Pokemon Poor

Chapter 103-Victory

Chapter 103-Victory
"Trumpet bud, whip of thorns, bind it!"

"Bobo, let the wind blow those poisonous needles."

Tian Ci, who was a beat behind, immediately gave an order according to the situation on the field.

"Ding ding ding! Ding ding!"

A large number of poisonous needles shot by the Abo monster were partly blocked by the stones of the small fist stone, and the other part was also blown off by Bobo's strong wind.

"Well done, Tatsumi!
Ba Dahu's silver whirlwind attacks Arbor! "

Ah Shu, who was planning to let Ba Dahu interfere, saw that the poisonous needle had been solved, and immediately praised him, and then changed his words to Ba Dahu.

"Correct!" At this time, Abo had already avoided the double needles of the big needle bee, and when he was about to use the poisonous needle, he suddenly felt severe pain from his lower body!

It turned out that Lada had bitten its lower body, and its sharp teeth pierced through its snake body!
"Swish~swish" Abo started to shake his tail frantically, trying to throw this Lada out.

"Bah~cha~" It's a pity that the thorny whip of Trumpet Bud tied it tightly with wooden thorns before it could shake off Lada.

"Da~" Lada also let go of the snake tail he was biting, and jumped aside.

"Huhu~" At this time, Ba Dahu's silver whirlwind was also close at hand.

"Chaba~" A ruthless look flashed in the eyes of the Abo monster, it forcibly endured the silver whirlwind move, and at the same time spit out a large amount of dissolving liquid from its mouth.

"呲呲~咔哩~" The vines that had been blown by the wind were immediately disconnected under the corrosion of the solution.

"Chaba~" Abo monster broke free and looked at the enemy in front of him, it turned its head and wanted to run.

But when he turned his head, he saw the big needle bee and the little fist stone behind him.

It turned out that Aze had already blocked the retreat of Abo monster first.

"Just right~" Abo monster yelled immediately, using the big snake stare, it opened the patterns and snake eyes on its body with all its strength.

"Buzzing~" Big Needle Bee took a step back in fright

"Small fist stone, stomp!" It's a pity that the small fist stone, which has been used as a meat shield, is not afraid at all, but Aze seized the opportunity.

"Hey Cha~ Boom!" Little Fist Shi slammed his fists to the ground.

"Cha~" Abo monster only felt the ground shake for a while, and the ground-type energy that came with it made him feel very uncomfortable!Dizzy!
"It's over, Radha, surprise attack!" Well, this is the abbreviation of surprise attack plus killing front teeth.Aze is really ready to use.

"Big needle bee, malicious pursuit!"

"Trumpet bud, the whip of thorns is under control!"

All three of them noticed that the Abo monster who was in a dizzy state was doomed!
"Just right!" Big Needle Bee's spear with evil energy first penetrated the body of Arbo Monster.

"Cha~咻咻咻" But the severe pain also woke up the Abo monster. It suddenly spit out a large number of poisonous needles and wanted to take one away before dying.

"Ding ding ding~" But it's a pity that the small fist stone used as a meat shield is very self-aware, and when Abo opened his mouth, he blocked the big needle bee!

"Hey Cha~" A series of poisonous needles were hit on the stone of Xiaoquanshi, which only caused Xiaoquanshi a bit of pain.

At this time, the vines of Trumpet Bud had already tightly bound Arbor.

"La da~" Lada, who was getting closer and closer to the target, had a flash of excitement in his eyes, the immobile prey, isn't it sure to hit the killer front teeth?

"Pfft!" Radha leaped fiercely, and his sharp teeth directly bit through the head of Arbor.

"Chaba!" Arbor uttered the last scream of his life, and lay limply on the ground.

"It's so easy!"

The three of them who had been alerted by the elves began to dispose of the Arbor's corpse together.

"Tian Ci, your control is also very good. I believe that with a few more cooperations, we will kill snakes faster and faster!"

Ah Shu, who was cutting the snake skin, raised the dagger in his hand, and first praised Tian Ci's performance just now.

"Tianci, your dusting tactic is really useful. Although it only slowed down the speed of Abo, it is also because of this opportunity that we can be so relaxed."

Aze, who was dealing with the internal organs, also praised a few words in cooperation.

"I'm overwhelmed, the main reason is that Ah Shu's Radha has a strong attack power, and it's also due to the stomping of your little fist stone!"

Tian Ci looked at the fangs and sacs that had been taken out, and complimented the two of them very wittily.

"Hey~ It's a pity to think about it. No one accepts the final evolutionary type of the ordinary level. We can only sell materials. If we can sell them, we will earn a lot!"

After tidying up, Aze looked at the internal organs and snake bones buried in the soil, feeling very worthless.

"Aze, you're starting to daydream again. This kind of normal-level ultimate evolutionary taming is too difficult, and it has no potential at all. There are all kinds of hidden wounds on your body, how can anyone accept it!

Come and help me cut the snake skin, hurry up! "

Ah Shu, who was wrestling with the snake skin, heard A Ze's words, immediately interrupted his imagination, and called to cut the snake skin together.

"Let me help you too, Ashu." Tian Ci, who had already collected the materials, also took a piece of snake skin and began to process it.

With the cooperation of the three, the salable parts of this Arbo monster were neatly divided.

The part required for the task is placed in Ah Shu's backpack, and the other parts are placed in Tian Ci's backpack.

"Okay, let's look for Taotaoguo again. Generally, there will be this detoxifying fruit near the poisonous attribute elves."

After some searching, the three of them found 14 peach fruits and put them in Qiu Ze's backpack.

After disassembling such an Arbo monster, they earned about 3.

Among them, the snake skin alone costs 1 yuan, and the ordinary snake meat also sells for 200 yuan a catty. This Abo monster has more than 100 catties of meat after being divided, plus the poisonous sac and fangs. , 4 thousand value.

Of course, the poison sac and fangs have to be handed over to the alliance task, and the reward for 3 is 1, which means that the poison sac and fangs of an Arbor monster are worth 5 yuan.

According to the agreement, Tian Ci's reward is 1%, and he can get about [-] yuan for this Abo monster, which doesn't count the meritorious service of the alliance.

"Sure enough, unity is strength, and cooperation is a win-win situation! I easily earned 1 yuan and 10 points of merit!"

Tian Ci didn't show it on his face, but he was already happy in his heart.

After all, in order to join the team smoothly, what he told these two people was that he was 19 years old this year, not a newly promoted ordinary trainer, and he couldn't act like he was too new to the world!

"Tian Ci, let your Bobo continue to investigate next, first go and see if the Arbo snake is still there? I guess with such a big movement, it should be gone."

After Ah Shu saw that everything was cleaned up, he asked Tian Ci to direct Bobo to find the next target.

"Okay. Bobo, go ahead and find Abo Monster or Abo Snake!"

Hearing the captain's order, Tian Ci cooperated to let Bobo continue to dispatch!

"Boom~" Bobo immediately flapped his wings and began to fly towards the Arbo Snake in its original position.

"Bobo" when it got there, it found that the Arbo snake had disappeared, so it continued to check around.

 Thanks to the four book friends who came to test the poison, the trainer who eats and waits to die, Meng Yiheng, myself Chen Bo, and Shennong Wang Hao!

  Today is still on the third watch!Foretell, the evolution you most want to see will come tomorrow! ! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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