Pokemon Poor

Chapter 162 Heaven, Material and Earth Treasure (Honey)

Chapter 162 Heaven, Material and Earth Treasure (Honey)
After 2 minutes, Bibi Bird came back grabbing the small space backpack that Tian Ci gave him.

"Beep! Beep~" Seeing Tian Ci, Bibi Bird yelled twice excitedly, and handed over the backpack on its paws.

"Thanks for your hard work, Bibi Bird, you will be the one to open the way, we will withdraw! Kou Dua Hua, just follow me!"

As soon as he got the backpack, Tian Ci didn't even open it to look at it, and immediately prepared to evacuate. Sometimes people just want to know how to be content, even if there are a large number of dead needle bees on the ground, he is not going to pick them up anymore.

Looking at the group of Kentaro, you can tell that after the victory, they just cleaned up the battlefield in a hurry and left directly.

Although there are reasons why they are simple-minded and don't eat meat, it also shows that there is absolutely no shortage of things that can threaten their existence.

This caused the wounded cattle to rush back to their territory without carefully cleaning the battlefield.

"Fortunately, when the group of unicorns evacuated, they were in a hurry and didn't go to the camel's nest at all. With enough honey, the foundation of Bibi Bird and Koudaihua will be more solid!"

Tian Ci, who was following behind Bibi Niao, patted the small backpack in his hand, and his heart was full of joy.

Compared with this beehive, even if you gave him all the dead needle bees on the ground, he would not change it!

"Chaba~" "Hoja~Hoja~" "Puff~" "Puff!"

It is not that Tianci did not encounter other elves during the retrograde journey. On the contrary, he encountered a lot of elves, such as Abo monster, Abo snake, monkey monster, fiery monkey, Lada, etc., after smelling the strong smell of blood, The "vulture" who is ready to come over for a feast.

Most of them ignored Tian Ci's intentions. After all, compared with the huge smell of blood ahead, Tian Ci, who seemed not weak, was really not worth their time.

Even if there were very few people who showed hostility towards him, Tian Ci immediately took out the worm meat he picked up from his backpack to please Mailu. After all, for him who is carrying a huge sum of money, it is imperative to get to a safe place as soon as possible. That's the most important thing!
Of course, if he is serious, he must fight, and he will accompany him, but fortunately, he only fought a fiery monkey with a violent personality during this journey, and he got rid of it quickly.

"Quick, quick! We'll be on the periphery soon~" Tianji, who could already see the boundary marker, accelerated his speed again.

"Beep~" After Bibi Bird heard it, he nodded and raised the speed to another gear.

"Moo~Moo~" Koudaihua also tried her best to speed up, panting after Tian Ci.

After all, it is really inconvenient to walk (_)
After running for a while, fortunately there were no twists and turns, Tian Ci arrived at the outskirts of the forest smoothly, and was several hundred meters away from the inner circle of the forest.

"Huh~huchi~" Tian Ci leaned against a big tree, panting heavily. After all, he hadn't developed extraordinary strength yet, and he was still an ordinary person in the final analysis.

After resting for a while, Tian Ci, who had recovered, took out the small backpack, and he could open it to take a look at it with confidence.

"Chi~chi~" After letting Koudaihua exhale his breath, Tian Ci couldn't wait to unzip the small space backpack.

"En~sweet smell~" After unzipping the zipper, a sweet scent spread to Tianji's nose in an instant.

What caught my eye was a large piece of taupe honeycomb with golden honey on it. The scent just now was the taste of these honeys.

"It's earned, it's earned~ Just these honeys, Koudaihua and Bibibird should be enough to eat, and they should be able to raise their innate aptitude to the elite level."

Looking at these honeys, he was overjoyed. You must know that although the honey of the big needle bee is clearly marked in the alliance, it only costs 2000 alliance coins to buy a catty.

But how can this kind of natural materials and earth treasures that can improve aptitude be really so cheap? This price is just a hope that the alliance will give the majority of civilian trainers a little hope.

Anyway, in the past few years in the town, he only heard that there seemed to be a lucky guy bought a catty for 2000 yuan the year before last, and then sold it to someone else for 6 yuan.

After all, if it is only one catty, it will not have any effect on improving aptitude. What is great is an energy-rich nutrient.

Generally speaking, it is only 50 catties to improve a short qualification below the elite level, but Tian Ci himself speculates that it may be doubled to be promoted from a good class to an elite level. There is a high probability that it will take [-] catties to be possible. After all, it is a big A section of qualifications has been crossed.

Moreover, it is said that the honey of the common-level big needle bee basically has no effect on improving the aptitude of elites and above, so it is considered a treasure of heaven and earth with limited value.

Otherwise, civilian trainers are dedicated to taming unicorns and green caterpillars, and as a beekeeper, they can lie down at home and make a lot of money, why bother fighting for the alliance in the wild?

So for civilian trainers and small alliance families, this thing is very precious. After all, they can't get elves with elite qualifications, but for the direct lineage of the alliance, this thing is just like this. The three royal families with elite qualifications.

Of course, there are only a small number of trainers in this world's first-line giants, and most of them are ordinary people or members of collateral families, so this thing is still very popular.

As long as there is news, those who are trusted and powerful will buy them at a premium in advance. When ordinary people get the news, the clerk will only reply to you, "Sorry! It's sold out."

"Enough is enough, this is almost two hundred catties of honey, it is indeed the reserve of the entire ethnic group!"

After roughly counting them, he was going to put the hives back and clean them up after he got back.

"The honey alone is worth about 100 million! Get rich overnight! Get rich!"

After roughly calculating the price, Tian Ci was about to zip it up, when suddenly he saw two round things in the corners of the backpack from the corner of his eye.

"Hey~ Could it be that there are still elf eggs that haven't been taken away!!"

Feeling that there were a lot of surprises today, Tian Ci immediately took out the two elf eggs.

"Shusha~sha~" As soon as the elf egg was taken out, it shook twice in Tian Ci's hand.

"The yellow stripes should be the elf eggs of the big needle bee, and they are all live eggs, and they seem to be hatching soon!"

Tian Ci took the elf egg, observed it for a while, and then took it back. It can only be said that it was a pleasant surprise. The most valuable thing this trip is honey!

"I don't know how aptitude is if they haven't hatched, but if they can be placed deep in the group, then their parents' strength should not be weak, and they should have general aptitude at worst if they are hatched.

Speaking of the big needle bee, I don't seem to need it very much, so let's wait until they hatch to see the qualifications of these two, and then make arrangements. "

Immediately, Tian Ci's mind flashed the figure of Xiaoling as a tool man, and there was another one in his memory who would only follow behind his buttocks when he was a child.

"I didn't expect that there was only one person in the village who survived besides me. If I didn't see it when I accompanied Xiao Ling to sell the house, I would have missed it all the time!

But whether it is true or not, we still have to inquire. "

Thinking of the idiot who had always been his follower because he helped him once when he was a child, a flash of nostalgia flashed in Tian Ci's eyes. That was the first younger brother he took in when he was a child, although he was a bit stubborn and stupid.

PS: Add more rewards for the 10000 points of Ai Ruxia!Thanks guys!Originally, I wanted to give myself a vacation during the Dragon Boat Festival, so I didn't code. . . .I wish you all a happy Dragon Boat Festival!I went back to continue coding at night. . .

 The second little brother is about to come out, does anyone remember the little boxing stone cultivation cheats that he got back then?
(End of this chapter)

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