Pokemon Poor

Chapter 211 Unique Evolution Stone

Chapter 211 Unique Evolution Stone
"Bang!" Suddenly the head of one of the trainers exploded.

It was the one who persuaded him not to fight among himself, because he no longer had elves guarding him, so he was instantly killed by Abby Lang with a vacuum wave.

"Just right! Boom~" The companion not far away from him was protected by the Abo monster in time, and the vacuum wave hit the Abo monster's body.

As for the others, they were very lucky not to be turned,

It is probably also related to the poor condition of this Abby Lang. After all, killing the trainer through the protective suit still requires some effort for the current one.

Who will be next?Hahaha~" Seeing the crowd who summoned all the elves back, Hirano smiled jokingly.

If he continued to besiege him, then he might be delayed for some time, but the nature of most people is not self-sacrifice, so in the face of this situation, no one would put their lives in the hands of others.

"Yeah~" Abilang also waved his fist vigorously, looking at this and then that, as if he was picking the next target.

Just when everyone's faces were solemn, as if they were facing a big enemy, an accident happened suddenly.

"Shua~ Shua~ Yeah beep~" Abi Lang was suddenly sent flying, and at the same time, two long scars appeared on his body.

"No, Abby Lang! Run!" Seeing the sudden accident, Hirano called Abby Lang, and immediately prepared to run.

He really didn't expect that investigator to be so fast, and even hide a flying elf!

"Or it's not hiding, but it's inconvenient to fight just after breaking through."

Hirano looked at the elf standing in front of them with a solemn expression.

I saw that this elf was purple all over, and a pair of wings and tail just made up a cross.

"Just stabilized at the elite level." Hirano's face turned ugly after feeling the breath leaked from the cross-word bat.

Even though this forked bat seems to have just stabilized the strength of the elite, but with its natural speed advantage, he can't escape, let alone Abby Lang is still injured.

"Abby Lang, Vacuum Wave!" Looking at the forked bat in mid-air, Hirano had a little luck and asked Abby Lang to try to attack.

Maybe it's because the realm is unstable and the strength is very weak.

"咻咻咻~" Abilang nodded, and fired several vacuum waves at the forked bat from the air.

"呲呲~呲呵~" The figure of the cross-word bat was shaking in the air, and everyone saw a purple figure appearing here and then there, and it dodged Abilang's attack .

"md! Abilang, take me with you, and use high-speed movement to run towards the dense forest!"

Seeing this scene, Hirano felt a chill in his heart. He knew that he was going to escape. As long as he could escape to the dense forest, the cross-word bat might not be able to catch him.

"That g thing should have sent the cross-bat over first. As long as I get rid of the cross-bat, I can still escape."

Hirano, who was carried on Abilang's back, still grasped a glimmer of life. If the investigator and the dog were there, he could have killed him directly just now.

And when Abilang attacked just now, the forked bat didn't realize that it could counterattack, which meant that its trainer hadn't come yet, so there was still a chance.

"Shua~" Abilang was about to start with Hirano on his back, when suddenly a flame shot towards him.

"Yeah!" Abby Lang hurriedly jumped to the side, but was still scratched a little, and let out a cry of pain, and there were burn marks on his left leg.

"Where are you going~" At this time, Depp slowly walked out from behind with a strong Heluga.

He used Dodoo to hurry up and slow down, and finally got blocked. The moment he saw Abilang, he asked Helujia to say hello.

"MD! You just want this thing! I'll give it to you, can you let me go!"

Seeing Depp, Hirano's face became completely ugly. He knew that he had no way out, but he still wanted to make the last desperate struggle.

"Hey! That's it! It seems to be the stone that appeared in the previous trailer!"

Tianji also saw what Hirano was holding, and couldn't help being surprised.

I saw Hirano holding a half-purple and half-green stone with a special symbol on it. Holding this stone, he tried to find a way out for himself.

"Hehe~ As long as I take you back, the things on you will still be mine."

Looking at the dying Hirano, Depp smiled, and was ready to continue to let Helujia take action.

"Then I'll let Abby Lang smash it! In this way, even if you take me back, you won't be able to complete your mission!
How about it, I know that your main task is to bring this stone back. As long as you let me live, I will directly give you this stone intact. "

After being rejected by Depp, Hirano felt a little desperate, so he handed the stone directly to Abby Lang, trying to get Abby Lang to break it, so as to threaten the Depp investigator.

"Heh~ If you smash it into pieces, you can break it up, Helujia spews flames and bursts!
Forked bats, air blade bursts! "

Looking at the ignorant Hirano, Depp didn't talk nonsense, and directly let the two elves attack.

"Abby Lang, move at high speed to dodge, and block with your fists if you can't dodge."

Facing several turbulent flames in front of him, Hirano could only let Abby Lang retreat quickly.

"Puff~wow~" It's a pity that Abilang's injured left leg made a mistake, he missed a movement, and was directly hit by a jet of flames and several air blades.

"Yeah beep! Beep~" At the critical moment, Abby Lang directly threw Hirano out of his back, and he was swallowed by the flames, and wailed in pain in the flames.

"Bang, bang~yeah~beep(_)" But it still remembered Hirano's words, and swung its fists with the last of its strength, trying to break the stone, but it was a pity that the fist that was usually invincible hit the stone without any damage. It didn't work, not even a crack appeared.

In the end, Abi Lang lay on the ground scorched black, already dying of serious injuries.

"Abby Lang!" Hirano, who got up, couldn't help shouting in pain when he saw the charred Abby Lang.

But the old youtiao is the old youtiao. After he yelled, he immediately fled towards the dense forest, without any intention of turning back.

Because he knew that by staying, he was really wasting Abby Lang's sacrifice, and he would not be able to act emotionally or emotionally. The best choice is to seize this opportunity to see if he can escape.

"Shua~xi~suosuo~" I saw Hirano's body jumping and running, running forward quickly, and there seemed to be some special rules in this chaotic pace.

"I c! This tm is light work! This speed is not much different from that of ordinary elves."

Looking at Hirano who ran more than 30 meters in the blink of an eye, Tian Ci sighed silently in his heart.

Of course he knew that if there were no accidents, even if the leader of the fugitive could do light work, he would not be able to escape the investigators' pursuit.

After all, the speed of the cross-word bat completely outstripped the ten streets of light industry.

"Team Rocket! Powerful elves! Mythical beasts! Just show me one at random!"

Hirano screamed wildly in his heart. He also understood that with the cross-word bat, he could not escape by relying on light work. The only hope was that there would be powerful elves appearing nearby, or Team Rocket would appear.

"Heh~ Forked Bat, go finish him, attack with wings!"

Looking at Hirano who had fled away, Depp smiled mockingly, and let the forked bat fly over.

"Shua~" The cross-shaped bat appeared behind Hirano in a flash, and white light lit up on its wings.

"Pfft!" A white light flashed, and a round object fell down. When the blood sprayed out, Hirano ran forward a few steps before falling to the ground with a "bang" .

"呵呵~呵~" the cross-word bat grabbed the head, flew to Depp and began to claim credit.

"...Great, crossbat, you go and help me get the corpse."

Depp was bending down to pick up the stone. When he looked up, he found a dead man's head hanging in front of him. He was also taken aback, but he still praised the crossed bat.

"呲呲~呲ω" After receiving the trainer's praise, the crossbat was very happy, threw the head to Depp, and went to drag the corpse.

"Really~ Forked Bat is still as frizzy as before."

Looking at the head in his arms, Depp smiled wryly, and wrapped it in a cloth and put it in his backpack.

"This stone is the key stone. I heard that with this stone, combined with the super stone, the elves in their original final form can evolve again. I don't know if it's true or not."

After placing the head, Depp also carefully observed the stone in his hand. As an alliance investigator, he had only heard of this thing, and this was the first time he had seen it.

It was only after he received the mission that he obtained a detailed information about the keystone.

"It seems to be nothing special, but the degree of hardness is very high. I heard that it takes the full blow of the king of heaven to break it. I don't know if it is true or not."

After carefully observing the keystone, Depp confirmed that there were no cracks, and put it away in his backpack.

Anyway, he can't get this thing, and he still has to hand it in, so as long as he confirms that it is intact, there is no need to think about it carefully.

"Okay, some of you here, come over to my side, and help dispose of this corpse."

Next, after searching the corpse carefully, he made sure that no extra property was missing, so he called out to Tian Ci and the others to bury the corpse.

"Okay, Mr. Depp." Brother Teng immediately nodded and agreed, and began to direct Tian Ci and the others to dig a hole.

"Hey, hey~" With the help of the elves, the headless corpse was buried in the ground soon.

It's not that it's superfluous, or that it's a sudden kindness.

The main reason is that no matter what, as an alliance investigator, he can't let human corpses become nourishment for wild elves!
After all, in this world, the number one enemy of life and death for human beings is the wild elves.

For uncontrolled elves in the wild, it would be better to have two less or less.

This quasi-elite-level corpse might be able to create several ordinary-level elves in the wild.

"Master Depp, the corpse has been disposed of, do you have any orders?"

After disposing of the corpse, Brother Teng immediately ran to the inspector Depp to claim credit.

Well, in fact, his main intention was to remind Depp if he could give the extra reward first.

"Well, then you guys come over here and pick a share for each of you here."

Seeing Brother Teng appear again, Depp also remembered his promise, nodded and took out a few things from his backpack.

I saw 6-7 things scattered on the grass, a total of more than a dozen pieces.

Tian Ci immediately went over to take a look, and found that there were a few books, a few skill balls, and some evolutionary resources, all of which were worth hundreds of thousands.

"Brother Fuji, you choose first." Looking at so many things, Tian Ci didn't get dizzy, so he asked Brother Fuji to choose first.

"Then I'll take this." Brother Teng quickly took a cheat book out of it, Tian Ci glanced at it, and found that it was a cheat book for the cultivation of big-mouthed bats, and the cover seemed to be high-end.

Tian Ci guessed that this was the compensation specially prepared by the investigator for Brother Fuji, after all, Brother Fuji died of an elf.

And among them, there is no doubt that Brother Teng must choose first, so he should definitely choose this one.

"Then I want this!" After Brother Teng took it, Tian Ci was already ready to take it brazenly, but he didn't expect the trainer of the Abo monster in the team to stretch out his hand directly. Just watched him take away the most valuable item among the remaining items, that is, the secret book of lightness kung fu.

Although a little helpless, Tian Ci also understands that it is natural for others to take second place. After all, he is also the main force when there is delay.

"Well, I want this." After Tian Ci looked at the rest, he chose a copy of Heluga's cultivation cheats, and the cover was up to the middle of the ordinary.

In fact, he can exchange this training manual with the contribution points of the Rockets, but among this pile of things, this is the only one that is in line with his current situation in terms of value to him. It's too much.

"Then I want this!" When it was Xiao Ling's turn, she immediately took the skill ball of Frozen Fist in her hand.

"Come here ~ Ning Hui ~" When the stone was still struggling, Tian Ci suddenly noticed that Ning Hui was still hiding behind the big rock alone, and immediately said something silently to Ning Hui who had her head exposed, pointing with her fingers. refer to.

"Hey, oh~ Brother Tian Ci, what did you ask me to do?" Ning Hui understood what Tian Ci meant, walked up to Tian Ci quickly, and asked in a low voice.

"After he finishes choosing, go and choose something, just choose that book, understand!"

Tian Ci first looked at Brother Teng who had walked aside and the unknown trainer, and found that they were concentrating on reading the cheats, so he felt relieved and said in a low voice.

"Oooh." Ning Hui understood Tian Ci's meaning in seconds. It seemed that she was asked to join the head to get a reward. She, who had planned for Tian Ci, agreed without hesitation, and squatted silently beside the stone.

"I want this." Shitou chose for a while and finally chose a cheat book on the cultivation of Chuanshan King, which also ended in the middle.

He originally hesitated between the rock blockade and this cheat book, but after Tian Ci gave him a hint, he made up his mind to choose this one.

In fact, the value of the two is about the same. The skill of rock blockade is not an ordinary skill on the bad street.

The Cheats for Climbing the Mountain King reaches the middle stage, and the Rockets also have about 200 contribution points, so the price is about the same.

 Thanks to the three book friends Mi Qiu 815 (1500 points), Ken Jake, and Ai Ru Lu Ningcheng yesterday for their rewards.I stayed up late yesterday and finally finished the courseware. The chapter I posted is a manuscript, and it feels good to have nothing to do!I got the name wrong several times in yesterday's chapter, because I kept thinking that the courseware was not finished yet, and I was a little out of shape. . .

(End of this chapter)

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