Chapter 43 Chess game!

The swaying green boats, the heroic spirit, and the wind during the march are all favorable, but it is also an enviable scenery, which makes all the soldiers look sideways. .

As Ye Xiao said, Lu Lingqi put on such a dress!
"Wow~ so charming?"

Rao Ye Xiao couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Lu Lingqi's pretty face flushed, and she quickly turned her face to the side, but she couldn't turn her joy away no matter what.

Ye Xiao smiled happily, without saying a word, immediately took Lu Lingqi and headed out of the city.

Cao Cao, you have been waiting for a long time!
Under Ye Xiao's special arrangement, he and Lu Lingqi did not ride horses, but walked out of the city directly.

As soon as the city gate was opened and the two of them appeared, they immediately became the targets of everyone in Cao Jun's attention.


two steps.

Count the steps!

Facing all eyes, Ye Xiao calmly walked towards Cao Cao, making Cao Cao frown.

"Zhongkang, have you noticed that every time he takes a step closer, the oppressive feeling he gives us becomes stronger. Although there is still a distance, I have already started to get nervous."

"Prime Minister, I.I."

"Forget it, I guess you don't understand, it's okay."


After a while, Ye Xiao finally came to Cao Cao.

"Next, Ye Xiao!"

"Haha - I've heard about the great name for a long time, but seeing it today, it's really extraordinary! I, Cao Cao."

While Cao Cao responded, he stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, as if he and Ye Xiao were not enemies at all, but friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

This, perhaps, is the cultivation of a hero!

Ye Xiao sat down calmly and nodded: "Then, let's stop talking nonsense, let's start, the so-called respecting the old and loving the young, Mr. Cao will go first."

"Haha, what a respectful person who respects the old and loves the young, then I won't be polite."

Cao Cao laughed loudly, took a piece from the side, and dropped it suddenly, finally officially kicked off the prelude to the game.

Go game?

The game of chess is naturally just a trivial matter.

Could it be that Ye Xiao just wanted to play a game of chess with Cao Cao in such a big battle?
The answer is naturally no.

Ye Xiao came here with a deeper and more important purpose.

Seeing Cao Cao making a move, Ye Xiao didn't hesitate, and quickly called out in his heart: "System! Use the Go Master Card!"

Go Master Card!

It was obtained from drawing cards in Ye Xiao's previous life.

At that time, Ye Xiao was worried that he had no way to defeat Cao Cao, so he spent a lot of killing points to draw a lottery, thinking in his heart that if there were any cards against the sky, then he could use these cards to break the game.

However, to his disappointment, after a card draw, apart from the more common Generals cards, only this Go Grandmaster could see through.

Therefore, there will be a fight today.


The reason why this sport can be passed down for thousands of years is definitely its truth.

On the small chessboard, in fact, there are all kinds of worldly truths.

And this is also the reason why Ye Xiao chose it.

Cao Cao made the move first, so he naturally gained the upper hand.

The whole style of playing chess is just like his style of acting. He is aggressive and aggressive. Every piece that falls seems harmless, but it also contains killing intent. Obviously, he is full of competitiveness.

If it were an ordinary person, he might be forced to breathe out of his style of play.

However, Ye Xiao was different.

How can there be ordinary products when they are produced by the system?
With the blessing of the master skill card, the menacing Cao Cao is like a child in his eyes.

After taking only one step, Ye Xiao already guessed the next few steps, even dozens of steps.

What's next?
Ye Xiao smiled coldly and dealt with it calmly.

However, he didn't end the chess game quickly, after all, it was too easy for him.

He wants to control the situation!
He wants to make the situation exactly the same as Cao Cao's current situation!
The reason why Cao Cao was unwilling to retreat was that he could not retreat.

In the matter of conquering Xuzhou, he consumed too many resources. If he retreated at this point and returned to the territory, he would most likely become someone else's meal.

Therefore, he must take Xuzhou, and take Xuzhou perfectly, so as to consolidate his power and deter others.

However, in the situation of being unable to attack for a long time, can his wish really be achieved?
This is his dilemma.

It was also the predicament that Ye Xiao wanted to remind him of.

On the chess board, Ye Xiao deployed a lot of chess pieces in the northern part of Cao Cao, and also deployed a lot of chess pieces in the west and south, but in the east, not a single chess piece was deployed.

The reason why Go is called Go is to surround the opponent, but Ye Xiao's move showed no intention of besieging Cao Cao at all.

Cao Cao is not a dull person either. Looking at this chess game, he suddenly realized, and blurted out: "Ye Jiang. No! What Ziming meant"

"Prime Minister doesn't need to say much, just like this chessboard, besieged on three sides, now it seems that we have to break through to the east, as if the east is the key to win this game, but the prime minister may as well take a closer look at the chess game, is the east really a chance? "

Ye Xiao said slowly, unhurriedly, isn't it just for the preaching at this time that he spends so much effort?

Hearing this, Cao Cao immediately re-examined the situation.

Seeing this, he had to take a deep breath.

Before Ye Xiao said this, his many years of experience in chess games told him that the east side was his breakthrough.

But at this time, when he looked again, he suddenly discovered that if he really fell to the east, he would undoubtedly be hastening his death!

This is a trap!
His eyes widened in an instant, and the arm that raised the chess piece couldn't help trembling slightly.


Silent for a long time!
He slowly retracted the chess piece in his hand.

"It was I who lost, and I was so convinced that I lost. I didn't expect that in addition to martial arts and strategy, Ziming could also give such advice on chess skills. Cao admires! Admires!"

Cao Cao's words are sincere.

Ye Xiao also smiled slightly: "The prime minister's chess skills are also good, otherwise, how could the chess game be performed to such a degree, but I hope that the prime minister will not be confused by the appearance in front of him, sometimes, a breach may not be The breach, the enemy, may not necessarily be the enemy."

An enemy may not necessarily be an enemy!
As the so-called one word awakens the dreamer.

As soon as this remark came out, Cao Cao's eyes lit up immediately, as if he realized something: "What Zi Ming means is that I understand! I understand! Today's chess game really opened my eyes!"


Cao Cao raised his head and laughed, stroked his sleeves, turned around and wanted to leave, but at this moment, a green figure successfully caught his attention!
"Huh? This is"

"Oh, this is my wife, Lu Lingqi!"

(End of this chapter)

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