From the pinnacle of the ninja world, travel through the heavens

Chapter 80 Chapter 80: Come to the Kingdom of Ghosts

Chapter 80 Chapter 80: Come to the Kingdom of Ghosts
Kai Jiang turned around fiercely to escape the explosive sparks, a huge fireball was ejected by Kai Jiang, and then the fireball was like a fortress, continuously spraying fist-sized fireballs towards the surrounding circle.

In an instant, a large number of paper shurikens chasing Kaijiang were detonated around him. Kaijiang once again made a seal to escape from the rain.

This is a skill given to me by Genbu's coach in battle. After you reduce your yin and perform ninjutsu, don't stop yin and continue yin, so that the opponent thinks that you are accumulating a big move.

And ignore that you have actually activated ninjutsu. In this way, some relatively secret ninjutsu can make the opponent wrongly judge whether you are using ninjutsu and effectively hit the opponent in this way.

Rain Killing is a trick to create a heavy rain, and then condense part of the raindrops in the rainstorm into a hidden weapon like a thousand copies to carry out a sneak attack. This trick is extremely secretive in the heavy rain, and it is difficult to be discovered.

But it was such a secret move, Xiao Nan still discovered it, raised his hand and countless papers flew out from his sleeves, quickly forming a semi-circular paper shield on top of his head.

As if Yusha was turning into Yusha, Xiao Nan was holding an umbrella, completely ignoring Yusha's attack, and Kai Jiang couldn't help but say that this woman is too difficult!
Although judging from physical fitness, the opponent is at best ninjutsu, but the opponent's ninjutsu is too fast, or it is not ninjutsu at all, but some kind of ability brought by the blood succession limit!

The speed of the paper shurikens is very fast, with their own speed they can barely dodge, and they can easily be overtaken. It seems that the opponent has no consumption at all to create these paper shurikens.

It's like Gaara manipulating the sand, without any consumption, and can control it as he likes. The most disgusting thing is that these paper shurikens are mixed with many paper shurikens made of detonating symbols.

If you want to rush directly to start a melee battle with the opponent, then I'm sorry, I guess you haven't gotten close yet, you will have to eat a bunch of detonated talisman paper shurikens first, and you can only get close to the opponent if you don't get killed. .

And after getting close to the opponent, it is impossible for the opponent to have some backhands. She should also understand that she is not conducive to close combat, so she should have some strong backhands for close combat!

Kaijiang no longer hesitated, Lei Dun Lei Dong activated instantly, and countless jumping thunder and lightning appeared on his feet. With the blessing of thunder and lightning, the speed can be greatly improved, followed by the instant body technique!

Whether it can be successful depends on this. Kaijiang almost instantly crossed a distance of 30 meters and appeared in front of Xiaonan. Xiaonan was startled by Kaijiang's extreme speed.

But then Xiaonan laughed, Kaijiang sensed the danger the moment the other party smiled, and opened the three doors of the Eight Dunjia without hesitation and then retreated!

Xiaonan's whole body turned into countless pieces of paper, and there were a lot of detonating symbols hidden in these papers. At a glance, there were at least a thousand pieces. Kaijiang had just ran 20 meters before the sound of a violent explosion came.

The shock wave caused by the explosion in the next second knocked Kaijiang away in an instant, and Kaijiang then ran towards the country of birds with lightning speed while maintaining the state of Sanmen.

Almost every second, he moved a distance of more than 50 meters, Kaijiang disappeared completely in the land of rain in a few moments, and Xiaonan popped up from behind the tree next to him: "At least the strength of an elite jonin."

"It seems that unless you dispatch them, you can't take him down by yourself."

"But we can't let them know Nagato's current state, otherwise these guys will be difficult to manage."

After 1 minute, Kaijiang was no longer able to maintain Bamen Dunjia and Leidong, and the chakra in his body had been consumed by more than 80%. If he continued to consume like this, he might die if he encountered an enemy again!
Kai Jiang ate a good military ration pill, quickly found a relatively hidden place in the surrounding area, and then directly hid. After 5 minutes, the surrounding area was still quiet.

Only then did Kaijiang feel relieved: "It seems that he didn't continue to chase me."

"But why did she want to arrest people from the Uzumaki family?"

"Will she be detrimental to Naruto if he knows that Naruto is from the Uzumaki clan?"

Kaijiang quickly ate Hualu pills, Bingliang pills, one to treat injuries, and one to fight hunger. Kaijiang began to recover from chakras, and Kaijiang checked his status an hour later.

It's not a big problem, it's just that the internal organs are slightly damaged. With my own self-healing power, it will be fine tomorrow, but this group of people has a big problem!
The first black robe Hongyun is the uniform of an organization.

Second, there are currently three people in this organization who are all very strong. Hidan and Kakutsu Kakashi are positioned at the Kage level. The one I met today is at least at the elite level.

The third organization is looking for people from the Uzumaki family.

Fourth, this organization may control the entire Kingdom of Rain, and may have a certain secret technique that can monitor the entire Kingdom of Rain.

Fifth, there are likely to be other people in this organization, not just three people.

Sixth, this organization must have certain ambitions and greater secrets when it gathers so many powerful people.

Kaijiang didn't intend to rest here, but directly followed the map to find a city in the country of birds, and then quickly searched for the sign of the root in the city.

Soon Kaijiang was found. According to the guidance of the sign, Kaijiang came to an ordinary-looking room. After checking the code, Kaijiang walked in and reported what happened before.

And asked the other party to pass the information to Danzang as soon as possible. Kaijiang's idea is very simple. It is impossible for him to fight against such an organization, and such an organization must have great ambitions and goals.

As a person in Konoha Village who specializes in foreign affairs, the existence of such an organization will inevitably attract the attention of Danzo, so it is impossible for Danzo to pretend that he does not know and not to investigate the other party.

Once Danzo starts to investigate, then he can know some information about this organization through the root relationship, so that he can know why the other party cares so much about the Uzumaki clan?
Kaijiang had a good night's rest in the root base, and set off directly to the country of bears the next day. Although some things happened, the task still had to be completed.

But in the final analysis, I am still too weak!

If you can be stronger, then you don't need to rely on Danzo's power, and you can go to the country of rain to investigate it yourself!
Five days later, Kai Jiang searched for three cities in the Kingdom of Ghosts, and finally found his mission target Tatsuya Shiban, who was observing a mountain with a few wandering ninjas.

According to the information I collected, the devil in the mountain with the seal of the kingdom of ghosts, although I don't know what this devil is, but I think it should be some kind of powerful psychic beast or something.

(End of this chapter)

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