Three Kingdoms: My father-in-law is Lu Bu

Chapter 199 Ye Xiao Sends Troops

Chapter 199 Ye Xiao Sends Troops
After reading Xu Sheng's secret letter repeatedly, Chen Gong still couldn't understand why Cao Cao turned his back on what he said.

"My lord, my subordinates don't know why Cao Cao did this, but this matter seems to be full of loopholes."

Ye Xiao said calmly: "Gongtai, anyone who is not blind can see that there is a problem with this matter, but is it important?"

Chen Gong looked at Ye Xiao in astonishment, not understanding why Ye Xiao said that.

"My lord, Cao Jun humiliated our army twice in front of the people of the world. This time, General Chen's trilogy was almost wiped out. I suggest a fight to my subordinates!"

Gao Shun didn't talk too much harshly, and directly told the reality.

Chen Gong suddenly realized, and felt a little ashamed. In order to take care of the overall situation, he forgot the face of Champion Hou and the feelings of Ye Xiaojun.

"That's right! What Gao Shun said is exactly what I want to say. I don't care about Cao Cao. He must bear the consequences."

Ye Xiao slapped the table angrily and said loudly: "I, Ye Xiao, started from a young age. Maybe those big shots think I am easy to handle, so let them see who is the soft persimmon this time!"

This time, Chen Gong stopped persuading Ye Xiao, and said directly: "My lord, the main force of the old lord in Pengcheng is 5000 people, plus [-] cavalry, we can go west to Chen Guojun, put pressure on Cao Cao, and force him to fight in the field."

"My lord, I would like to be a pioneer! Let me teach Cao Jun a lesson."

Henry Zhang finally encountered this opportunity, and hurriedly came out to recommend himself.

Liao Hua had been transferred from Lingbi back to Xiapi for military training since the Battle of Yuan Shu, and his reaction was a bit slow.

"My lord, please don't forget your subordinates. The machete is almost rusty. Let me use it!"

The serious atmosphere was almost broken by Liao Hua, a big bastard.

Ye Xiao calmed down his anger a bit, and said slowly: "Yuan Jian, don't worry, this time not only you are going to go, but everyone is going! Make it big!"

Liao Hua and Henry Zhang looked overjoyed, and they folded their hands and waited for Ye Xiao's order.

"Gongtai, you are a military adviser and general in this battle. I don't care how you fight. I just want a result. Let Cao Cao lose millions of dollars, or withdraw from Peicheng."

Chen Gong and Gao Shun took a deep breath at the same time. Ye Xiao's opening was a little too big. It is estimated that Cao Cao would not give up the million dollars and the city of Peicheng to the west of Pengcheng.

"Wu Shuo, pass on my order! Order General Lu Bu to reorganize the army in Pengcheng immediately, and enter Peicheng County in ten days. If Cao Cao does not pay compensation, he can launch a siege at his discretion."

"Order all the remote members of Wu Dun's department to go north from Guangling to join General Lu's troops."

"Order Langya Sun Guan to lead [-] troops south to join General Lu's army, and Xu Sheng to garrison Langya and defend Qingzhou Cao's army."

"Gao Shun, you are the chief general of the Xiapi Central Army. You led an army of [-] to Peicheng County through Wu County south of Pengcheng. Liao Hua and Zhang Xuan each led [-] troops to follow."

Ye Xiao gathered all the troops he could mobilize to the west of Pengcheng in one breath. Chen Gong finally realized Ye Xiao's determination.

"My lord, then I will set off with General Gao Shun. My old lord, I guess we need Xu Fu to go and help."

Ye Xiao nodded slightly. Xu Fu was in Huainan to carry out the Land Equalization Order and the Three Chiefs Order together with Mi Zhu. He has not returned yet, but now that such a big incident has happened, it is time for him to return to the army to contribute.

"It's feasible, Wu Shuo, the initial dispatch is like this, you go to issue the order first, and the subsequent transfer will be arranged according to the arrangement of the military division general, understand?"

"Don't worry, my lord, Shuo is gone."

Wu Shuo had already written the order after Ye Xiao finished speaking, and started preparations for Cao Cao's conquest under Ye Xiao's insistence.

"My lord, are you and the mistress going to Langya?" Chen Gong guessed when he found out that Ye Xiao hadn't come to the battle line in person.

Ye Xiao looked at Lu Qiling, she must be with him to rest assured.

"When Chen arrives and they return to Langya, I, as the lord, must go and see them, and those Wuhuan people also need to appease them. Don't worry, I'll go south to Pengcheng after finishing my work in Langya."

After Ye Xiao finished speaking, he stood up and waved his arm.

"Go! Let the world see how powerful our Ye Xiaojun is!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Qingzhou, Beihai City.

Han Meng rushed back to the city with more than 3000 soldiers, and found that there were countless infantry figures in the city, and a steady stream of supplies were being transported from the opposite bank at the ferry.

Seeing this scene, Han Meng felt a little happy, knowing that Yuan Shao must be determined to go south to cross the river to launch a battle against Cao Cao.

"Quick! Follow me to the City Lord's Mansion and see if the young master is there!"

Han Meng handed in his soldier card and turned to the City Lord's Mansion without stopping.

Yuan Tan, who received the news, had already been waiting in the meeting hall. When Han Meng walked in quickly, he found that there were not only Yuan Tan, but also Guo Tu, Xin Ping, General Yuan Shao Yan Liang, generals Zang Hong and Zhang Nan. , Deng Sheng and Ma Yan, etc., the lineup can be described as luxurious.

"Young master, the final general was arranged by Han Yin's army division. Fortunately, he lived up to his trust. Chen Dao's army was almost wiped out, and the Wuhuan slave soldiers were killed and injured over a thousand. It is estimated that Ye Xiao was already furious."

Yuan Tan personally helped Han Meng up. He had already got the news from the military newspaper sent by Han Meng, but he was still very excited at the moment.

"General Han has worked hard. After my father knew about it, he specially promoted him to General Pingnan. Congratulations."

Han Meng was shocked when he heard the words, he didn't expect to get Yuan Shao's approval, he received the seal of honor from General Pingnan under the envious eyes of the generals, and accepted their congratulations.

"Eh? Why didn't you see Han Junshi?" Han Meng still remembered his benefactor, Han Yin. If it wasn't for Han Yin's ingenious plan, he wouldn't be able to make such a great contribution.

Yuan Tan cast a glance at Guo Tu and Xin Ping, and said with a smile, "Han Yin's military master made a series of ingenious tricks, and my father specially sent him back to Yecheng to help."

Han Meng felt a little regretful. He felt that the most important thing at this moment was to share the victory with Han Yin.

"General Han, come on, sit down first, we've been waiting for you here for a long time."

Yuan Tan led Han Meng and everyone to sit down and began to enter the topic.

"My father has decided to cross south, and the Qing Dynasty will attack Cao Cao's thieves. This time, General Han Meng pretended to be Cao's army to drive a wedge between Ye Xiao and Cao Cao. As the East Route Army, we stationed [-] troops. We first captured Donglai, Qingzhou, and then went south to join my father's west. Route Army.”

In a few simple sentences, Yuan Tan fully explained Yuan Shao's plan for this march.

Han Meng was so excited when he heard this, he quickly stood up and challenged: "Young master, I am familiar with this Qingzhou, let me be the vanguard to fight Donglai!"

However, Han Meng had just made a contribution, and now he came out to ask for a fight, which made Yan Liang somewhat unhappy.

"General Han, why don't you lead an army to attack Donglai County? General Yan, as the main general, can go south from Beihai, first break through Cao Hong in Chengyang County, then march into Dongguan County, and surround Le'an City in Qingzhou. Qingzhou will naturally become our army's territory."

Guo Tu squeezed his beard, walked out slowly and said, looking at Han Meng with a smile in his eyes.

Han Meng's face turned cold, and he sent him to attack Donglai, leaving the road south to Yan Liang, obviously to marginalize him.

(End of this chapter)

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