Pokemon Poor

Chapter 19 The Continued Battle

Chapter 19 The Continued Battle

"Trumpet bud, let's continue to look for our prey!" Tian Ci reapplied the paralyzing powder on the throwing knife he took back, and then walked inside with Trumpet bud.

The two who no longer chose weak opponents soon met new opponents!

"There are two unicorns in front, Trumpet Bud, come here! Let me tell you how the unicorns fight."

Tian Ci, who had already decided to step up the fight, prepared to meet the two unicorns for a while.

"Unicorns are different from green caterpillars. They are stronger than green caterpillars. The point lies in their sharp horns. They can spin silk and shoot poisonous needles! So you have to be very careful!" Tian Ci told Trumpeter Bud
"Moo Moo" Trumpet Bud nodded

"Of course, I will help you when you meet for the first time, and the unicorn has a poisonous sac, so you can eat it too. It should be helpful for you to understand the poisonous moves!"

"Moo Moo ω" heard that there was such a good thing, Trumpet Ya's eyes lit up.

"Okay, just to be on the safe side, let's use the growth first! Then I throw the throwing knife, and you will immediately catch up with the cane whip, understand?"

"Moo! Moo Moo" the trumpet buds quickly used their growth to show that they were ready.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" In an instant, four throwing knives flew back and forth towards the unicorn.

"Ding ding ding!" The unicorns who heard the sound fired several poisonous needles from the horns on the top of their heads, knocking out three flying knives, and only one of the flying knives pierced one unicorn.

"Woo~ oh!" The unicorn that was hit by the flying knife let out a cry of pain.

"Moo Moo" Trumpet Bud immediately used the rattan whip to attack the injured unicorn first.

"Crack! Crack!" The rattan whip hit the target in an instant, and these few battles also made Horn Ya's rattan whip more and more handy!
"Woooooo! Woo~oooo(_)" The injured unicorn was directly beaten and lost its ability to fight.

"So weak! It seems to be the strength of the new low-level again." Tian Ci was obviously taken aback

"Whoa! Whoosh!" The other unicorn shot two poisonous needles directly at Tian Ci when he saw his companion was knocked out.

"Not good" Tian Ci hurriedly rolled over on the spot, narrowly dodging

"It's still careless, how can you lose your mind during the battle!"

"Trumpet bud, give it some color and use the cane whip"

"Crack! Crack!" Seeing that the enemy in front of him ignored him and attacked his trainer, Horn Ya, who felt slighted, quickly raised his hands and swung the cane whip with all his strength.

"Oh! Woo" I didn't expect that my poisonous needle would be dodged, and the unicorn couldn't resist the oncoming whip at this time, and was also sent flying.

"Continue to tie it up and smash it to death!" Tian Ci, who got up from the ground, continued

"Moo(_)" Trumpet nodded, but did not take back the whip, and rolled it directly, lifted the unicorn into the air, and smashed it to the ground!

"Bang! Bang!"

"Woo, woo!" This unicorn was obviously stronger than the one already lying on the ground.

After being smashed twice, it was still struggling, and the horns on its head lit up again, trying to shoot a poisonous needle at the trumpet bud.

"Be careful! Horn bud, don't let its horns point at you, throw it in the air!"

"Moo!" The trumpet bud vine whipped and threw the unicorn into the air

"Whoa! Whoa!" The unicorn in the air couldn't control the direction of the poisonous needle, and the two poisonous needles were hit in mid-air.

"Okay, Trumpet bud, take the time to beat it back to the ground with the rattan whip!" Tian Ci hastily ordered
"Crack!" The thick vine whip hit the unicorn directly, knocking the unicorn to the ground.

"Boom!" Accompanied by the heavy landing, the unicorn made no sound.

"Okay, Trumpet buds, be careful." Tian Ci picked up the dagger, stepped forward, and sent them off with two knives.

"Although the beating is hard, it's still worth it." Looking at the sharp horns in his hand, which was a little bigger and the other was a little smaller, and two balls of thread sacs, and about 10 catties of worm meat, Tian Ci nodded in satisfaction!
"There are 7 clusters of thread sacs and green caterpillars, about 3500 yuan, the two sharp horns are worth 12 yuan, the poison sac is 12 yuan, and the worm meat weighs 34 to 35 catties! Great harvest!"

While cutting up the spirit meat, Tian Ci quickly calculated his income from morning to afternoon.

Among them, the meat of unicorns is 10 yuan a catty more expensive than that of green caterpillars, not to mention that the horns of unicorns can be used as poison materials. The normal size is about 5 centimeters, which can also be sold for 100 yuan a piece.

It's a pity that the other sharp corner in Tian Ci's hand is only 4 cm, it is estimated to be tens of dollars!
The poison sac is also 100 yuan each. After all, the poison of the unicorn is not strong. Just look at the poisonous needles scattered on the ground next to it, which only makes the grass a little black.

"But no matter how small a mosquito is, it's still meat. The poisonous sac is not for sale. This kind of slight poisonous sac is just for the horn bud to eat and cultivate the toxicity in the body. The elf meat sells all the green caterpillars. This time, the whole day training, the horn bud I performed very well, I can come here often in the future, and I will be promoted as soon as possible.”

Tian Ci looked at Trumpet Ya who was actively exploring new opponents ahead, and he followed behind thinking about today's harvest.

"10 catties of worm meat can last for three or four days, which is completely enough! Then 25 catties of green caterpillar meat can be sold to a butcher shop for 1500 yuan, plus 7 nematocysts and two sharp horns. There should be a net income of around 5200!"

"It's 2:15 in the afternoon, so let's go back after another 2 hours." Tian Ci glanced at the cheap electronic watch in his hand and made a decision.

"Momo?" Seeing that Tian Ci was a little far away from him, Trump ran back and pulled his trouser legs

"Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm thinking about today's harvest! It's my fault, I didn't pay attention!" Tian Ci said hastily.

He really didn't pay much attention to his surroundings this time. It seems that as a person in the previous life, he is still not used to being a trainer for the first time!Actually thinking about things in the wild and fascinated.

"Fortunately, the roads that he walked back and forth last time are all nearby, so he is very lucky that no elves surprise him!" Tian Ci now felt a wave of fear in his heart, and told himself that he must not make such mistakes again in the wild. It must be within four weeks!

"Moo Moo_" Horn Ya gave a helpless look
"I will definitely not do it again next time! By the way, did Horn Ya find the elf?" Tian Ci promised, and immediately changed the subject.

"Moo Moo, Moo Moo Moo!" Sure enough, the simple horn bud got the trick, and said to Tian Ci that he found a purple elf with big front teeth crawling on the ground.

"Purple, front teeth! That should be Little Lada. Little Lada is very fast. Before you learn the three powders, it's not easy to deal with! My throwing knife may not be able to hit it!" Tian Ci said a little distressed
If the little Lada doesn't escape, Tatsumi believes that Trumpet Bud can turn it into a trophy in his backpack.

But elves like Little Lada bully the weak and fear the hard, and will run away immediately if they can't beat them. For the horn buds who don't have control skills, this is likely to be injured in vain, and there is no benefit.

"Trumpet bud, that elf is called Little Lada. It can run much faster than the green caterpillar unicorn. It may not be possible to keep it. It may be a waste of time. Do you want to try?" Tian Ci finally I still decided to ask the speaker buds for their own opinions

"Moomoo? Moomoo(_)" Trumpet Ya hesitated for a moment, but nodded solemnly thinking of what Tian Ci said to him before.

(End of this chapter)

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