Pokemon Poor

Chapter 121

Chapter 121

PS: Please count the votes at the end of the month, thank you everyone!

"Grandpa Arai, good afternoon! I specially brought you the very famous soft pastry on the East Street. Thank you for your advice! My trumpet buds have successfully evolved!"

As soon as he entered the door, seeing that there were no other customers in the store, Tian Ci took two boxes of beautifully packaged pastries and put them on the counter.

"Oh!!" The old man, who was sleeping on the recliner, immediately got up and came to the counter.

"You said your trumpet buds have evolved!" Regardless of the two boxes of exquisite pastries, Mr. Arai was very surprised when he heard the news!

How low the success rate of this plan was, he had read the notes in that book, and because the success rate was too low, it was of no value, so he casually sent it to Tian Ci.

I didn't expect this kid's trumpet bud to have such perseverance!
"Cough, no need to thank you. I received the information fee. Can the old man take a look at your evolved dumb flower?"

Just in case, seeing is believing, Mr. Arai waved his hand, looked at Tian Ci and said.

"Okay, come out, dumbass!" Tian Ci nodded, still looking respectful and obedient.

"Moo~" A red light flashed, and Koudaihua appeared in front of the old man.

"This purple spot has a significantly larger body size. This kid seems to have some talent!"

As soon as Koudaihua appeared, he observed it carefully, but because the information was thrown out casually, he didn't remember too much.

Just remember that the spots on the face should be purple, which is a manifestation of greatly enhanced toxicity!

"Okay, take it back, your kid is a bit talented, how about it? This plan is worth it?"

The old man wants to test the kid in front of him, whether he knows this evolution plan from others, it is very risky!Only in this way can he plan the next step.

"I still want to thank you, Grandpa Arai! Thank you for your cultivation!"

Hearing the old man's question, he knew that the main show was coming, and immediately bowed to the old man again, with a sincere expression on his face!

"It seems that no matter how talented you are, you are still a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child in essence."

When Mr. Arai saw Tian Ci's respectful appearance, he no longer doubted him.

A smile appeared on the originally cold face, and he looked at Tian Ci and said.

"You are a caring person! Tell me, what's the matter with coming to me today?"

"Hey, Grandpa Arai, I just came here to thank you, it's fine."

Tian Ci decided to retreat to advance, so he didn't tell Bobo's matter immediately, but waved his hand clumsily, with the expression of a child who wanted to ask but didn't dare to ask.

"Oh? Really, then I have accepted these two boxes of pastries, you can go, boy."

After hearing Tian Ci's answer, the old man replied with a half-smile, as if I had seen through it a long time ago.

"Ahem, to tell you the truth, I still have an elf, Bobo, who is about to evolve, so I would like to trouble you to find out how to match the energy crystals!"

Seeing the old man with this expression, Tian Ci knew that he had just fooled around, so he continued to play the role of his good boy, looking embarrassed.

"Oh, so it's here to set up an evolution plan again, the little devil is the first one."

After listening to Mr. Arai, he immediately laughed and cursed.

"Hey, because I believe in Grandpa Arai, and feel that you are a good person, so I want to ask for advice again!"

Tian Ci endured the discomfort in his heart, and bowed deeply to the old man again.

"What's your qualification for Bobo?" Arai old man looked at Tian Ci in front of him, and asked after thinking for a while.

"Grandpa Arai, my Bobo is also of good low quality, please enlighten me!"

When he heard this question, he knew that the probability was stable!

"You kid is lucky, the two elves are good, not bad.

Wait a minute, let me look at the store first, let me go to the back to think about it and look for it. "

Hearing that it was another elf with good quality, Mr. Arai couldn't help but admire it, and it also made his psychological thoughts more firm.

"Okay, okay. Thank you, Grandpa Arai."

Hearing the old man's reply, Tian Ci was overjoyed, and immediately obediently began to clean up the shelves.

"En..." Grandpa Arai glanced at it, nodded, and walked slowly towards the back room.

"This kid seems to be able to be absorbed into the family. Since the rise of the owner of the house, we have been reduced to the third house. It has been a long time! We can only take care of some peripheral businesses, and the resources are not as good as before!"

Mr. Arai thought about it in his mind, and felt that this kid was a bit talented, so he turned on the dedicated computer at the back, logged into the internal network of the gymnasium, and began to search for a relatively safe evolution plan for Bobo within the scope of his authority.

"Ask this kid first if he is willing, this plan is also suitable."

After searching for a while, the old man finally decided on a plan for Tian Ci.

"A high-grade flight-type crystal is supplemented with 2 gym-level Bi Diao feathers, and finally a low-grade general-type energy crystal is added."

This plan is also hopeful that the qualification can be upgraded to two levels, and it is not so painful, but it costs more money. The most important thing is that these materials are available in this grocery store, and they sell them for the profit of Sanfang.

After remembering the plan, he slowly returned to the shop at the front door, just in time to see Tian Ci still cleaning the cabinet door.

"Okay, boy, don't wipe it, come here!"

He waved his hand and called out.

"Okay, Grandpa Arai! I'll finish wiping right away, and I'll be here right away!"

In order to perform perfectly, even though he was impatient in his heart, Tian Ci wiped all the window cabinets before taking out his notebook and sitting seriously in front of the counter.

"Hey, first of all, boy, I want to ask you first, are you willing to marry into our Arai family and be the son-in-law of our third bedroom?
If you want, I can send you this evolution plan directly!

And our Sanfang will also support you. Some knowledge information and evolution resources can be given to you at a cost price. If you are really good, it may even be free. "

After looking at Tianji, who was sweating profusely, Mr. Arai nodded psychologically, thinking that this kid is a good tool man, so he asked directly.

"Ah! This~" Tian Ci didn't expect that he would be recruited by his son-in-law when he came to ask for an evolution plan, so he was stunned for a while.

"Hey, Grandpa Arai, I'm sorry, I'm just an adult, so I didn't think so much..."

Although his heart was very moved, when he heard Sanfang, he thought of the information about the Arai family that Uncle Sam had inadvertently revealed when he was chatting with Uncle Sam before.

So after pondering for a while, he still decided to refuse, and explained a few sentences embarrassingly.

"In this case, this evolution plan still needs to pay 10 information fees, because the probability of successfully skipping a level is higher for you with good qualifications!
Of course, if you figure it out, you can come to me anytime! "

The old man Arai who was rejected immediately turned cold. At the same time, he directly increased the intelligence fee by ten times, but he seemed to have thought of something, and finally added a sentence bluntly.

"Okay, Grandpa Arai, this is a bank card, you can use it to swipe it, I believe you!"

Tian Ci understood that after rejecting the old man, this should be the last time he could get the evolution plan with money.

Although the price of 10 is very expensive and the exchange price on the Rockets is almost the same, since it is here, the materials are also available!That can only be bought with money.

At the same time, he also considered that for the sake of the future, in case he needed to contact him again, Tian Ci was still respectful when facing the old man.

 Explain, because this is the sake of the extraordinary world, the age of adulthood is 15 years old!Don't judge by our real life.

  Finally, is there any book friend who can make up the love and hatred between the master of the gym and the third room? This chapter specifically clicks on the family of the master of the gym.

(End of this chapter)

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