Pokemon Poor

Chapter 206 The woman who touches fish and asks for help!

Chapter 206 The woman who touches fish and asks for help!

"Boss, why don't we just join the Rockets team in that town?"

Someone who didn't have a bright head asked directly.

"Aren't you stupid! How dare the Rockets over there accept us for what we did in that town!"

Hearing this, a pockmarked trainer next to him patted the person who asked the idiot question.

"But isn't their Rocket team more evil than us? I heard that they still conduct human experiments."

That Tie Hanhan probably has a straightforward temper at ordinary times, so he insisted on being serious and continued to ask.

"That was in the past! The Rockets now don't do large-scale looting at all, or they don't do it without anyone noticing it.

It's not like we slaughtered two families in the town!He also killed the gym owner's little lover first and then!
Hey, but that chick is really strong!No wonder the daughter of a small family was favored by the gym master. "

When pockmarked face mentioned this, he immediately remembered his previous love affair in Pinliang Town, and the corners of his mouth could not help but smile.

"Okay, don't mention this kind of thing again, it's done, the only way for us to survive is to find the Rockets' base here before the dogs of the league catch up.

md!Damn it!I heard that the Rockets team here has just been built not long ago, and it seems that there is still a big mission, so it is very hidden, and the insider doesn't know the exact location at all! "

Seeing the wretched smile on Mazi's face, Hirano became angry!He didn't enjoy it at the time, he was just busy going to the treasure house to find treasures!

"Okay, Boss! Now that Boss has confessed, we will always follow you." Seeing that Hirano was angry again, Ma Zilian quickly nodded in agreement.

"Yes, yes, so the brothers can rest assured!"

"Boss, I'll hang out with you when we get to Team Rocket!"

After the others got the answer, they immediately began to show their loyalty.

After all, they have no way out in the league. If they want to continue to develop, the only way to join the Rockets is now.

"Well, don't worry, with my elite status, I will be a squadron leader over there, and you will all be my squadron leaders by then."

Hearing everyone's statement, Hirano nodded, very satisfied, and took advantage of the opportunity to write a verbal check to everyone.

"Haha~ Then thank you, boss." The yellow hair next to him thanked him very discerningly.

"Thank you boss!"

"I knew I was going to hang out with the boss! It must be true."

The others also hurriedly thanked them, as if the forced palace had never happened before.

"Well, well, after the break, let's search around in groups of two and two. Where the elves have a higher density and more types, let's mark them down first, and come back here in two hours. Let's go and search together. explore."

Seeing the loyal people, Hirano didn't mention the matter on the surface, and directly ordered to continue the search.

"Okay, boss."

"Okay, then I'll be with you, Mazi."

After receiving the order, the others immediately divided into groups, and each went out of the tree hole in pairs.

"Then boss, I'd better stay with you, be safe!"

When Huang Mao saw the four people who had already gone out, he cursed secretly in his heart, and then said to Hirano with a flattering face.

"En ~ come along." Hirano nodded indifferently, and led Abilang out of the tree hole.

On the other side, the alliance's search team also arrived at the inner circle of the forest smoothly, and the four teams were also assigned to four directions to start searching inside.

It was no surprise that Tian Ci and his team were assigned to the position with the sparsest trees.

Obviously just let them hang around, don't bother the other three teams to earn extra merit.

"Oh~ Forget it, anyway, I'm here to play for the bottom line, so the three of you should go to the left, and the two of you and I should go to the right."

Although it was his own choice, but he was really underestimated and excluded by others, Brother Teng's face was a little ugly.

But in the end, he sighed in resignation, and led the other two to the right.

"Then let's go too, just move slowly, as long as we don't stop."

Looking at Brother Teng's lonely back, Tian Ci didn't know what to say, so he silently walked to the left with Xiaoling and Shitou.

Sure enough, it is the least dangerous area. At a glance, you can see a place quite far away, and the surrounding trees are relatively sparse. Most of them are not very tall grass and bushes. It is also very close to the safe road marked in the illustration book .

Of course, the density of the corresponding elves is relatively low, and their strength is also relatively weak. They are basically one or two ordinary-level low-level ones, and they can easily be turned into materials under the beating of the three.

"Sigh~ What a pity, Team Rocket's mission to collect elves is over, otherwise it would be great to subdue them all in exchange for contribution points."

Tian Ci threw the last snake tooth into the backpack, and looked at the Abo monster that was left with nothing but dregs, and silently said a word of pity in his heart.

"Brother Tian Ci, why don't we just walk slowly like this? Don't look for those fugitives?
I saw the information sent by Depp's investigator, it seems that someone has already dealt with two minions, so with the boss, there are only four left! "

The girl walking beside had just seen the real-time message sent from the communicator, and couldn't help but feel a little anxious. This simple child really thought that he would confront the criminal, so he prepared a lot of things in his backpack.

"Cough~Xiao Ling, this kind of thing cannot be forced, and with the strength of the three of us, we don't know who will kill whom if we really meet?

You have also seen the latest information on the six fugitives, showing that the weakest of them has three ordinary mid-level elves. When we really encounter it, we will also call for rescue, and the reward will be someone else's.

So our main purpose of coming out this time is to feel the atmosphere and accumulate experience. "

Seeing the impatient girl, Tian Ci couldn't help but smile, and then explained to the simple child.

"Ah! So that's the case, then I bought so many things."

Xiao Ling, who came to realize it, couldn't help looking at her full backpack sadly, which cost her quite a lot of money.

"It's okay, these things don't expire, and they will always be used in the future."

Looking at the sad Xiao Ling, Tian Ci patted her on the head and comforted her.

"Okay, speaking of Brother Stone, have you prepared anything extra?"

Based on the principle that she can't spend money in vain by herself, she immediately turned her head and asked the opposite stone.

"Eh~ I didn't, Brother Tian Ci didn't say it, and I didn't think about it either."

Seeing the girl's expectant eyes, Shi Shi touched the back of his head and replied embarrassedly.

"Why is this so~ woo woo~" Hearing Shitou's answer, Xiao Ling realized that she was the only one who wasted the money, and couldn't help feeling even more sad.

"Okay, okay, Xiaoling, maybe we will actually meet, and then we will really depend on you."

Looking at Xiao Ling who was even more sad, Tian Ci couldn't laugh or cry.

After some jokes, Xiao Ling also quickly accepted this fact. After all, as Tian Ci said, this will not depreciate in value and will always be used in the future.

After reorganizing the team, the three of them continued to slowly explore inside.

After two or three hours like this, the three of them got a little deeper. After all, no matter how slow they are, after such a long time, they have advanced quite a long distance.

"Help! Help!" Suddenly several cries for help came faintly from the side.

"Brother Tian Ci, someone is calling for help? It's a woman's voice!"

Xiaoling is born extraordinary, but her senses are actually more acute than the other two. She clearly heard the cry for help from a woman.

"Well, Bibi Bird, you fly a little higher, go over there to check the situation, and remember to stay hidden."

Tian Ci nodded, and asked Bibi Bird in front to investigate the situation.

"Let's withdraw in the opposite direction first, and don't get involved until we understand the situation."

"En~" The two nodded, and retreated in opposite directions obediently.

"In the wild, don't meddle in other people's business, and don't talk to strange trainers casually!"

This is the principle that Tian Ci has always emphasized with them, so even the simple Xiao Ling didn't say anything about going to the rescue immediately.

After all, the three views had been misled by Tian Ci, and he brought a lot of his own private goods for the two of them in the make-up class every night.

After the three of them retreated for several hundred meters, they finally found a relatively dense bush and hid in it.

"Beep~beep~" Bibibird also flew back after they hid for several minutes.

Because of the contract, Bibi Bird didn't have to worry about not being able to find Tianji at all.

"Beep beep~beep beep~" Bibibird landed on the ground and began to tell Tian Ci what it had seen and heard.

"There is a woman running for her life over there. It is the woman I saw at the elf center before."

"En! Is it Ninghui?? How could she come to the wild and still appear in the inner circle!"

Hearing Bibi Bird's first words, a figure that was about to be forgotten immediately appeared in Tian Ci's mind.

Tian Ci remembered the affairs of Ning Hui's family, and he had inquired about it with Uncle Sam at that time. After learning the whole story, he intentionally avoided Ning Hui.Didn't expect to meet here.

"Keep talking, Bibiniao." Knowing that it was Ninghui, he became more interested and immediately urged Bibiniao to continue talking.

"Beep beep beep beep beep" Not far away was the corpse of a male trainer, a Bibi bird, and a Lada corpse.

Behind the woman was another pockmarked man chasing her with a vine monster.

"Beep beep~beep~" When I saw it, the woman was running desperately, and her little Lada seemed to be desperately trying to stop the vine monster, but she was almost killed.

Bibi Niao talked and gestured, and Tian Ci probably understood what was going on.

It is estimated that Ninghui brought her son-in-law here to find her father's belongings, and then was bumped into by a fugitive, and she fell in love with her.

He also heard some time ago that the family where Ning Hui belonged to seemed to be trying to restore the combat power of ordinary high-level, and the patriarch died in the wild because of this.

In the end, although the strength was reduced to the bottom family in the town, some basic things were still preserved, and the family also recovered the combat effectiveness of ordinary high-level.

As for why he knew he was a fugitive when he heard the pockmarked face?

That's because the fugitive's appearance and strength information had been sent to the communicator long ago, and the pockmarked face and a vine monster corresponded to it.

"Bibi Bird, are you sure you only saw a vine monster? Are there any other elves beside that pockmarked face?"

Hearing that there was only one vine monster, Tian Ci moved his mind. If it was a fugitive after the fight, then with the three of them, it was really possible to take it down.

"Beep~beep~" Bibi Bird shook his head, saying no, but it said that it saw a snake tail that was bitten off beside Lada, and Bibi Bird's body still had blood holes from 4 teeth.

"That's right. No matter how bad the son-in-law is, he still has two ordinary-level elves. It's impossible for him to be taken down without injury. It seems that something happened."

Tian Ci, who understood that it was Abo Monster and Big Mouth Bat, decided to vote for him.

"Xiaoling, you really hit the spot. In front of you is a wounded fugitive chasing and killing a woman."

Having made up his mind, Tian Ci turned his head and said something to Xiao Ling with a smile on his face.

"He was injured! We can't let Brother Tianji go!"

Xiao Ling, who was pleasantly surprised, immediately began to persuade her.

"Well, I also plan to fight him. This fugitive is the weakest pockmarked face, and his other two elves are seriously injured. There is only one vine monster beside him. How about it? Does Stone have any comments? "

Looking at the excited Xiao Ling, Tian Ci smiled and said that he also agreed, but he still asked Shi Shi's opinion, after all, he had to take Shi Shi's feelings into consideration, although there was a high probability that he would agree.

"Well, I have no objection." Sure enough, Shito nodded readily.

"Okay, then let's hide here and look around with binoculars. Bibi Bird said that the woman probably fled to this area at most."

Seeing that Shi Shi also agreed, Tian Ci made arrangements.

"En, good." Shitou nodded, took out the binoculars from his backpack, and looked ahead.

"Okay! Brother Tian Ci!" Xiao Ling was visibly excited, and took out the binoculars to look sideways.

On the other side, in the grass not far from Tian Ci and the others, Ma Zi looked at Ning Hui who was caught by the vine monster with a wretched face.

"Hahaha~ I should enjoy it, it was the same last time in the town, I didn't expect to find such a superb product when I went out to search this time!
Let that bald head look down on me, and even dump me, and go hunting high-level elves by himself!Now this girl is mine alone! "

Looking at Ninghui's chest, which was so huge that even the protective clothing couldn't cover it, and looking at that pear-blossoming and pure face, pockmarked face felt that fate was not mean to him!

"Woo~woo~" Ning Hui, who was bound by vines, had a rag stuffed in her mouth, so she could only look at the pockmarked face in horror.

"Not here, it's too open, let's go over there and find a hidden place."

He looked at the slightly wider field of vision around him, and always felt that it was too dangerous, and it was better to be cautious when doing things in the wild.

"Here we come!" Shi Shi also saw the fugitive who was walking this way, and said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, let's see what that pockmarked face is going to do first. I guess... most men are the most relaxed when they are... and that's our chance."

Hearing Shi Shi's words, Xiao Ling and Tian Ci also pointed their binoculars in the direction, and also saw the fugitive with a wretched face, and Ning Hui who was caught.

However, Tian Ci didn't intend to save people right away, instead he shook his head at Xiao Ling who had already pulled out his tools, and explained something.

"Oh, Brother Tian Ci~ I understand." After hearing Tian Ci's explanation, the girl blushed and agreed in a low voice.

 Thank you for the rewards of the three book friends 20210101203022269, mine page (900 points), and a dream of a king in the past two days!
  I also thank the book friends who voted every day, and the new book friends who helped me find typos. In the past two days, several new book friends have commented on each chapter. For a while, the comment area in my background was swiped by him
(End of this chapter)

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