Chapter 173 Chapter 173: Dragon Island
After getting the nautical chart, Kaijiang estimated the location, referring to the weird and abstract map of the Central Plains.

Shenlong's location should be several thousand kilometers directly below Dongying Kingdom, and a little bit southeast.

Kaijiang came to Xinfeng Town on this ship. The merchant ship would stay for a month, sell some things and then buy some things. Kaijiang didn't bother to wait and said goodbye to them directly.

Then Kaijiang headed all the way towards Tielin Town. On the way, Kaijiang heard a rumor that Nie Feng was arrested in Wushuang City. Xiongba personally came to take Nie Feng away and issued a letter of challenge.

A month later, Xiongba will come to visit to challenge the Juggernaut Dugujian, and everyone in the entire Jianghu has begun to pay attention to this matter. If Xiongba loses, the world will definitely be in turmoil.

If Dugujian loses, there must be a bloodbath in Wushuang City, Kaijiang shook his head, hey, these people in the rivers and lakes, how do they know that Dugujian and Xiongba are just the strongest among the chickens.

The real strong don't care about worldly affairs!

In addition to these, Kaijiang also heard a rumor that the First Evil Emperor was completely possessed and slaughtered several small towns with a technique called "Magic Saber", which attracted Tianjian Wuming to fight against him.

No one knows the final result, only that the first evil emperor and Wuming Empress are missing!
Kai Jiang thinks that this "Magic Sword" sounds like a very crude knife technique!

I don't know who is more powerful than "Xuanwu Zhenjing"?
Kaijiang currently knows that the strongest exercise is the "Xuanwu Zhenjing", which has almost deduced the moves to the extreme, and can truly defeat the strong with the weak in moves!

With the mysterious moves of "Xuanwu Zhenjing", even if your strength is much lower than others, you can still leapfrog the challenge. For example, it is not impossible for the third-rate master Miexiongba, as long as he can learn it well.

It took Kaijiang a month to come to Tielin Town, because he performed the transformation technique, deliberately concealed his strength and avoided people in the martial arts, Kaijiang did not reveal his whereabouts.

At least that old man didn't show up again!

Kaijiang had a good rest in Tielin Town for a day, and then came to the deserted beach, and then quickly ran out towards the sea. After running in a straight line for about a day, the surrounding area was surrounded by endless sea.

Kaijiang clapped his hands together: "Earthquake core!"

A rock on the bottom of the sea rose rapidly, and soon formed a square stone island. Kaijiang clapped his hands together: "One room, one living room!"

Countless logs drilled out of the rocks and quickly twisted together to form a wooden house, Kai Jiang walked into the wooden house to take a good rest.

Waking up the next day, Kaijiang slapped his hands together: "Multiple shadow clone technique."

A hundred shadow clones separated instantly, and then all rushed towards the sea, because they didn't know the exact location of Shenlong Island, so they had to use this rather stupid way to find it.

Kaijiang himself meditated cross-legged and entered a deep thinking mode, and began to seriously comprehend and understand the "Power of Heaven and Earth" which is a fusion of three mahas.

Although the backstage passed all the methods of use to Kaijiang, this set of exercises is extremely special, it is to manipulate and borrow the power between heaven and earth, although there is a method.

But how to use it reasonably has become a very troublesome problem. Borrowing the airflow of heaven and earth to form a tornado, borrowing the lightning burst attack of dark clouds, borrowing Dali to increase strength and defense, and so on.

The power between the sky and the earth is extremely terrifying, just like in a very ordinary rainy weather, if the lightning in the clouds gathers, this energy will explode on the ground, enough to directly raze thousands of miles to the ground.

However, it is very difficult to do this. It is possible to guide Kaijiang with his own huge energy, but to control so much energy and gather and compress it, it is not enough for Kaijiang to control it.

Kaijiang opened his eyes, stood up and suddenly moved, and his whole body flew out instantly with a series of afterimages, touching the wind between the sky and the earth, as if he had added an acceleration BUFF.

Kaijiang tried to stand on the ground again, feeling the power of the earth with both feet, and with the increase in power of the sword, a [-]-meter sword light cut through the sea in an instant.

First, a large amount of water vapor was suddenly incinerated by the high temperature on the sea surface, and then all the water vapor and the surrounding area were quickly frozen in the next second.

Just when Kaijiang was about to continue trying to practice, a memory was transmitted: "Solution!"

All the shadow clones disappeared immediately, Kaijiang opened the space door and walked over directly, suspended in the air, looking at the three huge sea vortexes in the sea in front of him.

Each vortex is [-] meters wide, very terrifying, and there is no conflict, no offset, and no sign of fusion between the vortexes.

They are neatly arranged on the sea surface one by one like a formation. From a distance, you can see many vortices in the distance, and these vortexes really form a circle.

It should be where Shenlong Island is!
I don't know if these vortexes were made by Shenlong?

If so, could this divine dragon have also mastered the power to control the heaven and earth?
Sure enough, there is no comparison between the Fire Qilin and the Shenlong!

Kaijiang directly used the technique of turning water to turn his body into water elements, and then escaped into the deep sea.

Kaijiang wanted to see how deep this vortex fell to the ground, the sea and the sky could not pass through.

The space gate can be passed directly at any time, but the target is Shenlong, and Shenlong may be under the deep sea.

After Kaijiang sank to a depth of [-] meters, he cast light spells to illuminate the surrounding area, but he didn't find any dragons, but he found many strange fishes.

These fish are different from ordinary fish. Their bodies are extremely flat, and they move like ribbons floating in the water. Moreover, these fish seem to have light-gathering properties.

Kaijiang flew directly from the bottom of the sea to the sky, quickly came to the surface of the sea, opened the space door, and came directly to the periphery of an island.

This island is very big, and there is a peak like a dragon's head, it should be Shenlong Island.

I don't know if there are people on the island. If there are people, do you know where Shenlong is?

Not long after Kaijiang entered the island, he was surrounded by a group of savages. These savages held some very primitive weapons, but the strength of these people was not weak, and most of them were second-rate.

It was almost the strength of the Aotian of the Sword Worship Villa that he met before, Kaijiang said to a savage: "Excuse me, do you know where Shenlong is?"

When the savages heard Kaijiang's words, one of the leaders shouted, "Enemy!"


"They are enemies who have come to harm Shenlong!"

Everyone rushed over, Kaijiang shook his head when he saw the good character above their heads: "Illusion!"

In an instant, everyone was drawn into the illusion by Kaijiang, and they started a century war with Kaijiang in the illusion!
However, the reality is that they all stood in place like puppets, Kaijiang directly read the leader's memory, and then headed towards their village.

(End of this chapter)

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