Chapter 211 Chapter 211: Qiao Feng Duan Yu

One day, a big man came to the foot of the mountain under the guidance of an old man: "Old man, go back first."

"I gonna go see."

The old man said to the big man, "Master Qiao, please be more careful."

"There must be monsters in this mountain!"

This person is Qiao Feng, the leader of the Beggar Clan known as North Qiaofeng and South Murong in the martial arts world. Qiao Feng heard the disciples of the Beggar Clan talk about monsters in the mountains, which caused the hunters in the village not to dare to go up the mountain, which caused heavy losses for these hunters.

Qiao Feng doesn't believe in the existence of monsters. If there really are monsters in this world, why hasn't Qiao Feng seen them in all his travels all these years?

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Qiao Feng listened to the sound and left. Soon, Qiao Feng came to a forest full of broken trees. A large number of trees around here were destroyed by some powerful force.

Suddenly there was another loud noise, Qiao Feng picked up the light worker and quickly jumped over, and then he saw a young man clenched his fist against a big tree: "It needs to be lighter!"

Then the young man punched the big tree, and the young man's fist was directly embedded in the tree to a depth of half a meter. The young man pulled out his fist and said, "It's still too heavy!"

Qiao Feng came over: "It turns out that the monster rumored in the village is your Excellency practicing martial arts here."

"I don't know what your name is, Qiao Feng?"

Kai Jiang looked at Qiao Feng: "Monster?"

Qiao Feng: "You practice martial arts here, destroying a lot of trees and making loud noises from time to time."

"People at the foot of the mountain thought there were monsters in the mountain, so they didn't dare to go into the mountain to rub medicine and hunt."

Kaijiang scratched his head: "That's right!"

"Feel sorry!"

"Recently, my skills have increased too much, and I can't control my strength, so I want to find a place where no one is around to practice my control."

"I didn't expect to interfere with the lives of the people at the bottom of the mountain. I will change my position now, and I have almost mastered all my strength."

"By the way, I'm Hatake Kaijiang, you can call me Kaijiang."

Kaijiang saw Shanzi, who was handsome and imposing, with a golden streamer shining above his head, Qiao Feng, so he wanted to make friends with him.

Qiao Feng said proudly: "Since that's the case, Qiao won't bother me anymore."

"I'm going down the mountain to explain to the people down the mountain."

After Qiao Feng finished speaking, he left without dragging his feet. Kai Jiang was taken aback for a moment. He originally wanted to make friends. Forget it, it's more important to master the strength of his body first.

Two months later, Kaijiang came down from the mountains. The energy concentration in this world was not high, but it wasn't low either. It was only half weaker than the world of "Fengyun".

I don't know what kind of power people in this world cultivate?
A week later, Kaijiang was eating in a restaurant with a bored face: "It's really boring and it's a world of martial arts."

"It is said that the low-level world is either the modern world or the martial arts world."

"Is it because only this kind of world power level is low?"

"Forget about the old rules, go to the various sects to collect a wave of martial arts cheats."

At this time Kaijiang saw Qiao Feng coming up from downstairs, Kaijiang was stunned for a moment and stretched out his hand: "Master Qiao!"

Seeing Kai Jiang, Qiao Feng thought about it for a while, and then quickly raised his brows: "Brother Kai Jiang!"

Kai Jiang smiled and said, "I thought you forgot me!"

"It's better to meet me by chance and invite you to drink!"

Qiao Feng smiled boldly: "Okay!"

The two began to drink together, Kaijiang then knew why Qiao Feng came to Jiangnan, because Ma Dayuan, the deputy head of the Beggar Gang, was killed, and died because of his famous trick.

So Qiao Feng suspected that Murong Fu did it. This Murong Fu's martial arts is very interesting, using the way of the other, and returning it to the other body, which means that I use your strength to defeat you.

Kaijiang felt that it was necessary to meet this Murong Fu, this martial art was worth learning, the two drank and drank, and a white-faced scholar at the next table kept sighing.

Qiao Feng was annoyed by his sighing: "Why is the man here sighing like a resentful woman?"

The white-faced scholar said, "I'm sorry to bother you."

"Leave here."

When Qiao Feng heard this, I wiped it, I didn't tell you to leave, doesn't it look like I'm bullying?
Qiao Feng: "How about having a few drinks together?"

The white-faced scholar was taken aback for a moment and then smiled: "Being respectful is worse than obeying orders."

Kai Jiang took a look at the white-faced scholar, he looked weak but compared to the average Jiang Hu's strength is not bad, the three of them continued to drink.

Qiao Feng is huge, and Kai Jiang is also not bad, so this white-faced scholar actually cheated, using internal force to expel the alcohol in his body, but neither Kai Jiang nor Qiao Feng said anything about it.

The three of them still drank one cup after another, and drank more than 30 jugs of wine without knowing it, until the boss came over: "Excuse me."

"You guys have finished drinking all the wine in the shop."

"There is no wine now."

Qiao Feng: "Then let's drink here today."

After Qiao Feng took out a piece of silver, Kai Jiang stopped him after seeing his skill, and then took out a piece of silver backhand and gave it to the boss: "It's agreed, I'll treat you."

"How can you pay?"

Qiao Feng took back the money with a slight smile: "Why don't we come and compare our foot strength if we are full?"

Kaijiang: "Okay, just do some exercise."

White-faced scholar: "I'm afraid I won't be able to keep up with you two."

Qiao Feng jumped down and ran quickly, Kai Jiang also jumped down and chased after him, the white-faced scholar could only sigh at the sight, ran downstairs and followed quickly.

Qiao Feng and Kai Jiang were both sprinting in a straight line, but the white-faced scholar was advancing in a crooked way, which seemed to be more strenuous and slower, but he followed closely without widening the gap.

Kai Jiang found that the white-faced scholar's body skills are interesting, and it seems that the martial arts in this world are also unique. Qiao Feng stopped and said to the white-faced scholar: "I'm Xia Qiao Feng."

"I've seen Mr. Murong."

The white flour book was panting angrily: "Are you Qiao Feng, the leader of the Beggar Gang known as North Qiaofeng and South Murong?"

Qiao Feng: "It's right here!"

"I have something I want to ask Mr. Murong about."

The white-faced scholar: "You have mistaken me, my name is Duan Yu."

Qiao Feng was taken aback: "Aren't you Murong Fu?"

Duan Yu: "I am Duan Yu, the eldest son of the Duan family in Dali."

Qiao Feng: "It seems that I admitted my mistake."

"I didn't expect Mr. Murong to be the only one in the rivers and lakes."

"There are still people like Mr. Duan who have such a strong internal strength at such a young age."

Kai Jiang looked at Duan Yu: "What was your movement technique just now?"

"It looks very interesting, can you teach me?"

Duan Yu: "I accidentally fell into a cliff and got it in a cave under the cliff."

"It's called "Lingbo Weibu" and it's a martial arts secret book of the Xiaoyao Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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