Chapter 8
"Honey, I suggest you open your head and release the water inside to quench your thirst."

"I understand this, go to the foxes, they will give you porridge."

"In these days, there are still young people who don't know how to order takeaway?"

"Go to a certain point, their books are full of water!"


If the suggestions from sand sculpture netizens are useful, the world has already been promoted to high dimensions.

Compared with the previous "suggestions", Chen Qi really felt that some bullet screens taught him how to dig a well with a frying pan seemed to be quite reliable.

"Haha! I knew you didn't know anything. At the critical moment, you have to be professionals like us!"

Chen Qi first taunted a wave of barrage, crazily arousing the emotions of the audience, and after focusing his eyes on himself, he controlled the drone's camera to look down on the ground, pointing at a piece of weeds to start the class.

"First of all, the place we are currently in is a forest, which is different from terrains such as deserts and oceans. Forest terrains generally have very rich groundwater resources. Naturally filtered groundwater can be directly drunk after being pumped out and filtered. .

I now... I don't want to dig a well! ! "

The barrage of live drilling made Chen Qi laugh outright. These sand sculpture netizens were afraid that he would have enough physical strength to survive these fifteen days!
"See those grasses?"

Chen Qi pointed to one of them and said: "Although its size is exaggerated, it is indeed Ma Lian. It should have passed its flowering period now, otherwise the purple flowers will bloom in pieces. This size is absolutely It's beautiful."

At this moment in the bullet screen, some people also recognized this relatively common flower, but they didn't know why Chen Qi talked about flowers while talking about looking for water.

Chen Qi continued: "Ma Lian is a plant with strong vitality and can grow anywhere. Because its roots have a strong ability to absorb water, you can even see it occasionally in desert sandy land.

If you see this kind of flower in the wild, especially in pieces, it means that there is relatively abundant groundwater here.If conditions permit, dig a small hole, more than 30 centimeters, enough water will leak out overnight.

The kind that can be drunk directly. "

As he said that, Chen Qi directly pulled out a ponies of horse lily, and dug a small hole with a pan along the soil pit brought out by the roots.

The audience in the live broadcast room could clearly see that the soil below was really moist, and Chen Qi's words didn't seem to be fake, so they believed it.

But believe in, ridicule is still indispensable.

"Oh, I see. Still digging wells."

"My family, Wangcai, drinks two catties of wine, and the hole he dug out with his left leg is a little more regular than yours."

"So what the anchor has to do now is stick his head in the hole and wait overnight, right?"

"So now you can perform the show of sending your head to the wolf's mouth?"


These sand sculpture netizens!

Can't wait for me to order it!

Chen Qi grabbed a handful of dirt and made a gesture to throw it at the camera, which aroused cheers of encouragement from the fans.

"What are you thinking, drones are precious. Can I do what you want?
Innocent! "

He casually wiped the floating soil in the pan with leaves and grass. Chen Qi really didn't expect that the three non-products presented by the system, an ordinary pan, seemed to be quite good.

I used it as a shovel for a long time and didn't even scratch off the paint.

Putting the pot behind his back, Chen Qi looked at the terrain and said, "This method is just to teach you, of course I won't use it. How can I have so much time.

Moreover, I am not just teaching you this one. "

Chen Qi pointed to the bottom of the slightly sloping slope on the ground and said: "Generally in the wild, unless it is running water seeping from the ground, you should never drink any stagnant water.

Even lakes and rivers that look clean must be boiled for drinking if possible. "

As Chen Qi walked forward, he continued to educate fans in the live broadcast room about finding water.

Most of the audience heard this for the first time. It turns out that in addition to obvious water sources such as lakes and rivers, you can also find water from rock crevices where moss grows, use large leaves to collect dew, and determine the water source based on the activities of amphibians. There are water sources around...

Most importantly, even things like mosquitoes can be used as one of the basis for finding water sources!

The barrage is also completely convinced.

"Everything has animism, except mosquitoes and mother-in-law"

"So maybe the mosquito that bit me yesterday was just thirsty and looking for water?"

"Understood, now catch the mosquito and soak it in the water."


Chen Qi was laughing and joking with the sand sculpture netizens. After walking for about half an hour, he heard the obvious sound of water.

"Guys, it's clear we've found running water."

Chen Qi suddenly quickened his pace, and soon behind a row of long crooked willow trees, he saw a river.

"How about you guys, I'm right. In areas like forests where there is not much shortage of water resources, as long as you keep looking for clues and keep moving to low-lying places, you can always find water sources!"

Finding a relatively flat river beach, Chen Qi walked to the river, looked around first, and then looked at the river carefully, then squatted down, took a sip of water in a rather strange posture, Then start washing your face and hair.

From the time I landed until now, I have sweated a lot and got a lot of dust. In this September weather, if I can’t wash my face with the cool river water, how can I bear it?

In the barrage, I was emotional first, the rivers in nature are like this!

Most of them are young people. For them, they have lived on the immigrant planet since they were born. Everything in nature exists in books and videos, as well as in the descriptions of the elders.

When they "personally" see a surging river appearing in front of them, their feelings are completely different from those of people like Chen Qi who have traveled from the normal world.

"Oh! Thank you [Qin Shou] for sending the plane, this...good name! It's about the same as me. It's all...

two words. "

After being sent to the plane, this well-named fan posted a barrage and asked, "When you squatted down to drink water just now, why was your squatting posture so strange?"

More bullet screens followed.

"Yes, it feels like I'm going to pop up at any time"

“Described very well”

"Like running away after drinking half of it"


Chen Qi smiled and explained: "This is indeed what some fans guessed. What I did was indeed an action to escape at any time and use my strength easily."

Chen Qi pointed to his feet: "Everyone, have you forgotten where I am now?

North America!

The waters of the Great Lakes are vast, and the rivers and swamps are connected in series. Almost every river has crocodiles in North America! "

It was only then that everyone realized that this kid, he was not pretending to be afraid of death, he was really afraid of death.

Immediately, fans began to post comments to ridicule Chen Qi.

"What a crocodile, that's a rotten piece of wood"

"Don't worry, the crocodile has short legs, your jaw is safe"

"Anchor, something crawled over in the water behind you!"

Chen Qi chuckled. Crocodiles in North America have always been endangered species. How can they be so...

Ok? !

What the hell!

Chen Qi turned his head calmly, and found a piece of "rotten wood" floating on the smooth water.

" can't be such a coincidence..."

A rabbit bigger than a dog, a wolf as big as a calf, and a crocodile...

What shape should that be?
(Ps: Please vote and collect!)
(End of this chapter)

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