Chapter 273: Chapter 273

The fourth person to die was Li Xunhuan, who died in the eighth month of his fourth year of retreat.

According to the previous chat records, Li Xunhuan was investigating the disappearance of the son-in-law, and suddenly he sent a call for help to everyone in the chat group, saying that he had been poisoned by a very poisonous poison!

Before everyone could send Li Xunhuan the antidote from other worlds, within ten seconds, Li Xunhuan's name also faded, and his death message also appeared.

The fifth person who died was Kazuki Dohashi, who died in the tenth month of his four-year retreat.

His situation is somewhat similar to that of Wang De, because he provided his country with a large amount of high technology, which led to the continuous improvement of his country's technological level, and he was continuously assassinated by spies from various countries.

But because he has personal strength beyond the understanding of that world, he has successfully counter-killed those who wanted to assassinate him many times, and everyone even thought he would be fine.

But during a chat, his name suddenly changed to dead gray, and he died in such a daze.

The sixth person to die was King Slime, who died in the second month of the fifth year of his retreat.

His death was the most sudden. There was almost no warning before. He was chatting with everyone and even begging for food from Chen Sheng. In the next second, his name turned gray, and the death message came.

The seventh person to die was Yue Buqun, who died in the fifth month of the seventh year of his retreat.

His death was truly heroic. He was first poisoned by the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and then sent more than 20 eunuchs with extraordinary strength to besiege him. Finally, he was besieged by [-] troops, finally killing Yue Buqun.

Before he died, Yue Buqun took a photo and sent it up. In the photo, Yue Buqun stood on a mountain of corpses piled up with thousands of people, looking like a madman.

The people in the group tried to help him, but he refused to accept all of them, as if he had received some kind of stimulation, and insisted on fighting the emperor to the death. In the end, he died, and the emperor didn't know whether he was dead or not.

The eighth person to die was Zhu Wancai, who died in the second month of the eighth year of his retreat.

His death was actually not very sudden, because he said a few days ago that the zombie emperor and tens of thousands of mutated zombies were attacking the human stronghold he had established.

Everyone sent him all kinds of things he could use to support him, even Tang Yunguang gave him a lot of modern high-tech weapons, but he died in the end, probably killed by the zombie emperor.

The ninth person to die was Haima Lairen, who died in the second month of his eighth year of retreat.

From the chat records, because of the technical support of several other staff, Haima Group has become the top group in the world, touching the interests of many people.

The assassinations and attacks he has suffered are no less than Wang De and Dohashi Kazuki, but unlike these two worlds, the world he lives in does not have any high-end powerful weapons.

So he has never been successfully assassinated, and there are countless bodyguards around him, but he is too arrogant, he will die after all, and suddenly disappeared during a chat one day.

The tenth person who died was Ou Chengcheng, who died in the sixth month of the No.13 year when he was retreating.

At this time, he had become a member of the Magic Order of the Phoenix, secretly fighting against the great devil Voldemort of their world with everyone. His death was relatively sudden, but he didn't think it was strange.

After all, what he was going to fight against was a super powerful demon king who was much stronger than him, so everyone had a certain amount of psychological preparation for his death, but felt sorry for him.

The No. 11 person who died was Jin Ke, and the time of death was the second month of the No. 14 year when he was retreating.

The specific cause of death is unknown, only that she had already learned magic at that time, and even practiced martial arts and martial arts, and her strength was no longer considered weak among the entire group.

His last message was to travel to the South Pole with her brother in search of the fabled Santa Claus, and news of her death came just four days after their departure.

The No.12 person who died was Tang Yunguang, who died in the first month of the No.15 year when he was in retreat.

No one was surprised by his death, because the job he was engaged in was very dangerous. The day before he died, he was still chatting and bragging with everyone, and the death message suddenly appeared at noon the next day.

The No. 13 person who died was Wang Fugui, and the time of death was the fifth month of No. 17, when he was retreating.

At that time, Wang Fugui had already become the strongest human monk in the Yiqi Dao League, and even mastered the kingly sword intent of his previous kingly hegemony, and he could be regarded as a master among masters in the whole world he was in.

But he is still dead. From his latest information, we can know that the world he lives in has an inner world and an outer world, and the inner world is the world they are familiar with.

The world inside this circle is protected by the three young masters of Aolai Country, but the power of the three young masters will continue to weaken over time. Now the protection circle can no longer completely block the outside and inside of the circle.

Creatures outside the circle kept invading the circle. As the strongest human monk of the Yiqidao League, he had fought many battles with creatures outside the circle, and every battle was extremely dangerous.

Then he should have died in the hands of creatures outside the circle in the end!

After knowing this, Kaijiang couldn't help feeling a little sad, but it's a pity that he couldn't go to their world to help them, otherwise they might not have to die!

----------Chat group----------

Cao Cao: How is it, Luffy?

Luffy: Don't worry, I'll lead someone to do it myself, is there anything else I can't handle?
Luffy: The three generals of the navy have been subdued by us. Now I am going to take everyone to kill Marin Joya, the residence of the Celestial Dragons, and then I will announce the liberation of the whole world!

Uchiha Madara: If you need help, you are welcome to Chiwan, I can send some shadow clones to Zhujian at any time to help you fight.

Luffy: Thank you, Uncle Ban, if it weren't for your help, I might have died in the previous battle.

Kaijiang: Everyone, I have finished my retreat. I didn’t expect so many things to happen to me after 18 years of retreat.

Kaijiang: I really feel sorry for those members of the group who died. If I could come out earlier, maybe their deaths could be avoided.

Cao Cao: Group leader, your retreat is finally over!
Cao Cao: The space ring you gave me has been filled with medicinal materials, and the lowest age is more than 100 years old!
Cao Cao: Hurry up and help me refine some elixir, I feel that my lifespan is almost reaching its limit!

[System: Cao Cao issued a [Limited Red Envelope (Kaijiang)] Everyone, hurry up and grab it. 】

[System: Kaijiang opens [Limited Red Envelope (Kaijiang)] to get [Space Ring]. 】

(End of this chapter)

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