Pokemon Poor

Chapter 190 The Candidate Elf Helplessly Crossed Out (Explosive Update! Double Charge!)

Chapter 190 The Candidate Elf Helplessly Crossed Out (Explosive Update! Double Charge!)
"Okay, then please bring out our No. [-] item."

When the female auctioneer saw the hot venue, she immediately tapped the hammer to signal the official start of the auction.

"Da da da ~" A beautiful waitress came up with a silver plate and placed it on the display stand next to the female auctioneer.

"Shua!" The auctioneer directly took off the red cloth covering it, and there was a moon-shaped stone in the center of the plate.

"It's the Moon Stone!"

"I just don't know what quality it is?"

"Looking at the size and color purity of this stone, it should not be low."

Everyone who saw the first product began to discuss it.

"Every trainer, I believe you can recognize it through the display on the big screen. Yes, our first product is the specialty of Moon Mountain, the Moon Stone!

It can help the Nido family and the Pippi family, the unique elves in Nibi City, evolve.

The quality of this moon stone is top grade, and it is at the top of the top grade. "

When the female auctioneer saw the discussion, she also told the basic situation of the Moon Stone, and then showed it on the big screen.

"How much! You're making an offer!"

"Hurry up and tell me the price!"

Seeing the auctioneer still on display, he shouted impatiently.

"Brother Tian Ci, aren't top-grade evolutionary stones sold in stores? Why are they so excited?"

Seeing several dark-skinned trainers beside him shouting at the top of their voices, Xiao Ling was a little puzzled, so she asked Xia Tianci.

"Eh..." Tian Ci didn't know why, but when he was about to make up something casually, a local trainer next to him explained it to them.

"Heh~ It looks like you are from another place. The top-grade Moonstones are basically in the hands of the Wu Neng family. Even if they are available in the alliance store, they are only low-grade and middle-grade. Occasionally, high-grade ones will appear.

And we have quite a lot of Nido clans, Nido King needs to rely on the moon stone to evolve, this time I must make Nidolino evolve into a giant beast! "

(PS: Let’s change the height of King Nido a little bit. The 1.4 meters in the official illustrated book does not feel reasonable, and the armored Tyrannosaurus is almost 2 meters!)
After a brief introduction to Tian Ci, he took out his elf ball, looked at Nidorino in the elf ball, and then looked at the high-grade Moon Stone on the big screen, his eyes were full of fiery !

"Ao'ao, thank you big brother!" Xiao Ling, who heard the explanation, immediately thanked him politely.

"En~" Tian Ci nodded at the local trainer.

"Hey! She's still a female trainer. She came to buy Pippi from us. Pippi also needs to use the moon stone to evolve!"

This time, the elder brother who clearly heard a female voice, immediately looked at Xiao Ling who was hidden in the big robe in surprise.

You must know that in this city famous for its ores, female trainers are extremely rare.

"No, no, thank you." Hearing the elder brother's suggestion, Xiao Ling waved her hand and stopped talking.

"Che~qinggao..." Looking at Xiaoling who stopped talking, the burly elder brother didn't bother to say anything, and began to pay attention to the Moon Stone auction in front of him.

"100 million!" I saw the eldest brother holding up the sign and shouting loudly.

"105 million!" Someone from the other side immediately followed.

"110 million!"

"120 million!"

At the venue, the original base price of the Moon Stone was only 80, but the price soared wildly in the tens of thousands!

"It seems that there is no chance..." Looking at the soaring prices in the venue, Tian Ci silently crossed out one of the preliminary selections in his mind.

He paid special attention to it. On his side, the bidders seemed to be all dark-skinned local trainers.

Even the local trainers have to compete here for a high-grade moon stone. One can imagine how difficult it is to go to the moon stone to pick up a high-grade one by himself!

So he silently crossed out one of the options.

If it was just a mid-grade evolutionary stone to complete the final evolution, then he would rather not!

For Tian Ci, if he wants to go further, then the final evolutionary form should at least use top-grade evolutionary stones to evolve.

So Tian Ci sold the low-grade leaf stone that was seized at the beginning without even looking at it.

"One time for 185 million!" As the price approached 200 million, the scene finally cooled down, and the female auctioneer also hit her hammer for the first time.

"185 million for the second time!" After a while, seeing that no one had made an offer, she knocked hard for the second time.

"Do you still want this high-grade Moon Stone? You must know that King Nido is very strong! With his strong body and various offensive methods, this is the elf that a real man should cultivate!"

When the female auctioneer knocked again, she looked at the silent venue and immediately added a few words.

"md! 186 million!" Facts have proved that this small method is quite useful, at least the big brother in front of Tian Ci, after glancing at Nidorino, gritted his teeth and held up the sign for adding [-]!

"Cao! Sheep! You xx! 187 million!"

After the buyer, who was already about to succeed, yelled and cursed, he had no choice but to add [-].

"195 million!" Just when Tian Ci thought that the elder brother would continue to increase the price, there was a voice that suddenly increased the price in the corner.

"I'm sorry! Nidorino..." Hearing the price, the elder brother slumped on the seat, he has no money!

"195 million for the first time!" The female auctioneer immediately smiled when she heard 195 million. Her psychological price was actually around 180 million, but she didn't expect it to be 200 million!

"195 million for the second time, 195 million for the third time! Congratulations to this master trainer, this extraordinary evolutionary stone is yours!"

Unlike just now, this time she hammered the hammer much faster.

"Then, fellow trainers who didn't take pictures just now, don't be angry and disappointed! Our auction lasts for one day, and there will be a moon stone of the same quality for the auction in the afternoon and evening sessions. In the evening session, there will be more There is a superb moon stone!"

Seeing many disappointed, discouraged, and trainers glaring at her in the venue, the female auctioneer also spoke out the remarks she had prepared in advance.

"It turns out there are still more! That's okay, I can't get the top quality, and I will definitely get it in the afternoon!"

Hearing the female auctioneer's words, the elder brother in front also came back to life.

The fiery atmosphere was also restored at the venue!
"Okay, then please go to our second product!"

Seeing that the atmosphere had warmed up, the female auctioneer nodded secretly, and spoke into the microphone at the right time.

As usual, it was a waitress in a short skirt, but this time Tianji noticed that what she was holding was not a silver plate, but a brass-colored copper plate.

"It seems that the price is divided according to the plate? It is simple and clear!
The price of the silver plate is almost 200 million, and the copper plate should be within 100 million, right? "

Looking at the copper plate covered by the red cloth, Tian Ci also became interested. If it is really something that he can use again within 100 million, then he doesn't mind patting it.

 The top-grade Moonstone is controlled by the Wuneng family, and the Nido family can only be strong in the final evolutionary form, and they have to buy skill balls to match it with moves, and life orbs, and Montague can do it. For the protagonist, the third one is really strong. Not quite right.

  These two chapters won't wait for the afternoon, and I hope that the double monthly ticket can help you to rush!Thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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