Pokemon Poor

Chapter 129 Plantation

Chapter 129 Plantation

After a simple lunch, Tian Ci arrived at the gate of the city with Kouduhua and Bibiniao, ready to go to the plantation ahead of time.

"You can do it, kid! It's all evolved!!"

"Yeah, you kept it from us for so long!"

Because the two elves have evolved, Tian Ci, who feels that his strength is not bad, doesn't hide it, and brings both elves with him.

Sure enough, as soon as they arrived at the gate of the city, it caused a small commotion.

I saw the two guards on shift directly surrounded Tian Ci, looking at him in surprise.

"You! Koudaihua is in the middle of the ordinary!"

"My God, I have lived on dogs for so many years!"

After coming into close contact with Koudaihua, these guards immediately felt the strength of Koudaihua!

One of the guards even patted his head heavily with his hands.

"No, no, two big brothers, I am only an ordinary middle-class one, and I am definitely not as good as you in terms of strength."

Seeing the two shocked and unbelievable guards, Tian Ci felt a little dark in his heart, and of course he refuted a few words modestly on the surface.

"As expected, he is the person valued by Team Sam!"

"Yeah, yeah, I was able to advance so quickly, Uncle Sam gave me a lot of help."

When Tian Ci heard the exclamation of one of the guards, he immediately brought the topic to Uncle Sam.

"The elites are all ants. You are right. A little bit of exposure made this kid advance so quickly!"

Hearing Captain Sam's name, the two guards looked at Tian Ci with a little envy and jealousy, and their eyes were also full of yearning for the elite class.

"I believe that the two big brothers must also have the hope of breaking through to the elite level, but I am in a hurry right now, and I have to go out of the city gate...then let's..."

After boasting a lot, Tian Ci saw that someone seemed to have taken a lunch break at the rest area of ​​the city gate. In order to avoid being stopped by more guards, he immediately said euphemistically that he wanted to leave.

"Oh, I almost forgot, but you really have the hope of being promoted to the elite, you must remember us when the time comes, haha"

"Yeah yeah!"

Of course, the two old fried dough sticks heard Tian Ci's intention to leave, and immediately moved out of the way, and patted Tian Ci's shoulder at the same time to show their friendship.

After leaving the city gate, Tian Ci immediately walked towards the plantation with the two elves.

"The illustration book is really convenient, and the map is too detailed."

He was holding the illustrated book in his hand, and was using it to navigate, and he felt more and more that the illustrated book was really a good thing.

After walking for a while, he saw a tall wall in the distance, and a 3-storey building stood inside it.

Tian Ci, who had done his homework in advance, knew that it was the office building of the Ministry of Agriculture and the center of the plantation.

Because the size of a town is limited, it is impossible to plant large areas of crops in the town, so Qingmu Town not only buys from surrounding villages, but also has a plantation outside the town to ensure self-sufficiency.

Of course, because it is on the outskirts of the town, the security is not that high. Whenever the harvest season is approaching, thieves often come to fight the autumn wind.

This is also the reason why the Ministry of Agriculture clearly has its own trainers, but still has to issue tasks at the Elf Center.

After all, the plantation is too big, and the Ministry of Agriculture's own trainers are very difficult to allocate. In order to protect the crops that are about to harvest, it is necessary to recruit other trainers to help.

Some people may ask, why not expand the number of trainers in the Ministry of Agriculture?

This is because the harvest time of the Ministry of Agriculture is basically concentrated in about half a month. Usually, some other special vegetables and fruits need to be guarded, and the place is not big.

If too many people are recruited, there must be some people who are paid for the whole year, but only work for more than half a month!
You must know that the trainers under the Ministry of Agriculture are also officially compiled by the alliance!
So of course the alliance is not so stupid, it is better to recruit temporary workers during this half month.

And the reason why he chose this task is that the Ministry of Agriculture has issued a lot of guard cleaning tasks in the elf center during this period, and he went out alone in advance, so it will be considered that something happened to Takashima. Surely no one would doubt him.

After all, Takashima is a low-level ordinary trainer, and no one in the elf center is willing to form a team with him. The possibility of conducting extensive investigations for him is too low.

All the way to the gate of the plantation, he showed the task certificate to the guards for inspection, and then entered the plantation.

"It's really strict, but it's true, after all, this place supplies almost the entire town's food."

Tian Ci was walking on the street, thinking that when he entered the door just now, he not only had to show the mission certificate, but also had to be inspected by the guard's sky eye from beginning to end!
After confirming that I am correct, I can only come in. I sighed.

"Forget it, let's go to No. 6 wheat field first, and talk to the person who issued the task first."

After walking around for a while, he found that the plantation was indeed a plantation, although there were more people, it was almost like a small village.

But they were basically ordinary people wearing ordinary farm clothes, and he only saw 7 to 8 trainers along the way.

The scenery seen along the way is also the appearance of various farmers working in the fields, that is, the crops are different, such as wheat, watermelon, corn... basically.

Of course, he didn't see the kind of energy-rich crops in the periphery, such as tree fruits!
Tian Ci felt a little strange, so he asked a few farmer uncles on the edge of the field, and learned from their mouths that this energy-rich tree fruit was planted in the center of the entire plantation.

Moreover, the people who take care of the fruit trees there are basically experienced agronomists, and there are trainers directly under the Ministry of Agriculture all year round to guard them.

After listening to the introductions of several farmer uncles, he went straight to the core area of ​​the plantation to satisfy his curiosity.

But unfortunately, he was directly warned by the trainer who was guarding outside.

"The most important place for tree orchards! Miscellaneous people are not allowed to approach!"

A Chuanshan King's trainer guarded him, and when he saw Tian Ci approaching quickly, he gave a loud warning.

"Shua!" At the same time, Chuanshan King who was following the trainer also slammed his claws on the ground, and deep scratches appeared on the ground in an instant!
"Don't do it, it's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding! I'm just curious and want to take a look. I don't know that this is an important place, so I'm going, I'm going!"

After seeing the scratch on the ground, Tian Ci immediately stopped knowingly, and at the same time responded loudly, and immediately turned around and left.

"Heh, it's another temporary worker. They come here several times a year. These mud-legged trainers really don't know much! Even a tree orchard is curious!"

The guard smiled disdainfully when he saw Tian Ci who turned his head and walked away with a frightened expression on his face.

"Kujia~" Chuanshan King next to him also echoed his own trainer.

After dismissing Tianji, the two continued their patrol mission today.

"What are you hanging on! Isn't it the trainer directly under the alliance, and they don't even let me approach the door!"

After Tian Ci was driven away, he cursed secretly in his heart, and he gave up his desire to sneak in. That Chuanshan King is probably an ordinary high-ranking one!

Moreover, there was probably more than one guard in the orchard, so he didn't need to seek death out of curiosity.

 After reading the comment section, let’s explain the plot. It’s actually a choice. Takashima’s own choice of humanity. In order to avoid subsequent troubles, the protagonist will definitely not take the initiative, but he definitely has ideas, and even Let yourself also... The following is a spoiler, I can't say, bewitching is definitely not counted, it can only be counted as temptation.

  I also thank the two book friends Eluna and Happy Frog for their rewards yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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