Pokemon Poor

Chapter 195 Friendship

Chapter 195 Friendship
"Hiss! Ka~kacha!" With the cooperation of Tian Ci and Xiao Ling, the Abo monster was soon reduced to wreckage and broken flesh.

All the snake meat in it was put in Tian Ci's backpack. To be honest, the two of them didn't care about the distribution of this stuff, and Xiaoling and Shitou basically ate together at Tian Ci's house.

After this episode, the two finally reached the outskirts of the forest,

The powerful aura of several ordinary-level ones in a group made the elves in the periphery dare not show their heads in front of Tian Ci and the others.

In this way, all the way back home without incident.

"Brother Tian Ci, I'm going to cook!" As soon as she got home, Xiao Ling put her backpack on the stool and went to the kitchen very consciously.

"En." Tian Ci nodded, and walked to the backyard with a few elves.

"Come out, De Ruby!" He flicked the poke ball, and a black puppy appeared in front of everyone again.

"Wow!" Derby howled as soon as he came out, he didn't like staying in the poke ball very much.

"Okay, okay, it was a special situation just now, normally, you wouldn't be locked in the poke ball."

Tian Ci patted the dog's head and explained.

"Come on, let's get to know your seniors!

This is just Bibi, my second elf! "

He first pointed to the Bibi bird who was preening its feathers for Dai Rubi.

"Beep~beep" Hello, De Ruby!We will be comrades-in-arms from now on!
Seeing that Tian Ci was introducing himself, Bibi Bird immediately yelled at Dai Rubi in a friendly manner.

"Wow woof~ woof~" Hello senior!My name is De Ruby!

"Okay, then this one is the big brother in our team and my initial elf! Say hello to Dai Rubi!"

"Moomoo~ Moomoo!" Little guy, I'm a dumbass, don't worry, I will help you become stronger together in the future!

Hearing Tianci's flowers, Koudaihua immediately waved her leaves to show her friendship.

"Woof woof~ woof!" Hello Brother Koudaihua!You are so powerful, you beat that big snake to death!
Dai Rubi saw Koudaihua's strength in the poke ball, so he admired Koudaihua very much.

"Then that one over there is the initial elf of my companion Xiaoling, it's called Mosquito Frog."

After introducing his elf, Tian Ci also introduced Xiaoling's mosquito-repellent frog. After all, it looks like a long-term teammate at present.

"Yobo~ Gulu~" Mosquito Frog also greeted Dai Rubi, and spit out a few ordinary bubbles to tease Dai Rubi.

"Wow?" Deluby looked suspiciously at the bubble approaching him, and poked it curiously with his forefoot.

"Crack! Crack!" A few bubbles exploded in an instant.

"Woof! Wang Wang!" It seems very interesting!

Of course, Deluby is not afraid of this kind of ordinary bubble, on the contrary, it enjoys the feeling of bursting the bubble.

"Okay, let's eat first!" Tian Ci took out the dinner of several elves. (Mosquito Frog’s dinner, Xiaoling gave it to Tian Ci before entering the kitchen)
Of course, there were no energy cubes for Deluby, just a piece of raw elf meat.

For Deluby, of course he has other arrangements, but the mosquito-repellent frog is still there, so he can't take it out directly.

"Woof~woo~woo" Dai Rubi was very happy looking at the elf meat, and took a bite directly.

"Hahaha, little guy, eat slowly, there will be a companion who will introduce you to me!"

Seeing Dairubi gobbling it up, Tianji laughed.

"Brother Tian Ci! It's time to eat!" After a while, when the elves had almost eaten, Xiao Ling's shout came from the room.

"Okay, I see, then Bibi Bird, go to Shitou's house to have a look, and call Shitou down.

You guys just take Dai Ruby to play for a while. "

Tian Ci is not a training devil either, I still know the principle of one piece and one relaxation, so let them play by themselves tonight.

"Moo ω" and "Yo ω" heard that it was time to play, the two older ones were obviously very happy, and they took Dai Ruby to run around.

"They're still children, they!" Seeing the elves chasing and fighting in the open space, Tian Ci smiled, then turned his head and walked towards the main room.

"Brother Tian Ci, eat this."

"This is delicious too, this is something I just learned!"

"Well, it's not bad."

"dong dong dong~"

While Tian Ci and Xiao Ling were eating at the dinner table, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in, Shitou, the door is unlocked!" Tian Ci shouted without looking back, he was very familiar with the sound of Shitou's heavy footsteps.

"Brother Tian Ci, Xiao Ling, you are back."

Stone, who opened the door and came in, greeted first.

"Well, Shitou, have you eaten yet, do you want to have some together?"

Hearing Shitou's words, Tian Ci also asked.

"I've eaten, Brother Tian Ci, did your mission go well this time?

Shitou found a stool to sit down by himself, and began to exchange pleasantries with Tian Ci and Xiao Ling.

"Successful, look, Brother Stone! This is the new illustrated book I bought!"

Hearing Shi Shi's question, Xiao Ling answered directly, and took out her illustration book from her backpack.

"However, it's a pity that the mountain rat that you brought to our attention, brother Shitou, has been caught, but its aptitude is only average."

"Ao'ao, it's actually okay, I don't care, as long as I can help you as soon as possible."

Shi Shi didn't feel much about the illustrated book in Xiaoling's hand, but his eyes lit up when he heard the mountain rat.

"I have already sold it, Stone, since I chose to make you a trainer, I will not let you become cannon fodder, you are my teammate, my brother!
Do not worry!When the time comes, we will definitely help you catch at least one good-quality mountain rat. "

Hearing Shi Shi's words, Tian Ci put down his bowl and chopsticks, and looked at Shi Shi with a serious face.

"Yes, yes, brother Shitou, I and the mosquito-repellent frog will also help you. It's great to have me in the gopher cave."

Xiaoling also quickly expressed her opinion, and a water polo appeared in her hand.

"Hmm!" Looking at the serious faces of the two, Shi Shi felt warm in his heart. He didn't say thank you. In his opinion, this was a casual remark, but he just nodded solemnly.

"Woof! Woof!" At this moment, Deluby's voice suddenly came from the back door, full of threats and intimidation.

"Brother Tian Ci, did you buy a new elf? Is it a dog?"

Hearing the barking of the dog, Stone asked curiously.

"Yeah, don't bark, De Ruby, this is the other partner I told you about just now."

Hearing Deluby's cry, Tian Ci hastily opened the door, and before waiting for Deluby to rush over, he hurriedly explained.

"Wow? Wow, woof, woof~" Dai Ruby was a little embarrassed. He scolded so loudly behind the door just now, but he didn't expect it to be his trainer's teammate. . . .

"Woof~" It looked back at the other elves who were secretly laughing, and felt that they had been tricked by them.

"Well, hello, Dai Rubi! My name is Stone."

Shi Shi didn't care at all, instead he said hello first.

"Hey Cha~" Seeing that his trainer didn't care, Xiaoquanshi certainly wouldn't grab it, and greeted Dai Rubi happily.

"Woof~" Hello, I was sorry just now!

Seeing the teammates who took the initiative to expose the incident, Deluby hastily yelled twice.

 I'm autistic, I have nothing to say, this week will be updated until Sunday, I will do what I say!Sorry, no more updates after this week! ! !No rewards will be added, this book will be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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