Pokemon Poor

Chapter 153 Female Trainer - Ling!

Chapter 153 Female Trainer - Ling!
Holding the dagger, Xiao Ling walked slowly towards the other green caterpillar step by step.

"Tick tick ~ tick tick ~" Blood dripped from his hand, this is a completely different liquid from water.

The girl waved the dagger again and again, but put it down again and again.

She is struggling, she knows that elves are intelligent, and her mosquito coil tadpoles are actually no different from human children!
She was killing elves, she was killing people!
"Tian Shui Ling! Think about your parents, your cousin! They all died under the attack of the elves!

Every year, the number of human beings who die due to the attacks of the elves is innumerable!Villages, towns, and cities destroyed by the tide of elves!They are your kind!you are human!Not elves! "

Seeing the hesitant girl, Tian Ci's eyes flashed a stern look, and he immediately added a dose of harshness.

"Ah!" Hearing Tian Ci's words, the appearance of her parents appeared in front of the girl's eyes, and they had no bones left!Eaten up by elves in the wild!

Xiaoling stabbed the dagger down sharply, "Pfft!" The sharp dagger instantly penetrated the green caterpillar's head, and the splashed blood stained the girl's mask and helmet.

"Very good! Next, take out the thread sac." Tian Ci, who came to the side, looked at the girl who had finally made the move, praised her, and began to direct the next step.

"Pfft~hiss~" Xiaoling didn't reply, just lowered her head and began to dissect the corpse just like Tian Ci's technique just now.

After a while, a blood-stained thread sac appeared on her hand.

"That's right, I learned quickly. The next step is to separate out the edible insect meat. Be careful not to eat here and here."

Tian Ci's eyes lit up when he saw Xiaoling who was moving quickly, and he explained to her how to divide the worm meat.

"Wow~hiss~crack~" Under Tianji's command, the girl also began to quickly cut up the insect flesh.

After more than a minute, a thread sac and a few catties of intact worm meat also appeared in front of the girl's eyes.

"Okay, I'll give you this one too, put it in two bags separately, and then bury the minced meat."

Seeing the girl who had finished cutting up the body, Tian Ci nodded in relief, and handed over the two packed bags.

"Okay, vomit, vomit..." Xiaoling buried the remaining corpses hastily, then immediately put the booty into the backpack, and then began to retch.

"Xiaoling, it's not Tian Ci who wants to force you, but you have to learn to adapt to this world! Since you have become a trainer and you don't have any capital behind you, you can only rely on yourself.

The path of being a trainer is not so easy, it's not just playing tricks!Not to mention far away, let's talk about elite trainers, there are countless skeletons under their feet! "

Tian Ci stepped forward and patted Xiao Ling on the back to help her relax, and at the same time explained in a heavy tone.

"Ugh~ I know, ugh~
Brother Tian Ci, I am actually very lucky. I have a good-qualified initial elf, and Brother Tian Ci, you take me, vomit~ I am too useless!
I still need Brother Tian Ci, you dare to strike me after you have provoked me over and over again~"

Xiao Ling turned her head, and under that pale cheek, there was joy and stubbornness.

"Cough~Xiao Ling, it's good that you can understand it. Do you want to slow down first, or continue directly!"

Hearing Xiao Ling's answer, Tian Ci nodded with a smile, and then asked another question.

"Let me take it easy, I'm sorry, Brother Tian Ci!"

Xiaoling smiled apologetically at Tian Ci, it was really uncomfortable for her to kill an elf for the first time.

"Okay, then Bibi Bird, go and check first, find the unicorn!"

Tian Ci looked at the pale Xiao Ling, nodded, and then gave Bibi Bird some instructions.

"Beep~" Bibi Bird nodded, and then began to fly into the distance.

"Yo yo~" At this moment, the mosquito-repellent tadpoles also came over, looking at Xiao Ling worriedly.

"Mosquito-repellent tadpoles, I'm making you laugh, am I so useless~" Seeing the worried mosquito-repellent tadpoles, Xiao Ling smiled and hugged the mosquito-repellent tadpoles in her arms.

"Yo! Yoo~" Hearing the trainer's frustrating words, the mosquito-repellent tadpole immediately became excited, comforting and encouraging the girl.

"Haha~ I didn't expect that I would need you, a little guy, to comfort me. Okay, I've recovered. Thank you, mosquito coil tadpole~boo~"

After communicating with her elf for a while, Xiaoling also calmed down, and finally opened the mask and kissed the mosquito-repellent tadpole.

"Yo ω" was kissed by the trainer, and the mosquito coil tadpole seemed very happy.

"Moo~Moo" Kudaihua, who was guarding the surroundings by the side, also saw this scene, and immediately poked Tian Ci who was watching the show with a vine, expressing that he wanted to kiss him too.

"Uh...don't make trouble, Kou Daihua" Tian Ci, with a black face, finally touched Kou Daihua's head to express his comfort.

Although "Moo ω" didn't get a kiss, it would be nice to be patted and killed by a trainer.

Not long after, Bibi Bird flew back and told Tian Ci that there was a single horned insect not far in front of him.

"Xiao Ling, I'm leaving, there is a unicorn in front of me."

After listening, Tian Ci said something to Xiao Ling, and then he followed Bibi Niao.

"Here we come, Brother Tian Ci!" Putting down the mask, Xiao Ling followed immediately with the mosquito coils and tadpoles.

After walking for a while, Tian Ci stopped and motioned Xiaoling to take a look through the binoculars.

"It's a unicorn with many scars."

Xiaoling immediately picked up the binoculars and looked at it, then said.

"Yes, I won't remind you of this one, it's up to you." Tian Ci nodded, indicating that Xiaoling could go on it.

"Okay, let's go, mosquito coil tadpoles!"

"Yo|ω)" the mosquito-repellent tadpole cried out, and slowly lurked over with the girl.

"It's a pity, this unicorn should not be attacked by you~" Tian Ci looked at the girl who had been familiar with her for the first time and the second time, and smiled maliciously.

"Woo!" Sure enough, when Xiaoling touched the range of about ten meters, the unicorn immediately yelled and fired a poisonous needle in Xiaoling's direction.

"Mosquito incense tadpoles, shoot water bombs in succession!" Seeing that they had been discovered, Xiaoling gave up the idea of ​​sneak attack, and at the same time, water arrows appeared in her hand.

"Bang!" The first water bomb and poisonous needle canceled out.

"Xuuuuuuu~" However, the next few water bombs and Xiaoling's water arrows all rushed towards the unicorn.

"Bang bang!" "Woo~" I didn't expect so many attacking unicorns to be stunned.

"Continue, water gun! If you're not dead, let's spray light!" Xiao Ling, who had already killed the elf, was obviously much calmer than in the last battle, and immediately grabbed it and launched a set of combos.

"Wow~ bang!" The water gun hit the unicorn, and it was directly knocked down.

"Gulu Gulu~" Before the unicorn got up, a lot of foam exploded on its body.

"Woo~(_)" After the newly born high-ranking unicorn only fired a poisonous needle, it was directly defeated by Xiao Ling.

"Awesome! Mosquito coil tadpoles, go be vigilant, I'll cut up the corpse."

Seeing the unicorn that had lost the ability to fight, Xiao Ling praised it, then took out her dagger and walked towards the unicorn.

"Pfft!" This time, although his hands were still trembling, he pierced through the unicorn's eyes without hesitation, ending its life.

"Well, I'm finally a trainer!" Tian Ci nodded as he watched the battle and the girl who was not hesitating at the end.

 Because there is nothing to lose, Ling chose to face it by herself. It can be seen from this chapter and the next chapter that she is now a real trainer!

  Finally, I would like to thank the book friends 20210606074240988, 2021030110411885198, Fat Catfish’s Love (2000 points), and book friends 20210529141312605 yesterday for their rewards!grateful!Then also ask for monthly tickets, and recommended tickets!If there is no recommendation, I can only rely on these lists. If you have more votes, you will be able to rank higher in the recommendation list, so that more people can see it. Thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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