Chapter 53: Chapter 53: Hunting Again
"It is estimated that it will take a lot of practice before it is proficient."

"No wonder the opponent didn't even use ninjutsu when I attacked."

"But having said that, I have already practiced my substitute technique to a great extent."

"If this substitute technique is used by itself, what effect can it add?"

Kaijiang also chose to learn the substitute technique, and soon the memory flooded in. Kaijiang was stunned for a moment after accepting the memory, and there were some subtle differences in the use of the substitute technique he had mastered.

If it is reasonably added to one's own substitute technique, it can increase the use range of one's own substitute technique. This is also an improvement, right?

Kaijiang is moving in the direction of the central tower, and the surrounding teams should also be moving in this direction, and they should be able to meet other teams soon!

While moving Kaijiang, he was thinking about the Immortal Body. Speaking of the effect of this Immortal Body, why does it feel like Naruto's physique?
The extremely terrifying amount of chakra, the terrifying chakra recovery power, and the bewildering self-healing ability, is it possible that Naruto also has the body of a sage?
But in comparison, the sage body he owns is not as good as Naruto's. In this way, Naruto should have a purer sage body bloodline.

But isn't Naruto a member of the Uzumaki clan?

Could it be that the Uzumaki Clan is the Asura Clan, the son of the Immortal of the Six Paths?

PS said that my celestial body can still evolve, and I should eventually evolve into a sage of the Six Paths, but how do I evolve?
And what the hell is the affinity of this celestial chakra added by the celestial body?

Immortal Chakraq?

I've never heard of it, isn't chakra just chakra?

While Kaijiang was thinking, a silk thread suddenly shot out from the sky to attack Kaijiang, Kaijiang subconsciously dodged sideways in an instant, then looked up, wow, what a big spider!

This spider is at least three meters in size, hovering on a tree, with its butt facing Kaijiang, the silk thread just now is the spider silk that he sprayed out, if it is hit by this thing, it will probably be stuck by the spider silk!

I have seen this monster in a book before, what is it called?

Suddenly, many small spiders less than one meter in length appeared around Kaijiang, constantly spraying spider silk at Kaijiang. Kaijiang knew very well that he must not be shot, and once he was shot, he would be stuck.

Then there will be more spider silk wrapping around, and no matter how strong I am, I may be killed by these spiders!

Kaijiang decisively used the substitute technique, and fled to a place four meters away in an instant, and then formed a seal with both hands: "The technique of fire escape Phoenix Immortal Fireball!"

Kaijiang summoned more than 100 Firebirds in an instant and rushed towards the surrounding spiders. The feeling of not having to worry about chakra consumption is really refreshing!

Kaijiang finally understands the happiness of being a celebrity!
If it was in the past, this C-level ninjutsu, Kaijiang, generally avoided making twenty firebirds at most. Making too many would consume too much chakra, so there was no need to make so many.

This is generally to force the enemy back, even if it hits, it will only cause a certain amount of weak damage, and the effect is not as powerful as a detonating talisman.

But now a hundred Firebirds are trivial!
Almost every Firebird hit a spider directly, knocking them to the ground, and quite a few spiders burned directly on their bodies.

As soon as the big spider saw it, it quickly crawled towards Kaijiang from the tree. Kaijiang didn't think about fighting with this big spider. The fight would be a waste of chakra.

I don't know if they will drop treasure chests?
If it falls, can the blood of the spider also be opened?
Using the bloodline of the spider, will I become a spider?
Thinking that his upper body is a human and his lower body is a spider, Kai Jiang trembles all over, absolutely don't become such a monster!

Kaijiang burst out chakra directly, and a blue chakra coat like flames appeared all over his body, and then he ran as fast as lightning, and ran ten meters away in the blink of an eye.

The big spider was dumbfounded when he saw it. I wiped it. What's the situation with this human being? How could he run so fast?

Kai Jiang quickly left here without looking back. It seems that the danger in the death forest is not only those ninja squads, but also all kinds of monsters and beasts in the death forest.

After Kaijiang moved forward for a certain distance, he began to deviate from the straight course and headed obliquely to the left. A team should be found in this direction.

While moving, Kaijiang suddenly heard movement behind him. Kaijiang hurriedly pressed close to the big tree beside him, and then took out a covering cloth to cover himself. The color of the covering cloth was exactly the same as that of the big tree.

Hmph, there are tens of thousands of different camouflage cloths in my backpack, and my concealment skills are not comparable to parallel imports like Konoha Maru!

Soon, a three-person team quickly jumped and moved away between the branches. Kai Jiang put the covering cloth back into his backpack and followed quietly.

Ten minutes later, the three-person team took a temporary rest under a tree. The ninja didn't have a lot of chakra, and it was impossible to keep moving in a state of chakra boost for a long time.

In this case, once you encounter a battle, then Chakra may be a big problem, so every time you use Chakra to move, it is impossible to lose more than 20% at most, and you must reserve 80% for combat.

Two of them started to recover their chakra, and one of them came to the grass next to him and took off his pants. Did he want to urinate or defecate?

It's disgusting to poop!

Kaijiang pointed at this person: "It's time to kill!"

"here we go!"

Kai Jiang jumped down from the tree. Although the opponent was a little vigilant, he probably didn't expect the attack to come from the air. Kai Jiang killed the opponent instantly with a single blow!
Then Kaijiang landed on both hands and feet at the same time, chakra attached to his limbs like a cat, and kept the sound to a minimum, which did not arouse the two people who were recovering chakra.

Then Kaijiang used the transformation technique to transform the person he killed, and walked towards the two of them in a gesture similar to that of the opponent, when they came to a distance of almost three meters.

One of the other party suddenly said: "Code!"

Kaijiang was stunned for a moment, I wiped and played with secret codes, it seemed that I could only make a surprise attack: "Oh."

"Almost forgot!"

While speaking, Kai Jiang sprinted forward and attacked fiercely. The other party directly raised Kunai to block Kai Jiang's slash, while the other immediately retreated and started to seal.

Kaijiang looked at this guy contemptuously. If it was a Chunin or a Jonin, it would be possible to use Chakra to attach it to the weapon, thereby resisting the sharp knife, but you absolutely can't do it!
With one slash, the sharp knife directly cut this person into two obliquely. The other person still had an unbelievable look in his eyes, while the other person was forming a seal.

Seeing his teammate being brutally chopped into two pieces, he probably had never mentioned such a bloody scene, and he was so frightened that the link seal stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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