Chapter 18: Chapter 18: The Chunin Exam
And he learned a C-level Fengtun ninjutsu suitable for his attributes for two weeks, which made Kakashi collapse directly, and directly said that he was not suitable for practicing ninjutsu.

Naruto was a little frustrated, especially seeing that Kaijiang and Sasuke's strengths were improving, while he was standing still. He also wanted to become stronger, and he didn't want to continue to be the tail of the crane.

So Naruto finally chose Taijutsu, because with his perverted physique, no matter how crazy he practiced today, he can always be resurrected in full condition the next day with nothing to do.

After seeing Naruto's efforts and awakening, Kakashi took Naruto to find Maitekai, and Naruto became Maitekai's disciple and began the inhumane practice.

Teachers and masters are different. There can be countless teachers, and the teachers who lead the team are usually temporary, while the masters are generally very few people who have more than two teachers.

Most of them will only have one master. After all, the master wants the apprentice to inherit himself, and the students don't care if you learn or not. I don't care.

Kakashi gave the three of them a day off today, because today is the day of the Konoha Chunin exam, and Naruto is called Xiao Li's junior because he is a teacher of Maitkai.

Kaijiang and Sasuke are Naruto's companions, so they naturally got to know Xiao Li, Neji and Tenten, and today the three of them came to watch the Chunin exam.

The three of them sat in the spectator seats, and there were at least 40 people below. Some were young and only twelve or thirteen years old, and some were even in their twenties.

Kaijiang couldn't help sighing, if he didn't get the system, would he be like that person in his 20s, who might not be able to become a Chunin for the rest of his life?
Sasuke said with some disdain: "Is this the Chunin exam?"

Naruto didn't think there was anything, but felt very lively. There were 42 people on the field, and they were divided into two teams. One team had 21 people, and there were seven teams on one side just now.

I just don't know if these seven teams know each other?

The playing field is at least 200 meters long and 100 meters wide. There is a lake in the middle as the dividing line, and there are woods and rocks on both sides.

On the outer high wall of the arena, there are at least 30 Chunin or Junin standing. These people should be the proctors.

The referee raised his hand after seeing that all the players on both sides hid on his own side: "Let me briefly introduce the rules first."

"Each side has seven teams, and whichever side first captures all seven teams from the other side wins."

"As for whether you can become a Zhongnin, it depends on the scores of the invigilators around you."

"A reminder to you, even if you lose, you may be promoted to Chunin. Of course, you may still not be able to become Chunin if you win."

"The game starts now!"

After speaking, the referee immediately came to the high wall and became one of the invigilators. No one from either side showed up and no one attacked first.

This made the civilians who came to watch the battle feel a little bored, and Naruto suddenly shouted: "Go, Li!"

"Fuck them!"

"Let them see what body art is!"

Naruto just finished calling an invigilator and appeared in front of Naruto in an instant: "If you are making such a loud noise."

"I'll let you out."

Naruto quickly shut up, Sasuke was speechless beside him: "Are you an idiot?"

"Obviously, Xiao Li and the others cannot be disturbed at this time."

"And you are exposing Xiao Li like this, do you want people from the opposite team to besiege Xiao Li?"

Naruto looked at Sasuke dumbfounded: "Ah!"

Kai Jiang said suddenly: "This Chunin exam doesn't feel that easy."

"If you just want to see who is stronger and who is weaker on both sides, there is absolutely no need to do this."

"It's easy to tell the strong from the weak if you directly let the people who have played twice fight 1V1."

"Just now the examiner said that winning or losing is not important, because whether you can become a Chunin depends on the scores of the examiners."

"So the focus of this Chunin exam should be to determine how the examiner will score. This is a test of intelligence analysis!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes: "If you really want to take the postgraduate entrance examination for intelligence analysis, I also said that there are spies among the two teams."

"For example, before the start of the game, tell the three people in any one or two teams of the two teams that you are actually trying to make the other team win."

"In this way, the seven-person team cannot simply unite. If they jointly formulate a plan, the plan will definitely be sent out by spies."

"And the spies can't confirm whether the team they want to send the information to is their own spies. Doesn't this make it more difficult to study information acquisition and analysis?"

Kaijiang was stunned for a moment and then clapped his hands: "It makes sense!"

"When you say it like this, I think it's very possible that there are really spies!"

"Then I have to look carefully!"

The corner of Sasuke's mouth twitched, are you an idiot too?

I'm obviously complaining about you!

I feel like I've been with these two guys for a long time, and I'm starting to become an idiot. This is obviously a simple multiplayer melee, and it depends on personal strength and overall strength.

Where is there so much mess? If it is really done like this, can these examiners distinguish it clearly?

Xiao Li on the field was straightforward: "Ningci?"

Ning Ci directly opened his white eyes to look around. After observing the situation on the opposite side and on his own side, Ning Ci discovered an interesting phenomenon.

The members of the seven teams on both sides are almost all hidden separately, but each side has two teams that are constantly searching for other members of their own teams.

It seems to mean to start a union, but isn't this too coincidental?
At the same time, two teams on both sides had the intention of joining forces, and began to find out where the people on their side were hiding, and then formed an alliance?
Obviously not possible!
So why is this happening?
These four teams obviously couldn't get in touch, but they did the same thing without being in touch. There must be something that led them to do this!
Carrying out the surroundings every day: "How about Neji?"

"Do you want to call?"

Ning Ci thought quickly: "Wait a minute, I discovered an interesting thing. This exam is not as simple as it looks on the surface."

The people off the court began to interact with each other, and the people on the court were watching Hache all the time. Most of the civilians who came to watch the battle just wanted to see the fierce collision between the ninjas.

He didn't want to watch this kind of boring game that required a long time. After only half an hour, Ping Ming, who was still interacting a lot, had already retreated.

Kaijiang also changed from being interesting at the beginning to a little boring: "Naruto, how are you and Sakura?"

Naruto saw that the teams on both sides seemed to have started to unite, and both sides seemed to have started to make plans, but this plan was not so easy to make.

(End of this chapter)

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