Live in Doomsday Wasteland

Chapter 68 The Day of Harvest

Chapter 68 The Day of Harvest

The work of cleaning up and preparing tools continued until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, and Chen Qi also ushered in a real bumper harvest.

In addition to seven gold-mining tools of unknown use, which should be a complete set, Chen Qi also obtained his first useful tool: a small hoe.

After that, Chen Qi used this small hoe to dig out his second tools: a delicate Phillips screwdriver, and a triangular flat-head shovel suspected of cleaning the paint surface.

Hmm... This thing should be very useful for making egg-filled pancakes and baking cold noodles.

In the end, it was Chen Qi's real biggest harvest.

It was a knife.


"This is a camping knife that is very common among gold diggers." Chen Qi held up the "blind box first prize" that was wiped clean, and there was still a little moisture on the knife, and said with some excitement: "The knife is not too long, you see, It's only as long as my forearm, with a wavy damascus pattern on the head and body, look at the construction..."

Chen Qi pointed to the jaw of the knife: "There are obvious traces of welding and delamination here, which shows that it is not a product of industrial forging, but should be made by the owner of the knife himself.

oh!You see, this confirms my suspicion. "

On the dark red ebony handle, two letters are engraved: LK.On the other side of the knife handle, there are still some depressions, like small spots that have been scalded.

"It's supposed to be in Braille, probably left by the owner of the knife to commemorate something.

I have absolutely no idea what these brailles mean. Fans who are versatile and omnipotent, do you know this? "

Chen Qi punched the handle of the knife with Braille in front of the camera.


"I know it. It says: Please don't touch."

"Beware of hot hands"

"It weighs [-] catties"

"The paint is still wet"

"High Voltage Danger"

"I can't speak clearly when typing, so I can touch it myself"

"Prevent children from accidentally swallowing"

"Fuck! Touched the screen for a long time!"

"It's coming, it's coming! The correct answer is: it won't be available after all."

"Damn it! I also translated it, but Wen Cai is almost as good as the one in front, but it does mean that."

"Oh~? There seems to be a 50-episode TV series hidden here..."

"Crazy for love, obsessed with love, giving everything I have, the work is divided, suddenly I wake up, trapped in the mountains, in the end I can't get it."

"Damn it, I asked you to tell me a few words about my 50-episode TV series?!"

"The infatuated male lead, the desperate female lead, the conflict between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, the parents' feud, the elderly being sick, the children going to have to eat all these things! Bad review!"

"Is there any more? If there is no more, then I will start the project."


Sand sculpture netizens are always versatile in useless places.

Chen Qi also laughed cheerfully for a long time after watching thirty or so concise scripts in the live broadcast room.

"I can't get it after all..."

Although the fans' descriptions are a bit sloppy, Chen Qi still agrees with the most essential point of view: the former owner of this knife must have had a story deep in his heart.

"It's been 50 years, thousands of miles apart, and you can still show me a face. It's because of my own painstaking efforts that I came to the door...

I am no one anymore. "

I probably used a relatively crude knife, which was okay, but I didn't scratch my arm anyway.

Swiping the available tools to his side, Chen Qi didn't forget those "professional tools". He was here for adventure, not for out-of-the-box business.Although he doesn't need those tools, there's no need to throw them away.

Carrying all his things back to the front of the small wooden house, Chen Qi only left the most important and most conspicuous main house that he has not entered.

Although the windows have glass, the dust is so heavy that it is impossible to see into the house.

Chen Qi was also worried that if he made any action to clean the glass, he would directly press the glass into the house.

I went around the cabin, it was okay, there were no obvious signs of damage, although some animal hairs were clearly hanging on the corners of the outer walls, and there were signs of rats on the side wall of the cabin .

However, Chen Qi did not see any beast excrement or bones nearby, which meant that no large beasts had visited it.

The former big python still left a bad impression on Chen Qi. He smashed the already tattered lock with a knife. While Chen Qi kicked the door open, he took several steps back.

After waiting quietly for a while, there was no movement. Even the light pillars formed by the dust in the room under the sunlight looked like flowing water.

"Don't laugh at me, these are life-saving tricks that you must learn when you go out!"

As he said that, Chen Qi threw a few stones into the house, one at the door, and several left and right inside the door.

"Be careful. What if there is a trap... What do you mean I am too timid, what does this have to do with timidity!"

Chen Qi looked at the barrage and explained with some dissatisfaction: "Do you know why this person hides weapons and gold mining tools?

Do you know why he chose to build this wooden house on a slope by the river?

Do you know why the door is pushed inwards?

Do you think he is a retail gold digger, and he is only guarding against wild animals in the wild?Ah……

Remember that sentence: What humans are best at doing is killing fellow humans! "

Pushing open the door that bounced back, Chen Qi put his shoulder against the horizontal panel behind the door, and made a movement of pushing outward: "This time, you know why the door opened inward. don't understand , Sarah is not!"

Continuing to ignore the verbal attacks from the fans, Chen Qi cautiously looked inside the cabin with the knife in his hand.

It was more than [-] square meters in size. Although it smelled of decay and was covered with thick dust everywhere, it could still be seen from the furnishings of some things that the owner of the house was not a very slovenly person.

Under the window on the far right, there is a bed made of thick wood, covered with bedding and blankets that have not been taken away, but after 50 years, Chen Qi can only barely distinguish those blankets.

A little further ahead, the ground that was once covered with grease after being burned by the fire is still barren of grass. A dark stove sits on the ground with a long iron pipe leading to the outside of the house.

Chen Qi stepped forward and lightly tapped the iron pipe with the handle of the knife, directly and silently breaking a big hole.

It seems that this thing is no longer available, which is a pity.

Further ahead, facing the door where Chen Qi came in, there was a stone fireplace. He knocked on it and it still worked.It seems that the owner not only comes here to dig for gold in the summer, but also occasionally comes to stay for a while in the winter.

I also tapped it with a knife and it still works.However, Chen Qi didn't plan to use it either. It's just autumn in the date, and the temperature is still pure summer. What kind of fireplace should I use?

Further to the left, there are several display cabinets and cupboards, and there is a table on the side near the door. Unfortunately, there is nothing on the table, and it should have been taken away.

Near the window on the far left is a workbench.

Chen Qi was more interested in this. He put the tools in the oil drum on the workbench. Chen Qi sat on a stool made of a simple piece of log, touched here, looked there, pulled left and right. of.

"Don't ask, I'm definitely not looking for gold!"

Chen Qi said.

(Ps: That's all for today. I'm in the countryside, watching Errenzhuan with my grandparents. grandpa is 86 years old, his ears are not good, and the volume is 28 bars.

Hmm... yes, I am very happy. )
(End of this chapter)

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