Pokemon Poor

Chapter 110

Chapter 110
"Ooo, what's the matter, you can ask Tianji, you won't want to regret it!"

Uncle Sam, who was immersed in good and superior qualifications, immediately recovered and looked at Tianji!

"That's not true, I just want to ask if evolution will be particularly painful?"

"Pain? No, for the elves, the white light of evolution can only bring them warmth and peace!
Of course, if you use energy crystals to assist evolution, it will be a little painful, the higher the quality, the more painful it will be!It is very likely that the elf will become unconscious due to too much pain, the energy will be uncontrollable and eventually the evolution will fail and life will be lost!

You ask this, don't you! "

As a commoner, Uncle Sam can climb to the elite level, and he is not a fool. He quickly grasped the key if he thought about it.

"The high-grade grass-type crystals, coupled with the more corrosive poison-type crystals of the middle grade, this pain is definitely not worse than a living skin cramping. Your trumpet buds can persist!"

After speaking, he didn't care about Tian Ci's reaction, and continued to deduce by himself.

"Sure enough, there are gains and losses. This evolution plan should be extremely painful, resulting in a relatively high failure rate! That seems to be the value!"

"So I've always been an ant"

After hearing Uncle Sam's inference, Tian Ci tried his best to maintain the previous expression on his face, but the clenched fist and shoulders that trembled from time to time clearly showed that he was not at peace in his heart!
"It's ridiculous. I thought that what I did before changed into a foolproof evolutionary plan. Even if I am humble to the bone, I just have the qualifications to be ignored by high places!!!"

The anger and sorrow in his heart kept surging, and the screams of Horn Ya's screams from last night appeared in his mind again!

Only a little bit, almost he really lost the trumpet bud! ! !

Fortunately, Uncle Sam was still judging the feasibility and failure rate of the evolution plan on his own at this time, and Tian Ci kept his head down, so he didn't pay too much attention.

"It's okay, let's exchange." Maybe it's out of investment, or Uncle Sam himself can't grasp the high failure rate of this plan for a while!

In addition, the "Exercising Jue" given by him was nothing more than cheap stuff, so he still handed over the "Exercising Jue" to Tian Ci!
"Okay. Thank you, Uncle Sam." After hearing that the transaction was successful, Tian Ci calmed down as much as possible, bowed to Uncle Sam, and said goodbye!
After leaving the villa area, he walked on the street and looked at Koudaihua who was sleeping in the elf ball. Last night, Trumpet Bud made miserable calls, and the bloody figure seemed to appear before his eyes again.

"Bang!" "Boom!" He randomly found a roadside tree and started punching and kicking frantically!

"This fucking world! Md! Let you treat me as a test subject! Who do you think you are!

My horn buds almost died!you know! "

Fortunately, there were no people on the remote path he was walking on, otherwise he would have been arrested on the spot with his crazy appearance!

After venting for a while, he looked dejectedly at his torn clothes and blood-stained hands!

"I will definitely climb up step by step, to the highest level, no one can control me at will!"

After venting on his own, he simply bandaged the wound with medicine, and then walked out of the remote path to the busy street. Tian Ci's facial expression returned to his usual indifferent face!
Soon he came to the department store and bought 20 high-quality grass-type energy cubes. It cost him 2 yuan, and the total amount of cards dropped to 13 yuan!
This energy cube is generally a low-to-mid-level elf, and it is usually enough to eat one at a time.

The elf illustrated book said 5 days, that is 15, but just to be on the safe side, he still bought 20!
Then he went out of the department store to the vegetable market, bought some food that he ate for the past few days, and went home.

After returning home and putting away his things, he summoned Kou Duan Hua and Bo Bo to the open space in the backyard, and prepared to talk about his plans for the next few days.

"First of all, Koudaihua." Tian Ci first tapped Koudaihua with his hand.

"Moo Moo(_)" Koudaihua immediately raised her much bigger leaf hand to show that I am here!

"Koudaihua, you should eat and drink well every day for the next 5-6 days, don't use your own energy at will!

You have to integrate the remaining energy in your body into your own energy core as soon as possible!
In this way, your qualifications are very likely to reach the first-class level!

Of course, your residual energy may not be enough, just to be on the safe side!I specially bought this top-grade energy cube for you, you must work hard! "

After Tian Ci finished speaking, he took out a dark green energy cube from his backpack, put it in front of Koudaihua, and signaled it to eat this for the next few days!
"Moomoo? Moomoo? Moomoo ω!" Koudaihua was a little puzzled, but it wasn't a daily training, just lay down and eat and drink! ! !
There is also this kind of nutritional food that is rich in energy at first glance!That's great!

"Boom!!" Bobo, who was beside him, was also very envious of his treatment.

"Hey, I'll take you to a qualification test in five days, if you don't get promoted, then you're finished!

So don't think that eating, drinking and drinking is enough, you have to absorb what you eat and the remaining energy in your body into your body! "

Seeing the mouth dazzled with shining eyes, Tian Ci had no choice but to explain again, and emphasized again that it must be absorbed and used for his own use!

"Moo Moo(_)" Moutaihua took the leaf and patted her big mouth, clearly expressing our digestive ability, don't worry!
"Okay, then it's Bobo!"

After explaining his stupefaction, he turned his attention to Bobo.

"Boom~Bobo" Bobo immediately looked at Tian Ci expectantly, asking if he was also on such a mission?

"Hey, Bobo, if you are spending the past few days accumulating energy, you still do the daily exercise we planned before.

Of course, one of the most important tasks is to understand the principle of the wind moves during the time of move training!Then try to change your wind move.

Try to control the wind and compress it in a range, and then pour all the energy of the flight system into the wind in this range! "

That's right, Tian Ci was wondering if he could figure out the air blade move, and even if he couldn't, he could figure out a weakened version of the wind blade!In this way, Bobo's attack method will increase by one more!
"Bo? Bobo~" Bobo tilted his head, saying that he hadn't thought about the reason at all. It was because the memory of his body told me that I should do this, so I did it. I had no clue, and I didn't know what to do!
"Don't worry, Bobo, I will accompany you when you are training moves, just explore together then! And you also have benefits!"

As he said that, Tianji took out the normal-grade snake meat from last time from his backpack.

"Because Moutai has been eating energy cubes for the past few days, then this 40-jin normal-grade snake meat must be enough!

You also need to train well and absorb the energy here. When you feel that your energy is no longer improving, you can evolve! "

"Bobo! Bobo! (_)" Seeing this energy-filled snake, Bobo was instantly motivated.

 I won’t repeat the training scenes one by one below, I believe most readers don’t want to watch it, but I still need to explain what to do later, otherwise it won’t connect at all, plot!
  Thanks to yesterday's book friend Setsuna Eternity, miirs0724 for their rewards! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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