Pokemon Poor

Chapter 156

Chapter 156
PS: Once a week, I still hope that book friends who are still reading pirated copies can come back to support the genuine ones. The starting point coins for watching advertisements every day for free are enough to subscribe, which can be said to be more than enough!Yesterday, the newly added data broke the record low again, and the data broke the lower limit every few days. I really feel boring!

"Hulonglong~" "Boom~" "Boom~"

The dashing impact of the 13 Kentaro can be said to be very powerful, whether it is a thorny forest or a big tree along the way, they are directly knocked away by them.

"Beep~beep!" However, Bibi Bird was obviously flying faster, and he turned his head to taunt from time to time.

"Moo!" But after chasing for a while, when the Bibi bird ran out of the territory of their small group, the leader of the Kentaro suddenly howled and stopped chasing!The other Kentaro also slammed on the brakes.

"Beep? Beep! Beep!" Seeing Kentaro who stopped chasing, Bibi Bird panicked, stopped and started talking trash again.

"Moo~" "Moo!" There were other kentaros who wanted to continue chasing them, but they were immediately suppressed by this leader.

"Beep beep beep beep beep!" The impotent and furious Bibi bird could only curse there, trying to provoke the group of kentaros again, but after being suppressed by the leader, no other kentaros would care about it, it could only watch Walking back slowly with the herd of cows.

"Beep~beep beep" Bibi Bird looked at them disappointedly, unbelieving, decided to try again, if it wasn't a last resort, it really didn't want to do such a thing of losing the bird!

Soon, Bibi followed them from a distance and flew back to the grass.

"Huhuhu~" There were also several wind blades, attacking the cows.

"Moo!" This time, under the call of the leader, the cows started a new round of charge!

"Beep beep ヾ(^.^*)" Bibi Bird immediately became happy, it seems that it is still useful!Come after me, you stupid cows!
But it's a pity that this time when the Kentairos saw the Bibi Bird flying out of the territory, they stopped chasing them. Last time they ran to the boundary of the territory by themselves.

"Beep~beep!" Looking at the herd of cows returning again, Bibi Bird patted his head with his wings. He had no choice but to lose the bird.

"Gulu Gulu~" Its abdomen also began to squirm for a while. As a natural supernatural being, it is born with the basic control of the body. Otherwise, why do you think it was so punctual every day when it was at Tian Ci's house? ah.

"Beep!" Bibi Bird let out a long cry, and quickly flew towards the cows with its shells, and soon it flew over the cows.

"Moo!" "Moo~" This time, the leader of Kentaro just yelled at the Bibi bird threateningly and then ignored it.

"Moo~" "Moo~" The other Kentaro also nodded, and continued to do what they should do. Anyway, the attack of this miscellaneous bird was not painful to them, and the small wound that was cut just now It's all starting to heal now.

It has nothing to do with us, and we have nothing to do with this bird, so why bother with it!

The Bibi bird in the air is very angry when it sees the Kentaro who are turning a blind eye!
"Beep! Beep (◣д◢)" After I evolve, no enemy dares to ignore me anymore, just wait for me!

"Mmm~mmmm~" Bibi's stomach in the air began to squirm, and then lumps of yellow-green things began to fall down.

"Pa-ta!" "Pa-ta-ta..." That Kentaro leader was still Bibi Bird's key care object, and several lumps of poop fell on its body and head.

"Moo? Moomoo?" What's this?Slimy and still warm.

The young Kentello rubbed his head in the grass on the ground, and suddenly his eyes widened!
"Moo! Moo!" It's bird droppings!Damn scumbag!How dare you insult me ​​so much!
"Moo! Moo!" The other Kentaro who got the trick also found out what the Bibi bird was doing on their heads, and their eyes were red with anger!

"Moo!" The leader of Kentaro let out a loud roar, and his big bull's eyes turned red!

"Hulong, Hulonglong~" The other Kentaro gathered together obediently and launched a more violent charge towards Bibi Bird.

"Beep! Beep~" Bibi Bird had to admit that this trick is really easy to use, and the speed of this group of Kentaro is much faster than before!

"Beep~um~" Of course, in order to prevent the group of Kentaro from stopping at the border again, it simply went all out this time, and would occasionally fly back and drop a few more shells. Fortunately, it had eaten more before.

"Moo! Pata~" the leader of Kentaro took the lead, opened his mouth and screamed, and was about to let the other tribesmen continue to speed up their pace. Suddenly, he felt something hot in his mouth, and it seized it suddenly.

"Bah~ bah~ moo!"This miscellaneous bird feeds me dung! !

The young leader of Kentaro only felt that anger filled his whole brain!Both eyes turned completely blood-red, if I don't kill you, a miscellaneous bird today, I swear I won't be a bull!
"Moo!" It made a loud cow cry this time, as if calling for something.

"Hulonglong~ Hulong" Under the call of the leader of Kentaro, the sound of Kentaro's attack seemed to come from other places.

"Beep! Beep!" I k, why is this cow so unbearable!I didn't mean it!If you get too big, tell Tian Ci to run away quickly!
After Bibi Bird heard the sound of running in all directions, the whole bird was frightened, and immediately sped up and flew towards Tian Ci.

"Bang!" I saw the Bibi bird flying into the air, and quickly dodged the big tree knocked down by other Kentaro.


"Beep! Beep!" Bibi Bird looked sad and indignant, and even let the bird live. If it was replaced by a wild Bibi Bird, it might really be tricked.

However, Tian Ci specially trained it to dodge to the limit, so it escaped without any risk.

"Beep~beep" Luckily, Brother Dumber Hua and the others are at the edge, so if they rush over directly, they shouldn't be blocked!
When Bibi Bird saw more and more Kentaro behind him, his expression became more dignified!
In order to tell Tian Ci this situation as soon as possible, it had to use a flash of lightning to pull away!

Otherwise, there will still be stones and tree stumps thrown towards it from time to time in the current distance.

"咻~" I saw that Bibi bird's figure flashed quickly and immediately opened the distance, and then continued to fly forward with all his strength regardless of his sore body.

On the other side, Tian Ci also heard some running sounds from a distance, but he didn't pay attention to it, thinking that Bibi Bird had successfully lured the cattle over.

Sure enough, not long after, he saw the flustered figure of Bibi Bird.

"Bibi Bird, don't worry, you're safe, don't be so scared~" Tian Ci quickly comforted Bibi Bird when he saw Bibi Bird's anxious expression.

"Beep! Beep" But the Bibi bird didn't calm down at all when it saw the calm Tianji, it became even more flustered, and quickly told Tianji that there were more than 30 Kentaro behind it!

"What! Bibi Bird, why did you bring so many cows here!"

Hearing that there were more than 30 Kentaro, Tian Ci's face changed, and he turned his head and retreated without thinking.

"Moomoo?" At this moment, Koudaihua looked at the trap she had painstakingly woven, and asked Tian Ci suspiciously, can I let it go?

 I apologize to the readers who are supporting the original version, and I don't want to add this paragraph to affect everyone's mood!But I don’t know if I can understand my mood. After I go to work every day, I code until after 11 o’clock in the evening when I go back to the night, just to get out of the normal two shifts in the morning, and then the data will break through the lower limit again and again every few days. To be honest, I regret it, no one cares about other websites at all!I also got recommendations from other websites! ! !I got up at 6 o'clock today and saw the data and my mentality really exploded!If it breaks a new low, we may really have to say goodbye!Consider going to a website with better anti-theft awareness to continue writing.


(End of this chapter)

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