Pokemon Poor

Chapter 105 Complete the mission

Chapter 105 Complete the mission
"Why don't we take a look at the qualifications of the other Arbor snake first!"

Tian Ci pondered for a while, a bit unable to make up his mind, and proposed another plan.

"Alright!" Ah Shu nodded, and immediately put the larger Arbo snake on the groove.

Soon another burst of machine sound reached the ears of the three.

The front one is similar to the small one, its aptitude is also ordinary and superior, and its strength is a bit stronger, reaching the lower level of ordinary level.

"I didn't expect us to be so lucky. Both of them have ordinary qualifications, so this ordinary one can just turn in the task.

Tian Ci, don't you still have Bobo to train, this freshman-level Abo snake, since Aze has spoken, why don't you give it to him? "

After listening to the identification in the illustration book, Ah Shu looked at Tianji. Although it was a question, the elf ball was ready to be handed to Akizawa next to him.

"Well, that's right, I just wanted to see if I could hand in the task, but I didn't expect to be so lucky!"

He nodded and made an excuse for his hesitation just now.

"Hahaha, in the inner circle, two ordinary and high-class ones are also normal. If you go a little further in, you won't be surprised."

Believe it or not, Akizawa came over and patted Tianji on the shoulder in good faith.

"That's right, Tian Ci, I went to the deepest part of the inner circle with the Pioneering Team last year, and there are wealth everywhere!"

Ah Shu also immediately began to change the subject.

"Oh, that's right! Then I'll count on the two old brothers to take the younger brother to the depths of the inner circle to pick up money!"

There was a glint of haze in Tian Ci's eyes, but he immediately followed up with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will definitely take you when the time comes!
Aze, go over there to see if there are any Taotaoguo, Tian Ci and I will look for them here! "

Seeing Tian Ci recovering his mood, Ah Shu didn't doubt him, and immediately let Qiu Ze go to the other side, and also gave Qiu Ze the elf ball of Little Arbor Snake.

"Let's go, Tian Ci, we are still looking for Shugoa!"

"Yeah, good!" Tian Ci nodded, and began to look for Taotaoguo nearby.

But from the corner of his eye, he still glanced at Aze on the other side.

It can be seen that after Aze found a hiding place, he released the Arbor snake and began to spray it with wound medicine and treat the wound.

After all, it was still too early to go back. If he died of serious injuries, he would not have died of a loss!

"md, this is an Abo snake with the characteristic of molting, its strength is still at the new level, and its aptitude is not bad!"

Tian Ci cursed secretly in his heart, still a little unwilling in his heart, as far as he knew, Uncle Sam's Abo monster also had the ability to molt!
The molting snake is relatively rare, and its combat power will be stronger, and its ability to survive in the wild is also stronger!
If he can subdue this Arbor snake, he will be a powerful force in the team after being taught by Uncle Sam casually!

"My team is in the inner circle of the forest, Bobo can only be regarded as a scout, Trumpet is at best a controller and an assister, and there is still a lack of a real main attacker!
The Arbo monster with the shedding characteristic can fully take this position! "

The more he thought about it, the more he felt a little reconciled, but there was nothing he could do. After all, Ah Shu and Qiu Ze were good friends, so they must be more inclined towards Qiu Ze!
His strength is the lowest among the three, and he is still in the wild!
Although Ah Shu and Qiu Ze were friendly to him, he didn't dare to bet!
If he insists on fighting, let's not mention the possibility of the two of them directly attacking, that is, in the next cooperation, as long as a little water is put in to seriously injure Horn Bud, then he is likely to die passively in the forest inner circle!

So he gave up, and took the initiative to explain the reason for the hesitation just now, giving both parties a step to relax.

"It's okay, it's okay! Arbor is not the best choice, my third favorite elf is this guy!"

A huge, strong figure quickly appeared in Tian Ci's mind, and he forced himself to expel the Arbo monster.

"Have you finished searching, Tian Ci, we are leaving."

At this time, Ah Shu, who had joined Akizawa, shouted at Tianji.

"I'm done looking, I'm done looking, I found 8 of them!"

Tianji immediately made surprise expressions at the two of them.

"Okay, then you can continue to ask Bobo to find Abo, and the other elves will go around and complete the task first."

"Okay, Bobo, let's go on"

After Tianci happily handed Taotaoguo to Aze, he turned to Bobo and gave the order to continue.

What he didn't know was that his acting skills just now helped him a lot!

When he turned his head, Ashu and Aze glanced at each other, then nodded quickly and relieved.

Soon, under the leadership of Bobo, the three continued to look for the trace of Arbor.

It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, when the last Arbo monster fell in front of Lada.

"It's really not easy~ The average mid-level Abo monster is really hard to find!"

Ah Shu looked at the Abo monster who had lost his life on the ground, and sighed.

"Yeah, it's a good thing there is Tianci's Bobo search. Otherwise, we don't know how long it will take to complete this task with the two of us! If the time is up and we don't complete it, we will be deducted meritorious service."

Aze, who took out the dagger, smiled at Tian Ci, and praised him very much in his words.

"No, I'm just starting out, and it's Xiaoquanshi and Lada who have made great efforts!"

Tian Ci waved his hand, took out his dagger and walked towards the snake corpse.

"Okay, okay, don't brag about each other, let's go back after we pack up, it happens that the materials are sold in the afternoon, and the money can be divided in the evening!"

After Ah Shu divided the snake corpse into several parts, he began to divide the work among the three.

"That's right, it's convenient to have scouts today! I actually found 5 Abo monsters, but unfortunately the two in the middle are just ordinary low-level, otherwise we should have finished at noon, and we can catch other elves in the afternoon."

After Aze took over the internal organs, he said something to Tian Ci again.

"Brother Tianci, you have to evolve Bobo as soon as possible. By then, the ordinary-level Bibi Bird should be able to judge the strength of the target while searching."

"Yeah, I'm working hard too, so I won't hold back the two old brothers!"

Tian Ci was taking snake teeth, and nodded immediately upon hearing this.

All of a sudden, the atmosphere of the three elder brothers and younger brothers was very harmonious, as if the unpleasantness in the morning had completely passed away.

Soon, under the division of labor and cooperation of the three, the Abo monster was neatly divided and put into the backpacks of A Shu and Tian Ci respectively.

"Let's go, let's go back! There's no need to bury this, anyway, let's go back."

As the captain, Ah Shu patted his pants and decided to go home.

Akizawa and Tianji had no objections, and let Bobo open the way as usual, and cleaned up a few bugs that were obstructing the road, and the three of them returned to the town safely.

"Let's go, go to the elf center first, hand in the task, and then we will calculate other gains."

As the team leader, Ah Shu is obviously familiar with the road, and has made the team's follow-up arrangements properly.

When we arrived at the elf center, since Ah Shu took over the task, all the materials were also handed over to him, and we went to the task window to hand over the task.

Soon, the two resting in the rest area received a call from Ah Shu, asking them to go to the self-service computer to share merits!

 You can guess the third elf!I have a few alternatives mentally already!Contact the location and the financial resources of the protagonist!

(End of this chapter)

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