks to do, so that the three of them can complete 3 to 4 such relatively simple tasks in half a day.

Even if three people share one point at that time, it will actually earn more than one person doing the task alone.

After all, if there are few people, it will take time to solve it. It is very likely that you can only do a very simple task in half a day.The remuneration is of course not high.

As for why it took half a day, it was because they also needed time to digest the harvest this time, especially those few cheat books. Tian Ci planned to get started before continuing to do a lot of tasks.

As for Xiao Ling, her Mosquito Frog is new to the two ice-type moves, and it will take time to train these two moves and turn resources into strength.

Not to mention the stone, its small fist stone has almost evolved. When it was promoted to the normal level, it used a special method, which greatly increased the energy of the small fist stone.

Not to mention that the cost of the stone is very high, and the normal cultivation is to feed the small fist stone completely according to the highest standard in the cheat book, so it is normal for the small fist stone to evolve so soon.

Tian Ci's only worry is that it is impossible for Xiaoquanshi to take this opportunity to jump directly to the normal middle stage. After all, it can evolve so quickly because of these accumulations. The foundation of Xiaoquanshi is not enough to support evolution and jump again. operate.

So in the situation of the three of them, they still need a lot of money to maintain their daily expenses, and they are not the second generation of training, so they still need to spend half a day to do the task.

"Okay, if this is the case, let's do the task together in the afternoon, train at home in the morning, and also in the evening, and turn our respective gains into strength as soon as possible!"

After the three discussed it, they set a time.

"Okay, Brother Tian Ci, let's go first."

After the subsequent plans were finalized, Shitou and Xiaoling bid farewell and returned to their homes.

"Phew~ well, it's only early at 9 o'clock in the evening, Dai Rubi, eat the honey first and then go to training, Kouduhua and Bibi Bird, you should train according to the plan first, we will go to bed at 10:[-] in the future Bar."

After sending Xiaoling and the stone away, Tian Ci immediately sent a few cheat books to the two of them.

After everything was done, he made arrangements for the elves.

"Woof ~" Hearing that Dai Ruby, who was eating supper, immediately wagged his tail happily and came to the dinner plate, and started to eat.

In fact, he has read Heluga's cultivation cheats before, and there are corresponding feeding plans in this cultivation cheats for Dai Rubi's period.

However, compared with honey, honey is definitely better, so before Derby evolved, he still chose to feed it with honey mixed with meat.

"Moo~" Koudaihua responded when he heard that there was going to be training at night, and then walked to the open space in the backyard. It does not reject training.

Recently, it is trying to improve the solution, thinking whether it can condense the venom like the seed machine gun, and then shoot it out quickly.

Because the speed of the solution is too slow, and the attack range is relatively short, although the power is good, it is useless if it cannot hit the enemy.

"Beep beep" Bibi Bird on the other side also nodded when he saw this, flew to the tree, and began to think about how to advance the peck into a crazy burst.

Because Tian Ci had already briefly explained the principle to Dai Rubi when he was getting honey for him just now.

In fact, it is very simple, it is to reduce the power and transfer this part of energy to the speed of the move, so Tian Ci roughly said it, and it understood.

However, it is one thing to understand the theory, and another thing to practice it. It still needs to be practiced many times by Bibi Bird himself.

"Then let me take a good look at the Cheats of Cultivation. Is there anything that can be developed by the current Deluby?"

Seeing that the three little ones were doing their own thing, Tian Ci also took out Hei Lujia's cultivation cheats and began to read them.

"Dong dong dong~" The time came to around 10 o'clock, just as Tianji was thinking about whether Deluby could train his claws, suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Tian Ci hid the book, then came to the door and asked with a kitchen knife.

He believed that it was definitely not Shitou or Xiaoling. The two of them always explained their identities before knocking on the door.

Since it wasn't the two of them, the person knocking on the door in the middle of the night might not be a good person, or most likely not a person!
He has not forgotten that there are ghost elves in this world, and if they are ghost elves, it is normal for them to sneak into the town.

"Tian Cijun, it's me, Ninghui!" Just as he was still thinking wildly, a soft female voice came from behind the door.

"Ninghui? What are you doing here so late?"

Tian Ci looked through the simple cat's eyes first, and after realizing that it was really Ning Hui, he put away the kitchen knife, opened the door and asked.

"That, that, can I go in first?"

Ning Hui who was asked was a little embarrassed and said that she was covered in a big robe now, only her head was exposed.

"Okay, then you come in first." After checking to make sure there was a shadow, Tian Ci waved his hand to let Ning Hui enter his room.

"Moo?" "Beep?" "Wow?"

At this time, the three little ones also ran over when they heard the movement, because the breath they felt seemed to be that of a stranger, not so familiar, so they, who were worried about Tian Ci, ran over.

"Hi, Dai Rubi, Koudaihua, Bibiniao, we met this afternoon."

Seeing the three little ones with curious faces, Ning Hui was even more embarrassed, and said hello to the three little ones with a blushing face.


"Okay, it's almost time, you three go to bed first."

Tian Ci checked the time, and it was almost time, so he sent the three little ones to sleep.

He felt that Ning Hui came to visit late at night today, and he had something to tell him, and his face became even redder after seeing the three little ones, probably because there were elves who were inconvenient to talk about.

"Moo~" "Beep~" "Woo~" Hearing Tian Ci's order, the three little ones had no doubts, nodded obediently, went to their own nests, and got ready to sleep.

"Okay, Ninghui, tell me if you have something to do."

After getting rid of the three little ones, Tian Ci poured Ninghui a glass of water, sat opposite her and asked.

"That, that~ Tianji-kun, I believe you also know what happened to my family recently.

My father is dead, and the fiancé I chose a while ago is also dead, I can be said to be a marginal person in the family, woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Looking at Tian Ci in front of her, Ning Hui cried as soon as she gritted her teeth and said her tragic experience first.

(End of this chapter)

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