Pokemon Poor

Chapter 117 Mitsui Mina

Chapter 117 Mitsui Mina
Soon, Arbo brought the two of them to a big tree.

Captain Okamoto stepped forward to fumble for the tree trunk, and Tian Ci was not surprised. This kind of secret base must have various hidden facilities, or it would have been found long ago!
"Crack!" There was only a crisp sound, and the ground around the tree began to flip, revealing a downward entrance.

"Drip~" After the passage opened, Tianji only saw Captain Okamoto standing in front of the entrance of the passage, and pressed his finger, and the door opened.

Only then did he turn his head to look at Tian Ci, and of course Tian Ci immediately turned into a shocked face, otherwise it wouldn't be too abnormal.

"Haha, I'm so scared, our Rockets have a lot of high technology, let's go, let's go in!

At that time, after you record the information, you will also need fingerprint identification to enter. "

Captain Okamoto laughed when he saw the shocked Tianji, explained something and walked in with Tianji.

"Step, step" After passing through the long steps, they came to a locked gate.

In front of the gate, there were also two Rockets soldiers in black uniforms marked with the letter R on duty. When they saw the two approaching, they immediately asked for a secret order.

"Stop coming, secret order!"

"The alliance is rotten, the Rockets stand!" Captain Okamoto quickly said the secret order, and then pointed to Tianji.

"This is to join our Rockets."

"Then please cooperate with the inspection work!"

After listening to Captain Okamoto's secret order and explanation, one of the soldiers immediately took out something like a scanning gun, and first scanned Captain Okamoto quickly.

"During the identification, the identity is indeed Ishida Okamoto."

After seeing that it was him, he took the gun and swept the field again.

"Drip~ I don't know my identity, and my strength is in the middle of the ordinary!"

"Ordinary mid-level trainer, Captain Okamoto, take him in!"

After the soldier scanned and came to a conclusion, he opened the door and let the two of them enter the underground base.

"Uh~Captain Okamoto, did the scanning gun just now identify fake spies?"

After successfully entering the base, Tian Ci asked the captain next to him in a low voice.

"Cough, yes, this is all based on the blood dripping and fingerprints you got when you joined to identify the information.

Your strength is also lower than mine, so you don't need to confiscate the elves, just be accompanied by me! "

Hearing Tianji's question, Captain Okamoto explained casually, and then kept silent.

He looked at the members of the Rockets coming and going around him with indifferent faces, so he didn't ask any more questions, and followed Captain Okamoto closely.

Soon the two came to a small room, and Captain Okamoto knocked on the door.

"Boom, boom, hello, I'm bringing newcomers to the team!"

"Come in." Not long after, a pleasant female voice came from inside.

"Tianci, go in by yourself! I'll wait for you outside!"

What surprised Tianji was that Captain Okamoto let him in alone, as if the woman inside was a scourge.

He had no choice but to walk in by himself.

"Close the door!" He had just opened the door and walked in. Before he saw anyone, he heard the order from the woman again.

"Crack!" He immediately closed the door obediently.

Only then did he turn his head and see the woman sitting at the desk, or the female trainer!

Because after a quick scan, Tian Ci discovered that this woman also had a few Pokeballs pinned to her waist!
But what surprised him was that this woman, apart from having a face that was not inferior to Ninghui's, actually had a body that was better than Ninghui's!

Of course, Tian Ci, who knew his status very well, just took a quick glance, then lowered his head and waited for her to speak.

Think about it with your butt, in the Rockets, a terrorist organization, such a woman is in charge of recruiting newcomers, either because of her strong strength, or because of her strong background!
He is a captured little prisoner, a little trash who is about to surrender, so it's better not to be too fussy!
Who knows if this woman will cause unnecessary trouble just because I took one more look at her.

Tian Ci still remembered his new boss, but he dared not even enter the door!
"To be honest, first fill out this form, then draw blood and take fingerprints!"

Seeing Tian Ci who bowed his head and said nothing, the woman boasted with a smile on her face, and put a form and a syringe on the side of the table.

"Yes! Your Excellency!" He immediately took the form and began to fill in information on it, nothing more than name, address, strength and other information.

"Pfft!" After filling in the information, he found that the woman didn't seem to help draw blood, so he picked up the syringe and stuck it in his arm, and drew a small tube of blood.

"No, disinfect alcohol cotton, press first."

After Tian Ci handed the form and blood back to the woman, she threw Tian Ci an alcohol swab and began to enter information in front of the computer.

"Yes!" Obediently holding the wound with alcohol cotton, Tian Ci lowered his head and waited for the woman's next order.

"Phew~ It's really troublesome to enter information! Just press any finger here."

About 5 to 6 minutes later, the woman sitting in front of the computer stretched, and then put a small panel with grooves in front of Tianji.

"Yes!" He obediently stretched out his ring finger and pressed it on the screen.

"Drip~Fingerprint entry~"

"Successful entry!"

"Okay, the next thing is to record! Facing the camera in front of you, read this passage aside! xxx is your name."

Seeing that everything went well, the woman immediately handed over a note.

"let's start!"

"I, Aoki Tatsuji, officially joined the Rockets today, and together we will overthrow the alliance and overthrow familyism..."

Although the more I read, the more reactionary I feel, but Tian Ci has no good way, so he can only bite the bullet and continue reading.

He knew that after reading this, he would really be inseparable from the Rockets. As soon as this video was released, coupled with the information just now, his way in the league would be completely cut off.

"Okay, here is your identity card and badge. Does your newcomer gift package need elves or contribution points? Set it up for you."

After seeing Tian Ci finished reading, the woman took out a badge with the letter R and a black card and gave it to Tian Ci, and at the same time asked the newcomer gift.

"My lord, I'll choose contribution points!" Tian Ci replied immediately after receiving the card.

"Papa~" After the woman's slender fingers flicked on the computer keyboard, she waved her hand to signal Tian Ci to go out.

"Okay, 100 contribution points are in your card, you are not a fugitive, so you can go back to the alliance, then the room here will not be assigned to you.

You can exchange things by looking for a public self-service computer in the mission area in the center of the base.let's go!Remember to close the door"

"Yes! Thank you sir!" After Tian Ci put away the card and badge, he quietly exited the room and closed the door at the same time.

"Captain! I finished it, and then I have a question, I don't know if I should ask it?"

As soon as he left the house, Tianji came to Captain Okamoto and reported to his superior.

"Hey, you want to ask the woman inside, go, I'll take you to the mission area first! Talk while walking."

After speaking, Captain Okamoto led Tianji to the center.

"That woman is the prostitute of the Mitsui family! She just came to us to practice, it's better not to provoke those of us who have no background! Got it!"

On the way, Captain Okamoto warned Tianji in a low voice!

 The first character constructed by book friends appeared, and it is also the first female trainer character in this book!This is a character provided by book friend Shicheng. If you want to make a guest appearance in this book, you can also leave a message on the character post!

  You can also think about why the family's first daughter will appear in the Rockets?

  Finally, please rest assured that there will be no messy emotional scenes in this book. The novels of elves are mainly about elves!
(End of this chapter)

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