Chapter 42: Chapter 42: Attack

It is well known that the four generations of Kazekage of the poor Hidden Sand Village in the Land of Winds have to search for gold sand in the desert to sell money to support Hidden Sand Village!

After considering the strength of both parties, the middle-aged ninja did not immediately refuse: "I need to discuss it with my employer."

"Just wait here."

After talking about the middle-aged ninja, he went to find his employer. Once the employer heard about Konoha's Jōnin, he would still disagree. If he gave them a free ride, he would get a few guards for nothing.

Soon the middle-aged ninja came back: "My name is Dayan Huafu, the Chunin of Yanyin Village."

"The employer has agreed, and his destination is the Land of Fire."

"But I hope you don't interfere with my mission."

Kakashi smiled and said, "Of course."

"In return we'll help you protect the convoy."

Soon Kakashi and his party got into the convoy, and they finally had no need to travel with their legs. Both Kaijiang and Naruto looked happy, and Sasuke was still cool.

Kakashi and Kaijiang were arranged at the back of the convoy. If bandits and bandits don't want to attack the entire convoy, they must choose the carriage at the back.

Because you can run if you grab it, and the team may choose to abandon the car to save the handsome, so the rear of the team is the most dangerous, the middle is safer, and the front is the safest.

Very few attackers choose to attack the front of the convoy, unless they are absolutely sure to eat the entire convoy, otherwise it is impossible to attack the front of the convoy.

Because once you attack the front and force all the opponent's convoy to stop, the opponent will either fight to the death or surrender, there is no second way to go.

Kakashi sat next to the carriage driver and read the novel very leisurely, Kaijiang and the three sat on the carriage shed, watching the surroundings while enjoying the breeze.

Soon it was time to take a rest at noon, and the captain of the team was a real person, even taking care of the meals, so that Kai Jiang didn't have to do the cooking.

Although Kaijiang felt that the taste was not as good as his own cooking, it was still passable. While eating, a group of people suddenly appeared from the left and right sides of the nearby woods and rushed over.

Kaijiang stretched his arms: "Just exercise after dinner!"

Three strikes, five cuts and two cuts and twos solved this group of guys. When Oiwa Hanao heard the movement and brought his students, he only saw the corpses on the ground being moved to one place by Naruto's shadow clone.

Oiwa Hanao glanced at Kakashi who was still eating, and then glanced at Kai Jiang and the three of them. The age of the three of them was between 11 and 12 years old, and they should have just graduated and become genin.

But why are they so powerful?
Compared with my own students, it is a world of difference!
Seeing that the number of enemies is at least 40, even if they are not just ordinary people, if only three of their students do it, it will take at least 10 minutes to solve it.

And judging from the surrounding situation, these three Konoha's ninjas haven't used ninjutsu yet, so they can easily handle 40 people in a few minutes just by relying on physical skills!

Kakashi nodded and smiled at Hanao Oiwa, and Hanao Oiwa responded quickly, and then quickly left with his three students.

As expected of Konoha Village in the Land of Fire, there will never be a lack of talent. In comparison, the current Rock Village in the Land of Earth feels a little out of date.

The convoy continued to move forward, not to mention that the Kingdom of the Moon was really chaotic, and was attacked again in the afternoon, this time there were more people attacked, more than 100 people started the attack from the middle of the convoy.

Kaijiang and Sasuke didn't go to meddle in other people's business. After all, this is the task of Yunyin Village. They just came for a ride. If they were on their side, they would naturally do it.

But since he's not on his side, it's a bit difficult for him to intervene, but Naruto doesn't care about this, he just left a sentence of "I'll help" and ran to do it.

From Naruto's point of view, since he ate other people's food and took a ride in someone else's car, he naturally had to give back to others, otherwise it would be embarrassing!

The battle ended soon, and Naruto came back soon, with a puzzled look on his face: "Mr. Kakashi."

"Why did the people from Yannin Village stop me from killing those attackers?"

"What did you say that the battle is over, there is no need to continue killing."

Kakashi looked at Naruto: "Then what do you think?"

Naruto: "I think these people should die!"

"If they didn't meet us, it would be the people from those teams who died."

"Let these people go, these people may not change, and may even attack the next group of people."

"Then it is very likely that because we let these people go, the next batch of people attacked by them will die because of us."

Kakashi looked at Naruto: "You know the truth, don't you think those people in Hidden Rock Village don't understand?"

"However, the ninjas in Iwanin Village have to live, and their main source of income is to escort caravans to and from various countries."

"If all the bandits and bandits are killed, do you think the caravan still needs to hire expensive ninjas to protect it?"

"The price of hiring a Chunin is enough to hire a mercenary team of more than 20 people."

Naruto looked at Kakashi dumbfounded: "Could it be that you don't care about these bandits just because you want to make money?"

"Sure enough, the country of earth is not as good as our country of fire. The bandits and bandits in our country of fire are constantly besieged by the people of our Muye village."

Sasuke suddenly sneered: "Why do you think there are so many bandits and bandits in our land of fire?"

"You must know that our Muye Village often goes to kill them, but they still pop up from time to time."

"Do you really think those are real bandits?"

Naruto looked at Sasuke: "What are bandits and bandits?"

Kai Jiang suddenly said: "Naruto, you are still too simple!"

"The five major ninja countries, the country of the wind is extremely desertified and lacks land, while the country of the earth is a rocky landform with remote mountains."

"The Land of Thunder is slightly better but the location is remote, and the Land of Water is not to mention composed of overseas islands."

"Our Land of Fire has the best geographical location. It is located in the center and has a large area that can be planted."

"Caravans from various countries almost have to pass through the Land of Fire to conduct trade, so our Land of Fire does not need to rely on caravan escorts to make money."

"More people only need to maintain the stability and security of the entire Fire Nation, and they can make a lot of money. That's why our Fire Nation keeps paying off bandits and bandits."

"But those bandits and bandits are not stupid. After being handed over like this, how could anyone be stupid enough to become a bandit?"

"So almost most people know that most of the bandits and bandits in the Nation of Fire are produced by ninja teams sent to the Nation of Fire by other countries."

"It's just that they don't reveal their reasons, so many times when you kill bandits and bandits, you can't see them."

(End of this chapter)

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