Chapter 266 Chapter 266: The New World

Of course, there are also some aliens who smuggled here, some aliens who entered the country illegally, and some aliens who want to make troubles. Dealing with these aliens is more troublesome.

There is even danger to life!

Suddenly a voice appeared from Tang Yunguang's mind.

System: The group owner, Kaijiang, invites you to enter the "Universal Chat Group": Agree/Cancel.

Tang Yunguang's first reaction was that he had been attacked by some kind of unknown attack, which may be an attack of consciousness and spirit: "Xiao Hei scanned the headquarters!"

"Determine if there is an alien invasion!"

The intelligent program Xiaohei projected a Q-version puppy shape: "Agent L, I have completed the inspection, the base is intact, no intrusion has been found, and no trace of alien invasion has been found."

Tang Yunguang was taken aback: "Could it be that my recent work pressure is too great?"

After speaking, Tang Yunguang got up and went to the medical department: "Check my physical condition and mental state."

Tang Yunguang lay on the instrument, several rays of light quickly swept across Tang Yunguang's body, and Xiao Hei appeared again: "Agent L, there is nothing wrong with your body and spirit."

"What's wrong with you?"

Tang Yunguang was stunned, it shouldn't be, if he has no problems, where does this voice come from?

----------Chat group----------

Uchiha Madara: Can this chat group connect countless worlds?

Uchiha Madara: That's ridiculous!
Tang Yunguang: Tell me, are you an alien from that galaxy?

Tang Yunguang: What do you want to do with this?
Tang Yunguang: Is there anything I can help you with?
Tang Yunguang: Maybe we can meet face to face!
Haima Lairen: This is really beyond my understanding. I don't have any mental problems, and I can't detect any abnormal energy waves or magnetic field interference.

Haima Lairen: But a projection window actually appeared in front of me. What kind of projection technology do you guys use?
Wang De: This Cao Cao, are you really the one in Chinese history?

Cao Cao: Am I so famous?
Cao Cao: Why do you feel like you know me?
Li Xunhuan: We are familiar with your name.

Cao Cao: Well, anyway, let me briefly introduce you, this chat group is the leader of the Eternal God Kaijiang.
----------Chat group----------

Kaijiang saw that Cao Cao was interacting with them, he was very good at being a human being, let them know the existence of the chat group first, and then come out on his own.

It just happens to be used as a study of other knowledge!

But I didn't expect that I could invite Uchiha Madara?

By the way, the ninja world I live in is called "Naruto". I don't know who is the protagonist in my world. Is Naruto Naruto the protagonist? Is the story based on the three generations of Naruto?
Or is it based on a generation of Hokage as the main storyline?

I don't know what time stage this Uchiha Madara is in now?

Is it still fighting against Hokage, or established Konoha Village with Hokage, or has fallen out with Hokage and had a fake death?

As for the world of "One Piece", Kaijiang is very familiar, because many chapters have been written intermittently, and I have seen Luffy and a group of people go to Sky Island to defeat Thor Enel.

Speaking of which, the devil fruit in the world of "One Piece" is really special, especially the natural department is simply unreasonable. If the god of thunder, Enilo, is not naturally restrained by Luffy, he would feel invincible.

It can release thunder and lightning indefinitely, without consuming any energy at all, and can even mobilize lightning in nature to form a thunderball that is bigger than an island.

The power of this thunderball is definitely beyond that of an atomic bomb with a yield of [-] million tons. One blow should be enough to destroy a continent. After all, the thermal shock wave brought by the explosion of the energy core is extremely destructive.

This kind of attack is not impossible, but it will consume a lot of energy in the body, and if you just want to kill an opponent, there is no need to use this posture.

In the next few worlds, Kaijiang has the complete comics of the three worlds of "Yu-Gi-Oh", "The Little Master of China", and "Men in Black". He has a very deep understanding of these three worlds.

The world of "Yu-Gi-Oh" has the power of darkness. This power of darkness is a bit of a panacea. It feels like it can do everything, such as material decomposition, soul extraction, rule enchantment and so on.

However, there are very few descriptions about the power of darkness in "Yu-Gi-Oh." It is only mentioned that the thousand-year artifact possesses the power of darkness, and each thousand-year artifact resides in an ancient soul.

The easiest way for him to obtain this kind of power about the power of darkness is to fool Haima, who has a very high right in his world, and let him put away all the millennium artifacts.

But what to use to lure the hippocampus?
Kaijiang suddenly smiled, raised his hand, and instantly had a blue-eyed white dragon card with three-dimensional diamond luster in his hand. Although it was a fake card, he could imitate it as long as he got a real card.

With Haima's perverted love for Blue-Eyes White Dragon, this kind of card should be enough, if you really can't create a live Blue-Eyes White Dragon for him, I still don't believe you can handle him!

The world of "The Little Master of China" is of little value. This world mainly revolves around cooking, but no matter how delicious the cooking can be, it does not help the increase of strength at all.

However, there should be some very special powers in the world he lives in, but he didn't describe them. For example, the legendary kitchen utensils couldn't have appeared by himself, right?

It should be made by people, and to be able to make legendary kitchen utensils with such special power, the builder should have some kind of very special power, so the world of the little boss is not that simple.

As for "The Man in Black", it is a world on the scientific side. In this world, you say he is strong, there are special bombs that can blow up the entire earth with the size of a fist, and you say he is weak, like ordinary weapons.

Many technological weapons that look very powerful, such as laser cannons, freezing guns, flame guns, particle cannons, etc., are sometimes so powerful that they can't even cause damage in a certain range.

However, there are also some scientific weapons that cannot be said to be strong, such as disintegration guns. One shot is ineffective against ordinary items, but one shot against life will instantly kill it and directly dissipate into particles.

Generally speaking, the technology in this world is weird!
Kaijiang opened his backpack and searched the remaining worlds by name. He opened many random treasure chests before and got a lot of novels and comics. Kaijiang threw all the unfinished books into his backpack.

(End of this chapter)

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