Pokemon Poor

Chapter 202 The Danger of Smelly Mud (July! Make persistent efforts!)

Chapter 202 The Danger of Smelly Mud (July! Make persistent efforts!)
"The mosquito-repellent frog is like this, kite far away to kill it! Don't get close, give it a chance to use it."

Does Xiao Ling get more excited as she beats her, or she is happier watching others being beaten silently while helpless.

"Stone, let's go and take care of those 4 first."

Seeing the enthusiastic Xiao Ling, Tian Ci gave up his plan to help her end the battle twice.

Maybe it's better to let Xiao Ling and the mosquito-repellent frog vent.

"En." Shitou looked at the tortured Pallas, then at the excited Xiaoling and the mosquito-repellent frog, and nodded with sympathy.

So both of them gave up their plan to help Xiao Ling, and went directly to get the mushrooms.

"~Pie!~Lasi(_)" I am not reconciled!Why do I have to restrain you, but I have to be trampled to death!
When the two were cooking the ingredients for the last Pylas, the Pyras that had been tortured not far away uttered the last unwilling roar!Fell into the whirlpool.

"Haha~ Brother Tian Ci! Brother Stone! I beat this Pylas to death by myself!"

Seeing Pallas laying on the ground covered with scars, Xiao Ling let the mosquito-repellent frog be beaten to death, dragged the corpse, and showed off to the two with a happy face.

"Well, Xiaoling, you grow up very fast!" Looking at the girl with a smug smile, and then at the blood-stained Pallas behind him, he couldn't help but think of the girl who was crying bitterly when she killed insects for the first time. sighed.

"Great, Xiao Ling!" As for the stone, it was much simpler, and he gave a thumbs up directly.

"Hee hee~ I'll help too." The girl who was recognized was very happy, and after a playful smile, they began to dismember Pallas together.

Although the meat of Pyras is worthless because the mushrooms have absorbed the nutrients, all three of them have suffered. Of course, they will not take the mushrooms and don't want anything else. (Even the ordinary grade Paras is priced the same as the freshman grade carp king, 40 yuan a catty.)
"Okay, a few more are enough, hurry up, let's go hunting again."

After the three quickly dismembered the corpse, Tian counted the mushrooms in his backpack and decided to complete the task as soon as possible.

"En." Shitou always listened to Tian Ci's orders, and nodded as usual.

"Hee hee~ Then I won't hold back this time."

The girl also agreed with a face full of joy.


Soon another group of Paras was acquired by the three.

As for why they didn't accept the testing qualifications and sell them, it was because Pylas was a very special elf.

In the period of Paras, the mushrooms and the bugs coexisted, and of course the mushrooms dominated, but the bugs were also conscious.

But after evolving into Plaster, the bug's consciousness will be completely swallowed by the mushroom, leaving only a shell to be manipulated by the mushroom. (This is also the reason why Palast's eyes are only white.)
So in fact, not many people are willing to subdue and train this kind of elf. After all, watching their other elf being swallowed is really hard for trainers to accept.

The corresponding price is not high, far less valuable than selling mushrooms and selling meat.

"1, 2, 3... 31, 32, 34! That's enough, there are two big mushrooms from Pilast, do any of you want to eat this mushroom?"

After hunting the last batch, Tian Ci counted them carefully and found that it was enough. However, he remembered that the mushrooms of Pallas were used as special medicinal materials, so there should be some benefits, so he asked to see if the two of them knew.

"No, brother Tian Ci, I worked in a medicinal shop before. The medicinal materials on this kind of elf have to be specially treated. We won't do it. If you eat it rashly, you will definitely be poisoned. You should sell it."

Hearing Tian Ci's question, Shitou thought for a while before giving his own answer.

"Hmm, I don't understand either." Xiao Ling also shook her head.

"Okay, let's sell it, it's almost 5 o'clock now, let's go back."

Tian Ci was not surprised, he just asked such a question just because he was lucky.

"Well, I'm going to buy a frozen wind for the mosquito-repellent frog, and let it practice the tidal swirl and the frozen wind at night."

Xiaoling nodded. She usually doesn't come out at night. After all, with her strength, she can't go deep into the inner circle during the day, let alone at night.

"Then I'll let Xiaoquanshi practice the stone spear technique as well."

Hearing what Xiaoling said, Shitou touched his head and told his own arrangement.

"Then I won't train with you at night, and I'm going to take Dai Ruby out to hunt walking grass, on the periphery."

After Tian Ci listened to the arrangement of the two, he touched his nose in embarrassment and said his own arrangement.

He was different from the two of them, De Ruby still had to hurry up and train for combat.

And even though both of them are of normal level, the outside of the night is actually walking grass, which is not very friendly to their elves, and they only have one elf. Dangerous.

"Well, it's okay, we're all ordinary, how can we keep letting Brother Tian Ci be our nanny?"

Seeing Tian Ci's embarrassed look, Xiaoling quickly waved her hands. Because she had the experience of living under the fence, the girl is very sensible.

"Well, Brother Tian Ci, go and do your work." Shitou also agreed with Xiaoling's statement.

In fact, when the stones reached 10 yuan, they directly handed over the money to Tian Ci. After all, Tian Ci paid for the purchase of houses and spirits. Although Tian Ci didn’t say anything, he couldn’t just accept it for nothing. Bar.

But Tian Ci refused at that time, because the 10 yuan had a greater effect on the stone at that time.

But for this hunt, Stone said again, he would return the money to him.

This time he didn't refuse, and he acquiesced. After all, the stone was already at the common level, so it must be easy to make money. The 10 won't affect his cultivation of the Little Fist Stone.

After the three of them made arrangements for their nightlife, they walked all the way to the town.

Quickly returned to the town, the three handed in the task, and then sold the extra 4 mushrooms mixed with other elf materials in the wild, and they got about 15 alliance coins and 20 points of merit.

Of course, because there are still two tasks that have not been completed, the rewards of this team formation will not be distributed on the spot, and will be placed in the account of Captain Tian Ci first.

"Then let's have a meal together, and I'll go out then."

After telling the value of this harvest to the two of them, Tian Ci took the two of them home.

"En, yes." Stone, who couldn't say no, nodded in agreement.

"Okay! I recently learned a new dish, and I will show it to you tonight."

Xiao Ling immediately nodded her head in agreement, and after entering the house, she went to the kitchen first as if familiar with the house.

"This girl..." Tian Ci looked at Xiao Ling's back and smiled. It may be because of her previous experience. Anyway, the girl always hopes that she can do more things, so she always finds an excuse to do things first.

After eating, the two went back to their own homes, and Tian Ci fed Delubi honey before taking Delubi to the outskirts of the forest.


After a night of fighting, Tian Ci also gained more than 1 yuan in extra money. Now his real balance should be 17 yuan.

After returning home and feeding De Ruby honey again, he and the three elves fell into a dreamland.

good night's sleep...

In the early morning of the next day, after the three of them got ready, they walked together to the industrially polluted area outside the city.

After all, the town still needs to be inhabited. This kind of heavily polluting industrial waste must be thrown into the wild, so everyone throws it in one place. Over time, this large piece of land will wither and become a paradise for poisonous elves.

After some natural evolution, there are only two types of elves left in this place, gas bombs and stinky mud.

After all, other poisonous elves such as Arbor and Alidos still need to eat meat, so this place cannot meet their needs.

Correspondingly, these two kinds of elves can only eat industrial waste, so the industrial pollution area is basically the world of these two kinds of elves.

Among them, the smelly mud is the most, and it will multiply from industrial waste from time to time, so someone needs to clean it regularly.

Otherwise, the flood of stinky mud will definitely have a huge impact on the ecological chain, and then it is likely to trigger a tide of elves!
"Have you brought enough antidote? You must remember not to fight the smelly mud!"

After coming outside the wall of the industrial pollution area, Tian Ci reminded the two of them again.

"Well, I brought a lot of bottles, and I also bought a few bottles with powerful special effects."

"Me too."

The two nodded and replied.It's a matter of life, so it must be more preparations.

After all, the stinky mud born from industrial waste can be said to be a source of pollution all over the body. Compared with gas bombs, this is the real biochemical weapon.

Although it sounds very strong, few people are willing to subdue the stinky mud.

First of all, after subduing it, it is impossible for you not to touch the stinky mud, then you are not an elite powerhouse, without an extraordinary physique and an extraordinary barrier, so you have to protect your whole body every time you come into contact with the stinky mud, which is too troublesome, and the stinky mud Seeing you like this, it must be very uncomfortable psychologically!
Secondly, wherever the stinky mud passes, it will unconsciously leave pollution sources, which is equivalent to a large pathogenic spirit.

Then if you don't have a special inheritance, you can only let the smelly mud stay in the poke ball, otherwise the local police department will definitely talk to you.

According to Tian Ci's knowledge, there is an express regulation in Qingmu Town that you must report to the police station to confirm your qualifications before you can contract the smelly mud, and after taking it, your house must be moved to a remote place with few people.

Therefore, although the stinky mud is quite strong, only elite trainers with special inheritance who can let the stinky mud control its own pollution will take one.

"Well, since we all understand, let's go in."

Seeing the two people nodding, Tian Ci didn't say much, and after swiping the mission certificate and ID card at the door, he led the two of them in.

Usually no one is willing to guard here, so it is all machine identification.

"Bibi Bird, I still have to trouble you, go find the smelly mud."

As soon as he came in, Tian Ci said something to Bibi Bird.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird nodded and quickly flew out.

"Beep beep~beep beep~" It flew back soon, because the stinky mud began to flood again, and the industrial pollution area was not big, so it quickly figured out the situation.

"Bibi Bird said, there are 4 stinky muds not far from us, and two gas bombs, let's take care of them first, to complete this task, we need to get at least 40 stinky mud poison cores, the only one The advantage is that no grade is required, and the materials do not need to be handed in.”

After listening to Bibi Bird's information, Tian Ci also relayed it to the two of them, and decided to set off immediately.

"En~" The two nodded and followed Tian Ci.

"Bait duo~bait duo!"


As soon as the three approached, they were discovered by these stinky mud and gas bombs. After all, the polluted area is not a forest, and there are not so many hidden objects.

"Only one stinky mud and one gas bomb are low-level ordinary ones, so they should be easily resolved."

Tian Ci looked at the smelly mud running towards him, and said something lightly.

I don't know if it's because I haven't been out of the polluted area, anyway, Tian Ci feels that the elves in the polluted area are quite ignorant, and saw that several ordinary-level elves didn't escape, and rushed up directly!
"Or because I feel that my whole body is extremely poisonous, and no one dares to provoke it?"

This idea flashed through his mind quickly, but was quickly forgotten by him. He is not a scholar, so why think so much.

Anyway, this will save him trouble, just solve it directly.

"Stone, you come first, and then we make up the knife."

"Well, little fist stone, stomp!" Shito nodded, saw a few stinky muds that had already run into the attack range, and ordered to attack directly.

"Hey Cha! Boom~" Little Fist Stone's hands gathered earth-yellow ground-based energy and bombarded the ground heavily.

"Rumble~" The ground began to shake forward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Bait!" "Baiduo~bait~" The 4 stinky mud were directly under this move, and they were turned on their backs.

"Bibi Bird, big tornado, you attack the strongest one.

Mouth flower, seed machine gun, those two newborn high-level ones, you make up the knife
De Ruby, sparks attack the nascent gas bomb. "

Seizing the opportunity, Tian Ci immediately gave orders to the three elves under him.

"Little fist stone, you attack ordinary gas bombs with falling rocks."

After stomping, Stone quickly found his opponent.

"Mosquito-repellent frog, foam light! Attack that normal-grade gas bomb as well!"

Xiaoling chose to deal with the unscathed gas bomb together with Shitou.

(Because the gas bomb is floating on the ground, the stomp of the ground-type move has no effect on it - the floating characteristic.)
"Beep beep ~ whirr~" Bibi bird flapped its wings, and immediately rolled up the stinky mud that was still able to move.

"Bai~duo~" The stinky mud that was rolled up into the sky cried out in pain, the heavy step just now made it feel very painful, but it didn't expect to be swept up into the sky before it came and counterattacked.

"咻咻咻~咻咻~" Kou Daihua also immediately used the seed machine gun on the two freshmen who were still howling in place.

The impact of the "呗哜~(_)" and "呢(_)" seed machine guns had no effect on their limp bodies. The attached grass energy was the last straw that overwhelmed them. The two freshmen who were already seriously injured Gaoduan stinky mud also fell to the ground, losing the ability to fight.

As for the stinky mud, it was only in the middle of the newborn's strength. Under the heavy step of the small fist stone, it couldn't resist, and fell to the ground.

 On the first day of July, please support us!Then the reward was put back again, because now there is a chapter of 7 words, so it is changed to 4000 dots plus a chapter, alas ╯﹏╰ is for life, so I can only bow my head.

(End of this chapter)

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