Chapter 39: Chapter 39

Naruto looked at Kaijiang: "Why did you run over just now?"

Kaijiang said depressedly: "Originally, I wanted to buy a set of Chakra armor and study it carefully."

"By the way, I bought some goods from Santafu and returned to Konoha to sell to the owner of the weapon shop."

Naruto glanced at San Taifu: "Aren't they selling it?"

Kakashi suddenly thought that the two ninjas defeated by Sasuke and Kaijiang also had chakra armor on them. If they brought them back, maybe Konoha's scientific research team could research them.

Thinking of this, Kakashi suddenly said, "Wait for me here."

After speaking, Kakashi disappeared at an extremely fast speed, which was far faster than during the battle. It seems that Kakashi's strength is still reserved!

Kakashi came back ten minutes later, and Naruto asked with a depressed face, "What are you doing, Mr. Kakashi?"

Kakashi put on his signature dead fish eyes: "You shouldn't play if you don't know."

"Learn more from Sasuke and Kaijiang, don't you think they don't ask anything?"

"Let's go."

"Let's go to the Country of Earth, then to the Country of Grass, and then back to Konoha Village."

Kai Jiang glanced at the director who was so excited to discuss his movie: "Aren't you going to take their boat back?"

Kakashi: "They are going to the Land of Thunder."

Kai Jiang had a look of pity: "Okay."

"It would be easier if you could take a boat."

Soon Kakashi and Kaijiang began to move towards the Land of Earth. After leaving the iceberg canyon at the border of the Land of Snow, it was already evening.

The old rules found a suitable place to camp, Kaijiang threw out the tent and other things and started cooking, Sasuke went to set up traps, Naruto didn't go hunting, the main reason was that there were ice blocks all around and no game.

After eating, Kai Jiang said, "I'll be the first to watch the night."

Kakashi and Sasuke Naruto didn't say anything, and went straight back to their tents to sleep. Only one person was needed for the night watch, and the last one would always be Kakashi.

Seeing that everyone was going to sleep, Kai Jiang who was sitting in front of the fire turned on the system, it was time to open the box!
If it wasn't for every time I opened the box, I would have to check the items one by one and use the opened items, which would cause me to be in a daze for a long time.

It is easy to be regarded as a fool, and it is possible to discover his secret, Kai Jiang has already started to open the box!
There are two more [Ninin Treasure Chests] and one [Chunin Treasure Chest] in the backpack. My gold coins are now 646, counting some ordinary people I killed.

The Genin is indeed worth [-] gold coins, and the Chunin is indeed worth [-] gold coins, so it is very likely that the Jōnin is really worth [-] gold coins. Damn, it seems that I will try my best to grab the head in the future!

Kaijiang once again prayed for the protection of the Immortal of the Six Paths, and then directly opened two green [Ninja Treasure Boxes], and the two treasure boxes turned into six green rays of light and penetrated into the grid in the backpack.

System: Congratulations for opening the [Ninjutsu Treasure Box] and getting the armor [Chakra Armor]: boost chakra, boost ninjutsu, absorb ninjutsu chakra, build a chakra shield, and fly.

System: Congratulations for opening the [Ninja Treasure Box] and getting ninjutsu [Ice Escape: Yan Fuxue]: Create more than 100 ice birds to control and attack.

System: Congratulations for opening the [Ninjutsu Treasure Box] and getting the item [Ninjutsu Scroll: Icicle]: Create an icicle to attack the enemy or freeze the enemy.

System: Congratulations for opening the [Ninja Treasure Box] and getting the item [Alloy Steel Cable]: a powerful steel cable made of superalloy.

System: Congratulations for opening the [Ninja Treasure Box] and getting the item [Ice Escape: Ice Prison Art]: Create solid ice to attack the enemy and freeze the enemy.

System: Congratulations for opening the [Ninja Treasure Box] and getting the item [Chakra Taidao]: a high-quality Taidao rich in Chakra metal components can conduct Chakra well and reduce loss.

Kai Jiang laughed, he didn't expect to open the Chakra Armor, but I'm afraid it's not easy to use it, after all, he didn't buy it!

But soon Kaijiang thought of an excuse, and said that he found it from the airship!

These two treasure chests are not bad. There are two ninjutsu and one ninjutsu scroll. The ninjutsu Kaijiang used directly. The ice escape ninjutsu should be a variant of water escape, which is also in line with his chakra attribute.

However, my own chakra amount does not use a few ninjutsu at all, but one more attack method is one, and it can always have unexpected effects at critical moments, right?

Besides, these ninjutsu prescribed are basically mastered by the other party to the level of proficiency, and you can reach the level of proficiency of others after learning it yourself, and you don't need to practice additionally.

Like the ninjutsu that I learned, I have to keep practicing until I am proficient. The mastery of ninjutsu can generally be divided into four stages, beginners, masters, masters, and masters.

Beginner means that you can use this ninjutsu after learning it, mastering it means that you can already perform it quickly, and proficiency means you can reduce the number of knuckles and use it quickly.

As for the big achievement, you can save the seal and use it directly and quickly. Of course, if you use it quickly, the consumption of Chakra will be more, but it is more helpful in battle.

Kaijiang himself has learned many fire escape ninjutsu, among which he is proficient in Hao Fireball, Fireball, and Fengxian Fireball, and there is no need to reduce the number of knots in these ninjutsu.

But you can try to use one-handed seal, but according to Kakashi, one-handed seal requires a high level of chakra control, so I probably can't do it yet.

Kai Jiang looked at the [Chunin Treasure Chest], this is the treasure chest of Feng Hua Raging Waves, what good things will he give me?
System: Congratulations on opening the [Chunin Treasure Box] and getting the item [Chakra Armor Manufacturing Book]: It records the detailed manufacturing process of the Chakra Armor.

System: Congratulations for opening the [Chunin Treasure Box] and getting the item [Bank Card]: a bank card with a huge sum of one billion. PS: Think about it, where is all my wealth, as long as you can enter the correct password, I will give it all to you!
System: Congratulations for opening the [Chunin Treasure Box] and getting the item [Frozen Crystal*20]: Use a special process to create crystals containing ice thorns that will release icicles when stimulated.

The corner of Kaijiang's mouth twitched, he really wanted to complain, so what?

You're a Chunin!

He is the boss of these people!
This is all you have?

A bank card is a good thing, with a huge sum of one billion, but the devil knows your password, and all the wind and flowers and waves were blown to pieces.

As for the frozen crystal, it should be something tied behind Kunai dropped on the airship. The effect is similar to that of a detonating talisman, which is not bad at all. A detonating talisman costs [-]!

As for this [Chakra Armor Making Book], it can be said to be the best thing in this guy's treasure chest, but I can't take it out at the moment. If I can learn this thing quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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