Pokemon Poor

Chapter 178 Chapter Return (Explosive update! Please support!)

Chapter 178 Return (Explosive update! Please support!)

PS: 4 changes per day this week, 8 changes per day are recommended!Last self-help!I hope you can support and subscribe more!
Tian Ci, who was walking back slowly, also heard that the voice of the frontal battlefield over there seemed to be much quieter.

"Beep beep~" Bibi Bird, who flew over to investigate the situation, also flew back and said to Tian Ci.

"Beep~beep~" Tian Ci, the battle over there is over, the people with the same clothes as you won, and they are cleaning the battlefield now.

"Okay, then let's speed up!" After hearing Bibi Bird's reply, Tian Ci speeded up his pace. How could he miss such a thing as cleaning the battlefield!

"Such a large battlefield, maybe someone missed it, and lost a few energy crystals, hehehe!"

Tian Ci, who was dreaming sweet dreams, quickly shuttled through the dense forest with his harvest.

Fortunately, this area was originally a safe zone marked by the alliance, so the elves were not strong. In addition, there was a lot of movement between the two groups of people fighting before, so now this group of wild elves with no strength has run away.

This saved Tian Ci a lot of effort, and he quickly rushed back to the frontal battlefield.

"You really deserve to be a thug!" Tian Ci, who came to the frontal battlefield, couldn't help sighing in his heart when he saw the caravan's miserable situation.

The battlefield was devastated, and the people in the caravan were basically tied up. The elves they died in the battle were being divided by a group of rocket soldiers.

There was also a group of people scanning back and forth on the battlefield like him, hoping to find something.

"md! This is too clean!" After scanning around carefully, Tian Ci realized that he was thinking too much. Now, apart from the wreckage of cars and trees on the battlefield, there are some worthless minced meat of elves, let alone energy. Crystallized, not even a 100 banknote!
Shaking his head, he gave up his plan to pick up the leak, brought his three captives to his team leader, and asked.

"Captain Okamoto, I caught three people, two newcomer trainers from the Jiang Qi family, and a truck driver, how should I arrange it?"

"Hahaha~ I'm rich, I'm rich." Okamoto, who was counting the trophies, was suddenly taken aback.

"Oh, it's Tian Ci, you gave me a fright~ It seems that you've got a good harvest. Jiang Qi's family bundles to the far left side, ordinary people can throw them to the right side, and let them deal with it."

After seeing the three captives of Tianji, Okamoto recorded it on his mobile phone, and pointed to both sides with his fingers.

"Yes! Captain!" After hearing Okamoto's words, Tian Ci replied respectfully, and led the three unconscious prisoners to the left first.

I saw more than a dozen captives in Jiang character clothes lying in the box on the far left.

"Bang~bang~" Tian Ci didn't plan to find a place for the two of them, so he casually let Kouduhua drop it, and then walked to the other side.

He was not worried that the group of people would wake up, because he was familiar with the powder, and when he approached, he could smell the strong smell of hypnotic powder wafting from the carriage.

Unlike the quiet left, the right is very noisy.


"Forgive me, help! Help!"

The cries of women and the begging of men for mercy reached Tian Ci's ears continuously.

I saw the ordinary captives on the right, who were divided into several groups.

The women's group didn't need to look, he knew what the Rockets members who couldn't enter the town were doing.

As for the male captives, some were playing death-chasing games with Lada, and some were practicing swallowing, spitting, or tightening tricks with Arbo.

"Hey~ Compared with these thugs, I am indeed a kind person.

But where do I put this? "

Looking at the scenes of tragedies in the world, Tian Ci could only sigh in his heart.

Just when he was worrying about where he was going to send the truck driver, a soldier from Team Rocket stopped Tian Ci, pointed to the middle-aged driver on his shoulder and asked.

"Brother, you are an ordinary person, let us go, it just so happens that that one is dying."

When Tian Ci heard what this strange little soldier said, he looked in the circle and saw an Arbo monster slowly spitting out a man in the middle of the grass. Although the man's mouth was still moving, he saw that the large area was The skin corroded by stomach acid also knows that it will definitely not survive.

"Well, that's fine." Of course, he didn't plan to stop it out loud. Hearing what the soldier said, he took advantage of the situation and handed the middle-aged driver to the Rocket team soldier in front of him.

"Okay, brother, do you want to play with your mouth?"

The soldier who took the captive asked with a happy face.

"No, no, it doesn't know these two tricks."

Hearing the little soldier's question, Tian Ci shook his head, pretending to be regretful.

After all, in the world of thugs, you can't say something like "I don't like you, and I will never join you", right?

"Ao'ao, brother, you can go to the woman's side to have a look. The quality is average, but it can relieve the fire. After all, we can't even enter a larger town."

Hearing Tian Ci's refusal, the little soldier patted Tian Ci's shoulder indifferently, and said wretchedly.

"Yeah, let me go and have a look." Tian Ci, who had already refused once, didn't refuse this time either. He nodded cooperatively and walked towards the women's group.

But he just pretended on the outside, and then came back from the other side.

The reason, the first is that the grade is too low, and it's not that he can't get into the town, so there's no need to give his first time to this kind of guy.

The second is that it is still in the wild, and the battle between Luke and Jiang Qi's Patriarch is not over yet, so it is not time to relax.

After coming back around, he gave Bibi Bird and Koudaihua some elf meat to replenish their strength and prepare for the worst.

Although he believed in Luke Squadron, he would definitely not fight an uncertain battle, but in case, there is no 100% thing in this world after all.

Fortunately, this event did not happen to him.

Otherwise, he really felt that fate was too unfair to him!
It doesn't matter that the traverser doesn't have a golden finger, but he still has to bear the life of the protagonist. Wherever he goes, accidents follow him!

"Bang!" The crow, who was one step ahead, threw a comatose middle-aged man on the ground heavily.

Then he looked at the Rockets members in twos and threes and yelled.

"Crow! Crow~"

"It's the patriarch of Jiang Qi's family! Lord Luke won! We won! Hahaha!"

Some sharp-eyed people already recognized who this middle-aged man was, and immediately began to shout loudly on the battlefield.

"Win, win!"

"Long live Lord Luke!"

"Adults are invincible!"

The other soldiers who heard the cheers also started to shout.

"Master Luke is back!" At this time, someone noticed the figure of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus in the distance, and immediately called out.

"Stop arguing~ Give me the whole team! Greet Lord Luke for his triumphant return!"

The squad leaders who saw Luke also began to sort out their teams one by one.

After a while, with the exception of the Severely Wounded, everyone else was neatly lined up on the battlefield.

After they could clearly see the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, under the leadership of their respective captains, all the rest of them shouted.

"Congratulations to Lord Luke for his triumphant return!"

 Lord Luke's meeting!

(End of this chapter)

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