Pokemon Poor

Chapter 188 Nibi City

Chapter 188 Nibi City

"Me, I want to see if there are any suitable elf eggs or cubs for sale."

Putting the mountain mouse's elf ball into the backpack with a blank expression, Tian Ci answered Xiaoling.

"Hey! Brother Tian Ci, you are going to raise a third elf!"

Hearing Tian Ci's answer, Xiao Ling immediately looked at him in surprise.

"Yeah, you have to know that it is quite a long process from the middle to the high level, and the cultivation of Koudaihua and Bibibird is already on the right track, and I don't need to spend any more time, just because I have time.

And you didn't realize that even if we add you and Shitou, our team still lacks a real main attacker? "

Seeing Xiao Ling's surprised look, Tian Ci also explained the reason.

"Ao'ao, it's like this, what kind of elf do you want, Brother Tian Ci?"

After listening to Tian Ci's explanation, the girl suddenly realized and nodded, and then asked curiously.

"I didn't think about it, let's see when the time comes, let's see what's on the auction~"

Hearing Xiao Ling's question, Tian Ci also smiled helplessly. He really didn't think about it, the main reason is that the money on his body is not too much, not too much.

He likes Yusanjia very much, but he can't afford it at all. He seems to be able to afford quite a lot of other elves, so he really doesn't know which elves to buy, but he knows very well that he needs A master attacker.

"Oooh, Brother Tianci, if you don't have enough money, you must tell me, I have it! Anyway, I just want to buy a picture book now, 30 should be enough, it's for the first generation."

Seeing Tian Ci's distressed look, Xiao Ling wisely didn't continue to ask, but patted her pocket instead, saying that I, Tian Shui Ling, am a rich woman!rich!

"Hahaha~ It's fine, if I really need it then, I won't be polite."

Seeing the girl's generous appearance, Tian Ci laughed and agreed.

He also knew that Xiaoling should have more than 80 yuan. After all, the money from selling the house and the money she earned in so many days are not small sums.

She has no place to spend, that is, she spent more than 30 yuan on mosquito-repellent frogs.

The mosquito-repellent frog is still in a period of rapid rise in strength, and Xiaoling herself doesn't want to breed a second elf right away, so it doesn't matter if he borrows it.

After everything was packed, Xiao Ling and Tian Ci continued to explore the way for the caravan.


Time passed like this for half a day, and finally in the afternoon, the group of them left the gopher cave safely and arrived in Nibi City.

After entering the gate of Nibi City, the caravan supervisor issued the mission certificate to the two of them, and then the group dispersed.

"Let's go, Xiaoling, let's go to the elf center in Nibi City first, and then come out and take a stroll after handing in the task."

Looking at Xiao Ling who was looking around, Tian Ci patted her on the shoulder, signaling to get down to business first.

"Oooh~" Xiaoling nodded sensiblely, and obediently followed behind Tian Ci.

After handing in the task at the Spirit Center, Tian Ci chose to share it with Xiao Ling [-]-[-], because to be honest, the contributions of Mosquito Frog and Xiao Ling are also quite large, since we talked about fairness when we discussed the share before. , then he can't change it overnight.

In this way, each of them received about 2 alliance coins and 4 points of alliance merit.

"Let's go, let's go shopping. The auction seems to start tomorrow, and we need to find a place to live, collect information along the way, and deal with the extra materials on us."

After leaving the gate of the elf center, Tian Ci offered to take a stroll.

"Okay! ω" Seeing that she was going to go shopping, Xiao Ling was also very happy, after all, she wanted to go shopping as soon as she came in this city with a different style and style.

"Then let's go~" Looking at the jumping girl, Tian Ci smiled, and led her to the place with the most traffic.

On Elf Street in Nibi City, there are shops related to elves everywhere, and the pedestrians passing by are basically trainers.

But it may be a regional problem. Most of the trainers here use rocks, ground, and fighting elves. Among them, the small fist stone and its evolutionary shape are the most common. You can often see wrist strength and strength. It is worth It is worth mentioning that Tian Ci also saw a very rare elephant.

Xiaoling, a dropout with serious partiality, saw the little elephant's blue skin and thought it was a water-type elf.

"Hey~ Such a cute elf is still blue, why is it the ground attribute~" Xiaoling is still struggling with the attribute of the little elephant.

"Okay, don't get entangled. You have to know that this is Nibi City. Except for our obviously foreign trainers, most of the local trainers must use ground and rock-type elves."

Seeing Xiao Ling who was still struggling, Tian Ci pointed to the huge stone signboard in front of him and explained.

"That's the gymnasium in Nibi City, the dark gray gymnasium."

Seeing the huge signboard and the conspicuous font, Xiaoling recognized it at a glance.

"Yeah, when I was selling the materials just now, I already asked clearly that Nibi City is controlled by the Dark Gray Gym, and the controller of this city is the Wu Neng family, and their gym owner's code name is Wu Neng.

Although they are both at gymnasium level, the Wuneng family is different from the Arai family in our town! "

Seeing that the gymnasium, which looks familiar from previous animations, still has a name, Tian Ci couldn't help sighing.

"Huh? What's the difference?" Xiaoling immediately asked curiously after listening.

"Hey, Nibi City is a city that has existed since the founding of the Alliance. It has a long history. Correspondingly, the family in charge of this city, the Wu Neng Family, is also a thousand-year-old family that has been passed down for thousands of years!

When they were in decline, I heard that there was a gymnasium-level trainer in charge, not to mention that the current generation of martial arts gymnasium owners seemed to be preparing to break through the king!

And the Arai family in our town is the Taoist family promoted from the elite family more than ten years ago. Not to mention the strength, it is the background. The accumulation of resources is definitely not as good as the Wuneng family. "

Seeing the curious Xiao Ling, Tian Ci also explained to Xiao Ling based on the information he had chatted with the vendor before.

"Hahaha~ This little brother seems to respect our Nibi City very much, come, come, the tickets for this auction will be given to you, you must come tomorrow, but there are many good things! "

Before Xiaoling recovered from the shock, the middle-aged uncle who was distributing admission tickets heard that Tian Ci praised his city so much, and immediately gave Tian Ci two copies of the leaflet in his hand.

"Ooo, thank you uncle." "Thank you uncle."

The two people who received the admission tickets quickly thanked them. In fact, he just noticed that someone was selling admission tickets here, so he took Xiao Ling to this side. He didn't expect to get two tickets for nothing, which was a surprise. Happy.

 After searching for a long time, I couldn’t find out what Xiaogang’s family name is. They can only be named Wu Neng. As one of the guardians of the 8 major cities, he must not be too weak. Therefore, the Wu Neng family is a thousand-year-old family, and once produced a king of heaven !Of course, if the generation is broken, it can no longer be called the family of heavenly kings.

  Finally, thank you for the recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards that everyone sent yesterday!I hope that everyone will continue to vote for me for a few days. The double monthly ticket will start at the end of the month, and there will be crowdfunding monthly tickets. I hope you will support me a lot!thanks thanks!Explosive replacement recommendation, data is very important, hope not to change to the worst T_T
(End of this chapter)

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